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This show doesn't get any love. It's a W.Bush era CBS special forces show, but from David fucking Mamet, so it's not your average lame network military shit like Jag. Cool twists and turns, Mamet dialogue and Mamet plots. Plenty of brutal terrorist-splattering action, Mission: Impossiblelike setpieces, James Bondian gadgetry, Burn Notice/Homeland spycraft, with just the right amount of Desperate Housewives subplots to keep your girlfriend watching. Took me several tries to get into it, and now I've seen them all and miss it like hell. Fired up!
Glengary and his stage plays get a lot of love. Spanish Prisoner and House of Games are neat indie capers, but for my money the best movies he directed were Heist and Spartan. And if you loved those movies and wanted to be back in that world, it's found from time to time in The Unit.
Post 9/11 in general was a real patriotic, rah-rah America time, and this series took full advantage. A few righteous speeches in defense of serving your country and not questioning anything, but also there's nothing PC or 'woke' about it. They racially profile all the time. They kill without remorse when semi-innocent characters fuck up. They get the goddamned job done. They really don't make TV like this anymore.

So many shows I skipped in my 20s and 30s are just now perfectly ripe for my enjoyment, like a well-aged wine. I don't bitch a lot about wokeness as a movement, but the new shows with forced diversity just don't appeal to me. I can't enjoy them or find them realistic. You couldn't even have a Unit that doesn't admit women now. You can't even write offensive BAD characters. If you do they need to suffer consequences directly for their offensive dialogue. None of that shit was even being considered in 2006. Go watch this show!
the ending was GOAT
>I'll divorce you if you don't quit your job
>sorry but i love killing people too much
it was sad seeing the actors showing up in procedural shows everywhere like NCIS, knowing they'll never be mains again.
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There's a specifically funny scene you guys would find amusing: When one of the operators needs a public park cleared out he goes up to this woman on a bench watching her daughter play and says "Is that your girl? She's cute." And she lets him sit next to her and then he says "She's reeaaallly cute." And she grabs her up and books out of there.
Funniest unexpected shit I ever saw on one of these kinds of shows.
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Yeah, and he was pissed off and ready to quit anyway because of Ryan's Whiplash bullshit. I think he made that choice partially to spite her. He wanted to make some sort of change up until she pulled that shit.

Lots of the wives stuff was bad plot devicing though. They wouldn't have bitched and disobeyed like that IRL. I mean, they don't even seem to learn from episode to episode that loose lips and catty bullshit fuck things up for the whole group. But getting 42 minutes on network TV Sunday night? It's like Aronofsky directing Noah, kind of a happy miracle that rarely happens. Look at Blue Bloods; completely contrived garbage. Networks don't take any chances on anything anymore. It's mostly game shows and talk shows and local news anyway. It's dying off. Being an old sentimental dude I'm enjoying finally watching the cream of the crop of those years I didn't even realize I was nostalgic for. Burn Notice was another show I was 'above' watching as a snob when it was on. I finally gave it a chance after seeing Donovan in Fargo S2 and I loved the shit out of it. Even made me a Bruce Campbell fan after all these years of tolerating him.
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Mamet regulars showing up is always cool. Ricky Jay, Ed O'Neill, his wife Pidgeon of course (I really dislike her, but she delivers his dialogue perfectly, for better or worse), William H. Macy, only one I would've liked to see pop up is Jonathan Katz.
Very clever. That doesn't disqualify it from your watchlist though, so go watch it now. He's a perfectly capable lead. It's really more of an ensemble. There are in fact two unit members not even in that promo pic. They're not too photogenic, but it lends legitimacy to the reality of soldiers. Foley is far too pretty-boy to be believable, and they even address it in a plot: "Why you out here with the shooters?"
enjoy the pre-netflix era shows my dude. there are so many to watch. tv networks are so different now. its all so different but it crept up slowly.
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Some of the wives' plots were pretty lame but overall the series was fantastic.
From the first episode where they have to leave the house of the wheelchair bound ex operator in a hurry.
Jonas had incredible lines all series long, in the fucking first episode (to cool breeze)
>I have to report to the CO of the guard unit, you can Yes sir them all day long, but wherever i go you go, wherever i do, you do
Stuff like
>If you want to control all the pieces you should try chess
Or the scene where she hands the reporter the get out of jail card in the mexican president episode with the speech about no matter how >no matter how blessed our lives, how charmed our existence, things still inevitably, irrevocably go wrong...

Im an Euro fag, never had any love for army guns or anything but this show had literal soul
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"in the forest there's always a sound, in the city there's always a reflection."

"What about the desert?"

"You don't want to go into the desert."
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Great show. don't forget, it had Summer Glau for a few episodes.
This kind of shit went down in The Unit. Getting it done, no limits, we don't exist so the rules don't apply to us. No you have no rights, no lawyer, no phone call. You're an enemy of the United States government and you will give us those coordinates, fuckface!

I'm probably going to give '24' another whirl too, but that show was exhausting; gave up after two seasons.
The main problem was that half the broadcast time was Desperate Housewives drama. But yeah it was operator kino to watch as an unenployed bum late night
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She was so disappointing. Abandoning a burned veteran (after pressuring him to be a mercenary for extra cash) to get drunk and be the town skank. She and her forehead were much better suited to her Terminator tv work I thought. She makes a convincing robot.
Until eventually in s3 and s4 they learned to incorporate the women into fringes of the same overall story arc rather than having them do gossipy, preachy shit like the radio host stuff, affairs and suspicions of affairs, and "where is my husband? why aren't you sharing details of his missions?" for the fifteenth time.
Yeah, that happened with The Wire too. These great character actors showing up in CSIs, Criminal Minds, all those really terrible lowest common denominator shows for non-thinking retirees who don't change the channel after Wheel of Fortune and Access Hollywood. I'm sure they hire and sprinkle them in to lend undue credibility to a bad show. Blue Bloods did a lot of that. You can't help but be reminded of the better show when one of the actors guests. Yeah, it was badass for that little south american looking dude to play Betty Blue. He ended up being one of the most solid and dependable operators.
Shows about elite forces in general are cool. Generation Kill is also one I just recently finally watched. It was great, I regret having hesitated.
I'd watch it but it would appear that the nigger is the main character.
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Then you wouldn't watch it. You're too ignorant to appreciate it anyway. Filtered. Back to /pol/
You're in good hands, with The Unit.
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It was nice to see Charlie Uttuh pop up as a foreign spook. I wish there were more seasons dammit.
There's really nothing to scratch that itch. I'm still iffy on the shield.
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Just gol dang hunks. Who cares? For your Drangus!
Waste away your life watching Jew made slop with a nigger as the protagonist. By all means, you consumerist worthless fuck.
Much better to watch japanimation with twelve year old cat girls as the main character.
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lol, please enlighten us on your Aryan-produced, jew and bipoc-free television choices, Cletus. Since you frequent /tv/ and come to threads to bitch about shit you keep from yourself based on pure ignorance, please share your alternatives. Do you write fan fiction where whitey stomps around and beats up negros with the bible?

Fucking idiot shitbag. You give free speech a bad look.
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>Self-loathing woke TV enjoyer doing his self-inflicted public penance for geeking out of Rings of Power

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