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These movies are both just bad. What do you see in them, what did I miss?
Hereditary is overly self-indulgent with a deterministic plot seen a mile away and the family casting is disorienting. The only thing it seems to set out to do is to be a disgust-porn movie I assume, it gives a feeling of empty disgust without meaning or thematic substance.
Midsommar seems to begin as a movie set out to conjure an empty feeling of grief within the viewer instead of disgust but forgets it and just turns into a badly researched and corruptive "orientalist" movie about swedish folk mythology. Nonsense that now doesn't even produce a feeling within the viewer, it's like watching paint dry. Nothing but a flawed interpretation that anyone easily sees through and nothing horrifying happens?
>oh no, he drank menses
>oh no, an old couple dying decided to die together, we need to add some gore with like, a big cartoon hammer like in bugs bunny
>oh no, she took a small dose of mushrooms (the modern viewer is so disconnected from nature that it is supposed to be horror?)
>oh no, we broke the rules the cult gave us and now they're understandably disappointed with us
Did a child write this?
And I say all this as a mild enjoyer of modern trauma or grief based "onions-horror".
What an original and timely thread.
You're right on all points. Hereditary was a satanistic worship movie. Producers have satanist ties so that's fairly obvious.

I actually think, if the director wasn't himself satanic and self-hating, he has some talent. Shame it has been navigated into demonistic and evil channels. Classic atheist jew, though.
thank you anon
You realize you're posting on 4chan, right? You're not a good person.
I guess that makes the movies extra disappointing, I agree you can see some talent of directional craftsmanship behind them but it is just wasted, like watching a movie of self-harm.
there's a big difference between a flawed person who tries to contain it and the flawed that revel in bringing others down with them. Expunging shit on the viewer. Laura Paulmer for example is still considered a good person because she hates the idea of corrupting others even as she gets constantly attacked by demons.
>it's a lynchtard thread
are there any "Ari Aster fans" in existence? he's been forced on the public as this new supposed horror auteur, but the movies have zero cultural impact and are simply not good.
>Did a child write this?
Worse, a jew
it's a thread where I asked what you consider good about these 2 popular movies, you have not brought anything up but hate towards your fellow anon, I guess it rightfully reflects the average fan of these works.
What the fuck is onions horror you retard?
Cultural impact is just another word for popularity, which isn't a valid criticism.
Something wrong with your shift key, Jamal?
fuck off summerfag
It's a buzz word used by people who can't grow beards.
You're right, Beau is Afraid was better. Ari should stick to surreal comedy.
Hmmm, no
I've been here since 2020. You're the newfag. How about you make some new threads obsessing about onions horror
>I've been here since 2020.
Hello, newfag. I'm the one who inspired the surgeon.
>Cultural impact is just another word for popularity, which isn't a valid criticism.
There are no memorable characters, lines or set pieces. Inspired zero ripoffs or parodies. Nobody is clamoring for the "next Ari Aster movie." Yet somehow he's been anointed in Hollywood like the next coming of Roman Polanski. He's a boring hack with a good publicist.
Nothing you said was relevant to my post.
You haven't said one relevant thing in this thread.
>no u
Girl brain. No wonder you have shit taste.
>the nu horror pseud thinks he's smart
My post was an entirely different point. You said I didn't say anything relevant to your post. I said that you haven't said anything relevant (in the general context of the whole Aster discussion). Now go off and finish gooning to your grimdark digital horror slop that gets mogged by TV movies from the 70s.
you're not completely wrong but midsommar had good kinomatography, and you must have never taken psychedelics or even smoked weed especially after a close family death to not appreciate the shrooming scene, it's the most relatable drug scene i've seen in a film outside of /druk/ kino
hereditary was mediocre and overrated as fuck. midsommar was actually decent
All the recent crop of slow burn/cerebral horror has been horseshit.
I am a disgusting occultist and thought both of these movies sucked shit.
I call it Reddithorror
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I can understand all the criticism on Hereditary, it's a movie that didn't do much for me. Midsommar on the other hand I can't see a single issue with the movie, it tells it's story in competent way, the main set of characters are absurdly realistic, the slow approach to the reveals are very enticing and p(ugh)
It's all the little things going on a speedwatcher would miss.
I thought midsommar was good until I realized it was just a copy of another film. It being original made me rate it higher, so that was a let down. It's still not that bad, the acting is good, the set and costume design is good, it deviates from some horror cliches.

Hereditary is creepy but nothing special.
They are good . Beau Is afraid Is bad
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I enjoyed Midsommar as a comedy movie about the unceremonious end of a shitty relationship. At the end, the protagonist is finally able to let go of this person who was ridiculously immature and emotionally undependable. The film uses the alien "orientalism" that you mentioned to show examples of positive, real relationships, but with absurd (potentially disturbing to some people I guess?) imagery. Not really romantic relationships, but family kinships. The characters beat you over the head with this by talking about and engaging in abandonment, betrayal, forgetfulness, disrespect, etc.
I didn't care for Hereditary, but I hardly remember it.
I enioyed Hereditary but Midsommar fucking blows. It has elements of a decent movie somewhere in there but what killed it for me were the main characters. The way they react to everything is so fucking obnoxious, like when the people jump off the cliff and the black dudes just like "YOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK BRUH" its just the worst and the movie never lets whatever happens speak for itself. If they just shut the hell up for 2 minutes it would have been a lot better. Also just did not need an entire group of them, should have just been 1 or 2 of them at most, hell maybe don't even have any of them and just let us watch the festival take its course.
So you wanted a documentary about a fictional Swedish cult?
I took shrooms and met the gnomes. I disliked the scene for trying to scare people away from it. War on drugs shit.
Yes I think you captured better what I was trying to get at in my OP. You’re not going into the movie, you’re rather watching people being weirded out and scared of basic movie cult shit. Just makes it feel so empty. As you say, it doesn’t let the movie speak.
Why I said it felt like it was made by a bunch of kids, it’s immature on both a story and spiritual level.
To continue, I’d agree it was accurate if she took weed as you mention. But it’s not accurate to psilocybin.

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