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Imagine outing yourself as a hack.
Literally going onto a 60min presentation by choice to spell out how much of a hack you are a hack
whos that geek?
He's untouchable so he doesn't need talent.
MI 3 was good tho. No mystery box in it
>Literally going onto a 60min presentation by choice to spell out how much of a hack you are a hack

Watched it, it's not even twenty minutes.

He made a few good points and I don't think he's a hack even can be hit and miss.

The real mystery, is for someone to understand the compelling power of mysteries, to make it their stock in trade, and then to destroy everyone's illusions like that. I don't know if that's ironic or moronic.
>having a mystery at the center of your plot, and when its revealed at the end it recontextualizes the entire story and you see everything in a whole new way in retrospect
>having a mystery IN your plot but not central to it, which is never explained and left for the audience to guess and theorize about
Acceptable, though this can easily also be dismissed as a plothole
>having a mystery central to your plot and then just never explaining it at all, driving your audience to speculate the and build theories out the ass
What JJ is describing here
>having a mystery at the center of the story and then making up some bullshit explanation at the last minute that only hardly makes sense because you ORIGINALLY intended the above, but the fan theories ended up being better than what you had originally planned
What JJ inevitably ends up doing every single fucking time.
TED talks are run like a weird cult apparently. Some VICE fag was getting into it and even he found it too fkn weird and creepy so he wrote a big expose about it. It kind of unraveled after that and never crossed over into being a mainstream phenomenon. While (even though it's crashing now) VICE picked up a weird amount of msm adoption.

Some cooking chink guy did the article/feature IIRC? Did VICE have a cooking chink? Can't find it bc all searches divert to Vice's current downward trajectory.

At this time JJ would have been very flattered and a little over-whelmed to be welcomed into this organization, and that's why he was so bought into this bullshit he was saying, because somebody likely gushed at him like it was the most genius thing ever.

Essentially he's in an aroused state, like some sociopathic whore had just love-bombed him and all his blood was in his dick not his brain. Also, kikes are very un-used to people love-bombing them (because they're abominations by design and will) so he was double "drunk" on the whole thing.

He clearly had next-morning regrets, but it didn't stop him continue being one of the worst filmmakers of the current era.
The truth is, without his Mystery Box trick, he had nothing. Just a decent set of acquired filming and actor-handling techniques that make his stuff look good and most actors perform well (kek at Daisy's terrible mugging), but some kind of diabolical "anti-story" curse ruins everything else he touches. Even his choices of replacement writers (Pegg etc) turn to dogshit when applied to a Bad Robot production.

captcha: J2JAM
Rabbit's Foot, you rabbit's dick.

Muh McGuffin dun mean nuffin redditbrain shit.
They even used the "we know he died because one shoe came off" meme.
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