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Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?
> Any good piece of media written for males: the mindless pursuit of masculine power and dominance leads to abject moral rot and the decay of your very soul. Everything you've been taught to desire, everything you've been brainwashed to covet is
empty empty empty
>god he’s so fuckin hot I want him to rape me
Have the creators of these shows ever considered not making the main character cool and his wife an annoying bitch?
Women don't realize that the fall from grace arc only further romanticizes the ascension to power narrative in the masculine arc. It's classic archetypal storytelling and it resonates with audiences because everyone experiences highs and lows throughout their lives. Women prefer media where the characters don't really have arcs (i.e. Sex & the City) because identifying with the flaws of a fictional character is almost tantamount to holding oneself accountable for their own character flaws and accountability is kryptonite to women.
Fucking Shit Sucking Slime.
Women didn't deserve to lick the soles of my steel toe boots in the hope their teeth won't be kicked out
>me watching the pilot of The Shield
>Jesus this Vic dude is a fucking asshole
>get to S3
>I would protect Vic with my life and his ex wife should be publicly drawn and quartered
media written for females: melodrama, sex scenes, some type of procedural where women clap the men all the time
i'm sensing a lot of misoygny in this thread
God her first paragraph is cool, she seems like an annoying bitch though.
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Is this just seething over American Psycho and Breaking Bad?
It's seething about any time men don't just meekly swallow the demoralization propaganda
The Daria pfp image told me that.
>quinn the stalion
one just knows
Don't start a gender war if you can't handle it
We're better at hating than you
All threads that start with those are generally bots mean't to distract.
>you should just let your woman dominate you
>everything masculine is evil
>but i still want you to be violent (against whom i tell you) and i still want you to do the jobs I would never dream of doing
What femenine virtues do good pieces of media written for females proclaim?
Fuck men, men are evil, marry a rich husband and fuck the bad boy who makes you moist?
Women are infinitely better at hating than men are. The hate they hold for other women knows no parallel. However, they think so little of men as to render them invisible. Men only matter in their universe as much as they can use them, and only strike back against the men they can't use or which present an obstacle to being used.
sweet fucking god, post of the year here
yes that's safe masculinity, masculinity subsumed to a woman's interest like protecting her or her offspring, the world's best stepdad view of masculinity, where the man is more like a guard dog or terminator robot than a person, just a violent eunuch that does what a woman says
The man who works and defends, all in accordance to female preference. He's not allowed to follow his dreams, he must work to provide for his spouse and his children, which she can take away at any moment a more fitting partner is available to her. Esther Vilar was right about everything. The only way for a man to break away from manipulation is to either renounce to women or to just become a nigger who fucks and leaves.
>patreon in bio
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Das it mane
I'll start taking women seriously after they invent their own car, computer, airplane etc.
I know this isn't true because there are a pile of male serial killers and practically no female ones
when did feminists turn the sopranos into a critique of masculinity
It's true. Look at the popularity of gangster movies.
justify their attraction to tony
There are plenty of female serial killers. Also, behind most serial killers you can find a horrible mother. Either way, men and women have different ways of expressing hatred, as dictated by their physical strenght. Their inability to physically dominate most opponents makes women more docile, but when they are able to direct the violence of someone else (for instance, politicians, figures of authorities, etc) or using it against someone weaker than them (other women, children specially) you barely see any difference.
she's right about the last bit though. hope she seethes eternally and never finds "the one"
women are too stupid to experience hatred. they ARE bigger perverts than men, though.
My favourite female serial killers are the ones that repeatedly murder their own children. Once chick did this to like 7 kids, people just assumed it was some genetic defect and that's why all her kids kept dying, until the last one seemed to magically get healthy in hospital while she was away then immediately died when she returned. Some suspicious guy did an autopsy and figured out she was poisoning and killed him with salt or something, and then concluded that she'd done the same to all her other kids.

I genuinely think the same thing that drove that chick to do that is the same thing that drives moms to castrate their sons and raise them as women today. I don't know what that thing is, but whatever it is it seems to be something innate to women and which these women have in too great abundance.
Women are not as smart as most men, but they double down on their stupidity to confuse you. It's convenient for them that men believe them to be stupid, when they are in fact the most calculating of the two genders. They are also the less empathetic, they care very little for the harm they do onto others because they cannot conceive anything beyond their own feelings. If you assume them to be dumb you're the real fool.
>the most calculating of the two genders.
I know this isn't true because they accomplish nothing. women are stupid and boring. the only reason I can imagine you countering this so hard is being a woman yourself. I have had absurdly bad experiences with every woman in my life and no me of them were the result of them being smart. they're adult children.
Women are typically like every lame limp wristed gay guy who wants to be masculine but would easily get blown out by any real man. So they snivel and molest anyone who gives them attention thinking they’re in control when it’s only born out of pity. That’s women’s true nature, shitty faggots who are weak and need someone else’s power.
It's also painful to see how people, men and women alike, always think of these monsters as "poor, sick women", rather than evil. Even today the idea of "evil" is so far removed from the conceptualization of a woman that it gives them carte blanche to be as horrible as they want and still be seen as the victims of circumstances.
Just look at the success of stories such as Gone Girl or Midsommer; the woman has an excuse to be monstrous.
As for why they do that to their children, it's, again, because they don't see them as people. It's an obstacle in the way of their happiness, and so it can be removed. The smart women just have abortions because they have managed to convince society into discarding the humanity of the unborn, whereas killing babies is still frowned upon.
She's not wrong.
Because we are all death of the author fags and leave media literacy to women and idiots.
You're too smart for /tv/. This isn't going to resonate with the third worlders and zoom zooms who post here.
They are calculating in so far as they act with rationality. Their emotional outbursts are manipulation, if being angry won't help then crying might. They hold the same control over their emotions as psychopaths do. That's not to say that they make good decisions, for they are deep down dumb. Most women don't need to exercise much thought because they are already taken care of socially, and as a result they make bad decisions. But whatever decision they make is based on rationality, just "woman rationality", which doesn't account for other people's feelings, or for long term planning.
they are calculating in their evil, nothing else

it's the same for other social animals. the females are the most devious. like among male monkeys, the males will fight each other. the females will watch each others' children, and when nobody's looking will torment other females' kids, biting them ,poking their eyes, ripping their hair out, denying them food, etc. typical "evil stepmother archetype" stuff that for some reason people put a lot of effort into not noticing. it actually tool women primatologists to notice this, men didn't notice that the female monkeys were doing it at all. it's similar in humans. men don't notice it when women do evil shit, don't ask me why, they just don't.
It's why men fantasise about noble martyrdom so much. One last stand against the hordes you couldn't hold back, just to give your loved ones the chance to escape. It's both an admission of failure and a rejection of that failure.
>also women: chase materialism and instant gratification while backstabbing others simply because they can
>they're just pretending to be stupid!
lol, no.
It's called not giving up, you fucking faggot
They are pretending to be stupider than they are. They try to make every thing they do into a virtue, such as not working and living at home ("I'm sacrificing my career out of love") or the opposite, which is usually just a way to scout for more fitting, wealthier mates.
Hating =/= killing
Men are better at hate because we're better at dealing with our emotions, unlike women who let theirs control them.
Obviously we're better at killing, we have physical strength and determination, two things that women lack that makes them practically useless in killing people outside of poisoning them. Think about it, when a man attacks another man, there's usually a fight or struggle, shit can get serious. When a woman attacks a man he holds her at bay like he would a child, everyone who witnesses it laughs at her throwing a baby tantrum, she calls the cops, and he goes to jail for "domestic violence".
Women are better than men at starting shit and then calling the cops to finish it.
I don't know wtf is happening itt but women are garbage and I'm leaving
It's explicitly giving up. That's the entire point. It isn't "I'm going to make a last stand and defeat all of these enemies and save the day". It's "I'm going to make a last stand and they're going to kill me, but it might save my loved ones." That's the beauty of it. It is both giving up and not giving up. Both hopelessness and hope.
Women are incapable of empathizing with anyone without projecting everything through themselves first, which is why they can't understand men at all. To a woman something makes sense if "I would do that" and something doesn't make sense if "I wouldn't do that".
Men NEED to improve their propaganda literacy.
Women don't try to understand men because they don't need to. They only care about exploiting them as efficiently as possible. Men try as hard as they can to understand women, and they are so good at theatrics that they have fooled men into thinking they are much deeper than they are. That the female condition is an enigma with layers upon layers. In reality, they are simple pretending to be complex. It's like when a doctor needs to figure out how a schizophrenic operates, but imagine that the schizo had the doctor fooled into thinking that he was a genius. Every schizo moment would appear to be a 5D chess move, when the reality is much simpler.
I am an autistic man and that's literally how I reason.
>Women are better than men at starting shit and then calling the cops to finish it.
This is the key, women are better at manipulating men into pursuing violence for them. However, women are actually in complete control of their emotions, they just pretend not to be. Because being emotional is acceptable in women, but in men it's an ick. So men have to control them, whereas women are free to use them to their full extent to control every situation they are in. How many female students have burst into tears before a male teacher to get a better grade? Or to avoid being fired? That shit doesn't work on women, that's why they get angry instead.
Thinking a character's cool has got nothing to do with imitating him, otherwise everyone would be making meth. Media is media.
That just means you’re a superior man. It makes you more efficient whereas women are simply incapable of acting on it.
>Any piece of media written for females: Should I, the dumpy average non-threatening to competition girl who's shy and lacks confidence choose the 10/10 hot fit tall guy who's really nice and only regular rich or the 10/10 hot fit tall guy who's got an attitude and is REALLY rich??
I treat women like they're autistic masochists
Its a lot harder to be a female serial killer
Yeah, they usually drown babies (there were a surprising amount of those), murder patients in hospitals or enlist a guy to do the killing for them
Women can't write so they complain about men LoL
They can write. They just work on stories that are aimed at women and feminine men. Men are capable of producing stories that appeal to everyone.
There's a nurse in Canada who murdered at least 20 people because she thought god wanted her to do it. She was only found out when she came forward during a moment of clarity and asked to be stopped. Women kill, they just don't bash people's brains in. They're more careful than that.
It's not like women dislike arcs with a fallen hero. Most women were suckers for Inspector Javert for example, and Tolkien's Boromir has fans
It’s a modern convention that women can’t be evil. The baba yaga/ evil step mother/ wicked witch eating kids is a way to pass on warning signals about abusive and predatory women in the cultural memory
Ursula Le Guin was based though
in all womens media, women are never at fault, they dont learn or grow, they just get more stuff
and you point it out to a woman and they get mad and pretend they dont understand what you're talking about
Ironically women heroes are not appealing to women anymore and girls have been gravitating to male media more and more
it was funny seeing the white male character and evil queen being deleted from disney's wish in committee until it was bland unheroic slop nobody wanted

there's no such thing as a woman hero, that's a male archetype
inspector javert was never a hero? he's a pathetic bitch. the musical whitewashes him hard
What are female archtypes?
Sort of, there is a guile hero archetype that used to exist for women; the wise woman/good witch girl who uses her brains to help the hero
Examples would be Princess Luthien from Tolkien, Dorothy from Land of Oz
But Dorothy is the hero?
>mindless pursuit of masculine power
Yeah, just the thing that's shaped all of humanity for thousands of years.
>What are female archtypes?
Maiden, mother, and crone.
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Sort of, the same crowd of women who simp for Stannis Baratheon simped for Javert because they liked that he was autistically dedicated
Kind of a different crowd
Dorothy is the hero wrought feminine
She does not sword fight she uses her guile to defeat the murderous older woman
ehum, we prefer the term "matron"
Guy does sound cool. Shame he's got some bitch nagging in his ear.
What are some others?
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You've earned this one, pal
Oh so that's the guy who was defending Skylar on here yesterday
>It’s a modern convention that women can’t be evil
Yeah, it is. We've had the image of women as the corrupters of men and devourer of children for a very long time. It was only with the introduction of marxist dialectic (and by this I mean reducing everything to a struggle of the oppressed vs the oppressor) that women's image had to be scrapped clean to fit into that mold.
I like Shirley Jackson a lot too, but her horror is very much psychological in a way that is universal. Although she also offers some pretty mean depictions of female neuroticism that will be familiar to any man who's ever had extended contact with them.
Seductress/Temptress is a pretty important one. There's no Samson without Delilah
Yeah, even when they try to make them evil, they are "cool" or "justified". Usually because a man wronged them somehow. They can only be evil people if they have some background that retroactively faults someone else.
The Matron or Matriarch is a separate archetype. The Crone is what a Maiden becomes if she fails to become a Mother.
Also, Athena and other benign goddesses that help the heroes on their journeys.
Not him but:
>Guile heroine/young maiden who helps the hero using her brains (connected to maiden, some examples include Luthien from Tolkien, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, Janet from Tamlin)
>Temptress (Delilah, Lilith)
>Mother Goddess (Tolkien's Galadriel, Demeter, Virgin Mary, etc)
Athena is also a good example
> girls have been gravitating to male media more and more
If the men are hot.
In general women writers' work depends on their willingness to admit flaws in their females
Women are so fucking retarded.
>and Tolkien's Boromir has fans
Only fujos
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this explains everything
Yeah, but a lot actually do admire his character and tear up at his demise aside from pervs wanting Sean Bean to take it into the bum
>man self-actualizes and works towards what he really wants
>woman: umm but what about me?
Boromir did nothing wrong. He was human and wanted nothing more than to protect his friends and family.
Exactly, that's why he was so compelling. He wanted to protect his family and he was tempted into making a reasonable error
It ends up costing his life
I really like how in the books it had all the little details that shows that he cares for the Hobbits before the death scene
what a retard
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Top notch post, anon
it's only because women are so easy to hate
Boromir erred exactly like others had, except he did at the plot directed moment where Orcs showed up. .
>and practically no female ones
if you count abortion as murder than all the top 10 serial killers are all women
>characters don't really have arcs (i.e. Sex & the City)
Painfully accurate. The men only exist in a single episode to be boiled down into a shitty quality or to be someone bent to post-walled roasties desire.
it's called the sheroes journey
Sex and the City is really the equivalent of something like Two and a Half Men
If you want girl hero's journey its Wizard of Oz
I can't even remember what happens in hte wizard of oz. she walks in a straight line and then magically she gets warped home after the witch dies by someone splashing water on her?
if it were accurate, it would be like a series described in op and with each new failed relationship and dick that pumped and dumped, those women all deteriorated into jaded soulless wine aunts and shifted their focus towards activism
>Forgetting the plot of a classic
Sort of, I guess the message was facing a threatening older woman as part of growing up
There's a commonality with Cinderella etc, learning to defy the meaner women who try to drag the female hero down. It's sort their version of archetypal
what threat is an older woman? in reality the older woman is probably warning the younger woman not to make the same mistakes she did and find a man when she has the most value, but the retarded younger woman rejects her advice and becomes the witch herself 20 years later
>Travel bitch
Thinks the only experiences that matter involve matching baggage, a playlist, and a ton of money

>Princess bitch
Coddled then, independent now. Simultaneously thinks men are shit but is shocked by anything less than perfect chivalry from them. Usually dumb as fuck.

>Ad bitch
Short for "advertisement." Uses the most outward trendy trappings to get men. In her defense, simping is an endless commodity. Yoga pants pulled up her snatch, breast implants, butt implants, tattoos. Guys thinking "so? what's wrong with that?" are easily bilked or cheated on or divorce raped or child support raped. Personality matters. Some guys: "does it though?" But they'll learn.

>Child bitch
All inhibitions have been lowered since she had a child. Want to fuck after I get off work? We've talked on the phone once, sure! In your car? Sounds good to me!

>Waiting bitch
Says "sex isn't important to me, you have to know me for a long time." But any adult knows sex is the only reason a relationship is called a relationship and not a friendship. Dating is for a relationship. Not a friendship. Waiting bitch is waiting for the world to become as illogical as she is.
Weakness and mediocrity is pain to a man. Men all desire to be respected warriors deep down. Media keeps trying to criticize toxic masculinity and while it does make some points on how unhealthy it can be at its worst it's foolish to think men won't identify with your strong villain because some inevitably will. Strength is inherently appealing, there will always be someone that goes "God I wish that was me" to your badass dictator.
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How many times do you need to be told that people like active characters, dislike passive characters and hate obstructive characters more than anything else. The bitchy wife is a passive character obstructing an active character.
The bottom quote is literally the plot of Fahrenheit 451
Because success is something the vast majority of males will never truly experience. Those characters do manage a degree of unambiguous success and victory before they fall, which is what guys are attracted to
Fahrenheit 451 had some good female characters ironically. Mildred is a bitch but she's a well-developed bitch and that lady who does a Denethor is pretty haunting
>what people like = good writing

no fuck off
yes, yes it is. that's why everything now is about strong women and weak men and BLACKS. its' what the people want.
When did he imply that was good writing, anon?
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Why are women so incompetent at building or maintaining societies?

Why do women need to play with fire and try their faggot manipulation games in every relationship they're involved in?

Why do women emotionalize every fucking argument they make instead of attempting rationalization?

Why are women flat out incapable of accepting their multiple shortcomings and blame everyone else, when the far greater strategy is to admit fault and learn from their mistakes?
Part of good writing is understanding basic psychology. Don't write a hateable character then get surprised when people hate them.

>Guy bitch
Girl who tries to emulate male behavior. She thinks acting like a movie alpha guy makes one alpha. Like, all any guy has to do to be alpha is interrupt, and one-up in stories, and openly ridicule the other person. If the guy looks at her with disgust, she looks at him like he's a loser. She internally imagines herself as a Chad. She doesn't realize she is 5'1 and has never been in a fistfight. Like princess bitch, usually dumb as fuck.

>Special bitch
Borderline retarded. Skip.

>Mishap bitch
Always leads with some sob story. "Tried to call but my phone is broken." Or "we can't meet up because my roommate burned all my clothes." Skip.

>Business bitch
Has a real job with real responsibilities. On first date, will drive drunk or wear a skirt with no panties. In either case, you're getting fucked. Also, she will never call.

>Old business bitch
Age 40+. Like business bitch except she will stay around, happy to text whenever and meetup whenever. Probably until one of you dies. Grateful.
>men seethe at skylar in breaking bad because she stops the protagonist in his efforts
>women seethe at the politics in the wire because it stops the police force in their efforts

women they project their morality onto the show while men disconnect from themselves and just want the show to be interesting and entertaining
to the freaks reading this screenshot on /r/4chan or similar, kill yourselves unironically
Girls completely memoryholed their reaction to Daenerys "My brother is toastie and I am a badass roastie" Targaryen
i would be ok with replacing "literally who on twitter says retarded shit" with "literally who on tumblr says retarded shit" tumblristas are wacky and overly self confident in an endearing way
I-I, I kneel..
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>>Business bitch
>Has a real job with real responsibilities. On first date, will drive drunk or wear a skirt with no panties. In either case, you're getting fucked. Also, she will never call.
Literally her.
Also nice digits.
riches to rags to riches is one type of story archetype yes, that is not related to the point made by OP about critiques of power and desire
>Women don't like arcs
what a load of horse shit, totally talking out of your ass on this, characters are ALL they care about and they obsess over "arcs" in discourse
>Breaking Bad
I hate retards so much
women like and are capable of writing literally one literary device and that's the love triangle
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Why the fuck would you ever, EVER listen to a leftard on anything male related?
It's like listening to a leftard on agriculture or family matters, it's actively self-harming.
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read it
Already did. Learnt much from it.
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>Women are better than men at starting shit and then calling the cops to finish it.

Quote of the century

>pic related
reminds me of the pill guy in better call saul when the cops call him in for "a few questions" about his stolen baseball cards
I like how I said I am not answering any other questions without an attorney and he just kept going.

tried again later with the "hey man I just need to get some paperwork from you, just doing my job" shtick

I hate cops so much, almost as much as I hate women

Love from Kazakhstan
Men can hold the two interpretations in their mind simultaneously, they're able to enjoy works on many different levels because they actually have a fully functional brain unlike women.
samefag, but I have more to say.
the allure of Walter in Breaking Bad isn’t him making money, and the issue with Skylar isn’t that she’s trying to stop her husband from endangering their entire family by cooking fucking meth.
what’s so endearing about Walter’s arc is that he’s breaking out from the malaise of an emasculated nobody’s life, and becoming an actual person. he’s no longer trapped in a life of rotting away alive, he finally *is*.
it’s especially obvious in S5, when he loses pretty much everything and has to run away. he has no empire anymore, he has nothing but himself, actually, and his cancer is back. nevertheless, the viewer knows that at that point Walter is a force, that all of that doesn’t matter, and the only thing that could truly stop him is his cancer. Heisenberg’s biggest issue throughout the series is with his ego. it’s what motivates him at the beginning, and makes you want to sympathise with him, but with each season it makes him seem very insecure. in the final episodes he finally finishes his arc, and becomes a middle aged man’s masculine fantasy - he secures the future of his children, saves his only friend and annihilates his enemies. finally, he goes out on his own terms. it’s not tragic, because there was never a future where he survives. Walter’s journey isn’t from a high school teacher to drug kingpin to nobody, it’s from nobody to a man.
Translation: I'm bitter that I'm physically repulsive to women and my mom never loved me
>I will threaten to make my holes unavailable
That older women are bitter and try to steal the youth of younger women which is something we see everyday and every time a man tries to date a woman 5 years younger than him
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>Men being powerful and dominant is BAD!!!!!!
>Literally lusts over the thought of men dominating them every day

Why are women like this? I don't pretend to get angry at women online for trying to appear submissive and cute

when it comes to Skylar, on the other hand, the problem isn’t that she doesn’t want Walt to cook meth (shocker), it’s the reason why she’s doing it.
Skylar, throughout the entire show is an embodiment of control. in the beginning, she is in control, she has Walt’s balls in a vice. on his birthday she gives him a fuck-off handjob - that’s despicable. Skylar is a representation of wasted potential and mediocrity. Walter fucking hates Skylar as much as the viewer, he just doesn’t realise it. from S1E1 she means nothing to him, but he’s too much of a pussy to verbalise it. the White household is a bittersweet picture of a man who wasted his life on a woman who was never worth it, hates his life, but loves his children.
anyway, back to Skylar - throughout the series, she attempts to regain control over Walter multiple times. retards will tell you that you’re supposed to cheer her on because Walter is a drug lord, which is a no-no, but they fail to see how hypocritical Skylar is. she has no problem laundering money for Ted, or helping Walter later on. all she wants, however is absolute control over another person, and that’s evil.

Breaking Bad is like Fight Club or Falling Down in some ways.
sorry I couldn’t be more coherent, but takes like in OP piss me off so much it’s unbelievable.
Good posts and assessment. It is sinister how normalized the domination of men bu women as a social good is
I don’t think that’s the case in this instance.
at least I haven’t noticed this in any serious capacity across works more sophisticated than romcoms (where the relationship is still typically shown as healthy and balanced, often slightly dominated by a masculine male lead, but only in terms of initiative. it is a story about love, after all).
even in Breaking Bad you can see that mediocrity itself isn’t necessarily demonised - Hank and Marie’s marriage is a lot like Walt and Skylar’s, but much healthier and genuine.
what I feel Breaking Bad is criticising (or ends up criticising) is the idea of mediocrity holding back greatness.
Hank was never destined for anything more than being a DEA agent, nor does he seem to want anything more, Walt on the other hand had almost unlimited potential, furthermore he was at the cusp of making it big with Grey Matter, but he settled for mediocrity - that part is tragic.
been ages since I watched breaking bad and I didn't really care much for it, but as I recall walter was an unhinged lunatic and skylar's actions, if anything, were excessively loyal to him. he was having disturbing episodes almost from the start, like forcing his son to drink beer or whatever it was. she should've left him the second she realized what an unhinged narcissistic sociopath he'd become, instead she actually stuck with and tried to help him
he didn’t force Walt Jr. to drink beer, he said it’s fine for Walt Jr. to drink at a family party, while Walt Jr. was underage. he similarly refused to be told when to stop drinking, got drunk and made a scene.
Skylar wasn’t loyal to Walt, she needed to be in control, that was her only goal.
first she tried her usual tricks - that didn’t work
then she couldn’t cope with the fact that she wasn’t the head of the house, so she had a mental breakdown as a last resort - that didn’t work
then she fucked Ted and gave him all of Walter’s money - that didn’t work
then she tried to regain control by helping Walt launder money (basically tried to take control of the operation) - that didn’t work
finally, she tried to blackmail Walt with Holly and everything that went with it - this ultimately also didn’t work.
the last scene between them is Walt’s last „fuck you” towards her, saying that he did it for the money (which is an obvious lie to anybody who’s watched the show).
skylar is an attention whore, a manipulative cunt and a control freak
she is happy when walt was a subservient cuck and she can keep him in line with an dispassionate handjob, wants to tell him what he should do at every stage of his cancer, seethes because he dared keep secrets from her preventing her control of the situation, seethes at marie when her problems are in focus instead of skylars, makes grand spectacles for attention like walking into the pool, walt's children as leverage against him, cheats just to rub it in his face, has no problem getting involved in walt's crime as long as she is an equal partner and can boss saul around, and only finally fears him and decides it's enough when she realizes she can't control him anymore
thank goodness
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Because the woman is usually a rude antagonist bitch even on The Bear, Sydney is trying to go behind Carmy's back and join a competing restaurant and give it ideas that they brainstormed together. Because writers like contrived drama and make the audience mad so they hatewatch. A misogynist didn't make that up, its literally in there.
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Me no care.
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You can't just throw out a based post like this without any warning shots anon
Reminder that it's literally impossible to misinterpret art. If you can justify your interpretation to yourself, it's objectively correct.
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>col quaritch
>the RDU from avatar
>galactic empire
>tywin lannister
>starship troopers
>what kind of americans are you guy
>baylan and SSP
>walter white
>super earth
>fire nation
>kylo ren
>uncle ruckus
>rome in almost everything
>hans landa
>omni man

>Self righteous filmmaker realizes their propaganda failed and that nobody cares about their political views they just want entertainment.
This is no shit one of my favorite things.
I'll bet this bitch whines about how men are intimidated to date her.
I fucking kneel.
You're on to something real here.
Women only want to make emotional arguments and take the high road in every single instance.
on twitter you're seeing them trying to rationalize and add shitty logic to their intuition and feelings.
On Tumblr they're more honest that their feelings are what's driving them and I respect that more. I actually enjoy a Tumblr soap box because It's emotion explained with emotion, where twitter is a disjointed Feeling explained as if it's logical which it isn't.
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I always look at pictures of people and just imagine who and where they would be like 50 years ago, or 150 years ago.

That brown girl on the left would have been covered head to toe and never expected to learn a single thing about the world besides raising kids. The guy in the middle would have been a sniveling accountant.
Guy on the left would have been a low ranking swab deck cleaner on a scooner, penniless and without a family.
Every one of the brown people on the left would have been beaten.
You can see the women on the left as mentally fragile, probably needing some stoic husband who could explain the world to them gently instead of hearing the raw dangers of the world terrify them into paranoia and fanaticism.
10/10 post
No the bitchy wife is just holding the husband accountable but scrotes like u aren't ready for that conversation
Imagine being a man pretending to be a women who goes on lolcow and using their lingo here. Women don't go to /tv/, they go on /lit/.
A paragraph of filler words doesn't change that Reddit media literacy begins and ends at "the protagonist is bad, because toxic masculinity". The media they ridicule others for liking is completely wasted on them. Even capeshit like Breaking Bad goes way over their heads when it comes to the philosophies and depth of different characters. It's just Walt's evil because he's bitter about his past, Jesse is pure good because he likes children. It's juvenile, seeing their kind try to discuss media with morally compromised leads.
Fuck off Rian, nobody likes being subverted.
Because they're not completely soulless like women and LGBTQIA+'s
It's true. W*men can't appreciate the nuances of character flaws. There have to be heroes and villains for anything to make sense to them. My co-worker dropped Breaking Bad after the first season because "everyone was a bad person".
Um excuse me SirScrotesALot but I am a gay man, not a woman. Please learn your moidfoid lingo tvcel
Except they are all bad people
Its almost like satans ring is manipulative and evil, ext you are going to tell me it slides off fingers at convenient times to weaken its wearer.
they're separate but somehow inferior and equal at the same time, immune from consequences
it's not a mystery, men want to fuck them, or don't want to fuck up the chance they might one day fuck that specific lady, so all ladies have rights
I kneel
this post is such a TRVKE it barely even triggered the late-stage-mass-reply contrarianism where everyone who came in late pretends it was a bad post because it got so much attention
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this is pretty good bait.
4chan is full of absolutely seething, nuclear-level sexual frustration. Hence posts about interesting movies get 5 replies, meanwhile posts that give people an excuse to whine about women get hundreds. There are many valid reasons to criticize what women are like on average, but 90% of people who criticize them on here are doing it purely out of sexual frustration.
Aw you replied to your self. Clearly you’re seething at the fpbp.
kek we do be like that
I just came retard, I only get sexually frustrated 5 minutes after I cum
Good to know /tv/ is still smarter than wochuds
dude stop you're scaring the hoes
put me in the cap
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is creating a legacy not desirable?
Based Epicurean Suffering Diminisher
>media must be viewed this way, it is absolute
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Lots of top tier posts on /tv/ today.
Why do Foids just whine constantly?
Oh, wait, it's their default existential state lol.
90% of this thread is moids whining.
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Men seem to understand it well.
Foids don't seem to understand that they're the reason why men now relate to these characters. But the idea of women taking accountability for something is as fictional as Tyler Durden and Homelander.
I got a dog with my girlfriend and she's happy to throw money at it but doesn't give two shits if it's sad or if she hasn't seen him in a week or he's hungry and whining
but don't even try to stop her if she can buy 3 for 1 outfits on sale and take a hundred photos of him for instagram
it really put me off having kids with her altogether
The misandery in the OP was okay with you?
I think any woman who identifies with Amy in Gone Girl is automatically disqualified from making this argument. To be fair, I think it's hypocritical that many men feel that Amy is evil but have no problem sympathizing with equally evil male characters.
Women aren't calculating at all. They're manipulative, but it's not even of their own doing. All of their power comes from sexuL attraction to them, which is a part of the male brain. If for whatever reason we woke up tomorrow and men had no sexual drive towards women, we'd realize what a nothingburger women are.

On the other hand, if the reverse were true, almost nothing would change other than Chad would start watching porn.
>you know what’s cool? Killing your buddy’s girlfriend and then lying about it. Also manufacturing drugs and letting your ego ruin everything repeatedly.
>woman projects
wow never seen this before
The text on the right is very womanly.
>otherwise everyone would be making meth

That would require you to pass chemistry though
Damn, I took a vacation to /tv/ for HOTD, not to be enlightened.
he didn't kill her
just didn't stop her from dying
stay away from Lady H
the masculine powers of having a friend, seeing justice done to unjust people, caring for your people beyond all hope of success, and barely surviving in the face of adversity
This post saves this entire fucking website.
>walter becomes a MAN by killing countless people, inflicting pain and suffering on others, destroys his family, etc.
>but it’s ultimately good because he personally saw *some* growth at the end

Men are sick in the head
Why do people here get so mad when a woman says something dumb online
I assumed it was written by a woman
tl;dr I just make excuses as to why I want to mimic and idolise sociopaths and violent criminals and pretend to be a victim of circumstances
Creators are dishonest
They make things cool because otherwise no one would watch the movie/show and pretend that its main purpose is as a "critique".
If you wanted to make an anti war movie you could make a miserable movie about a veteran who has to shit into a bag and lost his dick.
No one would watch it though so they have to make a cool action packed war movie with compelling scenes of heroism and sacrifice, there will be a couple of designated WAR IS LE BAD scenes and a plaque at the beginning or end to remind the audience they're not supposed to be enjoying this too much.
Same deal with wolf of wall street, could have been about some guy who got fucked over by Jordan Belfort and his miserable life but instead they make it a 2 hour romp about how much pussy and coke this guy does.
i ONLY identify with characters that are at rock bottom but are about to start the ascent
women like this are usually trannies.
Isn't it funny childless empty women like this always think and want to tell men what makes a man.

No one loves this hideous wretched used up dumpster and it mens's fault for some reason.
Would not be surprised
trannies love shitting on men to distance themselves from maledom, just constant posting about how silly men are and
>thank god that's not me haha
Meanwhile they're constantly sperging out about nerd shit online in the way only a man would
So are men at fault when women don’t want to date them?
yes, managing social expectations is a problem not isolate to any individual or multiple instances or actors, the duty is everyones, all of the time
part of that management is parity, which has not been upkept, some work needs to be done
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males consoom capeshit, garbage youtube channels and video games like it goes out of style
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There's no denying this but how did a woman direct a movie like this?
the ascension to power arc feels out of scope for many women dipshit
what parity
Don’t put me in the screencap. I have the right to anonymity, and putting my post in the screencap violates that. I repeat. Don’t you fucking dare put me in that screencap.
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ok, I wont
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You will never be a woman, so why defend them like they're going to actually accept you?
I can’t fall asleep unless I do this. To be clear, I imagine it’s a brief moment of respite for me during the hell of the fighting/escape attempt/exploration into unknown territory, and there’s a shift change. I’m going to sleep, and the thread continues (perhaps actively, there’s often weapon fire in the background, which I imagine). I have needed to do this for four years or so, and there’s a wide range of both historical and fully fleshed out fantastical scenarios I imagine. The main piece of self awareness I have about this? In those fantasies, unlike my real life, there are other men watching my back, so it’s safe to let down my guard when I sleep. If you have insomnia due to PTSD, give it a go. It’s been a gamechanger for me.
Thanks brother. This goes for all future posts under my account!
>any good piece of media written for males: the mindless pursuit of masculine power is EVIL
>any good piece of media written for females: U GO GURL! SLAY QWEEN! FUCK MEN!
Its basically
>Man have principles
>At some point man abandon his principles
>Fall from grace
>Realise he lost something important and then return to his roots even more stronger
>It doesnt matter if he is going to die or live because he found true peace within himself

Women dont live by principles or moral codes because they just see them as means for material things and nothing more.
All female movies are feel-good movies.
There might be a few sad moments like a character experiences a breakup or doesn't get to do a fun thing she was looking forward to, but the main focus is always how that character moves onto the next stage of her life without letting those events affect her in any way.
Because other dumb women see it, updoot and retwit it, and now women are just that much worse. It's 2024, the internet is real life, it's not a fun alternate reality like it was. I, for one, am sick and tired of the misandry/misogyny feedback loop/death spiral.
>A paragraph of filler words
>…capeshit like Breaking Bad

Two women also wrote the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Different era matters. Before women were empowered to destroy everything and hate men.
Also Münchhausen by proxy is mainly a woman-only condition. And that's targeting children, innocent beings who can't even stand up to or defend themselves.
Walt was a weak pussy and Skyler did nothing but look after her family.
It's a masculine thing. You know how black people say white people can't understand what being black is because they're white? It's like that, but with having a penis.

The anon has the right idea of it, Walter is the middle-aged man who despite having lost what he built up, rises above himself and dies as a man who completed a man's directive. It's fiction, and is geared towards men. And it works, both as a good story, and as a masculine fantasy.
What are we being distracted from?
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I find this pic interesting. Every single wojak meme is intentionally made with microsoft paint for that jagged edge look made by someone using a default drawing app.

But the "femchad" was clearly made by a woma,, instead of using microsoft paint she clearly used an actual drawing app judging from the edge smoothing on her shit OC.
And the dogshit opinion just solidifies her as a complete redditoid bitch who farms rage bait by making strawman arguments against "chuds"

As much as I want to say I hate the person who made this, I just KNOW they are a chronically depressed, anxious and lonely person.
>when did feminists turn the sopranos into a critique of masculinity
Nigger, watch any of those annoying gay ass scenes where Melfi is talking Italian identity, or meadow tells aj he's a man and the parents will always love him more, or tony goes on a speech about how silvio shouldn't be proud of his italian identity but his individual identity and tell me you didn't see the poz on a first viewing dipfuck.
For the answer to this question ask women why do they still act like cunts after reading Chainsaw Man?
tf does chainsaw man have anything to do with this, you retarded teenager
Nice trips.
The post speaks for itself though, a lot of women read Chainsaw Man, it has a lot of abusive women in it, and yet every woman I met who loved it was still a shitty human being.
Asking why art does not change certain people is like asking why does the wind blow?
It is simply one of lifes rules.
she wasn't an amateur, she slept on her side incase so she wouldn't choke if she threw up. waltuh was the one who laid her on her back, then when she started choking he did nothing. it's his fault in every meaning of the word.
Women are like fantastically wealthy men.
When a woman tries to act deep and tortured, its like Bill Gates sitting sexy in a bed talking about how hard his life is.
Not once.
Well how was he supposed to know
And op's post isn't?
You mean the post in the OP that was a dumb bitch's take on media literacy? is that who you're trying to copy?
If there was ever a post that deserved trips or quads, this was it.
She could have also not been a drug addict.
Yeah, Makima is extremely popular with women. Same as Asa.
Masculine fantasies are toxic in that case. Walter was a little bitch who constantly let his ego fuck everything for himself and his family and friends. It’s pure cope to think his death redeems his actions. The story is meant to be a warning but men are apparently too stupid to see it because they’re so superficial and greedy.
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it's not some esoteric knowledge, anon. he is meant to be a 'smart' character.
>you shot that guy with his own gun? why did he own a gun anyways, guess he was asking for it.
>i died of an overdose, it's society's fault
Why not blame Jesee instead for making her fall back on her habit? Since we're on the subject of denying women of all and any responsability.
Roastoids completely annihilated. How will they ever recover?
its not superficial or greedy to want to become great at something and exert a measure of control over your life,
you have done exactly what so many anons in this thread have said would happen by adding emotion to the completely rational lens by which anons are relating to the story, everyone here but you is quite capable both of taking away from this depiction what I have described and also refraining from giving positive associations the moral failings of a drug dealer
the frame and story points are not the same thing
>I wouldn't have died if this person who broke into my house touch me. it's my fault.
jane didn't overdose, btw. kikes are lost causes
What's important is that Jane never did anything wrong, because women are never in the wrong, never make poor choices, and all the misery in their lives was caused by an evil man.
promo's good
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Is this about Forrest Gump?
the only character who did nothing wrong in that show was Jesse. the character who did the most wrong was Walter.
He tried selling drugs to recovering addicts.
this sounds like a woman not understanding what it's like being a man.
They don't understand, have no wish to undestand, but really want to make it seem like they do. It's all in the effort of manipulating and keeping a tight leash on their man servants.
if a woman tried selling drugs to recovering addicts you wouldn't be saying this.
>aside from pervs wanting Sean Bean to take it into the bum
why sean bean?
why boromir?
why the bum?
it doesnt make any sense, its like you could assign this fantasy to any character, why him?
women and americans know nothing of the worlds spiritual side
>any adult knows sex is the only reason a relationship is called a relationship and not a friendship
yeahhhhhhhh, i think ill disagree with you on that
there's no such thing
every male is either as a weed head, gamma males, or faggot
yeah because women are inherently retarded.
So you morons actually tell yourself and believe you are like this? kek
I’m doing my part.
>basic fucking knowledge
>chuds ITT are having a spiritual epiphany

How this place has fallen. It truly is filled with zoomzooms.
I also enjoy Bridget Jones
Lesbians are essentially men with pussies
here come the bots and bio-bots. further proof of how absolutely based this take is.
Women love the same type of stories when it's a woman doing the conquering and dominating. Only it's seldom portrayed as being something negative (and when it is, like with Daenerys, women lash out and cry foul). Usually such girl boss stories are always shown as a positive by the subversive, globalist media.
Media illiteracy
Men understand those kinds of stories perfectly well. Such stories are always very obvious and blatant. Doesn't mean that you can't think some anti-hero or villain is a kinda cool character. It's not real. It's fiction.
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So basically "masculinity bad" in so many words. Feels like nobody can get right to their fucking point anymore. They have to make it long-winded and pretentious.
Just because media preaches something doesn't mean that you HAVE to agree with it. The media is controlled by criminal, globalist bankers who lie and deceive for their own benefit.
Media illiteracy is what the globalist controllers call it when people object to and resist their propaganda.
>post gets a ton of replies
>le free thinker shows up towards the end to epicly own the rest of the sheeple
every single time
just admit you're jealous and wish it was you who had those (you)s
Women’s entire worldview is based around sex and their holes, and whether they will deny access to those holes
The men in power trying to tell the men without power that trying to attain power is le bad. If it's so bad then how come those in power are so happy and content while most people at the bottom are so miserable?
Yeah, and it's just reality, even the most glorious reign ends, even the greatest ruler or dynasty eventually decay and fail. It resonates with audiences and we like to see it rather than find it unpleasant cause it's a universal truth we recognize as something that's been part of the human experience since the beginning.
What decays the soul is living as a pleb in a diverse, "woke" modern society run by criminal bankers and their corrupt minions. That's soul-crushing.

Having power is great. In real life people are very happy to achieve it, and having it comes with a ton of benefits and privileges.
"Power is bad" is a meme pushed by those with power.
This is one of the modern young woman mindset. They’ll condemn toxic masculinity blah blah, but the only guys they’ll give the time of day to are ones who put other men down with sharp insults and mockery. It’s wild. I’ve had to learn to be a bit of an assholes in social settings, because if you don’t, other guys will just use you as a target. Because in the modern day, barbed words are how men show strength, and despite whatever bullshit they say, women of all ages still absolutely place exponentially higher value on strong men
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>empty empty empty
Been there. I had to start fighting back despite not liking insulting other people. But it was the only way to make myself respected. On the other hand, with women I am much more restrained, although I have seen that guys who are unafraid of poking at them tend to do better socially.
Uh women bros..?
animals just sometimes eat or neglect their young to death, and that's intelligent animals
there's no reason why humans wouldn't have the same error
>literally any and all institutions of progress, productivity, laws, standards, harmony, anything ever, were built by men
>women still believe things like this

Their arrogance is utterly unchecked. If you want some insight as to how "matriarchal society" looks check out black Americans.
she is. breaking bad is 90% a power fantasy and 10% a morality tale. and the power fantasy is much more tangible and fun than the morality play, which is just an imaginary story so you don't really give it any weight.
It works in my favor as my best friend is a black chick with an unchecked ego powerful enough to command other black women with unchecked egos. She apologized to me once after I called her out, which is a once in a lifetime thing.
You are genuinely retarded.
Give us the full story?
no, he's right
he's absolutely right.
Bait used to be believable
Dual income households still trying to hold on to a semblance of traditional nuclear values in an era of 2nd/3rd wave feminism and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
The word you’re looking for is “bloviating.”
>Men have an opinion
>5oyboy Redditor: oooo I’m sensing da nisogyny oooo
>complely leaves out the damage walter did
>authors write the same series twice to make their points about that more clear
Sure are a lot of statistics thrown around in this post. Not much in the way of evidence though.

I’ll give you a good take, since you’re incapable of conjuring one up: the greatest enemies of women are other women and themselves.
based EFL chad

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