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How do you respond without sounding mad?
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My depression stopped me liking it long before you showed up, sweetie.
By posting a shitty bait thread to 4chan

Oh wait no that makes me look really mad
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>why do you hate trans people?
>you will never get what you think you had back
profoundly ironic
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you will never look like what you think your doctor said, and that's a good thing
I dunno about how not to sound mad, but at least I didn't ragequit my gender
>spiteful unhinged post
>tranny flag

Jokes on you. I always wanted Jews to completely lose their influence over white people. I'm loving every second of it.
How can you take hobbies "away" from someone? It's true things I was interested in have moved from where they were when I liked them but that doesn't take them away from me. I still play vidya and paint miniatures and draw even though all are basically opposed to my personal politics, I just don't support them financially and pursue third-party alternatives
Media consumption isn’t a hobby, it’s a passive experience. Hobbies are activities and no one can take those away from you. A hobby is something you do with your hands to make something new. No one is going to tell me I’m too intolerant to do woodworking.
>we forced you to NOT spend buttloads of cash on inane shit you didn't need, and now no one will financially support those products because queers and nigs are numerically inferior and don't care about this shit anyway
>also we are forcing you to be frustrated and feel attacked so you WILL slide towards the far right
as far as kike psyops go, I can't say I understand what's the desired end result of this one.
you WILL lathe the dildo, bigot
All cool hobbies and activities are still just normal guys hanging out
It’s the same thought process as the retards who go around saying they “ruined” a franchise or series with a shitty installment as if that retroactively makes the thing you thought was good about it before suddenly bad. To them, anything of poor quality that is tangentially related to the thing they like can somehow impact everything in that sphere because like I said, they’re retarded.
This. Actually. People really need to be spending their time making things.
my hobbies didn't disappear tranny
My response is simply this: who is better off?
>a delusional tranny who uses the astroturfed influence of corporations to hijack hobbies and thus steal them away from us, and also seal their fate
>me and mine, who still have the divine spark that God gave to man within us, and are constantly attacked and ripped off for it, yet have infinite capacity for creation whereby we can supplant and even surpass what has been taken from is
What's with autists and painting miniatures
I have my old stuff and don't watch or buy new media and I pursue physical exercise instead. I am healthier and happier
It’s easy to wreck shit. They’ve made that imminently clear. There’s no art to anything they do, I’d be like that Kali Yuga schizo and say feminine powers are running wild so suck a dick or whatever but there’s no purpose to that. It’s simply a tiny artifice, nothing special, much like the world in general. Passive distractions you partake in to delude yourself while the illusions wash over you. These thoughts and words are similarly nothing. They are a negation of your puerile whines.
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Yeah, just like your cock and balls!!!FACT!!!
Whats that troon talking about whos trying to take cycling away from me?
It beats being a deeply unhappy machiavellian narcissistic psychopath like the person in OP's pic is.
I'm ever so sorry I don't quite know what you mean
Wtf did xhe do to piss off a Mexican guy that badly?

It's more about trashing things that people enjoy so that they won't get anything new that isn't garbage which is what they've been doing to every movie, TV show, videogame, comicbook I.P./franchise.

This is why they hate physical media because it's something they, at this moment, can't take away from you and/or alter it to spite you!!!FACT!!!
Called him latinx
To be fair, the anon who made the post in that screencap is pretty retarded for not realizing anything Nintendo and speedrunning related is absolutely stacked to the brim with loony troons and has been for ages. It would be way more shocking if he joined a Metroid discord and watched GDQ and there WERENT tranny faggots all over the place so that’s kind of all on him to be honest.
Why would a man wearing a dress try to goad the entire human population into violence?
Is this part of the whole tranny suicide thing?
>Why would a man wearing a dress try to goad the entire human population into violence?

He learned a lot from jews
>No one is going to tell me I’m too intolerant to do woodworking.

This is literally happening in the knitting community
This did happen to The Sopranos with The Many Saints of Newark although.
Look I hate trannys just as much as the next guy and almost as much as the lesbian community but holy hell that dude ((you), I’m hoping because why would you save this from someone else) is beyond triggered. Imagine going to Discord and watching AGDQ and getting this mad there’s fags around, those are fag central. That’s like going to a 7/11 and getting mad there’s some Indian dude behind the counter.
You will never be a woman
They will keep doing this until you start killing them by the way.
I wouldn't say a single word, I would wait until the tranny hanged himself and that's what nobody else did.
This is exactly why they remake things with the same name. In 20 years all people will be able to search for and remember is what they rewrote for the future to see.
Now that all our consumable media sucks and is made by people who hate us I guess instead of watching TV and playing vidya games all day we're just gonna have to start networking IRL with other like-minded whites and doing outdoor activities like survival training and marksmanship.
>it's not happening conspiracychud
>ok it's happening and that's a good thing
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I can't fucking parse this shit
Metroid is a /pol/ approved game, i've never seen a tranny talking about Metroid
I don't know what theyre trying to say herew. Are they a guy who became a girl or a girl that became a guy?
How about I don't?
You are the troon
>my hobby is sitting stationary and watching a screen
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>lgs owner allows troons to do their trooning at the shop
>it dies in a month because the regulars fucked off elsewhere and the troony toons dont actually buy the products they want to ruin
it gets funnier every time that the lesson is never learned
That's it? Projection? Guess I don't have to do anything and just keep enjoying old media.
>enjoying anything
you would think that if these people were actually so afraid of violence like they claim they wouldn't spend all day being belligerent and antagonistic.
This bot's broken.
it's twitter
I heard a bit about that, could you tell us more?
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>They will keep doing this until you start killing them by the way.
It's not like you can legally force transpeople to not shop at your store.
>making fun of troons makes you a bot
But everyone makes fun of you
it's x, stupid
Can someone translate this into English?
he's not really wrong, but no big change is going to happen during market highs. gotta keep plugging away till we get a bunch more societal degradation. use your time wisely.
you can be denied service anywhere for any reason but no one's willing to "get canceled" over telling these mentally ill retards to fuck off
Shit I didn't know that. You are right. My bad.
It's pretty stupid to be upset over this. If you use discord you are going to be surrounded by trans people. Because where else will they go? Outside?
You often share the same spaces because you are the same autistic people.
either way, it's on the internet, which places them out of harm's way, which is why they do that instead of going and getting themselves transitioned into actual vegetables
>other people's misery brings me joy
yeah, you're the villain
>you can be denied service anywhere for any reason

You will bake the cake, bigot.
incel is the only one that works so I have adopted it myself during 4chan battles
Stop pretending to be me
>Why would a man wearing a dress try to goad the entire human population into violence?

spiteful mutant hypothesis
>which places them out of harm's way,
not really
also they're like this in real life, too. I've worked with them.
Still not committing a FEDeral crime.
>not really
how so? where do i go to kill the person in the op tweet?
This is what a porn addiction does to your brain.
No one has a sissy dubstep hypno issues boomer
I do.
>he's not really wrong
Same office?
Sure. It started off on accident. First you were looking for the biggest dicks. Then biggest black dicks and chicks then you took the woman out, you want to taste it, touch it smell it please it starships were meant to fly
The solution is to get a "hobby" that has a barrier to entry. Whether it's skill or money or esoteric-ness.

Back in the days rich people had stuff like Polo or expensive country clubs but thats an example of a money barrier.

The OP is probably talking about video games, thats an example of something anyone can do. "gamer" culture has been mainstream for like 10 years or more now, and to add to that moe and otaku culture too.

It is too late to complain that the people who would have shoved you in a locker or made fun of you for having a gameboy are now 31337 PC gamers playing dungeons and dragons warhammer and watching moe.

Individuation through consumption is capitalist brain-rot anyways.
Could this guy signal any harder that he hates his own life
it's actually pathetic you faggots are that worried about glowniggers. i bet they spend a lot of time on the movie board

t.passed top secret security clearance after getting six month 4channel ban for saying i want to kill and torture glownigger children
>for like 10 years
Yeah, you're too young to be here. Try closer to 40.
>i bet they'll just get bored and stop
Don't care still voting Biden. Trump is gay.
I made the post he's replying to. Who are you people?
both are gay, but if biden is more likely to get us into a war, we should go with biden. need a lot of dead soldiers to cry over with a conclusion that is a lose to get us further along
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Can't be trans and annoying if you're fucking dead lmao.
what grinds my gears is that they insert their shitty ideology into everything
All Hail the Blood guy for blood alone turns the gears of history. Praise his scythe culling the weak and lucky, the eternal harvest of life feeds more fleshing for futures to come!

Riding with Biden
Hail the Blood guy!
Biden is a house nigger and I hope he has a fucking stroke.
>I X just as much as Y
fun fact to any newfags reading this post, anytime someone talks like this you can safely disregard anything before the "but"
>they don't care about here bro
Yup now you've really convinced me.
I vote for Trump in a battleground swing state.
idk what to tell you but i would assume i would be out of a job if they did post here
while trannies hide watching DEI wish fulfillment fantasies, everyone else goes out more, enjoys life, will elect trump and put them all in camps
yeah sounds like real success, they can stay with their resentful misery
With all due respect, I think you are wrong and stupid

Very funny. You're still going to hell, though.
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>No one has a sissy dubstep hypno issues
i'm going to back to not voting in a battleground state
If your "hobby" has been taken over by troons then it wasn't a real hobby to begin with. Video games and movies are not hobbies, they are pass-times.
i'm genuinely a contractor. want to see a picture of my piv card with a nazi coin next to it?
Did you post that expecting people to actually read it?
Did you not read what I wrote? Just because Saints of Newark was dogshit that doesn’t have any effect on the quality of the original run of The Sopranos unless you’re a complete brainlet.
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at least my dick is still attached to my body, you will never get yours back :^)
I'm not laughing.
Ahaha you got me, I just LOVE trannys hehe! Doesn’t everyone?
The ironing of being a newfag “giving advice” to newfags. You goobers are a riot, never change except please do for your own sake
I do that with series all the time, it's not like the nu star wars means you can't enjoy the old movies.
Infact the old fans will probably outlast the newfags only they won't be funding it anymore
I'm straight but I'd fuck a cute trans girl as long as they never left their house and told no one.
Holy fucking hell did you actually use the phrase /pol/ approved? It was as a self deprecating joke I hope.. right?? And to add to that
>game is “/pol/ approved”
>never heard a tranny talking about it
Dawg, if you’ve seen discussions about it on /pol/ then I guarantee you you’ve witnessed it discussed by many troons
Yeah that’s the big gripe I have with many users of this site on every side of every topic. Some people are so autistic they’re incapable of having a conversation that isn’t about their religion or politics or gender identity or race. It’s super gay
I already believe the government shills here. It doesn't need further convincing, demon.
Metroid is /pol/ approved and you will never be a woman
Are you doing that humiliation ritual thing I keep seeing people talk about on here or are you just goofing around
>trannies insert their ideology into everything
>actually no it's everyone but troons who do it
Why do you retards lie so much?
No i'm being honest, men can't become women you need to look up what chromosomes are.
Wait, i thought the woke intentionally ruining everything was a chud conspiracy?
Just wait and they will kill themselves.
Science, math, and penicillin these are all the results of white supremacy. They need to be eliminated from society to ensure a just future and transBIPOC liberation.
you don't engage with things that you don't agree with or like
you accept that those people exist and will always exist and move on
just produce and consume things that you do like. that's called voting with your dollar
Lol this.
Why are trannies such terrible people
Sounds like market freedom. Literally what the Nazis were about, pure free markets with no interference from the government
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K but you're still a dude
You would be too if you knew you were lying to yourself and refused to admit it
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There’s two things wrong with your question. They’re left wing, so they aren’t people to start with and secondly their state of being horrible is a default condition of being left-wing.
Never heard of the political pendulum. What do you think happened to all the hippies who honestly thought their horseshit was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Then were a fucking joke not a decade later.
>inb4 hyper-religious cunts are burning trannies and faggots at the stake and I'll be like, "Hey ... no ... don't ... stop ... well, I've done all I can."
my hobbies are digging ditches, repairing combustion engines, and bare knuckle fighting. i dont see how that will be stripped away from me
I live in their head rent free so I won already
Not my problem
I do not give a shit what trannies on twitter posted years ago.
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simply get a hobby not on the computer. trannies are such mentally ill dopamine addicts that they're incapable of dedicating themselves to a real craft, they need constant distraction and reassurance, most have too much social anxiety that they're too scared to leave their apartments, which is why they act like such tough shit online to compensate.
Yeah that’s true, and? Doesn’t change the fact that you unironically used the term “/pol/ approved” how embarrassing
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>without sounding mad
>better my hobbies than my life, you walking statistic
>Anon 卐

>it brings me so much joy to know that you feel like you're not a woman

>you will never be what you think you were and that is hilarious
Where did I say everyone BUT troons? Troons do it too, sorry I forgot them in my list pal but you have quite a lot of gall to be calling someone else retarded kek.
You sound mad that /pol/ is always right Doreen
OK, you didn't asnwer the question though, why did you lie? No one else but you fags do this
Recently I was at an event for a medieval group thing, and they were doing fighting demonstrations. There was a 6'3" tranny man thing who went by Lady someshit, and was the most man looking of all the men there. It also beat the ever living fuck out of every other woman it contended with, because it is a man, not a tiny woman.
Then it screamed victory screeches constantly, while the crowd and its fellow medival enthusiasts just awkwardly didn't look at it.
Must suck having to accept creatures like that when you just want to larp as a knight or whatever.
Pretty sure if you kicked someone out just for being black you’d have a lawsuit on your hand
I simply don't care because none of these people are enjoying anything they peddle.
Plenty of fags and fag haters alike needlessly espouse their opinions constantly no matter what side of the discussion they’re on. Loudmouths come in all shapes and sizes. Why are you being so disingenuous about that?
Why would I want to not sound mad? I am mad.
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>/pol/ is ever
I checked out years ago, crotch void, do whatever you want
>right wing incels are an invasive species
The comparison is very valid. I'll probably borrow it.
Because no other group does it as much as troons, why are you still lying about that?
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This is the type of people that ruined their own miserable lives and simply cannot cope with it so they try to ruin it for every body else. I sadly know a lot of people like that and they are mostly leftists.

that is true
it is /v/ related but recently valve MANUALLY banned a fuckload of bots and botter accounts that were fucking with the game for years and turns out literally almost ALL OF THEM were third world trannies that spent their who lives on discord and going into every single related TF2 website and ruining it for everybody

One day i hope the 41% becomes 100%
>twitter bans bots
>it's almost all trannies and site becomes less left-wing
>TF2 bans bots
>it's almost all trannies and community becomes less left-wing

Can't wait for 4chan and reddit to ban bots
heh, these guys aren't even experienced dnd players thinking they can comment?
>and reddit
You.... go there?
>nobody does it but trannys
>actually nobody does it AS MUCH as trannys
Keep backpedaling, sure.
i like playing on midjourney
yea they are wieners about the rules in public rooms but you can get away with a lot in private.
but of the people who share their personality seems more than half are gay or troon. then another quarter are 50yo boomer libcucks
they're mtf (born male transitioning to female)
they got mistaken as ftm (born female transitioning to male)
they just said they were a normal dude because they're manmoding
>nobody does it but trannys
I said only you fags lie about it, you said everyone but troons does it, then said sorry when I called you out, here >>200711602

Try and keep you story straight next time you stupid faggot
>tranny getting off on destruction
Many such cases.
Lot of hoops to tell people they're mentally ill
You didn't hear? One of the Super Metroid devs (character designer) said Samus is a newhalf.
why did you pretend you wanted an explanation then nigger
slit your negro-cock-addict throat
Trannies try to insert their ideology into everything tbf
You're a porn addicted virgin, pajeet
Da fuq is this new faggotry?
Again wise guy, I didn’t say everyone but troons. Sorry again I forgot them in my brief list of examples of things people won’t shut up about but you really need to get over it. You’re beyond help lol
from this day forward i will never help another soul again
you have robbed the earth
when you hang yourself an angel will get its wings
>why did you pretend you wanted an explanation then nigger
you've fallen prey to a classic 4chan bluff
never explain!
You will never be a woman
>What's with autists and painting miniatures
Have you tried it? It's super fun although you need to have, well, an autistic level of attention to detail.
>When your tits are in the biohazard bin.
And there it is again kek, this website clearly isn’t doing good things to your brain
It's nice to have a physical representation of the time you spend on something. I can't be a raid fine but you turn off the TV and your accomplishments literally don't exist.
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Where do you even find this stuff? No, seriously. Do you browse r/trans for content to post here as ragebait? Chuds are a weird bunch.
Do you have any kind of documentation to support this claim?
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>We're too pathetic, talentless, stupid, and incapable to come up with anything cool or interesting or timeless or lovable or worthwhile ourselves.



Honestly, corps already ruined entertainment by turning everything into a soulless cashcow IPs that they milk with committee mandates and decisions. Fags haven't done much more damage; they've just continued ensuring things are total forgettable cringe shit.

It brings me even more joy to know that no one will ever care about some fagged up version of whatever entertainment property like they care about the originals.

Fags will never have their own Aliens, or their own Back to the Future, or their own Robocop, or their own The Thing. Fags will never have or be anything worthwhile. They'll just shit up already expired IPs with their shitty writing and cringe gay soap opera shit.
All the bitch ass fags responding to this. Yeah sit down stfu and take it from the trannies. Good idea. But no matter what you do dont feel strong emotions about things you hate. That means you loose the internet right? Don't respond btw you will sound mad.
why did you use AI to turn that black guy into the TF2 engineer?
>people can't tell if it's mtf or ftm
Confirmed for fat and short
>If you use discord you are going to be surrounded by trans people.
Where does this idea that discord is full of trannies come from? I've been using discord for nearly 10 years and I've seen exactly one person claiming to be trans.

You know trans people are less than 0.1% of the population, right? You're not gonna find a lot of them unless you actively seek out trans groups and why would you do that?
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obvious bait thread
kek nice projection
um the mens room is that way
It's always miserable people saying things like this
>everything is about trannies
the conservative brain virus
I know right? "D&D products"? Mate I already have the 3rd edition rulebooks and monster manual, what else do I need?
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My hobbies don't attract mentally ill troon freaks so I'm safe.
... so?
This isn't *about* trannies, though. Are transpeople not allowed to have opinions?
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>you will never get what you think you had back and that's hilarious
At least I don't have to say this about my cock.
That's an actual evil mentality.
notice how it's always
>you need to kill them
what, you're not gonna help with the killing, you're just gonna shitpost from the sidelines? Very brave
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They can never take my memories and they can never force me to like the trash they create. There is no version of the future where they get the win they want.
>Are transpeople not allowed to have opinions?
Because trannies are le dumb and bad!
Definitely not mad just confused as to why someone expected GDQ and Discord to not be full of mentally ill faggots. It’s par for the course
They can't have a pussy either
they live in bizarro-world
>In the 1994 JapaneseNintendo Official Guide Book for Super Metroid, a number of biography cards were published about each of the members of the development team.Hirofumi Matsuoka, one of the background artists and a designer for Samus in the original game, answered one of the questions (which asked if there were any secrets of Samus that only he knew) with the statement"Samus isn't a woman. As a matter of fact, she's actually a newhalf."Newhalf(ニューハーフnyūhāfu?)is a Japanese slang term used to refer to transgender women or transvestites, roughly equivalent to the English slur "shemale".The sincerity of this quote has since become a source of heated debate;
>Some fans have cited it as canonical proof of Samus being a trans woman.
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if that was a swastika in their name field instead of the trans flag there is literally a 0% chance you would not comment on it, and you would be completely justified in doing so. miss me with your lefty gaslighting shit. everyone understands that if you have any kind of flag attached to your x (formerly twitter) name you are speaking on behalf of that community or that cause or whatever, just like if you identify yourself as "joe schmo, lead developer at xyz games" you are understood to be speaking on behalf of xyz games when you tweet.

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