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Just watched it
This was surprisingly great but very pointless. Would have probably been better if this was the story of jack and furiosa was a secondary character
> I like mindless feminist revenge fantasies.
OP, once again, is a faggot.
>very pointless
rewatch fury road - it will make it even more enjoyable
I rewatched it like a week ago
>Would have probably been better if this was the story of jack and furiosa was a secondary character
I liked the movie and honestly, I have to agree.
A true plebcore film.
Retarded question, but was Dementus really losing control of his troops or was it a ploy?
Like is he just pretending to lose control, so he would look weak and his people could raid for extra booty?
But if so, what was the point of the scene where he orders one of his people to dress up as warboy, and he refuses? Displaying that his troops are not loyal to him, but their own chapter bosses?

If it is a ploy, that scene is pointless, if he was indeed losing control, it's an abandoned plotline.
Furiosa already was kind of a secondary character, similar to the way Max was in Fury Road. The big characters in Furiosa are Dementus, Jack, and Joe, and the movie is better for it. I also think it succeeds in making Furiosa a better and more likable character in Fury Road. I found it hard to care about anyone in that movie, but the prequel is much better/devotes more focus to actually making the characters important and likable and it really does a big service to the overall story.
He was losing them. Remember during the gastown raid some people didn’t really answer to him and he ended up killing them and the other boss was pissed
i liked the part with fury road
Apparently there potentially another movie in the works that would be Max's prequel to Fury Road. But I don't really get that. Isn't that what the other movies are? Or was Fury Road actually a reboot?
>but their own chapter bosses?
his gang is made up of various gangs and i think its just to show himself as a foil to immortan joe where he doesnt have complete control over his men, and it was kinda his whole thing each man to rise up for himself. its about his eventual downfall and how he couldnt keep control of his men and life, remember how gastown was in the shits in a month under his rule, eventually all his support crumbles when he engages in war with joe until he is left with basically nobody.
>Lost control of his town
>Bulletfarm guy keeps giving him shit
>Knew immortan joe would want to jump on the opportunity to fuck him due to reasons 1 and 2
>jumped on joe before he got his armament by raiding bulletfarm along with the shit talker's head as an added bonus
so was wasteland going to be a prequel and focused on max's story?
I think that's the idea yea.
So why did furiosa spend time pretending to be male and hiding her hair then suddenly just let her hair loose and showed she was a female yet nobody seemed to care
scrawny pretty women would get raped or later found by the big guy.

Showed her face after she proved herself and got a reputation so mel gibson look-a-like made her part of the core crew.
I like the idea that hardy max is just the wild kid from mad max 2 who took up the mantle from gibson max. given how furiosa and max are roughly the same age he couldn't have lived pre collapse or been a cop.
yeah I think that went out the window when nobody went to see this one
She was forced to show her face. She took the cover off to grab the radiator plug. But yeah, she did prove herself.
Why did Thor act like jack Sparrow tho
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Has a timeline been established? That theory is cool but I believe that kid went on to lead those people he was with.
Don't think so. Just saying in terms of his age it doesn't pan out really, at least with Furiosa. If it's the old Max he would have do be older I'd say. The tribe could've fallen apart. Those little flashbacks he kept having indicate something went wrong with a group of people. Might as well could still end up leading a tribe after the events of fury road.
How would you fix this movie given you can't transform it into something completely different?
>Change the name to something less idiotic
>Replace Anya with some big tits girl whos main role is to be pretty and have her tits bounce around
>Less fugly CGI shit
>Don't make the actress the main marketing point
>More time focused on pirate guy and corpse maggot people
stop hiring indians for special effects, seriously.
Oh I see, she did age a lot and Max should be more grey. You might be right.
>and corpse maggot people
Rather they were cut altogether
yeah. why not
So, porn and gore porn? Go watch the Purge, faggot, your taste is shit.
The reason Fury Road was great was because of Max. A man living in an irredeemable hell, living in the pessimistic foundation of actual reality. A man faced with this reality, who kept fighting, who was good and virtuous even in hell and without hope or any expectation of it.
Furiosa is not great because Furiosa, the character, has hope--real tangible hope in the oasis of her home. The warlords are evil, verily, but are they evil for desiring an oasis? Furiosa is best watched as a metaphor for awakening to reality, via the patient teacher suffering.
Furiosa as a character isn't someone I admire, philosophically. I admire her tenacity, which she shares with Max, but animals will chew their paws off too, it's only a matter of desperation.
Max is an inspiration as a man who embraces suffering with virtue and does not become evil.
Furiosa is a revenge seeker and derives her strength from something external. The internal strength of Max makes for a more interesting character and message.
You will never be a woman
Lmao Fury Road was not great because of Max
>unoriginal response
someone's upset.
Max is barely a character, he did fuck all in Fury Road and spent most of it in a cuck mask
it was boring, the linearity between this and fury road didnt make sense. she should have experience escorting out wives by the time max made the cameo, should have happened at the end, not mid way.
i found thunderdome boring, quit half way. Is fury road max supposed to be the same max as the trilogy? I would think so cause of the V8.
What about the flying dude in that heli on the second movie? Is he the same as the third?
Yup, its kino.
the latest crop of paid advertisers really suck
Prove they were jeets
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and what of Green Dementus?
The continuity makes no sense. There are multiple actors that play different characters in different movies that all die. The timeline is inconsistent.
>Here's that movie you wish we made! Anyways, back to the femslop.
madmax if he marvel slop
>Would have probably been better if this was the story of jack and furiosa was a secondary character
It seemed like this was a scrapped Mad Max film where he just decided to dig up and focus on the side character as the main focus instead.
Furiosa just didn't even seem like the protagonist for a lot of this film, the structure was very odd.
It sucks that this is a prequel instead of a standalone film. The parts of this film that were great were the parts that had nothing to do with Fury Road, the quality drops off a cliff when they get to Immortan Joe.

Cut the fat:
>act 1: Furiosa's childhood (keep the same), mostly from her mum's perspective
>act 2: Jack's perspective meeting Furiosa and getting caught up in her plot against Dementus
>act 3: conclusion from Furiosa's perspective
I have no real complaints about the movie. I like it well enough as it is, I enjoyed it and would watch it again.
I appreciate what they did with Praetorian Jack's character to give Furiosa's character more of a tragic backstory, but if we had to nitpick the lore it would be that that character should have just been some faceless mook. It makes no sense for the top soldier of the citadel to be some humane nice guy. He should have been the most ruthless one there. And him taking Furiosa under his wing to fast track her to Praetorian also feels like it takes away from her character somewhat. She should have earned it fair and square somehow, and it makes no sense for her to be promoted before any of the warboys.
Of course that would mean changing the entire story, and also mean that her character would realistically have to resort to evil deeds to survive like that woman in Dementua' crew. I think that's why the character partially fails. Max works because he's a blank slate, a non-character. But they want to flesh out Furiosa while also keeping her morally righteous, which is antithetical to the world and factions she has aligned herself with.
Fuck you janny for banning me for 6 days.
I like all the lore shit and I love all the new locations on paper but the movie had such a artificial look to it that it took away from the experience, constantly being reminded of how fake everything looks
>but the movie had such a artificial look
this is such a made up redddit parroting line it's repugnant
film looked great
>Those little flashbacks he kept having indicate something went wrong with a group of people.
That's the Mad Max game

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