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>middle of shooting a scene
>co-star starts fondling your tits
>it's not in the script
How do you respond?
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Fondle his balls, see how he likes that!
10 seconds in she realises what's going on wants to complain but decides not to. then goes all in.
a real trooper that one
Put yourself in her shoes. Would you reject Casper Van Dien? I think not.
we're playing the bad guys (humans) so its to be expected.
omg so real just like the sex scenes in monsterball being totally real hahaha
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Yeah for a couple of seconds there she does not look happy about it
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>I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say feel em all!
>that look down at his hand wondering what he's doing
>that awkward look immediately for a few seconds wondering what she should do
>decides if she complains she'll get blacklisted and decides to go with it
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>Casper, not that one! She’s your daughter!
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>Sees the absolute state of Denise's tits these days
Is this legit not in the script? Cause it fits well with her immediately dumping him for that other guy once she goes navy
There’s a different scene in the script where he puts his hand outside her shirt and she moves it under, then her father shows up and tells him to stop seeing her. Presumably they made some changes on set.
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Cute though. And from the little I’ve seen, better at acting than her dad. Must be those Mitchum genes
She kinda looks like a less jewish Scarlett there. Similar smile.
Those teeth are disgusting.
based daddy casper,looks great for a man in his 50s
>Those completely normal teeth are disgusting
Post those pearly whites, boyo.
>How do you respond?
I'd try spinning, that's a good trick
>completely normal
Where do you live that it's normal to have teeth that fucking long and thin?
Stop slandering him! My parents tell me he's a very cool guy in real life!
Some parallel version of Earth where everyone is a rabbit?
Why are you so hung up on bunny teeth? Lots of people have them. It's not like she belongs in the Big Book of British Smiles.
>"why is he rubbing my neck this is creepy"
>.5s later "i get so horny when he grabs my tits"

kek anon's
What Acting Style is this
>less jewish Scarlett
Oh fuck you
I met him briefly once when he was in Manchester England with his wife. They both seemed nice and he’s a very snappy dresser. The daughter seems lovely as well.
>when he was in Manchester England with his wife.
Why the fuck would he come here?
>Just show me your tits, Diz.
>Why are you so hung up on bunny teeth?
They look fucking weird.
no fuck you kike
They look good.
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She liked it.
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He was doing a convention appearance. The wife was dressed as Wonder Woman. Looked for a relevant picture and she seems to do that a lot
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What a homelife
holy based
Casper knows what he likes
Maybe I'm faceblind but his wife looks a bit like Dina Meyer.
>We've won! Her tits are afraid!
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>that quick look to a stage hand offscreen
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So? Denise Richards was there because she was hot. Actresses are no different than prostitutes. In fact, they're even lower. Atleast whores know what they are.
>his smile and optimism: restored
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Honestly, I can hear him saying it
Nah she has sexy horse teeth
Post a single Verhoeven quote that supports this
and you can rape them too
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Paul “I like tits and ass, mostly tits” Verhoeven? The one who directed the shower scene for Starship Troopers nude until the cast begged him to put clothes on? The one whose native language isn’t English resulting in amusing scenarios like him repeatedly referring to actresses on the RoboCop set as ‘bitches’ because he didn’t know it was considered insulting? I love the guy but come on now…
just watch like 5 minutes of showgirls.
>Hey you, get your damn hands off her!
I'd white knight hard for Miss Richards, call me simp if you want
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she was hottest in the bond movie
What’s even going on he touched her breast? Hang this mf from the rafters ffs they’re actors in love on a set.
Ok, Mr. Simp if you want.
So who would actually get in trouble for this? The actor, the director for not cutting, or the jew producer that told the actor to do it right before the take?
All males on set that day.
He is a weird horny dutchman, but he's still a chad and a based woman respecter. If you hear how he actually talks about his actresses you'd never think he would say shit like >>200704255
She bogged so hard, bro had every right to enjoy it while he could, he foresaw the future
So sad, when she reached 30 she still looked like a teen. Why did she do it?
Carmen is a trollop anyway.
That look of disgust in her face as soon as she realizes
The completely made up scenario that always plays out in my head is actresses have these cliques of non-famous women who out of spite start making sly little remarks about their looks and suggest they get some work done. This spirals into them constantly looking in the mirror for flaws to iron out.
For me it's the gay ass courtesans like hairdressers, stylists and even surgeons themselves trying to transform them in their ideal beauty, aka a disgusting parody of femininity (which they don't understand)
Casper get more based the more I learn about him. I hope his daughter gets a good role, she deserves to make it. She's a much better actress than the Euphoria girls and the other young DEI chicks they are pushing now.
probably not that made up lmao
yep Verhoeven and Van Diem can totally blacklist her because of course the Hollywood is controlled by Dutchmen
Yeah, that split second where she glances back at him before staring into space is quite something
That's how a lot of people are. They deliberately give bad advice.
Nobody ever asked her about that moment?
I'm sure she has plenty to say about ST production at large.
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If anyone in London is free next weekend, we can meet back here after
Reminds of Hannah's rape face in 13 reasons.

Why she didn't fucking just spit on his face?
you're talking about a woman who was in playboy when she was 11. She was the quintessential hollywood "nymphette" She was being passed around jewish hollywood producers for years. She's used to this sort of thing
Alright! Gonna add this to my rape schedule!
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i mean just look at this
>The most perfect nymphette
>She's been playing the prepubescent vamp since she was eight. At that tender age, she dropped her Carters for a photographer and posed nude.
I prefer older Shields, sorry I'm not a satanic jew producer
I love when I hear that shit from the seething retards who cry about 'muh book was ruined by hollywood kikes!' lmao
Yes, yes. Thank you for the SST shilling. I, too, am excited for the coming revival of the franchise. Glad to hear Casper's getting a role in the game too.
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I'm glad it's coming back so the brainlets will seethe.
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