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How are they soo good at playing a women?
Non-binary is just the new bi-sexual. Dumb trendy cunts, worse than troons and that's saying a lot.
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They really aren't.
>woman plays woman good
Imagine that.
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You reap what you sow, you dumb whores.
>her Imbd
No one, not even these ultra woke freaks or especially them, don't want to deal with the headache of this insane person and her pronouns. She has no career. Same with Brigitte Lundy Paine. Her career pretty much died just as she came out as "Le trans". No one wants to deal with this shit and feel like they're walking on hot coal everytime they interact with these people. They get what they deserve.
>that interview where she nearly breaks down crying while describing jace's actor growing up in front of her eyes, describing him like how a mother would describe her actual son
We need to stop with these delusions bros. "Nonbinary" meanwhile all the motherly attributes firing on all cylinders in this bitch's synapses, it's so fucked up.
You mean how vegetarianism used to be the annoying trend but then some people didn't feel special enough so they went a step further and became vegans?
why are modern men like this
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Why don't trans lesbians ever want to date each other?
>>that interview where she nearly breaks down crying while describing jace's actor growing up in front of her eyes, describing him like how a mother would describe her actual son
you can't just post all of that and not drop the youtube link
It is a mystery we will never solve.
I'm probably really good at playing men. I just need better dialogue and a better costuming department.
actors are good at acting because they are able to make themselves feel like they ARE the character. delusions are part of the job.
rhymes with rental stillness
Aubrey looks cute, he could probably pass if he tried
Except I can (maybe) believe that someone would want to fuck both men and women. I do not believe that someone can magically change their chromosomes between XX and XY or to something else.
She's engaged to a man so she's not all that insane. She just needs to drop this pronoun shit. She's not that far gone. Kristen Stewart is too far gone and will go insane and die in pain. But Emma can still be saved.
philosophy tube raped Contrapoints and they actually dated
Kristen Stewart just needs a good dicking. Now Ellen Page? She's too far gone.
Current state of Grums Westeros.kek
> I do not believe that someone can magically change their chromosomes between XX and XY or to something else.
Don't worry, "nb" women for the most part don't believe they can change their chromosomes either. It's an attention seeking thing. The chick I'm with RN is extremely girly and used to use they them pronouns but I just ignored that and she's fully embraced being a biological woman. They just need a strong male presence.
No sense of worth or purpose. They got fed a line growing up.
>Don't worry, "nb" women for the most part don't believe they can change their chromosomes either.
Then how the fuck are they nonbinary? Women are so fucking retarded and irritating, they're basically faggots that are necessary for reproduction.
She's not, she's got like what three acting credits to her name and hasn't been cast in anything else in years
Unless you watch GRRMslop you would have no idea who she even was
The pronoun shit makes her radioactive. No one wants to cast such a person and deal with the pronoun shit.
"Non binary" is just the trendy version of "I'm not like the other girls".
Look at all NB people and their idea is simply to dress and style their hair a bit more androgynously.
>Daenerys did nothing wrong
Most of the retarded shit women say and do is a shit test for the public. You can safely ignore 99% of what a woman tells you about herself and it will only make them more attracted to you. Treat them how their (aloof and distant) dad would have and they're yours forever.
this fucking trash whore is the reason i stopped watching this show after E6.
HER, + niggers.
more like the new tranny without putting any effort to it.
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so not only are trans women apparently hunting lesbians but now suddenly the conservative movement is very concerned about the wellbeing of lesbians?
This, but unironically.
lesbians deserve this
Most of them do
comeback we have added now.
I'm guessing that profile is just a manhating TERF, they hate troons more than rightwingers do.
lol even normie women openly hate troons now
They're predators who hope they can convince a lesbian that taking a trans cock is not straight so it's ok
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OP's pic is outdated. This is one of her latests uploads in her instagram. She's not trans nor a man, she's 100% a woman that calls herself non-binnary so she can get hired despite being white.
a troon really is just the final form of an incel
Damn, autismos who avoid eye contact with anyone must be drowning in pussy.
>she's 100% a woman that calls herself non-binnary so she can get hired
See I told you this show is not for straight people's
>so she can get hired despite being white.
She hasn't been in shit.
Even Ellen Page hasn't been in anything ever since the transition.
Is grinder full of trans FtM "guys"?
Is it so impressive when they aren't as good at playing men?
No, it's just dudes who are constantly horny, whether in drag or not.
Is this some new standard to get hired?
>They just need a strong male presence
Can confirm, bf used to use they/them too but stopped after i ignored it (confirming to me gay men are basically women)
>t. bishreksual fella
how do you interact with a non binary person beyond the pronouns?
Is it miss or mister? is there a third option? Ladies and gentlemen... and...?
Pronouns are easy enough
Call them Faggot,queer,tranny.... they will know.
You think of them as women so you feel more like a man for fucking them
>She hasn't been in shit.
I think she did a Targaryen queen in some tv-series, lol.
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Emma literally said in an interview that playing a mother brought up new feelings and emotions in her that she wasn't used to. Really powerful and good feeling ones. When is this bitch gonna realize that she should let her husband creampie her.
>(confirming to me gay men are basically women)
you're still a faggot
It's the lead role Anon
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>I'm totally not a woman, guys!
To some degree probably, but gays really do have the same emotional knee-jerk reactions and pull the same shit tests that women do
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yeah lol
she looks like Jessie Buckley in that pic
I'm of a opinion that he/she/her is free to choose what they want or how they should be viewed
typical middle class theatre kid flake, they are all such cancer
Ed Furlong lost a little bit of weight
Some dyke was talking on a podcast recently about how 'women are turning themselves into transmen to reap the benefits of being a man' I don't think they'd heard of transmaxxing or half of transmen saying they regret it and being a guy is actually quite shit for 90% of the population. Her 'male privilege' boiled down to not being called 'love' by taxi drivers.
You will never get tight tomboy nb pussy by respecting their bullshit pronouns.
What does she do when she has to pee
that's a woman, there's no such thing as 'non binary'
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Not anymore, most of them went the TERF route long ago.
there are no benefits granted on the basis of being a man, they're benefiting from being part of a special identity group in an era of woke
People can dress however they want imo, but if they start demanding that I pretend they aren't the gender that they are then they can fuck off.
Oh I'm not concerned, you reap what you sow. I'm having a laugh.
literally trying to get pussy any way they can, and they figure women like other women more than they like men, and in some places they are correct. San Fran, Victoria BC, etc.
kek she really does look like Edward Furlong. RIP
I know a guy who uses tinder only to fuck FTMs
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This is why I de-escalated my porn usage, unironically.
These are straight up delusional weirdos and society needs to stop tolerating that shit. Pic related probably has higher test levels than most of this board but isn't delusional enough to LARP as a man, even with obvious exogenous hormone use
The "drop the T" movement could potentially bring straights and gays together the likes of which we have never seen before. United by a common enemy, straights and faggots could be seen protesting in the streets together for once, for something other than fag rights for once. Together we could take on the common enemy. Chuds and fags, against trannies. United, we could stand against delusion, and sexual usury. A war is coming gentlemen. Are you ready?
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Only if I can be on the lesbian side, no way am I trusting some homo in a foxhole.
The dykes you can at least rely on to not get anything done without worrying if they're going to try and fuck you.
is house of the dragon any good or is it pure propaganda? the only things i've seen is this stupid faggot bitch in the op, and that they made one of the most aryan houses into blacks for some reason. plus, its GOTsloppa.
This is an obviously insane woman. She's sick in the head. Where are the doctors? Don't they have any ethics? Why does everyone play along with this? They all know it's wrong.
Grass is greener on other side. It's true women before they hit the wall can be treated like a piece of meat. Some may envy men as an escape from not being taken seriously etc
nah man I hate fags
But framing their performances of fictional women, as if they have no reality-based insights to how it is to be a woman (biological, sociological, chemical etc) is SILLY + HYPOCRITICAL. It's like Native American Liz Warren all over again
based aubrey didn't even bother shaving
emma corrin too. another woman ejp claims they not a woman


crazy coz saw interview of emma darcy recently and she was very cute and eloquent
Anyone that takes it up the ass wishes they were a woman, trannies is the next step from accepting gays. It's not as simple as things gone too far, this never would have happened if we didn't pretend being a fag was normal and healthy in the first place.
Bro's dick is insane, how is such a thing even possible
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There's a few. And they are all hairy manlets with zippertits. They still have the insecurities of a woman. They all act and dress like the boys who rejected them in middle school.
lesbians brought that upon themselves
>The "drop the T" movement could potentially
did you notice that tweet was from 2017? they failed
Too much porn.
same way you interact with any delusional narcissist.

you don't
bongoloids have an unironic STATE (this is very important) mandated diversity quotas

so now straight actors are now pretending to be LGBT to get roles
Yep. The gays and lesbians have been beaten into submission by the crazies. And it's their own fault. They got high sniffing their own tolerance farts and decided to let everyone in under their umbrella. And what was once a somewhat respectable coalition is now a circus of freaks and lunatics.
Its literally ugly lazy women who cant be stacies and are too lazy and cowards to troon
>now suddenly the conservative movement is very concerned about the wellbeing of lesbians?
they aren't. you just assume that anyone against the trans movement is right wing because of the brainwashing.
yes, shave "her" beard, apply make up and she could be my face fuck slut
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>look, I just cut my hair short. I suddenly stopped being a woman.
lesbians disgust me but at least i think some are genuine, a very masculine concept
Woah is that a big jacket with a bunch of zippers?? What gender is this? I'm so confused, my hetero normative brain is melting!
S1 I thought she looked very mediocre and was a clear downgrade from Alcock. This season I think she looks gorgeous, is it just me or did tgey change something in her look?
I feel sorry for anyone, man or woman, black or white, who will be snared by this creature. You can see how completely unbearable she is. She radiates mental illness. She will make someone's life hell on earth.
>society says girls like dolls and boys like toy cars
>I like both! so I am both a girl AND a boy!!
>I hate both! so I am actually neither a boy nor a girl
>Btw it's sooo sexist to say what girls and boys can like UNBELIEVABLE
>Gender is just a social construct
>Except me who is non binary
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like a shittier marilyn manson
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Would wife
Why is there a giant meatwad in front of that little dude from Aqua Teen?
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From the roku thumbnail I thought he was a she and watched the whole thing
turns out it's about a school shooting, would watch again.
Trauma +fetishes+ mental issues
>why is this biological woman so good at playing women on tv!?!
God they are so beautiful.
So, if you kiss a bisexual person as a straight guy what does that makes you?
it depends if they're male or female
>She has no career.
>starring in House of the Dragon
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shut up you stupid whores
I love her nose so much
Really dude, a screenshot?
You need to look up what "starring" means.
It's the smirk
I love they're nose, chud.
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That's Roman
If it means "the lead role", then yeah, she is starring.
It's not really a modern thing. AGP faggots have been around for ages and ages.
She has the sort of ambiguous but feminine-skewed features that get my penits going but, this should be the absolute shortest she's aloud to cut her hair.
Because they are straight men in dresses and wigs.
because she is
I wonder if she has read Self-made Man.
She's my wife and she said it's ok for me and only me to say it,
DEI is real. being alphabet helps a lot these days.
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Unironically cute. Big eyes, full lips. Gendershit should be a crime.
Love her eyes. Very soulful.
She was very endearing in this
>be an attractive woman
>say you don't identify as a woman
>get cast because DEI
>still dress like, act like, and play the roles of attractive woman
>get famous because DEI is bullshit and the press still wants to talk mostly about attractive women

She'll definitely get at least one role in a 100+ million sci-fi/capeshit movie (if she hasn't already, I don't keep up with her career too closely).
Thank fuck she's left the "short 2005 chav haircut" stage. Long hair still suits her best but I bet before the end of HOTD she's back to long hair and calling herself they/she and then just she again after she's bored of the routine.
>gay enough to crossdress 24/7 and pretend to be a woman
>but not gay enough to want to fuck men while pretending to be a woman
this shit has never made sense to me. I could understand the "I was a woman born in a man's body" shit if they transitioned into heterosexual women, but the fact that they just want to fuck women shows they just have a crossdressing fetish or AGP.
I love Emma so much
lesbian woman who's too cool for lesbian likes playing a woman.
I often wonder how future archeologists will decipher this madness.

thankfull most of it's digital and won't survive
>It's so nutty
>every day I take such pleasure in it
When did 4chan start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
She sort of looks like the woman that Hunter Schafer thinks he looks like, rather than what he actually looks like (which is a chinless beak nosed man).
She's not really non-binary, anon.
She just has a quirky fashion sense.
It's a phase.
She isn't a lesbian, she's with a guy.
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*smirks at you*
Emma's face is extremely cute here, but I am not convinced that she isn't 100% lesbian. Her body language is 100% Jodie Foster.
I don't see how she can claim the non-binary title.
There is nothing at all masculine about her appearance, demeanor, or actions.
You know, I'm pretty ok with lesbians. They're mostly harmless (except to other lesbians.) It's the they/them shit that rankles my cankles.
If she was a lesbian, she'd be out as a lesbian. She's already "non-binary" and dressing like a teenage boy on red carpets. There's no reason for her to be closeted in that case.
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Your pic is still very obviously a woman and a person's brain instinctively knows it within half a second of seeing even a thumbnail.
Credit where Credit is due,atleast she spoke her mind. That being said when will closet Hollywood celbs come out? And yes I'm talking about you will smith.
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>Ywn with Emma and Hunter
i'm gonna say something radical
but honestly i think it's just a "phase" of pretending
probably because of their environment
>it's a phase
unironically this. Being non-binary has absolutely zero risk or buy-in. You can just say you're female presenting non-binary and everyone has to play along with your rules until you decide you're bored. At least troons commit to their shit, non-binary people don't need to do anything except demand everyone else follow their rules.

But these people are exceptionally rare outside of college campuses and media interviews. I live and work in finance in Seattle and I've never had a troon or nonbinary coworker. I've never had my social group cross paths with these weirdos. They're even pretty rare in public unless you specifically seek out bars/restaurants in capitol hill.
Just a reminder, it was her parents. Her sibling is ALSO "non-binary", and she says her parents were spiritual hippy religious types
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Yes, the one role being the reason why we're talking about her in the first place.
One role isn't enough to prove she's getting work because of her NBness, she may very well disappear like all the other Game of Thrones people.
I think it's much more likely you'll see the L leave LGBTQ.

Real, honest lesbians really don't have that much in common with the rest. They worked together in the past for common goals to be treated as equal citizens, but once you get beyond that the divide opens up very quickly.
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>You mean how vegetarianism used to be the annoying trend but then some people didn't feel special enough so they went a step further and became vegans?

Ellen Page went even further beyond than just vegan. Now she's possessed by a demon that regulates what she is and isn't allowed to eat, among other things, as her book attests to
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Unlike the main GoT cast, she's a good actress, she'll never hurt for work in the UK doing drama series.
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>this is supposed to be masculine
Just typical model-shit.
I think it's a phase.
Her account of the psychotic episode she had was a nice insight into how people end up butchering themselves. But really, the doctors are to blame.
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>Being non-binary has absolutely zero risk or buy-in

It turns a lot of people off. To me, she comes across as just a try-hard weirdo and not interesting in the least. As a result, I couldn't care less what she has to say nor do I care about the rest of her career. On the contrary, I am excited when I learn that cast members of GoT are due to appear in something. I follow their careers. I have no interest in following Emma's career.
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Bruh, no one seems to saw a pretty woman in this thread
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What makes me laugh especially on reddit. Is even when a murderer slaughters a bunch of kids or something, if someone in the comments says "he's or she's a monster" people will reply saying "what this person has done is unforgiveable but please use proper pronouns". Lmao fucking mental.
bro I love Lucy dearly but D'Arcy is very pretty, if she allows herself to be a normal woman
>Locking this thread, comments have gotten out of hand
kek that happens with every post on reddit when it's about a negro killing people, mods there are fucking unbelievably pathetic.
She's over this shaved dyed hair phase thankfully, her hair is longer.
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Same. I have no patience for other people's mental disorders. I know nothing about these people other than, "Hey, the one of the monke face is really cute, but who is that batshit bonkers freak behind her?". I want to see more from Milly Alcock but that wacko is forgettable.
This is an actual beautiful woman. This Emma is just some random 7/10.
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I have a similar nose and I fucking hate it.
Would Emma say they are bad at playing women?
Me too, my nose is the same as Emmas but I like mine. I like yours too Anon <3
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Why does England produce pretty and delicate girls like this, but also....this?
Roman noses are distinguished and stately looking. But of course, the line between eagle beak and flamingo beak is thin when it's a few millimeters of bone and cartilage.
I think she's essentially trying to be as non-attractive as possible outside of her roles. After all who wants to be stalked by paparazzi? She's clearly aware of her beauty.
This has to be edited... right?
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No need to edit, she's a walking edit in real life.
>tons of fame, money. No hardship. Tons of free time, access to incredible personal trainers, nutritionists, top-quality food, exclusive gyms
>still a chubby little gremlin
I hate these fucking people

inbreeding still a thing in England?
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>Bella is expected to play and embody picrel
Season 2 is going to be a joke.
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I fear my MS Paint did not help
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And Moner is supposed to pretend to be attracted to her.
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She's unironically very attractive. The trashy lesbian bohemian charade is just endearing at this point. It's like KStew. We all get it. Nobody is fooled. Try Try Try as she might, she will always be an attractive woman. A pretty girl.
umm why does she press her hips against him
Tis not bad, my Lorde.
She looks like she could be in an Icelandic indie band.
>be a professional photographer
>access to top-quality lenses and bleeding-edge camera bodies
>able to set up lighting on a red carpet premiere
>still can't figure out exposure settings, photo has significant shake and blur visible
how the fuck are these retards employed
Waiting on some Chad to make her his wife and bear his children.
Now she just looks like Ezra Miller to me
Wouldn't it be weird if these LGBTQ guys turn out to be modern jesus apostles.
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You're so interesting.
I wish I was interesting.
Where's this from?
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based kinose poster
Again, my point is the her "coming out" as NB has no bearing in her ability to find work, if anything it'll be a hindrance.
At least she looks like she bathes, unlike Stewart
Not really, because she's not demanding to PLAY non-binary characters, she's just playing women as normal so it's irrelevant.
>Did you call moi a dipshit?
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She's a very good mother.
Some of her theater work from the early 2010s
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lmao nigga is named like the Family Guy dog
kstew has taken miles of dick
a subclass of pretentious wealthy English girls are obsessed with making themselves posh ugly
they just want to short hair and 80s blazers and to be rude to men
circumcision + childhood vaccination
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Don't talk to me or my sons ever again.
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If the pussy is good enough I'll call you whatever you wanna be called. That they/them ussy hits different you chuddies can keep seething I'll keep breeding
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Anon knows whats up
lewd shoulders
>most of them
i wish you were right but you aren't, pro tranny posts have hunderds of thousands of likes
Ladies, gentlemen, freaks, welcome to today's event.
Can you tell the difference between the person in the OP and these people?
the term is "monarch", chud
MON-arch sounds too much like MAN-arch, chud
Lol that totally legit story.
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lmao even
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no because women, even women pretending to be men still hold a level of entitlement that stops them from joining the general population with the dudes in the fuckbuddy pool
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is this the thread?
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Kristen Stewart is just a bisexual with a greasy mullet, maybe not your cup of tea but she doesn't really come across as if she's on the verge of insanity
And this girl's name? Albert Einstein.
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There can only be one nosefu
Based. Her nose is so fucking pretty. And my god that voice, jesus
Irl this dude was correcting people when they misgendered her in interviews btw
It’s them, sweaty
She reminds me of Robert Downey in Tropical Thunder with this shit
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for me its debicki
It was never a thing in England until the Pakis arrived.
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I don't get the point of being nonbinary and the they/them pronouns. Like being fully trans I get, you were a woman and now you are a man. Okay, straightforward and makes sense, lil weird but that's not my problem and I'll call you sir or ma'am why not. But with nonbinary the point is that you don't identify specifically as either gender. I would think that means you don't give a shit what the fuck people call you or percieve you as. So then why insist on the they/them shit? You can just be a weird tomboyish woman who likes to weird baggy men's clothing and has short hair, why do you need the custom pronouns and shit. Why would you care? It just seems so pointless and self-obsessed to me.

My god she is a great actress tho, dayum
The result of a campaign against tomboys.
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It's just white women being white women. Same thing with cutting or anorexia or other unironic cognitohazards that keep afflicting them.
what's wrong with #3? besides her being a whore, obviously, but nobody's perfect
I can't imagine how they pulled it off but they really did it. They should be proud of themselves. I am sure their mother and father is so proud of them.
I think she's there to represent the women that are out of your league. Plenty of hot 8/10s on dating apps these days but if you're not Chad you ain't getting into her DMs.
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As long as I can have sex with some lesbians (female) in the process.
I can detect just the subtle hint of nipple
very artful
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She, yes, SHE, is so intoxicatingly beautiful this season I can't handle it
Part of the reason I never tried watching the show. Steer clear of that shit. I really don't think it's popular much at all.
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Spiders are predators.
I'm not pretending to be concerned for the well-being roaches, it's just stating a fact.
Why is it that male homos are seemingly so much more able of gatekeeping trannies out of their spaces/dating apps compared to lesbians?
>she's married to a man

She can still be saved.
you lose nothing. no one is watching it. i only watched the two episodes that are out due to sunk cost fallacy.
Men, even the deranged sodomites, are always more efficient at anything than any type of woman.
It boils down to the difference between men and women. Women are creatures of consensus, they don't ever want to risk being labeled as "bad". Men, for the most part, don't give a shit. Fags want to suck and fuck cock, and aren't gonna let anything get in the way of that, certainly not the feelings of some mentally ill women.
I always thought that fags can be allowed their own corner of the world but lesbians must not be allowed to exist. Completely fertile women wasting away their eggs is catastrophic. I envy fags, sometimes. To be so divorced from this gynocentric society and to be free of women sounds better than being a pussy-whipped cuck who gives a shit about women existing.

The real "Matrix" is women.
My favorite are the FtMs who hate fag dating culture. These bitches will get on Grindr, and get annoyed by how forward the guys are with dick pics and requests for sex. Turns out, once you remove women from dating, everything becomes a whole lot easier and less gay, ironically. Kinda makes me wish that I was a fag. But no, God made me love tits and pussy, so I have to deal with women.
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>I envy fags, sometimes.

No surprises there
>We both know why I'm here, and we both know why you're here, so let's get to it
So simple.
>I love breastes and vaginae

Sure you do ducky
But think about it. These men truly don't give a shit about women and are liberated by them. Of course, they're sodomites but as someone who's had a world of hurt brought on by women and their insanity I am at the point where I envy anyone who doesn't deal with this shit.
Fags, not the "pride" ones, are based in that regard. They don't hold back anything, that is true. I just think women are a cancer to men. They feminize men and ruin them. Men should not interact with women beyond cohabitation in a home and pragmatic breeding. Men and women aren't made for each other, we just use each other for biological imperatives. The world would be a lot better if we shed all notions of "love" and "soulmates" which are the byproducts of a cucked gynocentric society. Just fairy tale shit only women and dumb indoctrinated men believe. Once you escape that, then you are a man.
Ok, it's nice that you think being a homosexual is lacking complication. Can we get a homosexual's opinion? I have the vaguest feeling they would laugh at you.
Dudes rock
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Fortunately gay men aren't infiltrated this easily.
>Men should not interact with women beyond cohabitation in a home and pragmatic breeding.

Autisic men should be moved offworld to use in dangerous mining operations.
Dudes rock
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>someone else saw this show
>I'm 21 relax
Another problem with FtMs and women in general, is that they do not understand how horny men are. I've had women say to me, "Oh, I'm a really high libido girl", but then refuse to listen to me when I tell them that all of their male friends would like to fuck them. For some reason, women refuse to accept the fact that men are driven by a want for sex everyday.
But why would a man interact with women beyond that, you emasculated mindbroken buffoon? We are different animals entirely. We have no business with each other beyond breeding more humans.
You oughta know sweetie.
He's not entirely wrong. Homo sex life is usually less complicated than straight one. Lower standards and all.
Actual dating and working relationships, well, there's a reason male fag marriages have the lowest divorce rates while lesbian ones are among the highest...
Offworld colonies it is
Worker drone cannot relate
Only work
>let's use my fucked up American life as a case study on why apples are better than oranges

You just hate women. And they can smell it on you and avoid you, because that is rational
What? couldn't hear you over the sound of your wife's black boyfriend plowing her to oblivion.
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Everyone has both sides in them (in terms of artistic development, yoga), it's how much you allow it to be expressed or double down on them. Being more masculine means you're less gay is a straight idea (gays used to internalize.)
I understand that being this ignorant and unfeeling must have caused you some pain and isolation over the years.
She's like Tatiana Maslany with more spite
biologists unironically have reached this same conclusion and agree that, yes, lesbians really aren't real. all "lesbians" will still voluntarily fuck men for enjoyment's sake just fine. they just prefer women for whatever reason.
meanwhile, gays will rant at length on how much women disgust them, usually can't get it up to impregnate them without aid, etc.

genes just don't allow women to waste their eggs. in no small part because women are always drains on their social group, which they repay with children. a woman who doesn't produce children is a massive detriment to her tribe. while a man who doesn't produce children still produces the same excess as other men, which he shares with the group instead of with his kids that he doesn't have. which then benefits his genes through the rest of his family. while the woman harms her genes when she does the same, by draining the resources of her family. so genes tolerate fags, but not dykes.

in other words, lesbians don't exist.
>lesbians aren't real
>they just prefer women for whatever reason

artsy girl who smell and have a smug look on their face give me a raging boners
I just want to hate fuck them to put them back in their place
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>their place

Under a mediocre guy who wanted to sleep with them because he DIDN'T like them? How often has this ideal outcome been achieved in material reality?
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what the fuck is this image lol
>How often
quite a few times actually
it's not like it was hard
you'd be surprised to see how subconsciently all these women crave a big macho man
holy kek
and when I say "hate fuck" it's not hate it's more annoyance. most of them are just lost
Yes I believe you
They are found when they are with you
Lost without you
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“Non-binary” is basically saying “I don’t 100% conform to every exaggerated stereotype of a real man/woman, so I have to invent a new sexual identity”.
The thing is, nobody fucking does, you are just a bunch of attention-seekers with a hint of thirst for power.
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Women really are delusional
Y-You t-too...

Then I turn and walk away
As with most fetishes the reality is often disappointing. Smelly art girls are boring and, at least in my experience, miserable to fuck. They're so used to having everything done for them that they sit there limp and dispassionate. They come from poor families and are conditioned by poverty to leave their domiciles dirty, their sinks overflowing with plastic bowls encrusted with the moldy lealftovers of last week's Kraft Easy Mac. The complaint to fucking ratio is way off. They'll bore you to death talking about their childish anxieties about everything and expect you to celebrate their feeble attempts at literally adulting rn (look anon I threw out that bag of moldy McDonalds fries you bought me three weeks ago, let's watch grave of the fireflies to celebrate.)

Find a boring normie.
>You try to help us only to set us up for failure
>Fuck you and fuck your apologies
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There's no way she doesn't get pregnant after filming the last season

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