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>ACKSHUALLY, it was three strong independent black women that sent us to the moon, chuddie
do the human cattle really eat this shit up, or does their conditioning ever break?
I think many of them know it's bullshit, at least on a gut feeling level (I hope they do anyway)
But even the ones who know it's nonsense will play along with the lie because they don't want to offend the magical negro, God of the modern westerner
Grim times lie ahead
i wouldnt give credit to an electronic calculator for doing my math homework
Eight years later and still crying about it, huh?
Eighty years later and still crying about the holohoax, hub?
>If we make you angry we win
I would like to fuck Janelle desu
There are people who believe black man invented a light bulb of course they eat this shit up
I’m actually feeling very optimistic about the future. This shit is not going to last
fake story
They're constantly reinforced 24 hours a day 7 days week about how any pushback or questioning the civil rights religion is punished harshy by the system. Constant public trials that are clearly rigged(The Floyd trial), constant news stories about "dangerous" racists being brought to "justice" and so forth.

So no, they really do eat it up and ask for more.
this whole thing started because a low-level NASA employee got butthurt about no one ever mentioning her in their biographies and shit so she started telling friends about how super-duper important she was and how John Glenn would secretly only listen to her calculations. Some journo caught wind of it and instead of doing a basic amount of research into "hey is this bullshit or not" they just wrote a fucking biography pretending it was all real
then within 3 years she had a Congressional Medal of Honor, NASA started renaming their bases after her and Disney made a revisionist history movie about her and now she's an American hero that your children will learn about in elementary school as the hero of the space program
>Yes? Thats generally how it works. Also why is some netflix slop making you angry? Don't you have other things going on in life
Oh oh
I believe in 69’s moon landing now
>even the ones who know it's nonsense will play along with the lie because they don't want to offend the magical negro,
No, libshits don't care about the feelings of minorities.
They revise history because they're trying to bring about the alternative reality that exists in their minds. A perfect world where material biological realities such as race and sex are just superficial markers of identity that don't have any bearing on someone's intellectual or physical abilities. They believe that, once they convince the world through relentless media programming, then their reality will come to be, simply because everyone believes in it.

Sounds insane, but this is exactly how societies are engineered by the political class.
>Racists can’t accept history

News at eleven.
I would’ve been fine with this if they didn’t cut out the fact that she had sexual relations with multiple white men
Unironically who are you quoting?
I think you are the one that's angry about this thread, small hat wearer.
super weird considering each calculation would be performed by like 10 other people for redundancy's sake. gotta make sure theres no errors

so no one human computer wouldve given "the" calculation for anything
>nigger complains
>white people hand the whole world over to the nigger
unironically, why are white people like this
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I like how the way they are lined up is basically a subtle inflation sideshow
Literal propaganda
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It used to keep us from freezing to death
1. No one watches jew propaganda with no redeeming value.
2. Blacks go
and clap with their feet.

Van Buren, a kidnapped national socialist created the USA's space program. Likewise, kidnapped National Socialists created the USSR's space program.
The truth is as far from
>some sheboon janitor taught white men how to do calculus
as possible. If Hitler had done the needful and used Sarin gas on the slavs jews sent, invaded the UK, and used a jet to nuke the New York, white civilization would exist on Mars.
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>peanut butter
>space rockets
>videogame consoles
Most Fatmericans genuinely believe 1 million bucks slowly picking cotton built America and they even try to claim a handful of buck labourers working on site for one of the DC monuments construction as proof that apes built America. Incredible.

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