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so watched pic related and I gotta say what a fantastic films. Although the movie had a low budget, it looks surprisingly high quality, cinematography is great, films has very appealing visual style and the music is very good. I should also mention that it's pretty raw portrayal of post war society with economic collapse and Balabanov treats in characters with care and consideration. Anyway watch it anon it's fantastic film.
I wrote a paper about this film, I'm hoping yo get it published soon. Its a time capsule of 90s Russia, and a deeply nationalistic and still critical film. I recommend Cargo 200 as well, it's based on a Faulkner novel but takes place in late Soviet Russia.
Now watch Zhmurki (Dead Man's Bluff)
it does look good but the plot is kinda boring. i liked the first part of the second movie better
Really good film too. It's the unofficial third part to the Brother series. It's a pity Bodrov died so young.
The second part of the second movie is just hilarious, it suddenyl turning into a whacky US adventure from a russian perspective is kino
It is really fun. It was a commercial success un Russia and it makes sense. I also like how honest Balabanov and Bodrov are about blacks being criminals.
too much like the first movie, its just the main character easily shooting anyone in his way
Zhmurki is much more cynical than Brat. The latter still believes in justice and the nation, the former depicts how the criminals from the 90s have become the new Russian elite. I think that's a more interesting reading.
The ending of Danila escaping with the russian prostitute back the motherland where she can be an honest women again had me laughing pretty good, the whole thing feels like a very funny inversion of 80s american myopia
Yeah, and Viktor becomes an American (which in the movie means being a materialistic, crude asshole) so he gets left behind. He even starts dressing up like a blaxplotation pimp. The theme js that Russian women in America are turned into prostitutes and Russia men in America are turned into niggers. So Russians should just stay the fuck away from that horrible place. I'm speaking in the movie's terms, these are not my opinions. But it really is an interesting perspective considering how many more American movies there are with Russian villains.
It's a good movie, I can understand why it became a cult classic. A basic storyline of a young outsider's battle against the specific ills of post-Soviet 1990s society. Brat 2 was okay but a little non-serious. It would have been great to see a Brat 3 where Daniil punches higher, with his antagonist being some kind of oligarch.

I recommend the movie The Fool (2014), which has less action but is also critical of post-Soviet society specifically but also human vice and folly more broadly.
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Brat is basically the white nigger movie
romantization of cheap and brainless banditry violence and playing on the disenfrinchised yet gullible senses of patriotism and justice of the ruined people of post-soviet Russia. Never met anyone smart who liked this movie, just bydlo and gopniks.
Fucking Brigada ruined generations like that.
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>Brat 2 has a horrid fucking "dub" over the Hohol and English parts with a woman speaking for all the lines
>Can't find the original movie with good quality video and audio that doesn't have it
>Know it exists because I've watched it without the dubbing on a streaming service that had it once

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for me it's Morphine (2008)
these are exactly my opinions, tho
>>Brat 2 has a horrid fucking "dub" over the Hohol and English parts with a woman speaking for all the lines
Why do russian films always do this
>It would have been great to see a Brat 3 where Daniil punches higher, with his antagonist being some kind of oligarch
I believe it would have existed had it not been for Bodrov's passing. As I've said before, Dead Man's Bluff is the sequel to Brat in many ways, but it is also a concession to the fact that Danila's nationalistic mission ultimately failed.
>I recommend the movie The Fool (2014),
Awesome, thanks.
I thought you had died in 2013.
First one in particular is great, you should also watch Sisters which was directed by the main actor (rip) in the style of Balabanov (rip).

That being said, I think the movies also haphazardly announce the FSB hellhole that is Russia now (let's not talk about how Ukraine is a NATO-Nazi death state, that has nothing to do with this criticism). What I mean is that in Brat movies, and especially in the second one, Balabanov takes it - bravely - upon himself to examine and rebuild something distinctly local, even when venturing abroad. This is what made the movie so successful, it was about pride regained despite all odds, something characteristically Russian. But what drags both movies down is the inability of the director to rotate the introspective lens the other way and see how funny it is to connect American fast food with moral degradation, or to turn the protag into a spree killer who nonetheless waxes poetic about the Correct Moral Stance.

What did I mean by announcing the return of the FSB to power? Well, in Brat, the enemy - in true Dostoevskyan fashion (his late politics, at least) - the blame is placed squarely on the corruption from abroad and moral weakness from within, but it's never connected with the KGB structures that made it happen in the first place. Balabanov looks around and sees the Yeltsin era wasteland and just wants for the people to regain some sort of hold on dignity, even if it means that you have Putin film staged instances of disciplining oligarchs. Balabanov would never be able to make a critique of the deep state, firstly because he is unable to separate it from the very Russian spirit he tries to raise up. Brat manages to be tragic despite these shortcomings, not due to them, and that's where its power lies.
Now go watch gopnik's romantization for zoomers, The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt.
>But what drags both movies down is the inability of the director to rotate the introspective lens the other way and see how funny it is to connect American fast food with moral degradation
The final encounter between Danila and Kat at McDonnalds seemed to be hinting at that. Kat is the westernized Russian who just wants to keep partying forever, whereas Hoffmann, the German bum who lives in a cementery, is a russified westerner who manages to remain moral and rejects Danila's blood money.

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