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Why is Hollywood still pushing the musclebound hunk phenotype? Neither men nor women want to see that.
I wish social media would stop the dadbod psyop already. Everyone knows femoids like hunks and handsome twinks, stop gaslighting me and giving me hope.
women are bottomless pits, if you set yourself on the road to making women happy, you'll know nothing but misery
muscular men have always only appealed to FAGGOTS
>Why is Hollywood still pushing the musclebound hunk phenotype?
Gay directors. Gay men like beefcake. Most women just want a man who is masculine as fuck and doesn't care about gymshit. Confident testosterone > roided up hairless freaks for most women. You can have a dad bod but if she thinks you're in control and will protect her, you're in.
Women like rich guys
Small penises are more attractive to women survery says
>>rich and famous men are attractive even with a belly
yes, thank you, we didn't know, now we do, thanks.
Women don't much care about men's youth and physique.
Article is aimed at Sun readers, and tells them what they want to hear.

Unattractive, overweight, and low status women with low self esteem are perhaps are more attracted to what seems more attainable to them, but if they were the only woman left with twenty men vying for their affections, does anyone seriously think they're going for the shlubby guy?
Women are messed up in the head. Why would you listen to them? They're not normal. Don't you get it?

Example of what may go on inside a woman's brain: "Oh, wow... that guy is so hot... look at his muscles... but he'd never want me. He's too hot. He'd probably cheat on me, too. I'd rather be with a guy with a dad bod because he'd be easier to control, but if that hot guy asks me out I'm going to say yes."
lol, how long have you waited for a headline like this to give you hope?
I think with muscular men the women themselves would also have to be fit. So they would have to constantly make sure that they themselves also look good or the man would move on.
Actually men do want to see that.
i actually realized working out to hard turns you off alot of women they kinda want you toned not walking meat puppet tier
women don't have this much self awareness
they feel entitled to good things without ever having to put in any effort themselves
>Everyone knows femoids like hunks and handsome twinks
but also overly muscular fitfags are gross
If there is only one woman left with 20 men she ain't picking shit, it's over for her.
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Counter point:
Leo and Pratt are way more attractive than Arnold.
women also like when you're unemployed and poor because it means you can spend more time with them.
When they were younger and fitter.
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>this is what lifetime comittment to perfecting your body gets you
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insane amounts of gymcel cope itt
James Corden? Really?
>Face: James Corden
this has to be fake
what matters is your social skills. being muscular won't make up for being a sperg once they actually talk to you.
Super muscular men usually just appeal to other men.
bullshit, I'd be drowning in pussy if this was true
this being said, you should still develop a healthy and strong body for your own sake.
Don't care, still train to be lean and muscular.
Looks like Seth Rogan /James Franco dichotomy.
Were women ever actually attracted to Arnold? Guys view him as a goal physique, and women were certainly attracted to his status and personality (he does the shy sensitive guy routine remarkably well), but idk if I've ever heard a women describe him as hot.
Imagine trying to have a conversation with that swarznigger
No, Arnold's popularity stems from a mix of the fact that he's actually pretty funny and charismatic and barely contained homolust from repressed boomers.
Left is not a dadbod and would look good with clothes, its just untrained skinnyfat
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>Were women ever actually attracted to Arnold?


A female once said: Get any bigger than Zyzz and only men will like you.
To women a dad bod is a 1950s bodybuilder.
This so much. Yes, a regular strong man doesn't have exaggerated muscles with super lean body to peacock himself. He just is big and strong, bulky, without being a tryhard. Most men don't do jobs that would naturally give them muscles, though. Nor they eat good, homecooked meals. So we end up with the current situation. Women being even worse, because they are even less likely to actually exercise.
Ah yes, the low bar of Zyzz.
This is what women want now
that just cope because it's what they can get it's like guys pretending they like fat chicks
Most of these “this is what women find hot” internet posts are from gay men trying to get more straight men to do what they want
Ex: sweatpants
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Didn't women prefer bears????????
women just want to fuck their fathers
dicaprio is not dad bod
he needs to lift some weights, do a bit of cardio, and lay off the carbs
but it is not dad bod
That post is five years old, retard
No, it's men who think Arnold is what women want. These men made him popular.
Yep, plus don't forget trannies count as women in these polls to, rendering all gender based polls worthless. Just do the thing everyone has always known women find attractive and be in good shape.
I mean, he's dead. So the bar is quite low
If you can wear 36 waist pants or smaller, you're fit enough.

Comfortably, not squeezing in. If you squeeze into 36, you need to lose a few pounds.

>but my genetics, I played football, blah blah blah
If you're an NFL or D1 lineman, then ok. If you're not, women look at you as fat.

Men's 36 waist or less. Women (and men) just want "fit enough." Nature handles the rest.
>If you can wear 36 waist pants or smaller, you're fit enough.
so americans really?
>36 waist pants
how fat are you
>36 waist
You're obese bitch tits. 34 is the bare minimum.
That joke is literally four decades old. Look at the statistics esl. You're all fat and you have the added distinction of being brown now.
Upper limit
Re-read the post
I lift and don’t eat junk food, still have a gut.
Upper limit
Re-read the post
It really is other men who are looking at the star's phisique and being inspired by it.
Women usually go for what you provide
How does that matter, faggot?
Experts say you should not exercise.
you're so completely wrong im sorry.
The ultra roided hunk is a gay mans fantasy. Most women say they like a 'dad bod' because it makes them sound less shallow (other peoples perception is incredibly important to them) and a 6 pack gym bro makes them feel less secure in that he will get a lot of female attention.
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>that feel when just skinnyfat and don't fit either
What women will tell people they want and what they actually want are rarely the same thing. Everyone whose spent time around women knows this.
>Were women ever actually attracted to Arnold? Guys view him as a goal physique, and women were certainly attracted to his status and personality (he does the shy sensitive guy routine remarkably well), but idk if I've ever heard a women describe him as hot.

He got a ton of pussy in his time.

Maybe they won't admit to it, maybe he's not their top fantasy, but there was a time when he could basically pick and choose whatever he'd want. He had many, many options, and frequently took advantage of what was available to him.
>What women will tell people they want and what they actually want are rarely the same thing. Everyone whose spent time around women knows this.
>Most women say they like a 'dad bod' because it makes them sound less shallow (other peoples perception is incredibly important to them) and a 6 pack gym bro makes them feel less secure in that he will get a lot of female attention.
>Be alcoholic fatass
>2 Stacy coworkers are attracted to me
>50+ Karen customers want to fuck me

>Quit alcohol and lose 20kg weight within 3 months
>Lose all the attraction despite weight loss.
>0 flirts from women

I don't understand what made me attractive as an alcoholic.
maybe your personality/attitude changed. Also a lot of women like harmless flirting. You being a fatass prob made them feel out of your league. Women like to feel 'sexier' about themselves.
Money and status matters more than physique.

Take amber heard for example, a 10/10 woman yet dated pudgy, out of shape guys like johnny depp and elon musk.
Or, look at leo, a pudgy skinnyfat man yet fucks a new hot 20 year old every weekend.

The most beautiful women in the world go for men who are rich, not ripped.
Can't say this is true for all of them, but you nailed it for a lot of them
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No we dont find that attractive
Tired of the le ugly man is actually hot shit the media pushes these days
1 Stacy coworker showed her tattoos to me in break room. She also wore revealing clothes that I daw them during work.

The another Stacy strip her work clothes and showed her bra to me and pretended it was """accident""". She also fondled me with her breasts.
>1 Stacy coworker showed her tattoos to me in break room
Did you ask her why she was retarded?
Thanks for the Gay’s man opinion
She was 10/10 engaged to a Chad boyfriend. I wanted to fuck her.
Giving false hopes to normalslaves so they keep working in their pursuit of "da pussy"
Tell her boyfriend she showed her body off to other men.
>>Quit alcohol and lose 20kg weight within 3 months
>>Lose all the attraction despite weight loss.
>>0 flirts from women
>I don't understand what made me attractive as an alcoholic.

They just felt comfortable flirting with some obvious loser who knows his place. When you start giving out these vibes of someone who might take an interest in them, and thinks he has a shot, they back off in case you got the wrong idea.

They never wanted to fuck you. Sorry.
Because they're all fat ugly dysgenic faggots and the women dating them because they can't have better.
>tfw mall guard
>6/10 chud
>Eject a drug addict with force
>See a Stacy coom in her pants and twitching her hair in the background while I eject a junkie.

What did she mean by this?
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strongfat is GOAT. timeless warlord conqueror phenotype. you need to have the strength that warrants carrying some extra bodyfat. big arms, huge upper back and traps, thick neck and a litte belly fat can be forgiven. a physique that exudes vitality and larger than life confidence. lift heavy shit and eat and drink like a king.
>Meet a schizo NEET
>He is dating with a Stacy gf

Why do lunatics get pussy?
Yes, fat and insecure women want a man they think is also insecure that they can “train” and also believe other women won’t go for. They don’t want some fit guy who will constantly make them feel internal guilt for being lazy slobs.
ancient gymcel cope they dont want a pussy who will bring tupperware boiled chicken to a family bbq
Women don’t really care what you look like. They care a lot more about the size of your wallet and the contents of your head.
>They care a lot more about the size of your wallet
Even this isn't true, I know a lot of broke losers who still manage to get pussy
This is fatty copekjgg
>tfw waiter
>Meet Stacy coworkers
>Give them firm handshakes
>1 Stacy coworker blushed bright red and crossed her legs

>Even this isn't true, I know a lot of broke losers who still manage to get pussy
There are always exceptions, I’m speaking about generalities.
another cope, if youre rich but ugly you might get girls to fuck you for LV sunglasses or you might even bag a trophy wife but you will never inspire that primal animalistic desire in her , she will never fuck your brains out out of her own overwhelming uncontrolable horniness for yuo and this is the best feeling a man can experience on this planet. nietzsche talks about this.
True, but what does that have to do with what I said?
women do care what you look like but will often settle on inferior choices for the lack of better opportunity or for financial comfort. if you want to be truly desired and have enthusiastic sexual life you must pay attention to your appearance.
>She also fondled me with her breasts.
>in soviet russia, breasts fondle you
If you have hair, just be lean and look kinda strong, this is the most optimal.

If you are bald, strongfat
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Women do want that. It's just that they realize that the "muscle-bound hunk" physique usually come with an asshole personality who would sleep around and cheat on her or ghost her the next day.
tall, broad-shouldered ottermode is the perennial top tier for most women's tastes. from an evolutionary perspective this makes sense, as a strong ottermode male is probably the most well suited for human survival in a state of nature - great endurance and enough strength for acquiring protein. but as they get older it trends towards burlier built-fat as well. this gets confused as "dad bod" but they don't actually mean the average dude's dad bod.

only gays have ever liked the beefcake/pro wrestler mode.
Arnie in Roman Polanski's pool with Polanski's then teenage girlfriend Nastassja Kinski
Good appearance can help your short term, casual mating prospects, I don’t deny that
Women care more about chest and arms more than abs
>le skipping leg day
Zero women care about this
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All these loser fucks in here coping that their weak, pudgy bodies are le ackshooally more attractive to women and someday women will realize it and line up to get their little dicks
Lucky bastard(s)
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>This cope
What you posted is someone who drinks and eats to excess.

The ancient Greeks, like the tribes of Greeks (Achilles, Ajax, Ulysses) who were actual 'timeless warlords', for example: they feasted, but ate only to satiety, and drunk heavily watered down wine. In other words, they were highly disciplined in everything they did. A nice physique is impressive because it shows how disciplined you are. Pic related is probably what they, actual timeless 'warlords', looked like. Most sculptures seem to agree.
5 years /fit/ here. The most compliments I get about my physique from women are about my legs. Skipped leg day is major liftlet cope. It's lazy, really.
Greeks were faggot boylovers to be honest, so of course they would idolise a slimmer figure. There's nothing wrong with a strongfat figure.
>Greeks were faggot boylovers to be honest
No, they weren't. Those people were in the strange minority, just like now. The Greeks and Trojans of homers time stole wives from the cities they conquered as trophies: Most of the hosts of Troy and Greece had a dozen+ wives, who also acted as their maids and slaves. Doesn't sound very gay to me, anon. Meanwhile you can't even get a girlfriend, and masturbate every night.
It helps that those dadbods are attached to millionaire celebrities, huh?
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>Reg Park was 'slim'
Keep coping. He was one of the pound for pound biggest bodybuilders ever. Even fat, you probably don't have the same demensions as him.
This thread is so gay. Reminds me of /fit/
>Pic related is probably what they, actual timeless 'warlords', looked like.
lmao pic related is what people who popped dbol like candy looked like. there were no 220lbs human beings with abs until late 1950s you dumb faggot
From what I can remember their word for faggot was something along the lines of gaper. That doesn't sound like a very pro-gay society.
Kek, how has his face in this pic not become a reaction image
>there were no 220lbs human beings with abs until late 1950s you dumb faggot
Yes there were. Countless marble statues from entire millenia prove otherwise. You're just coping, especially since Reg was clean. There's a stark difference between weightlifters of his time and later ones who were on roids.

Just come out and say what is evident to anyone in this thread who has lifted seriously and had a disciplined diet: you're fat, and you're coping. It's okay to admit it. Admitting it is the first step to changing the reality.
One more for fun.
faggots are attracted to muscle =/= superficial
women are attracted to competence =/= substance
Many women are attracted to both. Classic brainlet making it black and white, who would have guessed?
small peepee lmao
He's soft and all the blood is rushing everywhere else in his body since he is obvioulsy on a pump. That's basic physiology. Hard he's probably like 8 inches or something. Still coping with the fact you're fat, huh?
i just made a small peepee joke, why are you so antagonistic lmao?
for some reason, people have trouble understanding that penises grow
Women like men that appear stable, mentally and physically. Some roidiac is likely either a huge asshole and not in the bad boy kind of way but the male chauvinist/thinks about himself more than her type or a total lunatic.
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You are literally buck broken by media, and literal lies women say to keep you away from them.
You lack confidence and thus lacking substance in being competent.
No woman will rely on you, thus they wont want you.

dad bods with fame and money are more attractive than rock hard abs with an average salary and no fame*
we really need to go back to the old days here back when men could be demigods battling hounds of the underworld instead of today's pussy shit
>Women like men that appear stable, mentally and physically.
LOLNO. Femoids love criminals and serial killers.
I don't lack confidence or substance. You sound unwell anon.
They like fantasying about them but none of them would want them for a partner. It's like how guys think they would want some amazon femdom, but they really don't.
>psychos loving psychos
news at eleven, yet you still a virgin
>fat cope thread
Had several excellent laughs reading through this thread with my morning coffee.
female claws typed this

tits or gtfo
More than half the posts are made by homosexuals and women, guaranteed.
Attention 4chan

Dadbod or not, nobody loves a hairy back.

Do not believe media lies.
>gay men trying to get more straight men to do what they want
>Ex: sweatpants

Thank you to the homosexual community for selling $150 comfy pj sets from Polo that are egyptian cotton and babys butt smooth. Now I dont look like Ricky Retardo in a baggy shiity pair of champions. Thanks gays
These stats are misleading because they include the opinions of hambeasts and old women. If you survey only hot women of fertile age, they will all pick chadbod.
>Money and status matters more than physique.
>Take amber heard for example, a 10/10 woman yet dated pudgy, out of shape guys

Nobody in the real world has to worry because there are few 10s but true 10s dont daye 10s. They date 7s so they look hotter in the photos
sweatpants are hot if you have a long dick hanging between your legs LMAO
as long as the guy looks lean and not desperate (5days/week kind of desperate gym going) then yeah, women prefer even skinny and weak looking over gym gorillas

Hey young guys?

Do you still get fucked as a young big n tall guy if she's a daddy's girl with a nice big n tall dad?

We used to call it Fat Father Syndrome in college
In other words

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life...Get an ugly woman to be your wife.
>dadbod is in, akshually
>shows Chris Pratt, who nobody cared about before he became lean and muscular
help me make my dick bigger anon
I want to dickmax how do I do it
any women or fags in the thread? When is skinny fat going to be attractive to women?
4chan is obsessed with hairline but never mentions that women like medium length hair best.

Only mexicans like guys with a tight crisp clise shaved head.

Women also prefer clean shaven 3 to 1
Hgh does actually make your cock grow.
You could lose 10 lbs much easier.
Like how much bigger does it grow it?
Also losing pounds is good I know but I'm not gonna be gaining much length from my height and weight
I could stand to be thicker too, not just longer
Hikarious gymcel copes like these reveal their deep seated insecurities. A lumberjack would pound your most roided gay sex partner into dust IRL. Vanity and nothing more.
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Dude shut up you arent going to spend 2 grand on illegal hgh. Weird virgin. Should have never answered your gay bait.
>The ultra roided hunk is a gay mans fantasy
not true, i like pudgier or strongfat guys, they're better to hug
t. faggot
i'm like half gay and for me it's the dainty sissies
its not bait though, and I don't see why I wouldn't spend 2k on something which may improve my quality of life
thats like one bonus, its really not bad if you're not bullshitting me
Cool man sounds like you should go do a cycle. You sound rich, you can afford it.
I'm not, I work a basic labor job lol
What's got your panties in a wad? I'm just asking questions
You are turning a mildly interesting thread into a retarded dick grow thread and it's my fault I poked the tard with actual answers.
if you just wanna bang chicks like a coomer sex addict then you would make it happen
if you're just lookin for a chick to be with you're screwed because women are fucked up and will always find a taller dude with a bigger heart with a bigger dick and a thicker wallet
>a 6 pack gym bro makes them feel less secure in that he will get a lot of female attention.
very correct. If you date them they try to make you fat so they can reduce competition. A fit attractive male is a constant reminder that she can be easily replaced and cannot easily use her sexuality to constantly manipulate him. The dad bod is the safer bet that you'll be desperate for her attention.
Women hate skinny manlets, better to be fat as a mnalet
Arnie isn’t even that big in that movie compared to the roid freaks around these days
oh man I'm so sorry your thread about whether women prefer guys with beer guts or guys with abs is being derailed
if only you'd answered my question clearly and succinctly we wouldn't still be on this topic
or you could have just said nothing at all, as you suggested
yeah those are both true, not disagreeing, I would just like to have my dick bigger for me reasons, same as I exercise for me reasons, not for others
fitting my ideal body would be nice for me, primarily
As in steroid hulks, yes. 1980s steroid huge isn't in right now. But the article specifies 6 packs. Go to any beach and find the 10 hottest women with men there. I bet at least of them 8 are with a guy who has a lean 6 pack.
I bet having millions of dollars in networth help too.
steroids are more popular than ever btw, but most women want either lean or skinny, most importantly to have hair on the head lol
I wonder how much James Corden paid for this to be put together
Hmmh, I used to have a girlfriend and she liked it when I got a slightly bigger belly. I was otherwise pretty fit but not huge.
Tummy > fit > muscular/huge >>>> fat >>>>> obese
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1. This is article is purely lying
2. You don't get in shape for others

To women that aren't model movie stars
They actually fuck them though.
Riiiight... as long as you have a fat bank account.
She's the one that gave him a son that's built like him.
how do you know I don't want an amazon femdom you're not me
am I dq'd if I only want her to be dom so I can force her to sub anyways
Because you'd have less options and therefore be easier to control.
No one's saying the roid freaks are attractive, just that a muscly man is still more attractive than a non-muscly man.
just say you're a failed straight
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>baby, come on, didn't you read the article? you don't like that!
I get all kinds of looks from zoomettes. They crave bulk, not skeletal zoomies or preening gym narcissists.
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Who fucking cares what women want you to be? *I* want to be more like the guy on the right than the left. If women want you to be weak and eat goyslop, it's the women who are wrong, not your desire to be strong and disciplined.
you just going die. seems like a waste of effort/time
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>why yes I take my cues on what women find attractive from /tv/ threads how did you know?
Didn't this guy became a ladyboy-fucking crackhead?
The best clearly being rawr xd but without tattoos or piercings. had one, she's been with the same chick for 16 years since
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This, most women and lazy nigs are equally delusional about how easy it is to just slap on lean mass. Picrel is the kind of physique you MIGHT have IF you centered your entire life around natty muscle gain for years and years on end.
Women want you to kill yourself through bad lifestyle choices. This is because they also want to kill themselves through bad choices and they want to reduce the likelihood anyone, man or woman, will say boo about it.
Some people are just born large you fucking homo. Most aren't.
Fat people are so fucking annoying.
there are these anti-self improvement faggots all over 4chan these days
absolute womanly behavior
Girls don't "like" dad bod, they like that people with dad bods tend to have more money with which to afford to become fat. It implies leftover muscularity from sports btw, life long fatasses need not apply.
Hell yes, why would you listen to 20-something year old whelps who weren't even there? Muscularity was in, body builder, pro wrestlers, everyone was JACKED at the time.so were hot chicks. Now everyone's obese so just being skinny is the new sexy. Dad Bod was a 2010s thing btw, it corresponded to having money.
left and mid are the quintessential Oblivion physique.
I'm talking about vidya game Oblivion btw.
their dad bods are attractive and not that they're both high status males... yeah, fuck off
>unmarried childless leo
>dad bod

Most of you fail to recognize something inherent in female psychology:

She won't want you if noone else does. In large part, the man a woman is with is her social proof, if women go for dad bod it's because it has the air of being upper crust, it has nothing to do with the actual musculature.
>these super idealized statues of men is how every man looked in the past
Yea, sure thing. Self-improvement is great, but don't be retarded.
because holywood is full of fags and misandrists
That's very true in a lot of social circles, but there are people beneath that with another whole jumble of junk. the desperate and lazy, of both men and women. those women workers, at all, regardless of kids, those guys must have huuuuge dicks that satisfy them enough to work that fucking job
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>there were ZERO people like that in the past!
>wrong, here's a couple of statues of some
>oh so you're saying ALL men were like that in the past??
A violent world is coming, I just want to be able to survive, run, defend myself and scare the normies.
No, that is basic human psychology even down to the pleb level. If a woman is with some with no social proof, she is mentally ill and not worth marrying.
Simple fact is you WANT a woman of value that comes with caveat of expectations.
>recyled thread from 6 years ago
15 year old girls only
Not that much better

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