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Imagine being him but at 20
I am 30 years old and I never even kissed a girl
Same here brother.
I'm 34 and have kissed girls and fingered pussy but there's absolutely no reason why I won't be a virgin at 40. The times I actually could have fucked that one single girl I just didn't want to, didn't feel she was the right one to start anything with.
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T minus 30 days
you kissed guys instead?
Never kissed anyone except maybe my grandma on the cheek
>The times I actually could have fucked that one single girl I just didn't want to, didn't feel she was the right one to start anything with.
you're gonna end up trapped my man
I can't comprehend having a general feeling of loneliness and attraction to women. All I care about is my waifu. I don't want to interact with anyone else.
haha.. yeah.. imagine..
How is it possible to be a virgin past 22? Girls literally fuck anyone in college
No one. Sometimes I wish I were gay because that would make more sense. I’m just a mentally ill freak who is terrified of sex.
you and your bros never played the kissing game?
Can I ask what you look like?
>fashion style
>anything else you deem noteworthy

I'm just curious. I don't think I know many men in their 30s who have never had sex. I suspect 1 and he's short fat and shy and always pretends to fall asleep when people start talking about sex
that implies you're talking to girls in the first place.
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you guys are hilarious
33 and unironically a virgin. messed around briefly with a girl in high school, but broke it off when i realized i was just stringing her along. i just wanted to have sex while she was clearly developing feelings. slammed the breaks and it wasnt pretty. pretty much nothing has happened since.
Depressing read, this thread. Turn off the computer
Went to community college instead of uni, I might go back one day though I’m only 25.

It’s insanely hard to try to develop social skills later in life, I try to make friends and most people just don’t have time I don’t have much social media either.

The one good thing I have is that I’m losing weight and lifting and trying to socialize more.
>Girls literally fuck anyone in college
Clearly they don't.

t. finishing last semester, still a virgin
>I don't think I know many men in their 30s who have never had sex

it happens to dudes who never even tried or who are very asocial.
you mean highschool
Anyone whos normalfag.
22 yo virgin here, I'm not really in a rush but it would be nice to try it out soon
I don't want to looksmatch and I'm very self-conscious about being a disgusting skinnyfat, I'm also just plain ugly so I don't expect to just hook up unless its with a fat chick which is fair but I'd rather not
I was thinking about hiring a hooker if I could find one that's really hot but looking over online ads it seems like escorts are mostly butterfaces and mid chicks who couldn't make it as pornstars or onlyfans thots
I also don't really know where to look desu

If I am gonna spend money for sex I'd probably wanna spend it on a bombshell not a dud
Women are all whores don't worry about missing their presence
based schizoid hermit
NTA but I'll answer as a 30yo kissless virgin
standard short on sides longer on top haircut every 2-3 weeks
>fashion style
business casual I guess? no manchild graphic shirts, but nothing extravagant either
>anything else you deem noteworthy
silent le stoic reserved autism erases any possible positive qualities I'm afraid
>30 yo
honestly i'm done with life
it's not even about being a virgin, i'm literally nobody, i just don't feel like working odd jobs for the next couple of decades
>How is it possible to be a virgin past 22? Girls literally fuck anyone in college

am slav and we dont have colleges nor scholls with mixed genders
Same brother. Don't have the energy, discipline or motivation to do something with life, and the prospect of just working shit jobs alone for the next 40 years does not seem very appealing.
the duality of Chud
But do attractive quality girls fuck anyone in college?
Pussy is a waste of time. The guy was happy, he enjoyed his solitude until his "friends", guys with your mentality, started making fun of him for being a virgin.

We live in a fuckeup society where people think fucking a lot of different women everyday is a virtue.

He ends up with an used woman with two daugthers. It's sad.
Chud and Chad are two sides of the same coin
>Girls literally fuck anyone in college
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I unironically feel like life is not worth it unless you are either born into wealth or you have a strong internal drive/passion for something and the talent to succeed.

Living a life of mediocrity is humiliating.
Maybe the person has a strong faith in Jesus nas stuff?

I tell you, man. Most people say they believe um God nas then proceed to do something that said God says is a sin, like sex before marriage, fornication.

But there are a few people who really put their money were their mouth is. A few people really take serious this no sex before marriage thing.
Being rich os an illusion. It's just another matrix. Your riches will control you.
I kissed a girl for the first time at 40

I'm him but 43
I can't, how can you go 20 years without having sex?
Go overseas and escort max it’s illegal in the US and South American/european girls are very attractive.
How did your first kiss go anon?
>spend all your free time masturbating
>whoops no gf
on the day of my 40y birthday in a conversation with a 60y old female friend from my gym, I told her I never kissed anyone in my 40y of life, so she made out with me.
They spend their free time jerking off instead of going outside and yet wonder why they don't get laid.
Clearly not anyone. You have to have a certain level of social skills and attractiveness.
I regularly go outside and jerk off like once per week

I don't wonder why I don't get laid though, I'm simply too autistic
No way! lol I really hope you are joking!
Hmm maybe I should tell my female friends I’m a virgin/kissless they are younger zoomers though.
I mean that sounds good, I have absurd standards though in relation to who I am but money isn't really an object
Where would I go to find a hooker that looks like Denise Milani or Christina Hendricks? I heard the the netherlands has all the vices one could wish for and the women all have fat titties
do NOT do that unless you desire social suicide
I'm at 31 and I just stopped caring at some point.
>hope you are joking!
Im not

>I should tell my female friends I’m a virgin/kissless they are younger zoomers though
Depends on your age, that can be suicide.
On my age its ok, men think I'm lying, women just find it impressive.
On my case, she is the only female friend I ever had
I went to parties and had female friends and lots of socializing in college and the most action I saw was kissing a girl on St. Patrick's Day my senior year. I am 29 years old and a virgin.
Tbh I’m leaving this job soon anyway, I’m also seeing a escort in August since I’m a 25 year old KV
that's freakin hot
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I wish I could experience just a week of being normal.

I haven't even had a personal conversation with anyone for over 10 years now. Not even online. Even those fat nerds have nerdy friends.
>Can I ask what you look like?
NTA but very similar boat and I'll answer
5'9", 5'10" on a good day
200 lbs. Was closer to 160 before switching to fully remote during covid but I've not been taking care of myself the last 4 years.
White American
2-3" on top, #2 into a #3 on the side.
>>fashion style
The /r/MFA uniform: button down shirt and chinos
>>anything else you deem noteworthy
Crippling social anxiety and pseudo-autism.
If you’re mid-decent: only if you make the first move. Many of the unironically high IQ have done the subconscious risk calculus of making a unwanted sexual faux pas and the potential for that to lead to at best social death and ostracism by your peer group and and worst future employment in the Current Climate vs. nutting.

That’s why there’s no many ricecels given how career opportunity/status focused they generally b.
you're not missing much
>wish I could experience just a week of being normal.
I wish but at the same I wouldnt want to. They life in a different world.
I have a few female friends in their thirties who have never been with a man and are just asexual and asocial and all of them have aspergers. All the men have had sex except a career focused Asian guy
>All the men have had sex
how can you know that as a fact?
Based. You should have tried to fugh her though or ask her to go out again at least. Milfs and grannies are exploding in popularity all over my porn watching habits
Because I have had sex with them

Looking back on what I hope is the first half of my life, I always had a strong aversion to and dislike of the types of casual social events that conceivably lead to sex: after school gatherings, sporting events of any kind, church, bars, clubs, etc. I do not like being in such places. During my 20s I worked a shit factory job with some very sketchy people (one was sent away for attempted murder), and so I created a hard rule for myself: I do not socialize with any of these people outside of work. This one alpha guy tried really hard to get me out to the bars for like three months and I shut him down every single time. He gave up. I eventually got out of the job with decent money in the bank, and with all my fingers, toes and teeth intact, and no enemies (lots of people in the factory were missing some of those, or had enemies of one kind or another). Also, when I went back to college after fucking it up (this was earlier), I "grew up" and went back with the mentality that I'm not here to make friends or socialize (anymore), I just want to study, finish the degree, get out and move on with life. I got on the Dean's list one more time, and kept to myself during the super-senior year.

All this solidified the idea in my mind that I do best in life when I am alone, and don't have meaningful social contact with others. Also, since college friends were generally busy having kids, I allowed those friendships to atrophy and almost-die.

I don't care about sports, I don't believe in god, and I never had the slightest interest in hanging out in the school building after the regular school day is done. It was only in my mid-thirties that it dawned on me that you're just supposed to seek sex/friendship/partnership at these things, regardless of whether you actually care about them or not. But my autistic "principles" prevent me from even going to any of them. Personally I would regard it as "dishonest". Per the above, staying alone is also a safety mechanism.
One of my biggest regrets is avoiding all extracurricular activities in high school, college and even at my first job which was at a huge insurance company where 70 percent of my coworkers were young women
>You should have tried to fugh her
We did try.
Long story short, due to all the years of menopause and lack of sex she got some kind of vaginism, we ended up with me just putting my dick between her legs and me pumping wile she squeezed her legs till i came.
thats was the most action I ever had in my life

>ask her to go out again
we did and we still do after all those years

The thing that I can't understand is how young people manage to have sex at all. They have like zero privacy. They either live with their parents or they have some sort of roommate. I understand that you can do your thing in an hour or so while the house/room is otherwise empty, but still.
I won't have to imagine being him at all in another year!
I don't know about virginity but dating a single mother was a pretty terrible experience. I'm so glad I'm out of that situation even though I was depressed at first. I don't recommend it for anyone. You shouldn't have to be responsible for somebody's bad life choices
always has been chad only, always will be chad only
I am engaged to a single mom and she is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. YMMV
People talking like it's still the 90s and that social media hasn't destroyed dating for good.
I had a girl with the same vaginismus problem in college. She couldn't get anything in her vagina until she had a surgery

I don't engage with social media at all (4chan doesn't count) and so I have little to no frame of reference for it. I suspect that this is true for some of the other older people.

I will never use facebook, instagram, etc. If it were made a condition of employment, I would quit the job. If it were made a condition of some theoretical relationship, I would decline.
Hey anon at least you have a gf/fwb Godspeed anon.
t-thanks, y-ou too

she will never have elasticity, that surgery is just to make her loose
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I know this is very fucked up but sometimes when I’m feeling low I browse /tv/ just to read these threads and think “at least I’m not those guys”

gonna go balls deep with my sub par white cock into a genuinely cute 23 year old indian girl tomorrow with a big round ass and she will probably buy me food with her dad’s credit card

I’m a stupid lazy piece of shit but at least I have a shred of charisma for sexo mwahahahahaha
I'm envious of the normies but I'm happy you made it, habibi.

Let us know how her upper lip moustache tastes.
Is she attractive for an older woman? There’s a lot of attractive older cougars at my gym but they have all husbands/bfs.
Kissing and cuddling with a girl you have feelings for feels warm and fuzzy inside. But you can't tell the girl that or she'll get the ick and leave you.
hey don’t be nice that makes me feel bad

and honestly you could just get yourself a hooker very easily bro there are websites
This movie came out when I was 18. I still remember going to see it with my dad. I had the faintest feeling that it might be me one day. 19 years later and 3 years to go until I'm 40, I under estimated the prophetic nature of this film. Except, of course, the love interest.

There are those of us who honestly, seriously don't ever want to use a hooker. Call it moralfag hangups or whatever, it doesn't matter. We're just plain not going to do it, that's all. Also, this "advice" is commonly given, and it doesn't really help. Normies don't typically have sex with hookers their first time.

I know you probably don't understand this, but some of us feel that being alone is more dignified than demeaning ourselves with a hooker. Also it's illegal and so on.
Probably because it can genuinely help you get over confidence issues sometimes

T. Former incel who got his first gf 3 months after losing his cherry in Panama.
>Is she attractive for an older woman?
yes very, amazing body for her age, the only reason she was singles was because she is a crazy cat lady, how crazy is she? 14 cats crazy
Maybe it can help in some young adult cases, but I can asure you that the vast majority of adult male virgins aren't virgins because they don't know sex mechanics or anything like that.

The problem isn't benis in vagina, but everything what should happen before that. A typical adult male virgin can go to a different prostitute every week and he would still be a clueless virgin in pretty much any IRL situation.

Fine, but personally I couldn't stand knowing the truty about myself that my first time was with a hooker.
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Just five years until obtaining the most powerful relic known to mortal man.
You're a dildo.
Ok now I am that anon who originally posted the 34 year old thing at the beginning.
Changes a lot
>>fashion style
button down shirts of different kinds and pants or jeans, never shorts, sometimes western tinged shit
>>anything else you deem noteworthy
I can't say that I care too much to have my own place or a 9 to 5 job, the last time I tried it I never ended up going out doing anything with anyone, even people I regularly talked to. The last time I had a job and a solo apartment I just ended up with zero human contact outside of work and aggressively drinking myself to death.
So honestly living with my parents has just been way better than that, and sometimes I see an old friend from a different place in the country like once a year.
I still travel and fuck around and see concerts in different states whenever.
>Girls literally fuck anyone in college
This turned me off a lot.
It depends on if those are the girls you want to fuck, faggot.
Things could be worse. I was sitting at home with a hernia. Went to a bbq from a friend on invitation. Met a guy there who I liked. He was looking for a home. I was looking for someone to lighten the financial burden. He moved in with me. 7-8 weeks ago.

Yesterday I'm sleeping and there are violent knocks on my window and frontdoor: " Open up, I dont wan't to cause damage to your house."

I open up and there are five cops and a drughound at my house. I shit you not. The drughound came in later, but still. I openened up in my boxers, kek. I was sleeping.

Suddenly five big guys are standing in your living room. And you're all alone.

I can't reach my housemate and the police won't give me any information. There are worse things than being a virgin. I hope at 48 hours I'll get a sign from him.
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>Girls literally fuck anyone in college

And this is why I will forever be alone. The idea of casual sex is digusting to me. But even if you get a le trad church going gf there is no guarantee she didn't whore around. Also can't trust anyone identifying as asexual.
Virginity is a virtue. Sterile sex is satanic and evil.
I am brown vurry hindu saar
narcissist helicopter mother
absent alcoholic father
fat childhood
fumbled your 3-5 chances
it really isn't that hard to hit 40 khv
These threads are what make me realize I need to stop coming to this site. I always feel more autistic whenever I go on a 4chan binge. You are who you interact with. Maybe you lot should do the same and just stop living online and see how much your life changes. Get the fuck off this site and go outside more.
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You don't have to accept the blame for everything that led up to this moment.

But you do need to take responsibility for fixing it.
Literally, nothing has changed.
BROKE niggas still get bitches. If anything, all the niche groups lead to more nerds fucking as well.

You're the guys who read into all that Social Media bullshit that's basically made to garner attention from incels like you. You really think that every bitch is fucking some nigga that's making 300K a year, has their own business, is > 6 feet tall and walks around with a 9 inch dick?

I was literally like you guys, and then realized how ugly my friends were and they were still fucking more than I was. Calmed the fuck down, and realized that you have to actually go out and put yourselves in a situation to get laid.
Losing your virginity to an escort/sex worker was common prior to the Industrial Revolution btw.
i have never put my pp in a vagina but I've done pretty much everything else. even had a threesome with 2 japanese girls at a fuuzoku that was crazy
I don’t really have any friends I hit the gym and try to socialize but it’s just me awkwardly wandering around
They hated Jesus bacause He told them the truth.
>it’s just me awkwardly wandering around
literally me my entire life anywhere and everywhere
Just 10 more years brooding on 4chan and I'll have gf. Just wait, you'll see!
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My first kiss was with a prostitute at 23
Are you socializing or just wandering around.
>you have to actually go out and put yourselves in a situation to get laid.
And why would I do that?
I don’t really know what to say so I just wander I talked to the cashier at the bookstore last week though since I was buying books
i choose to be a virgin
Another NTA
>333 lbs (75 lbs heavier 4 months ago)
>man-bun undercut
>0 fashion sense, cartoon character closet of all black basketball shorts and black t-shirts
>noteworthy: I am legitimately autistic
You can see it makes sense
You blaming the fact you browse an anime forum for your failures in life is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. This is why you'll never change.
Where do single women even go? I guess I can go to meetups but it seems like it’s just men. I’m getting on dating apps in 2 months after I lose more weight but I’m going to have a professional take photos of me because I barely have any.
>I was literally like you guys, and then realized how ugly my friends
If you ever had friends, you were never like us guys.
Im going to be the 40 year old virgin for sure. People just don't like me. I'm convinced because my boyish looks and voice no one will ever respect me. I've visited therapists and tried to be nicer, more interested person but people just seem to dislike me and seem to take great pleasure in my failures, even my own family. All my relations with women have been antagonistic, they seem to hate me for no reason and constantly insult and disrespect me. Experience has made it feel like a game of patience for me, in which every opportunity I get it's a test to see how long I can handle all the disrespect and insults she will throw at me until I finally have had enough and have a humiliating emotional and mental breakdown.

It reminds me of that scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood when Clint's wife is berating him on a boat and he has the harpoon pointed at her and than it cuts to black. When I first saw that scene I thought to myself "If that was me, I would pull the trigger."

IIRC Picasso lost his at a brothel and he went on to become a famous ladies' man. I still find the idea of it demeaning and humiliating. I understand that you're always paying one way or another (even chad pays for dinner at some point) and I wouldn't expect a first time to be ideal, but it should at least satisfy my conditions of being "organic", otherwise the experience isn't worth having. And no, "the girlfriend experience" with a prostitute doesn't count because your front-brain knows it's fake and a lie. The whole point is to organically convince a woman to have sex with you in a normal social setting, the relational, not transactional, conquest is the whole point.

You might like the segment in Creepshow where the guy fantasizes about violently killing his extremely annoying and bitchy wife, Adrienne Barbeau.
You about to go to jail nigga kek
Being a virgin by the time you hit 22? Yeah that's pretty hard. Remaining a virgin the rest of your life if you're a virgin at 22? Nearly guaranteed.
>You might like the segment in Creepshow where the guy fantasizes about violently killing his extremely annoying and bitchy wife, Adrienne Barbeau.

The last girl I talking with fell in love with a pedophile while she was talking with me and then told me that I was much better looking than him but he had a better personality and she only cares about personality.

I don't think I'll ever recover from that.
if it wasn't for adult male virgins, who would normies look at to feel better about themselves, emaciated children in africa? homeless crack addicts?
Welcome to Hogwarts School of Wizardry anon

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