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why did He do it?
Because he loves you
Bet he regret it now.
>The number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality.
Jewish mind control
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Because pale, bald, bodybuilder aliens taught him the way of God and instructed him to spread the word even if it got him killed
He faked his own death and went into hiding and married and had kids with mary magdalene

When Jesus said "God why have you forsaken me?" was he angry at God? Isnt Jesus also god?
It's a song from Psalm 22 that He was referencing
He was a communist hippy
Then whycome the commies always persecute the church hmm?
It's a song from System of a Down that He was referencing
He was referring to Chop Suey because He knew it would be a hit
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it was a sacrifice.
for 5000 years people sacrificed lambs and crops to the gods for their blessing. now God sacrificed himself one time. he's eternal and can come back, but the point is to show that he loves us as much as we love him.
church wasn't progressive enough
One of the most based aspects of Christianity is that every other religion requires you to make sacrifices for god(s) but in Christianity God makes a sacrifice for you.
Leftie infighting.
Because the "Church" has basically nothing to do with Jesus anymore. Also see

>sacrifice your lamb to hod
>she comes back three days later

I am sure they wouldn't smite the fuck out of my ass.
it's unfortunate that the Christian Church doesn't have a central authority capable of calling for Crusades as they once did.
>inb4 cathcucks
catholic theology is satanic
>The passion of Christ, his suffering... Wouldn't you say the focus on his suffering is all wrong?
>This emphasis on physical pain. It couldn't have been all that bad. It may sound presumptuous of me - but in my humble way, I've suffered as much physical pain as Jesus. And his torments were rather brief. Lasting some four hours, I gather? I feel that he was tormented far worse on an other level. Maybe I've got it all wrong. But just think of Gethsemane, Vicar. Christ's disciples fell asleep. They hadn't understood the meaning of the last supper, or anything. And when the servants of the law appeared, they ran away. And Peter denied him. Christ had known his disciples for three years. They'd lived together day in and day out - but they never grasped what he meant. They abandoned him, to the last man. And he was left alone. That must have been painful. Realizing that no one understands. To be abandoned when you need someone to rely on - that must be excruciatingly painful. But the worse was yet to come. When Jesus was nailed to the cross - and hung there in torment - he cried out - "God, my God!" "Why hast thou forsaken me?" He cried out as loud as he could. He thought that his heavenly father had abandoned him. He believed everything he'd ever preached was a lie. The moments before he died, Christ was seized by doubt. Surely that must have been his greatest hardship? God's silence.
Roman popery is fake and gay, yes I agree.
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was he right in this review of the film?
Goes for Orthodoxy too, and basically any organized religion structure with a central authority
he had to get it on
It's because in that moment God looks away from Jesus because Jesus is taking on every other person's sins, just moments before he finally dies. God can't look at him while he's "sinning", so in that moment Jesus can feel his connection with God broken, while he's fulfilling the spiritual part of his sacrifice for the sins of others.
dont see how this relates to tv but thats a good question. not a christian but i do believe he performed miracles. i wonder if he could somehow switch off or detach from sense of pain. i understand that some of hes later followers who were also essenians just smirked when romans tried torture out from them their secrets
>trad cath = fake and gay
>christian = heckin' wholesome and sanctioned shemale prostitution and lifestyle allowed to operate with impunity

bill the tranny accepter
>infinite power
>could literally just implant knowledge into people's minds
>Noo I need to incarnate as a man and get horrifically murdered
Even if you believed this was real, would you really worship someone this retarded?
for you, anon (:
Yes, you.
>Guido Scortellini makes le tophat man the villain

Really made me think.
No, he doesn't regret it. He died also for the sins of those who killed him, unless they refuse his sacrifice. He died for us because he loves us, retard.
>God makes a sacrifice for you.
Yeah, for supposed sins he imposed on me.
Sorry anons, it was for me specifically.
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>infinity power
Not exactly. God has certain limitations He places on Himself. Humans were given true free will. Something which even Holy Angels do not have. Implanting thoughts or commanding humanity to worship Him through fear would not accomplish His goals for which He created us.
Religious language aside, do you truly believe you are perfect person who has never done anything wrong?
>unless they refuse his sacrifice
They think he was high on some ancient acid and by the time he could realize it was over.
He actually didn't do it, he escaped to heaven before the crucifixion and will return to help the Muslims conquer Rome
>Jesus took on the punishment for sin so we don't have to

But I thought the punishment for sin was eternity in hell, not being tortured for a few hours. Like obviously Jesus's treatment was horrific but you can't compare getting beaten and whipped for a few hours to being in hell for eternity

>God is the judge, he has to punish crime otherwise he wouldn't be just
>I'm guilty of a crime that warrants the death penalty
>Jesus comes in and says "Hey you fucked up but don't worry, I'll take your place"
>instead of getting the death penalty, he spends a day in the county jail and is free the next day
Can any 4chan theologians explain how Jesus was Jewish, came to fulfill Jewish laws, said stuff like "I was only sent to the lost tribes of Israel", yet preached about stuff like hell, heaven, and satan, which Jews don't believe in?
His buddies also were on same acid,that's why they thought he Reincarnated.
jews don't believe in the Old Testament
Jesus also said to baptize “all nations”

>Jews don’t believe in Satan

Job disagrees.
As long as Original sin exists I don't want to hear of any guilttripping sand people nonsense.
>it was a sacrifice.
'sacrifice' means giving away something you value for nothing in return, he gave away his limited life with troubles and burdens for eternal kingship in the best place - heaven, how's that sacrifice? it's an trade with huge profits
For you
That is backwards. He gave up an unlimited life of glory in heaven in exchange for a limited life of poverty and humiliation on earth.
Sometimes we need to hear things we don’t want to hear.
but he couldn't really die, he went back to an unlimited life of glory in heaven, so again it wasnt sacrifice
He literally died in agony though. For you.
But He did really die. Then he really came back to life. That is the miracle.
Not a sacrifice if he didn't die and didn't expect to. He got to reload a save file.
A real bud would go to hell in our place
You are jewish.
He could feel pain, he suffered, he faced unjust prosecution and crucifixion. He could have, you know, never came down at all.
If Jesus really die for me then I would like to say I jerk off alot and drink alchol also I watch porn(no fags though).and some more stupid shit which I forgot ,And I also wrote this while drunk. I miss you Jesus.
he knew he was a god who literally can do anything, so coming back is special in this case
He was a Jewish preacher that wanted to reform judaism with the main tenet being anybody can join, not just ethnic Jews. He never intended it to become a big movement outside of Judea, but after he died it got coopted by people like Saul/Paul into an organized clerical structure without much connection to judaism anymore. Eventually the Roman emperor himself converted and the rest is history
"don't you see now much I love you?"
>gets spiked through his hand
"I LOVE you so much"
>gets spiked through his other hand
"i NEED you to know"
>spiked drives through his foot
"I'm doing this for us"
>metal nail slices through the flesh of his other foot before sticking deep into three wood
>stabs himself in the gut with a spear

What a narcissistic piece of shit
Get saved, /tv/
There is no original sin. Sorry, you need to hear it.
Jews' during Jesus' lifetime were debating about whether or not there was a "true" afterlife (as opposed to just sheol). After Jesus' death and the destruction of the second temple, that group's ideology won out in rabbinical Judaism (arguably because it was reacting to Christianity, hence why the Jewish tanakh censored books from Jesus' time that talk about the Jewish afterlife and are in the Catholic and Orthodox bibles but not the Jewish and Protestant bibles).
No,there is no God. What are you, stupid?
Earlier you mentioned being guilt tripped, why do you think people feel guilt?
nigger nigger bitch nigger nigger nigger fried chicken nigger watermelon nigger

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