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What an idiotic premise. Couldn't they have just made a normal sports film?
The pursuit of excellence in your chosen field does not require that field to be a spectator sport
*taps drum with a stick*
haha yeah no one would do that haha...
but the underlying messege is undermined if the chosen pursuit is creation of incoherent nigger noise
you're right, niggerball is MUCH more important than music, fucking retard.
sports are gay. art is forever.
Why are people so afraid to admit jazz is just noise? We've reached the stage where we can openly say bagpipes sound like absolute shit and that this haka dance looks fucking retarded yet jazz gets a free pass. It's OK to say the emperor has no clothes.
jazz is not music
Whiplash is an awesome movie. One of the few movies to really change how I experience life day-to-day.

Please go ahead; the last thing I want is the masses to start putting their dirty hands all over the art forms that I love.
You people are like parasites, you infect every discussion with your retarded ideologies and suck all the fun out of it.
Yes. 99.999999999999999999% of the population can't tell the difference between a master jazz drummer and someone that has been playing casually for a year. Even most jazz aficionados can't tell the difference.
Either ignore them or use them as a springboard to deliver your own sincere, appreciative, and non-retarded thoughts.
>Why are people so afraid to admit jazz is just noise?
Because if you have just a smidgen of knowledge on how to play, you realize it's not noise
Only way to get engagement on this shithole is to be combative and annoying.
You gotta believe in something bigger than yourself to succeed, bozo. Sitting around jacking off to Chinese cartoons and pictures of "girls" with penises won't cut it, jack.
I like when the Maori gets all the NZ whites together in a group and make them do the Haka Dance as part of a huge group humiliation ritual. It's especially funny when they're doing it in a stadium in front of an opposing team and everyone just looks at them with pity kek
If you don't play an instrument you have no right to voice your opinion on movies like this. Civvies have no conception
Is that nigger playing an Eb7#11?!?? No you can't do that, my retard brain can only handle consonant intervals and 3 notes at once or I'll go fucking insane!
you sound like a skin flute virtuoso
that's literally a good thing. it would be retarded to give up your passion for the sake of others.
>americans so mindbroken and utterly cucked that they think only blacks play sports
It's more poignant precisely because it's in this niche interest that only weirdos like him or his instructor even care about in the first place
His family at the dinner scene couldn't give less of a fuck about his music career, even if he played a big concert hall, so he was able to dive into it because he now had a surrogate father figure to please in order to find acknowledgement, since he clearly thought his actual dad was a loser
>"So what is my job?"
>"You're the backup drummer!"
>"Oh... so do the rest of the musicians have backups?"
>"Nope, just the drummer to cheaply add a rivalry to the plot."
>One of the few movies to really change how I experience life day-to-day.
how so?
Brilliantly put.
They have first seat and then goes down. You only need one drummer.
There’s a backup for each instrument generally incase one of the chairs has an issue. Those are just not relevant to the story being told.
>"I... don't kn-"
>"MOTHER FUCKER! AHHHHHHHHHH" *Throws chair at head, pulls down pants and violently shits on the floor. Smashes windows, beats off furiously, rips off clothes, rolls in the shit and cum. Punches a baby in the face.*
>"Actually you played perfect but I was really yelling at you because you didn't KNOW you were playing perfectly and didn't have the balls to tell me, the guy whos entire job is to monitor you and tell you when you are fucking up, that you were playing it right. So pack up your things and leave, you're out of the band."
I heard the sequel wasn't very good
I never saw this movie even though I play, I always heard it was a corny movie
Hobby violinist here. There are only a few composers worth destroying your body for. Yes, composers, not nigger mumblers.
It's kino
>art is forever.
Reddit sentiment that you hopefully (for your sake) didn't think about at all. Some aspects of music last, but not the ones the movie is about. The characters don't write music, and there's no attention given to any type of recording. Andrew's art is ephemeral. Whiplash focuses on greatness, not art.

Sports include too many other things that would confuse the meaning. In a sports film, Andrew would have opponents he has to defeat, and we would know that he would be rewarded for his great performances with heaps of money. He would seem to want to be great as a means to an end, and not as its own end.
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>there's no attention given to any type of recording. Andrew's art is ephemeral.
You know jazz records exist, right? All the best ones were recorded live.
Andrew's art will absolutely live on.
Meanwhile, a sports game loses all of its value the day after it’s played.
It's a wonderful film. Just see it with an open mind.

As you may recall, the analogy to sports is brought up explicitly by the film, during the family dinner scene.
there is a man doing this for every single field of work because it is in a man's nature to compete to be the best
women do not understand mastery of skills
LE GOOD!!!!!!!!
unless you fail in which case you will be your mothers fault :)
>t is in a man's nature to compete
same reason why your wife fucked the milkman? oh
you want cooperation at that point huh
bitch aids faggot
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>all this hard work and stress just to be background noise at a bar
yes? That's the point of the movie. How far are you willing to go to pursue greatness? You're probably some lazy fat fuck who doesn't have any skills whatsoever.
>How far are you willing to go to pursue goyimness
jesus fucking christ
how many of you signed up back in 2001, be honest
>Laughs in Simone Biles.
the movie is exploring the theme of whether having an abusive teacher is worth it or not. There's a lot of hard-nosed sports coached who act the same way.
sports and music are both cringe. they shouldn't have anything to do with universities. it's just about money
*Deck the Halls intensifies*
are you really that stupid? Switch the role to someone who is trying to be a pro athlete. People would die to make millions and they would go through worse to do so.
Yeah, way cooler to post on some Chinese image board
>abusive teacher
>abusive father
there's a bunch of meta here
>he doesn't know that jazz was invented by niggers
>hard-nosed sports coached
The most retarded form of coaching. They would rather risk their athletes having a career-ending injury during training than accept that their methods were always shit
he wanted to be a famous drummer like Buddy Rich.
>exploring the theme
Thank you for having the common sense to understand that it's a film and not a pamphlet, that the proper way to decide what you think of a movie isn't to ask yourself whether you agree with what the characters say.

Andrew's father isn't abusive, much the opposite. Andrew doesn't find his father admirable because he's too much of a pushover. He failed in his ambition to be an author and lowkey expects Andrew to fail too. He doesn't push Andrew -- he's too nice to him, and for that Andrew chooses not to forgive him.
again, that's your opinion. Nobody really knows if it is a better way of coaching or not. Sports is kind of a bad example since you get injuries which is why they used music instead. Maybe it is a better way and can lead the kids to greatness. That's why the movie is so good because it explores the question.
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Not true.

Also, this movie is dumb and gay, music in general is not very competitive and jazzfags are probably the least competitive of the bunch.
it was invented by jews THOUGH
>i'm gonna be famous like back in the 1920s
sneed, but yeah, i mean the aspect of the oz bald rape guy being the father figure. you probably had a good dad irl. although if you like this guy, maybe not
>americans so mindbroken and utterly cucked that they think only blacks play sports
You'd get that impression watching the world cup
Further proof this is a tourist movie, literally no contemporary jazz drummer is influenced by Buddy Rich.
he was a young naive kid so he didn't know better, but that doesn't mean he couldn't join some famous band or something.
well the point is Buddy Rich was a famous drummer who was the best in the world and he wanted the same for himself.
I play drums and fucking love Whiplash.
>you probably had a good dad irl.
I did not. My dad was an angry, profane man like Fletcher, though unlike Fletcher he wasn't pushing me to do anything useful. Anyway, I feel a lot of sympathy for Andrew's dad; like a lot of Chazelle characters, he's more sympathetic onscreen than he is on the page.

The screenplays for both Whiplash and La La Land assume a greater jazz-literateness of the audience and include allusions to and discussions of a wider variety of artists and works. Both screenplays were streamlined during the transition to the screen, presumably so that audience members who don't know about jazz history don't get completely lost. Anyway, it doesn't matter if Buddy Rich isn't widely influential nowadays; Andrew found him a personal model for greatness, and it makes sense for the character.

>was the best in the world

They should have picked Blakey if they wanted someone with some semblance of mainstream appeal that could also credibly be an influence on a young contemporary jazz drummer.
Good answer. Im glad the movie was about him just playing the drums in his room by himself
Buddy Rich is a more appropriate pick because he fits the pattern of the tyrannical, abusive "great man" that Andrew is clearly so enamored of. It tells us something about Andrew's character.
>that's your opinion.
It's a proven fact. A lot of fighters, for example, don't even spar hard anymore after so many of them were cutting their careers in half just from training like a retard. Same reason why teams don't put everything on the line during shitty games. It's even worse for music because you're cutting the efficiency of practice short by fucking up your hands, they now have to heal for weeks when you could have spent that time practicing. All those Asian kids forced by their cunt moms to play til they cry end up quitting music in their teens
dude, who gives a fuck. These guys are just nobodies to your average viewer and he was just picking his favorite drummer who was also one of the best. It didn't need to be the absolute undisputed best of all time.

Many metal "singers" have to take surgeries because their shitty growling/screaming techniques fuck up their vocal cords. I think one of Nile's former drummers also had to quit because his body couldn't handle the blasting anymore.
I already fucking told you in my post that sports was a bad example due to injuries and you go ahead and use that trying to prove me wrong.
Did you read the last half of my post or just chimp out after the first sentence? I hope you die, faggot
otra coronacion de gloria
Nobody was forcing Andrew to keep playing though. He was doing so voluntarily.
Measurably true. Since hitting your kids became verboten, society has gone major downhill. Case in point: zoomers.
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This is correct. One leads to millions of dollars, worldwide recognition, endless sea of pussy, and millions of adoring fans and the other leads to obscurity even at the highest levels. Only terminally online incels with 0 friends disagree.
Drumming is gay. Just replace them with a LinnDrum
The premise could MAYBE work if it was guitar, but drums? Might as well make it about him wanting to be the world's best triangle player.
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>jazz is just noise
yeah and art is just paint on canvas
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I’m a guitar player and think drums are bad ass and cooler to watch somebody play. Same goes with piano. The most technically advanced guitar players are typically metal guitarists which is gay as fuck and wouldn’t work in a movie. Blues can get pretty technically difficult but nobody is trying to be the best blues guitarist in terms of technique. You also don’t need to have the best technique and mastery of scales to be the best at guitar either. The best guitarists just know how to make good music. Compare somebody like who is insanely technically advanced like Yngwie Malmsteen, who is incredible at metal soloing, and compare him to angus young from ac/dc, Jimmy page from Led Zeppelin, or Jimi Hendrix etc… all the latter guitarists I mentioned are great at the guitar but their music is easier to play than Yngie but they are all legends because their music sounds good and they make hits.

Typically the best drummers are technically gifted no matter the genre.
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are you brown, or a woman?
passion is not difficult to understand if youre human. sorry bro
Are you a fucking retard? Musicians are absolute pussy magnets even if they're just in some shitty garage band. Shit you don't even need to be in a band, just be good enough with a guitar to play some entry level songs and that's enough to impress women who don't know any better(which is the vast majority of them).
The irony is that Buddy Rich never practiced.
unironically african American response

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