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2024 is half over, where the fuck is it? I demand my cringe kino.

imagine thinking liberal women can do a single thing they say they will
>Fuck you gamers!
>Hey gamers play my game
Which is it
Women don't really give a fuck about vidya
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Presumably gone the way of the planned Hillary Clinton alternate history series, cancelled the moment Biden won in 2020
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>Mind Riot, more like Mind Rot.
Hollywood seriously needs to burn, they're just the propaganda arm of the Democrats now
Literally who?
Isn't Brianna Wu unironically turning into a right-winger right now?
Saw a lot of leftoids seething about it.
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>show cover is literally a guy living rent free in the head of a woman

As she as she is she got one thing right about Trump back in 2016: that when he would lose the election he would deny the results and claim it was rigged against him because he cannot ever accept defeat and would rather lie to himself and everyone around him.
Moon man
As shitty as she is I mean
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Her game has to be the biggest failure of all time, in relation to the press coverage it got.
>As she as she is she
We support NATO on 4chan, Ivan. Nuclear ICBMs detonating over Moscow soon.
I mean... who even gives a fuck about gamergate any more? It's literally been a decade. Who would it even be for?
Not as much as the gamergate bitch who made a shitty visual novel.
/v/ trannies and incels. Redundant I know.
Yeah well it was stolen lol. If you weren't paying any attention that's your fault for being retarded.
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>This ugly ass mother fucker actually thought anyone, anywhere bought for a second that he was a woman before he came out as a troon
LMAO nigga you look like one of the masks from Dark Souls that invaders love to wear
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This is so fucking stupid on so many levels. Pic related is the actual distance from the moon to earth to scale.
>sciencecucks believe this
Yeah he's trying to rebrand as the voice of reason on the left and building bridges with normies who dont think giving kids hormones is a good thing.
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She's hot.
Scarlett Johansson was supposed to star as Zoe Quinn years ago.

i mean, if you would accelerate those rocks with say rockets or the like then hes right
It's been done
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Literally everyone who isn't up Trump's ass agrees the election was fair. The only ones pushing the "stolen election" shit are the bad faith people D.C that poison the well on any discussion with conspiracy bullshit.
>mind rot entertainment
fitting name
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Well, the rocks would need to be big enough to not burn up in the atmosphere, which is insanely retarded and ineffective when things like MIRVs exist that can destroy a country with the press of a button.
>Brianna Wu
More like Brianna Who.
This joke has already been made by me >>200692155
. Delete your post.
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We have had multiple episodes of svu about gamergate,
>99.9% of media outlets, journalists, tv shows, newspapers, talk show hosts etc. literally acting like fiery but mostly peaceful protests are good but drumpf bad because small hands
>algorithm manipulation and outright banning of dissent
yup. totally fair.
Why did they make this shit up? Nothing remotely close has happened.
Pornographer Larry Flint's son is still pretending to be a woman?

No one ever explained how those kids and that dog got monkeypox. Fucking sick people.
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>fictional gamergate series

Why not a factual one?
because the real story of how a girl sucked off a bunch dudes isnt quite as interesting as OMG DEATH THREATS AND RAPE EVERYWHERE
It would just be a low budget softcore porn film about dorks who write gaming reviews passing Zoy Cunt around.
What exactly would this series be about? It's not like a "what if the germans won the war" series where you have several decades you can extrapolate.
>Mind Riot
The correct spelling is "Mindrot"
Once Elon bought Twitter and all her friends from big tech companies either stopped talking to her or got kicked out of the industry she immediately did a 180 to try and act more “moderate”.

Zero actual principles, just clout chasing and grifting.

It’s also amusing because she was forced to admit she was a tranny like a year ago and now acts like one of those “I’m a traditional tranny. I’m not like those new woke ones!” as if there’s a difference.
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>As she as she is she
The funniest thing about him is he has the gall to call out other trannys for looking like men in dresses while he himself looks like I dont even know some kind of reanimated ghoul corpse from fallout or something.
>6 episode miniseries of spergs at their computers shitposting on Twitter
Oh look, John Walker Flint is trying to scrabble back into the limelight again with another pathetic grift off a complete non-event that granted him a perpetual 'i am a victim' platform.
John, literally all that happened is you talked shit on the internet and cosplayed as a woman. On both counts, like some kind of massive faggot.
You are nothing but a waste of space and air.
Get it? Because it's spelled similar to Mind Riot!
The dudes entire career has been nothing but failure after failure.
>Was making a feminist indy game that I am pretty sure he never completed.
>Ran to be elected for some district and got less than 1% of the votes
>Decided to argue with conservative grifters on YouTube where he would lose every time while bragging on Twitter to his 2 fans about how he "totally won"
>Somehow still has a company and the cash to create a show.
I doubt it will even see filming stage.
Missed the whole train, can anyone qrd gamergate
You got me, Jack. I am the President of the United States.
>never completed
feast your eyes anon
I saw it mentioned in an economist article this week about how incels are a politically powerful movement in south Korea.
>if I just make up an arguement
he married some old asian fag with money
Good. I'm sick of gynocentric governments.
Slut made a shitty indie game about depression and sucked off five guys for good reviews and played damage control by making it about incel misogynist chuds attacking gamer gurls and “journalists”
Amazing how long ago that was we got people here now that don't remember it.
>Anita Sarkeesian starts pushing her form of feminism in video game development and progressives jump on it for brownie points to make bank of the possible new market of broadening brands to be more inclusive
>This sparks a backlash in those that wanna keep games for themselves along with others who see the agenda clearly being pushed over substance
>Zoe Quinn puts out this mediocre indie game that gets all this huge praise from gaming journalists only for it to come out she had been in romantic relationships with them showing some level of favouritism within the system bringing it's credibility into question which only compounded on it already clearly being paid off by corporate game companies for good reviews on their mediocre games
>This leads to extremists against the two of them to start harassment campaigns against them, supporters and other developers like them which only brings their issues to public light in the media
>Social media starts calling it GamerGate
>Anita and Zoe become overnight public darlings and Anita begins a couple year publicity tour going on various social media shows and even late night TV like the Colbert Report
>Both at one point have a talk in the UN against the discrimination they and others have faced
well say Sir my respect goes to you, have a blessed day.
>As she as she is she got one
Based. Makes sense you forgot post 2016 results when she refused to admit her defeat and give a speech at the Jarvis Center with its “glass ceiling” and crying fans so she sent her lackey out to tell them to go home night.
>Even when rich, the best an Asian man can get is a tranny.
so this is being bait-shilled and the shills all have to pretend John Flynt isn't a mentally deranged and extremely talent-less homosexual man (and dog killer)?

what a world, what a world.
John Walker Flynt is 6'4 and a male.
Looking at recent times, the social media has its own gamergate stuff happened constantly to the point that people just stopped caring about the stuff. Pretty wack actually.
What? She conceded victory to Trump when it was confirmed.
>(and dog killer)?
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I remember Brianna Wu.
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Terrible summary.
>There was already an issue in the gaming industry about game review websites and magazines being bullshit and paid off.
>Zoe makes a shitty game that has high reviews from popular at the time gaming websites (IGN, PC Games, etc)
>One person game, so how did it compete with big names with big money like EA and Actiblizz?
>One of the 5 guys she sucked off writes a long ass blog post detailing his relationship with her, how hard he dumped for her and crying that he feels cheated and names the other 4 guys. All were the writers who gave her game high scores.
>Gamers use this to push the focus onto the abysmal state of gaming journalists and reviewers.
>Anita pitches the idea they focus on toxic masculinity and sexism
>In a panic, the gaming industry gets on board and pushes a massive “gamers are bad people” narrative in every source they have
>the gaming industry wins against the fucking gamers
And here we are in the current state of gaming. I know most of /tv/ didn’t care, but look how outrage marketing has affecting this industry too. I’m not going to be so presumptuous to say GG is the reason for shit like current year Star Wars and other outrage shit but…calling the fans fat loser incels and shitting on their fan base had a big push due to gaming.
Oh look, the /pol/bots are here.
more like 'Mind Rot'
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my hivemind nigga
Fly me up there Elon
I'll unga bunga some rocks on Tel Aviv
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>response in <1 minute
They still pay you to do this? I was wondering if you’d say I was from /v/, but I forgot /pol/ is your current boogeyman.
I love how they wear masks with extra space around the eyes so you can easily tell they're all white.
That's right, I won't. Also posting selfies is neither required, nor recommended, tourist. Now go back.
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No she didn't she was one of the muh Russia election rigging retards
Anita pls go.
Don't forget about the "alleged" motorcycles purchased with indiegogo money "allegedly"
Don't forget about how Brianna Wu "allegedly" faked an assassination attempt on themself.
>it's another "let's rewrite history cuz we have the resources to do so and we're retarded liberals" episode
it's all so tiresome
mind broken.
lol you’re either lying or you weren’t watching the night of. AP actually wouldn’t announce a loser even when the results were at a point she had to possible way of winning. Because of this, she refused to concede until every single state finished counting. That’s why she didn’t come out to her fans even though they stayed up all night waiting for her. She announced her loss the exact same time and way Trump did, but the left believed the victory was stolen by Russians so no one called them conspiracy theorists. It flipped in 2020 but of course now it’s just angry conservatives so the narrative stuck. This post isn’t for you by the way, it’s for the honestly uniformed people. You’re too deep in denial and perpetual asshurt from that day for me to discuss with anyway.
Yours has better quality and resolution, but mine has helicopter rides.
Why do gaymergaters always forget that the reason Zoey Quinn originally got hate, before her simps wrote good reviews for her game, was because she was mean to Jontron at some corpo funded game jam?
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North America vs South
And that changes what exactly? She still whored herself out for fraudulent reviews.
Why did a white dude pick the last name Wu? Has that ever been discussed lol
crazy how they all look just like him in the face
Reminder that this clown spent ten years at an Ivy League college on his playboy exec adoptive dad’s dime and walked away with nothing.
His sugar daddy was a chink.
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Woman gets criticized once and ruins the entire video game industry in response.
that's a man, and they haven't done anything but play victiim on twitter and pretend to be asian
>events that happened are /pol/
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Nothing to see here folks, just a box of 25,000 ballots that are 97% for Bdien being registered.....
Because their viewers have no experience with the story and will believe whatever they are told.

Same with lefties and terrorism and warfare.
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>being mad that a girl who fucked a bunch of 'journalists' to get a flash game tier decision tree game called 'depression quest' called one of the best games of the year was told and leaked and that 'journalism' was shown to be a bunch of idiots trading favors for reviews and air time
Brianna pee-ew
because liberals want another GamerGame 2.0 with sweet baby inc and grummz

they probably want somebody to shoot up a gaming developer place so they can finally blame the whole thing on white supremacists
>>200695037 is correct. Fuck off with your lies
>events that happened are /pol/
well, he's right about one thing. the truth is politically incorrect.
why did this dude dress up as a woman and change his name to a asian girl name???
because men are dealt a bad hand in current year, but also in current year it is possible to gain some power by playing pretend
to muddy the waters of their personal identity for oppression points.
He had such a cool name. Utter insanity to change that to Wu.
Thank you, Mr Sperg
>mind rot
She started calling out the left recently and now they seem to hate her
It says right in the headline that it's a fictional series, meaning it's not real and doesn't exist.
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Who plays parkourdude91?

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