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>Jean-Luc, you will have sex with me.
>Then I will rule summarily based on my findings. Data is a toaster. Have him report immediately to Commander Maddox for experimental refit.
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he must have been fucking. right?
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Pasta al fiorella
The episode where the universe shrank relentlessly until the entire universe was reduced to the ship and a few meters around it is one of my fondest memories. It was fascinating to watch and terrifying to think it could happen.
it's good until you figure out what's happening. didn't need the 20 minutes of her holding onto furniture after giving the answer away
>boomer couldn't think of an original thread again
>fuck it. i'll post a nigger general
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Tuvok was bitten by a Talaxian under a full moon.
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God you fucking faggot will you quit it with this AI slop
red bev
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Self-replicating /trek/s?
How devious.
The Founders will hear of this.
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Found this Pokemon manga panel on Twitter and it’s keeping me awake at night. Does Star Trek exist as a fictional IP in the Pokemon universe? Are there Pokemon aboard the in-universe Enterprise? Does Pokemon exist as an ancient fictional media in the Star Trek universe?
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Beverly :)
I often wonder how Picard would have reacted to losing the case of Data’s personhood. Would he have given up his dear friend to be disassembled and then everyone later died without the android to save the day?
Or would he have told them to take their ruling and shove it?
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Oh Damar, there you are
Picard would have protected Data if that had been the ruling. We know Picard breaks the rules sometimes if it's an important case. He would have assembled his crew and left that starbase and hide out until he could convince the admirals.
Anyone have Riker nudes
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This episode was Beverly Crusher at her finest.
I agree the crew wouldn’t have taken it lying down either. But imagine what a wreck Riker would have been if his arguments against Data worked.
No but here’s several minutes of Jonathan Frakes drunkenly asking questions
Lol why does that work so well
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>ywn clap alien cheeks
>The episode where the universe shrank relentlessly until the entire universe was reduced to the ship and a few meters around it is one of my fondest memories.
The warning from the computer about how the dimensions of the universe exceed the dimensions of the ship was hilarious.
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I like the chick with the mustache on the right. But I'd have her wax that.
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>D-did you ev-er try to prove that a rowboat need-ed-ed being disa-part-ed? I, I did once. Robot was muh fren. I had to do dat shid....
>best friend introduces me to TNG
>he's a Crusherfag
>I instantly become a Troifag
>we fight over this constantly
It's fun
Did she have roles in anything else? I'd have hired her.
mogs your space bound starships
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You're laughing, the station is about to blow up and you're laughing
Porthos and Clint Howard. Based episode
Why did they even land on that stupid classY planet in the first place?
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I liked Janeway's delivery when she ordered them to land the ship.
iirc they needed to perform maintenance that couldn't be done in space.
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Are they stupid? They could have got down a lot faster
>It's a big dog admiral episode
So does he just skip season 2 because Crusher’s actress was fired and then rehired?
No, he laments
>this would happen if Beverly were here
Riker looks like Bluto from Popeye
Can you explain why they had to crashland on ice hell? Why couldn't they just end up orbiting the planet or slingshotting their way around it to come to a stable orbit around the star?
I love how the matte makes this planet look like a TOS planet. How did this CGI manage to look so much better than ENT CGI though?
Kek imagine Crusher in Elementary Dear Data. That was the only episode that used Dr. Pulaski well.
>Ugh. Fine. I’ll play along with the stupid robot and the stupid cyclops’s LARP. But just this once!
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>mfw cbs shills have finally abandoned /trek/
They abandoned it so hard that the last episode of STD is STILL not summarized on Memory Alpha. It's been a whole month.
Same reason you can’t instantly stop or turn a car when it’s going too fast, retard
But that applies even more so to fucking crashing your starship into an immovable object rather than using gravity and the atmosphere to brake your ship.
Paramount could delist all of STD from P+ tonight and it would take years for anyone to even notice it was gone. What a monumental failure of a television show.
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>Target the orphanage.
They were thrown out of control, retard. They didn’t have enough control to pick where they crashed, retard. Why do you always post the dumbest shit retard.
Warship Voyager is the most kino mirror universe content, and it isn't even set in the mirror universe
Thank god. Now I don’t have to avoid these threads.
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Oh well. In other trek news, S3 of SNW has wrapped filming and is in post!
SNW is genuinely good and only people who can't wash out the bitter taste of STD hate on it
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When they thought Dator was dead in The Most Toys, Peacard was sad for 5 seconds before telling Geode to stop crying and instructed Riker to find a replacement. Then he read a Shakespeare quote to sad music but he was laughing inside with a huge erection.
brunt, FCA
the last Star Trek season before the series goes on hiatus while Paramount tries to find a buyer.
good riddance, havent been able to stand more than 2 episodes of the new shows because of how terrible the writing is and how they just rehash old trek episode plotlines
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>They're evil because... they wear gloves
Yeah that was such bullshit.
>My beloved Second Officer, who has saved us at risk to his own life countless times, has died.
>Oh well, where’s that Klingon who I allow on the Bridge? He can be the new Data.
And then when Data came back he was just like
>Ah, there’s my android. Onto the next planet.
It’s one of my lowest ranked S3 episodes.
>that episode where Riker fucks a non-binary alien who wants to identify as female
Unironically you couldn't make this today

In TNG he almost always fills the role of "guy who asks obvious questions" so it makes sense that someone took that and made a whole tv show about it.

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Big talk from the kind of /biz/sounding midwit that thinks AI is anything other than a signal to noise pollutant, and that Blockchain is anything other than techbro idiots reinventing the concept of the deed . Fuck off back to R*ddit to trade your ape NFTs, faggot.
>S2 Picard: Data is a sentient being and a valued member of the Enterprise crew, you can't treat him like an object, that's tantamount to slavery
>S3 Picard: Shit my robot's gone, need a new one
Dianna Troy keeps sensing images of mom's when I look at her
I understand that they were trying to make a point about capitalism or whatever, but how retarded do you have to be to wake up 300 years into the future and your first priority is to contact your stockbroker and see how your business is doing?
The Picard/data friendship is a movie thing. Nutrek “writers” only watched nemesis (if they watched anything at all)
/biz/ "people" have always been that way. Tulips are the future, brah, windmills are for pussies and the Flemish.
>wake up after a year
>you know it's a year because that's what you planned on
>they tell you it's actually 300 years
>you immediately believe it without any transitory period where you still cling to the hope that this is all a lie and it's only been a year
I'm talking about TNG, not Nutrek. Picard defends Data in the TNG S2 episode "Measure of a Man". I realize there was probably some confusion since I wrote "S2 Picard" there's a Nutrek tv show called "Picard" where they run around 2020 Los Angeles fighting climate change and immigration, but I try to pretend that show never happened.
He woke up on a spaceship that's clearly a million times more advanced than anything he had in his own time. It's like if you fell asleep on a sailboat at the Battle of Trafalgar and woke up on a USN Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. Unless you're retarded you're going to understand that it's been a lot more than a year.
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There were plenty of mentor/mentee scenes between Picard and Data during TNG’s run. Data very much saw Picard as the father figure he never had. I personally love all the scenes where Picard gives Data acting lessons Because the actors are clearly flexing their own classical training.
I understood what you’re saying. I’m saying it’s weird they treated Picard and data like such friends when they were mostly professional. Data and Geordi would make more sense.
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He's Frozen Wall Street Man. Of course he's an idiot. He had "terminal cardiomyopathy," aka a bit too much booger sugar. The Young Offenhouse actor was a dreamboat, though.
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God I hate this episode so god damn much, if it was part of a mirror universe then it would have been great, but it portrays itself as being part of Voyagers normal timeline and actual history, but the Doctor appears on the ship after this episode like normal, so what was the point? What were they thinking? Did I miss something? Did they have a throwaway line somewhere stating that this Doctor was a copy of the real Doctor?
>Did they have a throwaway line somewhere stating that this Doctor was a copy of the real Doctor?
If transporters don't kill you then why would this doctor be considered anything other than the original?
The human brain is genuinely shit at dealing with large amount of change in a short amount of time. Just dealing with the sudden lose of a loved one is enough to ruin a person mental state to the point of them having to take several months or years to fully recover from the grief. He's going through that except with his entire world is gone. Even as he's processing the information he's not come to terms with the fact that he's penniless, alone and ignorant about even elementary school level stuff about how the world works.
Then why was Sonny Clemonds so laissez-faire about it? Could it be that Offenhouse is just ... LE BAD AT ISEKAI?
it's a classic episode and has some excellent dialogue (though the "THE BLACK LADY IS TALKING ABOUT SLAVERY" bit is a little eye-rollingly unsubtle), but I just cant get over the fact that the central premise just doesnt work.
>data wants to enroll in officer's school
>they have a trial in which maddox argues against it and loses
>Data enrolls in and graduates from starfleet academy
>Maddox: "Yeah but like...is he a PERSON though?"
Motherfucker he's had the ability to order people TO THEIR DEATHS for decades at this point, yes he is a fucking person, it was decided he was a person the second it was decided he could enroll in officer school.
>Did I miss something?
The portrayal of Warship Voyager was shown to be a local holohoax and the presence of the Doctor's backup hologram caused that planet to realize their historical record of Voyager was completely wrong.
>replies to bad trolling
I like typing.
>Then why was Sonny Clemonds so laissez-faire about it?
Sonny reverted right back to his old behavior as well, drink booze and watch TV.
>Did they have a throwaway line somewhere stating that this Doctor was a copy of the real Doctor?
pretty much exactly that, yes, basically a backup harddrive got stolen by the aliens in that episode.
But we got to see a similar situation with that episode where they bring Scottie back, he'd been "asleep" for 100 years, and the worst thing he does is get blasted on Guinan's magic green alcohol and annoy Geordi a bit
Not to mention find low-mileage pit woofies and make them a memory.
Yes, Anon. We all agree the episode was a logic black hole. The premise falls apart under even the most basic scrutiny. And no court would operate like that in the real world. But it was still very well written and acted once you get past the lack of realism. That’s why we’re still talking about it almost 40 years later.
It was better than any of DS9s mirror universe noise. The dynamics were so much more interesting than the standard voyager crap.
Scotty has been through weirder shit.
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>the Enterprise encounters a primitive, misogynistic civilization
>they have to teach this civilization the values of gender equality, by force
>all the primitives are black
>the climax is Yar beating the shit out of a black woman with some kind of spiked ball glove
It's a fucking miracle that this show didn't get cancelled in S1 lol
nigga I STILL would.
>Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part. The Face first grows lank and Wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower parts continuing to the last as plump as ever; so that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old one from a young one. And as in the Dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of Corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal and frequently superior; every Knack being by Practice capable by improvement.
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In Trek News, we are now just hours away from the premier of 20 all new S02 episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy.

Let's fly!
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no thank you
I'm excited
This episode plus Angel One are why I hesitate to recommend TNG to my friends who also hate the modern state of television.
>Just keep in mind it’s an old show and some of the early episodes have aged very poorly. If you don’t like where an episode is going in the first ten minutes, you can skip it!
>It gets much better I promise!
I’d be very surprised if those episodes are still played in syndication.
you would be, faggot
Angel One is great, where the solution to the episodes dilemma with the female matriarchal society is for Riker to mansplain to them lol.
Pluto TV has a channel that just plays every TOS/TNG episode in order on a loop 24/7, and they kept all the "problematic" early TNG eps, like "Naked Now" the whole crew gets drunk and the women turn into sluts.

Tbh if you want to get your friends into TNG, tell them to skip Season 1 entirely.
Alternatively, get better friends
>tell them to skip Season 1 entirely.
Yeah I've never really understood the fuzz when you tell people to do this. If you like the rest of the show you can go back and watch it after finishing season 7. most people who saw the show would've picked it up around season 3 and 4 as well since that's when it really picked up in the tv viewers. Its made to with this kind of viewing in mind.
I like my friends, but considering that each episode has like a 45 minute runtime, if I showed them Naked Now and Code of Honor back to back, that's 90 minutes of absolutely atrocious television. They would have to be absolute saints to continue powering through the show after that.
ribbit hates code of honor with a seething passion so much that if you DON'T say it's the worst episode of all time then you get called a racist
In a few years we'll finally be able to get some good new Trek content. AI is our only friend.
Pretty much everyone agrees that it's one of the worst, if not the worst, TNG episodes. You don't have to pretend it's a reddit thing just to be a contrarian. Take the race thing out of it and it's still a garbage ep.
What I hate about it is that they treat a vaccine for some disease as a scarce, irreplicable substance akin to latinum or spice melange. Nigger it's an inactivated or weakened RNA segment. You can make it yourself. You can make it from the actual fucking plague virus or bacteria. Unless planet Racism Prime is somehow secretly a microbiology research powerhouse, the entire premise of the episode is stupid.
>black skinned aliens have a tribal culture
>this is racist
lmfao do they even listen to themselves?
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>AI is our only friend.
Your only friend is retarded and useless. Twinsies, I guess.
i watch star trek
I think the point is that in the episode, this aggressive, tribal, misogynistic culture also happens to be entirely black. It's just a bizarre casting choice. The episode is terrible either way, but making them all black just adds an extra layer to it.
>encounter at farpoint
>where no one has gone before
>the battle (maybe)
>coming of age
>heart of glory
>skin of evil
>the neutral zone
are all necessary S1 watches, "the arsenal of freedom" is goofy but I like it, and everything else can be missed, but there's a lot in season 1 that's actually pretty decent.
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people never screamed about code of honor being racist until about 10 years ago
they just said it was a bad episode
the race factor is a recent thing
"The Race Factor" actually sounds like a season 1 episode title.

Code of honor is now called "the race factor"
I always liked The Arsenal of Freedom, I think its the first one where the entire crew is part of the adventure
it is a bad episode. being black doesn't suddenly mean you can't be associated with tribal concepts. People applying their liberal biases with a fictional setting. Switch the white cast of Justice and black cast of Code of Honor and people won't even flinch.
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But is that Arsenal episode good for proper Gooners?
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I'm sorry to even mention him, but Will Wheaton was calling code of honor racist all the way back in 2008, almost 20 years ago. Also, again, the episode still sucks on its own merits.
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I miss Trinity
Wil Wheaton is a fucking faggot but we all know this.
all of the magazines I have from back in the day never mentioned it being a racist episode, simply a bad episode.
>Captain, according to the ship's computer it appears that this "Arsenal" originated from East London, around the historic Woolwich Arsenal used by the military of the British Empire, an extinct Earth civilization.
>But they claim to be from North London?
>It would seem so, sir.
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deep cuts for dumb sluts
>STILL not summarized on Memory Alpha
Lord Jesus.
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Is discovery season 5 good
Anyone else just skip the Lwaxana Troi episodes? TNG is top 3 favorite shows of all time but I skip every one of her episodes
>tfw I paid for Netflix just to play it on repeat in the background
I don't care if Prodigy wins, I just need that fat McMahan faggot to lose.
About as good as getting a catheter.
I hate time travel stuff, but I've enjoyed Prodigy so far. I hope they don't fuck it up.
My only concern is it tying into other Kurtzman shit.
>I just need that fat McMahan faggot to lose.
A television God like Big Man McMahan doesn't lose, He just experiences setbacks. He will always be weather, more successful, and better in bed than you.
He'll be out of work real soon, and that pleases me.
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>The Federation needs frogs like you, Trekpu - frogs of conscience, frogs of principle, frogs who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect frogs like you from mean anons that don't share your sense of fun and whimsy.
Most people here stopped watching around season 3 if not sooner. When season four aired people were mostly just talking about lower decks and completely forgot about std.
I've never watched any of it. I read an article by some shill that S5 was a good one but I don't trust them.
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>people were mostly just talking about lower decks
Just (You), faggot.
>still stuck in delusional PTSD mode over seeing cartoon images about star trek
>cartoon images about star trek
I don't mind Prodigy shit. It's nowhere near as cancerous.
this is an actual scene thoughbeit
>final season
That should have been Season 1. What a horrible trainwreck.
Data wasn't Picard's "dear friend".
Bonafide Beverley classic.
> Muh empowered wimminz in space.

It's shit.,
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It's TOS made by people who hate TOS for people who hate TOS. Also everyone looks and acts like a porn star. The series itself is horribly overproduced and ugly. The writing is juvenile.
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> I just need that fat McMahan faggot to lose! Abloo bloooooo!

Oh dear. Anyway.....
Everybody outside of Pike speaks like a sarcastic retard in SNW. It's grating. Ortegas makes me want to rip my eyes out. They're supposed to be Starfleet officers. Even fucking T'Pol in Enterprise didn't undermine Archer as much as every member of the crew in SNW does to Pike.
>another show that won't get made
Oh dear, indeed. Good to see you back, shill. Surprised you're still here considering the shitstorm at Paramount at the moment. It's possible that the company won't even exist in the next few months, they don't have a CEO anymore and the stock price is an all-time low (again!). It's fair to say that NuTrek is finally over (for real this time). Everything I predicted came to pass.
If I were the NuTrek shill, I would be embarrassed to show my face around here after all those "hit series" got cancelled in the last few months.
Now that the dust has settled and NuTrek is dead and buried, what went wrong? Let's have a workshop.
>If I were the NuTrek shill, I would be embarrassed
If you were the nutrek shill, then you would be happier because nutrek puts smiles on faces.
STD was made and Paramount managed to ride the streaming wave + covid timing. Now that's it's over, their shows aren't profitable anymore so they're hitting the eject button. Turns out when you don't take the material seriously and appeal to loyal fans, Viewers just leave when they get bored. These companies managed to kill Marvel, Star Wars and Star Trek in the same 5 year span.
Too many ugly actors
None of the shows had anything interesting or original to say
Soulless cash grab shit
The crazy thing is they could have done really well now that Star Wars is pure cancer if they’d made something, anything, that had a spark of inspiration this could have been a renaissance for Star Trek
Now it’ll just be remembered as garbage that was less engaging than the Star Wars sequels
> Member when I said Paramount went bankrupt? That happened. Member when I said all Star Trek conventions were cancelled forever? That happened too! It did! It did!
The show got canceled. You've got nothing.
Royalties and residuals
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> You've g-g-gah-got nothing! *sobs*

How are those DS9 Blurays coming along. Almost done?
And autographs at Trek conventions
Oh, wait… nutrek killed those
I find it genuinely amusing how just year year every shill out there was saying that Kurtzman Trek is the new "Golden Age of Star Trek," and now it's 2024, and pretty much all of NuTrek has been unceremoniously canceled.
I mean, what else is there? 20 more episodes of SNW that may or may not get made? A direct-to-VHS movie starring that one Asian lady that will probably get scrapped for tax purposes? A show about Tilly in a timeline no one cares about?
The shills are just one ESL from Estonia who spams retarded shit here
enterprise-B story or tos reboot branching from snw
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Estonia is the spiritual home of Star Trek and Picard S2 confirmed it. Only filthy Latvian scum would drop their donkey cart handles to type such chicanery. May your juniper berries forever be moldy.
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>How are those DS9 Blurays coming along
I genuinely don't know, AI upscaling seems promising. But it seems that people still remember DS9 all these years later if they demand Blu-rays. As for your lesbian Star Trek cartoon, I think it got forgotten already. Or maybe the marketing budget is just not there and all the astroturfing teams got laid off. By the way, they put shit up for free on YouTube already, and MY GOD, it really is shattering ALL RECORDS.

So, what's the spin this time? Five seasons was always the plan for Lezzie Dykes? "The show wasn't cancelled and it just ended naturally?" That's what we're going with?
Ah, the Discord is here.
Everyone pack your bags and move to a new thread.
>Ah, the Discord is here.
Who cares? NuTrek is done, they're out of ammunition.
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> And autographs at Trek conventions.Oh, wait… nutrek killed those toooooo!

Oh dear. Anyway....
Request denied, ensign. Steady as she goes toward the Bumplimit sector.
>less than six hundred views in nine hours
Damn, I buy cheap figures like the Imperial officer character from the new Obi-Wan show and sand down her hebrew nose and paint her with lighter skin like Xenia Onatopp and sell them to Star Wars groups and they get more views than that in half an hour. That is fucking bizarre they would leave something as shameful as that up and not just outright delete it.
>Paramount went bankrupt
It's not dead but it sure as hell ain't alive either. The company will be acquired by some hedge fund in the next few months and the rights to Star Trek will get split up again. Which is probably for the best.
Nobody wants Deep Slop Nine. If Prodigy does well, and that's a big IF, there will likely be Voyager BDs. Cheers in Space isn't even in the running for third price anywhere in this world or the next.
Why are you dickriding nutrek like this? What is the point?
To troll you, idiot. Stop responding to it
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>That is fucking bizarre they would leave something as shameful as that up and not just outright delete it
Brother, if shame were a factor with NuTrek, Discovery, Lezzie Dykes, and Shitcard would get canceled after one season. These corporations always double down until they can double down no more.
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>, I buy cheap figures like the Imperial officer character from the new Obi-Wan show and sand down her hebrew nose and paint her with lighter skin like Xenia Onatopp and sell them to Star Wars groups
Ayo holup, I didn't realize the dumb coomer community was such a cash cow. What's the margin on making literal fetishes? Which one of your regulars is the next Chris Chan? Have you considered a stop motion erotica onlyfans for your action dollies?
Sure but usually they try to hide the numbers.
The first episode is sitting at 2.2k views right now. The second has about half that, the third half of that. Even as free background noise nobody wants to watch it lol
It's a marathon, not a sprint :)
It's literally one of the discord fags getting bored and fucking with people
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Appeal to popularity from the kind of contrarian who automatically stans Pulaski and Dukat just because it's counterculture. Don't have a dog in your fight but avoid fallacies. Jack out
I don’t mess with sculpting yet. It started as a hobby then people started offering me money for it so I quit my day job and just paint minis and fucked up toys.
Working up the confidence to fix a Ro Laren figure and sand off her gorilla jaw. Her hairline is also painted so I’m debating on sculpting the hairline lower or to add a headband.
I find it hilarious that the kind of people so insufferable that they enter a forum and everyone else instinctively dog piles on them, are the kind of people who assume it's some sort of grand orchestrated conspiracy against them. Like how is that cope actually better? It just means instead of hating you as a simple unthinking reflex, they put *time and effort* into hating you. How is that cope of a theory actually an improvement over just owning up to being unpleasant and obnoxious?
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how come the same guy who was posting all that nutrek marketing shit was also shitting on shogun
was he triggered by WMAF kino?
Fuck off VF
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yeah but what are the profit margins of simple sanding turnarounds compared to like, high effort sculpt or bjd work? It seems like a cash cow given the audience demographic
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I think you need one of these.
It'll go up tomorrow. The YouTube view botnet has off on the weekends.
They're called minis
Yeah they kind of jumped the gun by showing the other side with Wesley and the Traveler. Would've been better to keep the mystery until the end and maybe have a montage explaining how Wesley got her back afterward.
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*Lower Decks chant begins*
But enough about DSN
>the cancer is spreading
Welp, I thought it genuinely killed xirself after the lesbian cartoon got canceled.
Sanding and painting can take between an hour and an afternoon versus building a bjd figure from scratch that can take between three days to a week. Repainted Star Wars toy heads is a weird corner of ebay, custom Mandalorians are selling for $100 a pop, and most of them have thick splotchy paint everywhere. When you’re used to tiny figures an inch tall going to a six inch figure is like working on a canvas the size of a barn, it’s by far the easiest and most profitable of my side hustles. Even dudes who just do headswaps are getting $50 from people who just love filling shelves with Star Wars people.

I’m really hyped for someone to scan the old Playmates figures and make the parts printable. I’d love to take a swing at painting those. Under the shitty paint apps are some pretty cool sculpts and if you can take them into blender and get rid of the joints they’d be neat statues.
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> VOY.
> NuTrek.
People are scanning toys?
And making scenery for them.
The anon on /toy/ who makes scanning and printing threads sneaks into his university’s lab at nights to run the scans so it isn’t something super accessible at a high resolution yet, but give it a few years.
Game Freak is gonna be around in the 24th century making holodeck Pokemon games and they still can't code them for shit
Anything after TNG is NuTrek SLOP!
On one hand it's not contradictory for Picard to not be as emotional about Data's death being the captain but he is more callous about it than he is about other major deaths in the show (fake or otherwise). Shit I think he was more upset about Tasha dying than Data
Wheaton is such a massive fag he makes Takei look straight
Shit, he even makes you look straight.
How'd you know I was gay?
>Wheaton is such a massive fag
He's servile gay, like the eunuchs of old. He relishes being used, sexually and otherwise. It's literally pathetic.
Still waiting on those Riker nudes
i always thought star trek was for faggots but i saw a clip with quark and now im interested
is deep space nine good or is it just out of context clipbait
Deep Space 9 is kino, but it takes a bit to get going. Seasons 3-6 is great TV
You're posting in a star trek thread.
They’re too broke to bot it
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shiggy diggy
how can you even be a fag for just one of them? the whole female cast of TNG is extremely good each in their own regard
>extremely good
Didn't care for neither of them
Big hair does something to me
>Oh Damar, there you are. You must listen to this delightful joke Thot Gor just told me about a drunken Cardassian suffering from “Kanar dick”, now stop me if you’ve heard it before
>Trip causes a third gendered character to commit suicide
Holy based...
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What is there left to talk about? They cancelled my Lower Decks.
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Having the aggressive tribal culture be white isn't very believable.
Yeah. I don't like her character and she's in terrible episodes and I don't think that's a coincidence. Troi's Mom = I watch Green Acres or Hogan's Heroes on MeTV for that hour block instead of All Star Trek on Heroes & Icons.
>Even fucking T'Pol in Enterprise didn't undermine Archer as much as every member of the crew in SNW does to Pike.
T'Pol never tries to undermine Archer, she just offers advice based on her sense of logic in opposition to Archer's faith of the heart. When he makes a decision she supports it 100% because he's the captain.
>extremely good
for cooming, yes
Bumping this - She is beautiful
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/trek/ alumni here, how are things going?
Terrible. They cancelled the one good show and Star Trek is teetering on irrelevancy again.
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That good huh?
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ENTERPRISE is underrated. There I said it. Especially after watching Discovery and Nutrek slop.
nooooooo O'Brien stop wearing thaaaaaat!!!!
Better than Voyager. Voyager is a snoozefest outside out of a few great episodes.

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