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I dont get this facebook meme, she sounds like absolute trash.

The dude interviewing her should have said, "ew, you're a nasty bitch" and walked away.

That would have ruined her night.
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She was funny but the inevitable tide of normie "memes" was not.
incels straight MAD at this powerful stacey moment
i see so many posts from women saying "i don't get it, it's not even funny" but it's literally not why it went viral at all. it's an attractive woman talking about sucking dick in a southern accent. that's it and should be obvious
How is this any different than the million other "drunk bitch saying whore shit" tiktoks made that same weekend? Normies are retarded.
And now she's rich and will be secure forever for being disgusting. kinos about life being unfair?
this. adding oom or oomer to words and basedjaks are where its at. real memes for playable characters like us
you sound like a communist
If people weren't lying greedy scumbags it would be the best option, but people are shitty, so crapitalism it is.
women, by their own volition, will always resort to be bottomless turbo slut whores
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>This made zoomers shit their diapers from laughter

Normie humour ain't it
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>girls pit on dick??? this is epic!!
normie memespace is cancer gel
Go back to Twitter, faggot
She was actually funny for a change. Endless hours of zoomer mutt street interviews and this is the only good clip.
Oh you're definitely playable.
she's white and looks cute
no chance she made any money from this, id died out too soon
haha oh anon..
So you don't know? She's a millionaire now, just for that.
yeah, zero sign that she tried to make money off it like the Oilers lady. she'd literally have to suck dick on camera to make any money
She made quite a bit from selling merch, but far from being rich from it
A simple search shows you that she made a half million a week ago.
Hard work is for suckers.
>this is white
amerimutts lol

What ESL was in charge of translating this into a meme, it doesn't sound like TUAH at all

It's more like HOC TOO
More like "thooo"
Lying greedy scumbags thrive under capitalism
I hate normies so much and the fact they're invading 4chan.
send this bitch to a muslim country, no return
all that is fucking bullshit. i'm sure you also believed that her dad disowned her, she was offered a million dollars to join Playboy, and she was forced to delete all her social media?
Dead meme in record time

Her father probably molested her when she was a kid which is why she's so messed up
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For me it's Oiler's girl
Yes and do so in the same manner under commie-ism, except worse because YOU GO TO GULAG.
Cope. A woman joked about an obscene act in public on video and is now rich and secure for it while you suffer. Sorry, man. Life really is not fair.
proof? i thought so, dumb fucker.
she's trans, how else would she know that?
she's actually making money off of this but was still too late to it.
Like I said, a simple search. Cope more. Btw you're revealing yourself to be quite miserable if this thread is getting you all riled up. Sorry, man, I'm broke too and it's not fun, I know.
Still haven't seen the tits anywhere.
like 50k tops. and half of that goes to the promoter who's idea it was in the first place to sell some hawk tuah hats and stickers
Let's pretend for a moment that it is, in fact, just 50K. Still, fifty-thousand dollars, for being a worthless disgusting unfunny whore.
simple search that you can't provide? i'm not actively looking for your bullshit gossip pages you dumb cunt. whatever helps you think you're right, i guess.
peep my new tat
is this your first week on the internet or something. what the fuck do you care. life has never been fair and getting mad won't change anything about that.
>anons pretends to not know how to search because coping
Oh dude, I am so sorry. I can relate. I've been lonely lately and no one cares. Oh well, I should have been born rich, or a woman.
It bother me to the extant that she has my full contempt along with you and everyone else that makes excuses for foolishness that wrecks society.
Kids see this and now they know to be like her.
is this real
>Kids see this and now they know to be like her.
Oh no girls will grow up knowing that men like their cocks spat on, how terrible~~
bro this bitch will be forgotten in a couple weeks and then the next shit meme will get forced and then the next.. you sure it's not your first week on the internet
>nonsensical reply
oh, i guess that makes sense. glad you can't defend anything you said
{{hug}} feel better, dude.
You think pretending to be dense or that I am and haven't made a point is mature when it is highly immature.
It's real. It's not like it's a new thing for people to get terrible unfunny meme tattoos.
pretty sure if she promoted opening an onlyfans for a week then posted some half nude video she would make enough bank to retire forever. If she posted a bj vid then i would guarantee she would make bank
Spit on that thang
Nice tits but she should've ignored the haters. Saw she talked about it afterwards and she sounded a little mad. Didn't really look or sound the same either as when she flashed
I would love helly to take my cock like that
I love how this blew up and it is southern trash white girl talking to a black about sucking dick and then later in the interview she goes on to talk about all of the backup beta orbiters she has. and everyone is celebrating her. people are cum brains now thanks to goyslop like game of thrones and endless porn.
>men can't voice their discontent with this woman's whorishness over fear of coming across as low t or gay
more like milkers girl
Watched the fill video
The black guy thinks hes going to fuck them so he talks to them for like 10 minutes straight even though they are boring for 99.9% of it
Sure you can. Imagine caring about what retards think.
Chat is this real
>She spits on your thang
What do anon?
This. Misery is caring what others think.
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Normie memes are really really shit
smartphones were a colossal mistake
>girl sucking her mans dick = whore
yes you are very gay or taking estrogen
Shut up beavis
She's cute and she's funny. What more do you need retard?
>4chan memes
Is it better?
this is one of the worst facebook-tier normie memes I've ever seen
Moronic degenerate.
You will never be white esl. Sorry.
It's so bad I think the government is behind it.

That's funnier isn't it tranny? lmao
It's not the private act, but her public behaviour in the video
You have to go back.
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Ranjeep sar, she will never fuck you
Women are called whores for accidentally showing a little cleavage and not dressing up like religious muslims these days, it's getting tiresome
What? I'm just spitting back one of your awesome maymays brah. FOR YOU. KINO. Damn we're so funny aren't we??
>public behaviour in the video
Ugh I know, it's disgusting that she is showing her hair and skin too. These women need to wear hijab and cover up and the only words she speaks should be reciting quran.
I'm so embarrassed for you rn.
>if you don't want fringe sex acts yer ghey
Projection. You're running out of material and soon you will be flywheeling-off your junk for updoots.

Lmao the idea that you retarded trannies think you're funnier than normies is hilarious
notice how the redditard keeps making unnecessary spaces^
Ignore them.
Your inability to grasp nuance means you're just as retarded as the muslims you rightly hate. Some cleavage is fine, people should look beautiful, mimicking sex acts in public and on camera is low brow af
Go back tranny. You're not welcome. Go ahead and spit one of your famous memes. Based amirite?? Lmao retard
>Blowjobs are 'fringe sex acts'
lmao holy incel
Imagine is Laverne & Shirley were made today.
>Hey Sherl
>Squiggy stuffed his cock into my dirty starfish without asking!
>*laugh track*
face it. he blew you the fuck out.
*tips fedora*
Stop samefagging and get the fuck out, retard.
>invader tells the regular to leave
Using spit like in a porn is, nigger.
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>there's seriously anons in this thread getting mad that a woman is willing to give her man some loving
this lol
He probably thinks we don't know for a fact too.
Fedoras support their non nuanced views, like yours, with pseud arguments. They would either be in complete contempt or approval of women
>her man
She says that she has a roster of 4 guys at the time.
>Using spit like in a porn is, nigger.
lmao you know a girl has spit inside her mouth which is applied to the cock she sucks?
have sex
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>mfw a 10 second vertically filmed viral clip of some whore and it's everything!
You are underage and need to leave. Spit is NOT a good lubricant.
Can you imagine the amount of Hawk Cock that is being performed since this meme went viral?

Men all over the world are getting Hawk Tuah'd and we're chatting here like fricken losers!
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>If anything in life is certain, if being a sex-haver has taught us anything. It's that a blowjob is mostly a handjob.
I genuinely don't understand what the appeal is

Is it funny? What?
Its the twang in her speech that people enjoy mostly I imagine
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I still haven't seen the video.
Normalshits, womemen and thirdies completely ruined the internet.
Ok tell me more Mr professional cock sucker
>I still haven't seen the video.
Same. Being a hermit rocks sometimes.
listen lads have you ever got a girl to spit on that thang? If so, you would know it's hot
The truth about sex is that it's disgusting.
>That would have ruined her night.
It ruined her life, she was fired from her job over that vidoe and she lives in hidding because she is getting aproached by all kinds of wierdos and journalists.
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Cute and funny? You say?
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4channel is dead twitter is the driving force of memes and HAWK TUAH is just further proof
>chuddy incels triggered by some shitty meme because it involves sex and a woman
stop being predictable stereotypes
I miss back when memes were just silly jokes that didn’t result in some kind of miserable online discourse
I think the video was cringe and it's the sort of thing that generally should be kept behind closed doors but your earlier comment reminded me of the clowns who seem to think that the existence of women is a sexual provocation in itself and that all sexual expression is bad. That'd include showing a little cleavage or making a lewd joke.
Never nutted from having my dick sucked, I end up angry and forcefully fuck them in the ass, or just tell them to fuck off and go on about my day.
I absolutely despise women as living creatures.
youve just posted some boomer tier facebook shit. the absolute lack of self awareness
I thought it was funny and she seems like a fun chick

I don't know why people here have to be so bitter all the time
>gay ass rapist guy hates women
>Never nutted from having my dick sucked, I end up angry and forcefully fuck them in the ass
You should try having a BJ and sex with a woman rather than men
>clowns who seem to think that the existence of women is a sexual provocation in itself
It's time to come out of the closet Timmy.
what was his name?
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>people can't figure out how thinly veiled coalburning propaganda suddenly went viral
It is a mystery
>fringe sex acts
I feel sorry for you. Actually you know what, I don't.
you bringing up cuck shit is more of a an indictment of your mental state than anything else
I despise real sex.
>A simple search
What, how? Please show me how to do these simple searches
>no Onlyfans
>missing out on literally millions of simp dollars
What a fucking idiot lmao
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I hate fags like (you) too.
Imagine being the receiver during sexual intercourse, what does that say about you as a living creature?
>woah i had sex i got penetrated
Pure biological cringe.
How would you know
Howard Stern called her every father's worst nightmare, when I heard that I felt bad. Not for her, but for every girl Howard ever had on his show over the years doing way worse shit than that for ratings only for him to denounce them and turn into a complete and total fucking faggot in the end.
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>Please show me how to do these simple searches
OK, I'm a bit rusty, but see that "X" in the top right corner of your browser? Click that.
Quiet, son.
Movies about bastards?
source on that?
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just face it chud this isn't your secret club anymore, you're in a thread with a diverse group of characters posting about the most normalfag meme and simping for some random whore
Your mum loved it
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What do you mean? He loved it.
>Imagine this being your daughter just standing there in public describing how she would suck on a nigger cock. Society is collapsing.
Imagine being so brain broken and a cuck that you instantly think a white woman talking about a blowjob means sucking a nigger. Lay off the sissy hypno
Thank you! Someone who gets it.
Ok saar, please redeem the poo in the loo.
I look like this and say this
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No white woman thinks of sucking white dick.
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why are there so many simps and normalfags in here
is this really /tv/ now
>saaar the white women they are pornstars saar, i will bed the white womens saar
God, faggot redditors like you are worse than niggers. I want a freak in bed not a whore in front of the world
i dont fucking get it
i feel so old and out of touch for not "getting" it but i just dont find it funny at all, i dont get why people find it funny
i just think its weird
>No white woman thinks of sucking white dick.
American education
I bet your shit has a camouflage effect with your skin when you wipe your ass with your hand and you just have to take a gamble for whether your done wiping
>verification not required
Tate wtf bro
Its not funny, well its funny to women because they only know joking about benis and vagine.

guys like it because shes cute and has hillbilly voice as she says spit on that thannng
well my friends 50 year old mom referenced it to me so it's gone FAR. it's a mundane clip that got spammed to hell
>She was funny but the inevitable tide of normie "memes" was not
its funny to trump supporters who are based and redpilled
>I want a freak in bed not a whore in front of the world
I'm sure if you close your eyes really tight and pray realllllly hard one day allah will leave a goat under your pillow
I've been married for 23 years and my wife has never spit on my dick or given me road head. Noq go ahead and tell me I'm lying, or she's fucking jamal, or how sad my boomer existence is. All you broccoli haired faggots are jewd to the fucking max. It's sad
You guys are genuine fucking losers, this place constantly cracks sexual jokes and has for 15 years but its not okay when a chick does it? She seems like a fun girl who gives a shit about this

Why are you people such insufferable fucking faggots? Why? Why do you choose to be like this?
based and redpilled = gay rose on his hand that he jerks men off with

that dude has hawk tuah'd
They hate it because she got attention for it.
Incels run this shit. dont like it, LEAVE
this site is... full of losers?
>Drunk bitch saying random gibberish is enough to become a worldwide phenomenon in 2024

I really don't get it.
>All you broccoli haired faggots are jewd to the fucking max
>He says while falling for the marriage Jew
>Never nutted from having my dick sucked
Blowjobs are one of the worlds biggest gaslights, they're shit and only exist to lube the dick up but everyone collectively agrees they're amazing.
I have to assume a bj from a gay man would actually be decent, since he knows what's good while a woman is just guessing.
You guys LITERALLY joke about fucking children for fucks sake. This bitch does one blowjob joke and you're SEETHING about her being some evil vile whore
God damn. I'm getting too old for this place, you fucking people are pathetic. I gotta go hang out with normies they're more fun than you are these days.
>I've been married for 23 years and my wife has never spit on my dick or given me road head.
sounds like your wife didn't have any spit left for (you) after huak tuahing jamal and tyrone for 23 years.
>She seems like a fun girl
If you think know someone based on a 10 second clip, I guarantee that you get led on by women all the time.
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>Comparing a image board for fags on the internet being degenerates to being out in public and doing it
She's not being a whore or being disgusting, she's just saying it like it is. Have fun getting a dry bj you incels. BTW when men talk about eating pussy it's all peachy. Inb4 someone calls me a roastie, I'm just a guy who likes having his dick sucked properly.
Are you losers srsly angry about this? It's literally nothing.
If woman want to be a good partner than yeah they can do that by giving good blowjobs and putting the effort in.
everyone online (including here) saying 'seems like a fun girl are idiots.' watch the full clip. she is a WHORE
I'm white with 3 kids you brain dead zoomer
>I have to assume a bj from a gay man would actually be decent, since he knows what's good while a woman is just guessing.
cope + your dad probably taught you what feels good
At least post the video
>If woman want to be a good partner
Where does having 4 guys on a "roster" fit into being a good partner?
>I gotta go hang out with normies they're more fun than you are these days.
Good news, 4chan is mostly normfalfags now so you're in good company
Oral sex in general is just nasty. Licking pussy just isn't good and you can do the same thing with a finger.
im in a whatsapp group with a bunch of people, and the guy who mentioned it recently has kids and is >40yo
just talking about how hilarious and funny and cute it is, and how she already has a manager now and whatnot
i was shocked

>guys like it because shes cute and has hillbilly voice as she says spit on that thannng
but why
and especially the way she says it, "huck tuah" implies that shes really taking the spit from the back of her throat, with the mucus from the nose etc.
so its not like she is talking about clean saliva, its all that "huck" shit from the back of the throat

i wouldnt even WANT that on my dick
Such a beautiful and totally legitimate sexual predisposition. Slay kings!
Women are not funny
You're north african and buying kids at your local slave market doesn't count
Based high IQ anon.
For me it's mostly the psychological aspect that is interesting, but the physical part is very very mediocre.
What a queen. Best bjs i ever had were sloppy and spit filled.

Why do most women hate sex so much?
everyone already forgot about this but /tv/ will keep spamming it for months like a boomer regurgitating 10 year old memes on facebook
>but why
>and especially the way she says it, "huck tuah" implies that shes really taking the spit from the back of her throat, with the mucus from the nose etc.
>so its not like she is talking about clean saliva, its all that "huck" shit from the back of the throat

Presumably the only thing she is hawking up is precum + spit mixture that got in her throat.
Probably not hawking at the very start
I mean its pretty fucking vanilla, anon. They're not doing anything like in those fucking horror tier fisting clips, just a good old fashion fuck
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>she seems fun!!
>Why do most women hate sex so much?
Look at all the people here getting mad about it. It isn't just women
incel alert
>I have to assume a bj from a gay man would actually be decent, since he knows what's good while a woman is just guessing.
Best blowjob I ever got was from a femboy twink, and I'm not even gay. Dude obviously knew what he was doing.
>Being funny
>falling for the marriage jew
Ah that's right, stay single, fuck 100's of sluts and live your life as society collapses around you. Do you hear how fucking stupid you sound? You obviously have no idea what it's like building a life and raising a family. It's sad you dumb shits are so demoralized. I still won't give up trying to wake your dumbassess up
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>you said it bro!
this thread is full of roasties
>and I'm not even gay
>Everyone already forgot about this
You must not use social media
>he doesnt want his gf to be a whore
Cope with what? Youre the one desperately pretending bjs are good.
I fucking hate americans so much. I hope america is destroyed in a nuclear war. Disgusting degenerate animals
>Ah that's right, stay single, fuck 100's of sluts
No, that's just as jewed
>and live your life as society collapses around you
How exactly does having a family prevent society from collapsing
Well, I'm not. I have no interest in men.
>women can't be fu-
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That's fucking grim, do fags really?
Sorry for your loss any. Road head is pretty nice. Public bjs in general are fun
>How exactly does having a family prevent society from collapsing
Are you retarded? Birth rates. Holy shit the school system has failed
>braindead boomer brags about getting no head and getting cucked for a quarter of a century
How is your wife's son doing?
I've had plenty of them before I got married.
>see a woman
>immediately start thinking of black cocks
Seems more like a you problem
>Muh birth rates
Don't worry, all the immigrants flooding my country have that covered. Me having a whore shit out my babies isn't going to fix that, retard.
>how to ruin your life in ten seconds or less
>heh they wont have sex with us so we'll ruin their lives
kind of based
Reminder that southern women are way more likely to take the bbc (because they're retarded)
The electric jew has really done a number on you zooms. They have demoralized you to the point that you actually believe my children couldn't possibly be mine if my wife hasn't blown me while I'm driving. Did it ever cross your broccoli covered mind that it's not OK to suck your husbands dick in the car with the kids in it? Tv really needs ids. Too many sneaky jews and samefags
thats actually based
Live around dirt and you bound to get dirty you know what im sayin
nta but youre clearly an incel whos spun a web lives to feel better while posting anonymously on the internet. you dont have children you utter virgin
>more demoralization
There's still women out there that aren't destroyed yet, anon. But thanks for proving my point that you've been demoralized.
Don't forget to kiss Tyrone junior before bedtime.
Thought for sure they were fake when I saw the flash, but then saw her playboy stuff and man that's some God-tier genetics
Hawk Tuah
>n-no you aren't married ww kids
Holy shit you faggots are so stupid.
Yeah yeah, and I'm sure these magical women are all at le church like you and everyone else says.
Were they real?
Is it really that impossible to you that I am telling you the truth? Maybe it is true and there's no hope for you faggots.
Sorry, I don't go to places where they say faggots and trannys are welcome. You sad shits are completely demoralized.
a poltergeist i think
Chick spitting on my dick is disgusting
especially the "HAWK" part.
I guess amerifens with their dried up mutilated cocks kinda need the extra phlegm...
How did the descendants of Spanish conquistadors end up looking like that
I’d be a buttblasted little bitch too if I looked like a mulatto lesbian
I guess it's kind of amusing to see someone get humiliated for doing something degenerate on these stupid street interviews when they clearly never expected a shit-ton of people to see it, but I have yet to see a single funny application of this meme and its over-saturation is incredibly annoying
"arrow to the knee" tier meme. There is nothing to this except referencing the original thing, which isn't even that funny.
>talks like a nigger
>her entire personality is spitting on cock
Enjoy raising her black son you fucking faggot.
>Sorry, I don't go to places where they say faggots and trannys are welcome
The only based thing you've said all thread, but you still haven't answered where exactly you find these magical virgin women.
I don’t get why this meme is funny
It's just an idiosyncratic way of articulating something recognisable, like all those memes from the 2000s which essentially just boiled down to "person phrases something in a funny way and it becomes a catchphrase"
Well first you need to admit you are demoralized. That's the first step. Then maybe ask yourself truthfully if you would actually be a "catch"for someone. If not, start there and work on yourself. If yes, then I'd suggest find a hobby and you can usually find someone of the opposite sex who is into the same thing as you. Do you have any actual friends or are they all online? Now I feel like I'm talking to my retarded 22 yo son.
real question: is the 'thang' being spit upon a BWC or BBC?
white girls are goated
only way she could be better is if she was racist and fucking black dudes on the low
>fucking black dudes on the low
There is nothing subtle about this coalburner or the jews that made.her go "viral"
>more jewish demoralization
I find women with a southern accent sexy but this hawk tuah girl isn't doing it for me
>Uncle Phil, once I'm done with you you'll never gonna want to ground me again
Of course I have friends. Just don't see them as much now since they're bust with work and their own families. I don't see what that has to do with anything.
>Just improve your genetics bro
Where was the mention of a black person?
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The Fresh Prince reboot took a very strange turn
this. adding oom or oomer to words and basedjaks are where its at. real memes for playable characters like us
I know you have autism but its all in the subtext.
No proper woman is publically talking about spitting on dicks unless she parties at trap houses or nigger fraterneties.
she speaks like a nigger you fucking retard
so the "code detectors" or whatever were just the cameras they have in every room combined with the innies not knowing what cameras look like, right?
Just gotta search it
thats just what all americans under 45 speak like. black people are so cool
No she doesnt
>80s, girls being interviewed in the streets are asked what they think about a new song
>they giggle because it's odd to be in front of a camera, then give a normal response and walk off
>girls in current year + a decade - 1
>asked how they suck anus, spit onto rotten dicks, swallow shit, felch intestinal worms, fist, deepthroat prolapses and bite haemmerrhoids live on camera with their grandparents sitting in the same room as them goading them on
>tee hee it's a viral sensation
that doesn't make it any better
yea she does, nigger
I prefer npc memes made for npcs, it's like watching 2,000 hours of that entirely generated seinfeld animation.
I like bedding "le sexual rebel" normie girls like this and then showing them fucked up russian legalporn piss gangbangs and MK Ultra raping their minds as our jewish overlords intended
>it's odd to be in front of a camera
There are street interviews going back to at least the late 50s / early 60s

Crazy to think she’s already gotten her tits scrubbed from the internet
Just get better at googling
ok, but "they giggle, then give a normal response and walk off" is exactly how 90% of those old street interviews go. You're welcome to show me a 50s street interview of some drunk 20-something woman screaming about how she loves to ride on big cock without a hint of embarrassment, but I've never seen one.
>it's odd to live in a palacial estate
facts, all the vids and pics from a couple days ago are gone.
I remember a similar clip years ago where two girls are out with their dad and the question is like "tell me a secret about you" and the dad goes "I like cats" but then the girls tell him to go away and then one of the girls say "I've taken it up the ass. First it hurts but then it feels really good"
Anyone got that one? I've been looking for it for years
basic gestalt?
The internet isn’t really about fun anymore.

Same reason there are models who literally can’t even post here anymore.
I want to watch her piss
Just a dumb whore
Why did that all happen over this video?
That face is some Gummo tier nightmare shit. How can anyone say she is attractive along with her raspy, methhead trailer park trash voice? She sounds like the first time she hawk tuah'd was on stepdaddy's dick at the age of 2.
I can’t believe these videos get pulled from even porn sites now.
Good point. It really isn’t that hot.
The stories about her getting fired claimed that she worked as a pre-school teacher, but they turned out to originate from some stupid Onion-style 'satirical news' site.
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>That face is some Gummo tier nightmare shit. How can anyone say she is attractive along with her raspy, methhead trailer park trash voice? She sounds like the first time she hawk tuah'd was on stepdaddy's dick at the age of 2.
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>>>200691039 (You)
>>That face is some Gummo tier nightmare shit. How can anyone say she is attractive along with her raspy, methhead trailer park trash voice? She sounds like the first time she hawk tuah'd was on stepdaddy's dick at the age of 2.
Yes anon, if women triggers you that much it might be time to announce your sexual deviancy.
holy shit that takes me back

the conquistadors were literally the chudcels of their time, they left because they couldn’t get any jobs money or pussy
yeah all that sexual liberation and you're still not getting any
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>t. ricecel
Huh? I can go on bumble and fuck mad sluts with no condom. They will even spit on that thang and suck my balls like prffesional whores.
My 19 year old gf can't keep her hands or mouth off my dick and I'm planning on putting kids in her before she turns 20. I'm sorry you settled for less.
>dude I love blowjobs, I will make her have kids so she no longer gives me blowjobs
not into getting spit on. it just seems like what a girl thinks is hot because she saw it in a porn once. just suck it and stroke it, and the balls too.
c'mon you can't even leave your room
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What's her superpower ?
Bro stop hating. You cant even drive a car and youre buttmad because I get bitches.
Shits not that hard lil bro.
I drive stick
You suck dick
don't @ me
Normies don't care for their memes. They are too irresponsible with them. This will be considered the lamest thing in the world in a month.
>just improve your genetics bro
Nothing I posted suggests a need for good genetics. I am talking about being healthy, well educated, with valuable skills. All are attainable with hard work and time.
This type of vulgar whore is why kids get molested in schools by their female "teachers".
why is this thread still bumping after 300?
are jannies shitting up the board again?
>yurocuck seething at an ameriCHAD
Lmao at your life dude. Isnt it afternoon over there. You could have got a date on Grindr instead of malding over my sex life.
had an older rail thin druggie ex-gf who gave the best blowjobs ever. ball sucking was like half of it every time she went down, that is how good she was. when she was really horny(which was mostly) she would try to slowly work her way down to rimming me but i always pushed her head back up. felt like she was too good for that as a biological female. one time i tried having sex with an ugly tranny who was drunk and sat on its face and made it rim me and it wound up throwing up after lol. i forgot to wipe my ass well before too. stupid faggot asked for it anyway, so
>farting on a troons face
Lmao m8 you have a wicked sense of humour.
in what way?
I got banned for 3 days on /v/ for posting a “what’s your Smash Bros victory pose” thread. Good to see this thread still up, you piece of fucking shit mods.
*spits in your face*
Heh, stupid underage /v/troon.
>eeewwww girls are nasty NOW but were pure angels in THE PAST
>suddenly pretends he bangs chicks on a quickie app
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do something about it
after months at sea, and months trekking through filthy jungle with a 50% mortality rate in every expedition, anything with a vagene looks good - combined with the fact the girls they were after were twelve to fourteen and not blimp roasties.
>smash player
Kill yourself /v/eddit troon.
Women were always whores. Just like your mum. Ask her about my cock.
>you people
anon, what people, it's only you posting under different personalities
by the way, i'm thinking about some nice greek salad tonight, go buy the cheese and tomatoes
i just found it in 1 minute of yandex search
She giggled and said you're in her "under 3 inches" folder
its vindictive and shows great foresight. positively villainous
if he was trying to be a villain then sure, but he thinks he's a social justice warrior making society better. it's beyond pathetic
I la>>200691852
ughed when she HAWK TUAHd my hog and then I pissed in her face.
i guarantee he doesnt give a shiy and its for entirely selfish reasons. he wouldnt have sat on it for so long. absolutely diabolical play on his behalf
And good fucking riddance you nintroon human garbage.
Mods can sometimes be based.
oh and you may or may not have AIDS, enjoy
>>200687875 Americans are so fucking dumb (particularly those wasting time with this "meme")... no wonder they'll vote for Trump or Biden.
Was she hot
Sam Hyde is that you?
Sluts exists in every country, no matter the race.

Stop having niggers rent free in your head, ffs.
halfbreeds are vile, cursed mutants.
>coons in every advert, song, film, tv series being jammed into your face in every way at all times
lol why r u letting them live rent free lol lmfao pml rofl iiirc
>american media
Found your problem.
The USA is not the whole world.

Try applying that to a korean movie/kdrama, for example. Not a single black person, ever.
Question for zoomers - why do you like subtitles that come up one word at a time?
Strong salt bae vibes.
Oh you are the kfag spic. Lmao what the fuck do you know about women. Youre on that weird ricecel shit worshipping plastic gooks that will never even look twice at you.
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I want to throw acid in her face.
Wtf are you even on about. Tha was an example, you schizo, stop projecting.
And example you had no argument against, of course.

Enjoy consuming the thing you hate and then getting mad about it, you fucking idiot.
is that her dad or the guy helping her sell merch?
not even zoomers want this meme it's some weird subset of millenial force
Jannies make exceptions to threads that interest them. I strongly encourage people to report off-topic threads as violating US Law. This will automatically remove the thread if it gets enough votes.
Couldn't be further from the truth
Korean women dont know you exist Pedro.
Neither do the niggers in your head.
>niggers out of nowhere
Damn dude not only are you a spic but a tranny too.
ACK urself my man.
he's done you. stop. its embarrassing.
Bang out ov ordet m8. Its Chewsday inniit.

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