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>bombing of German civilians and other white people is Le COOL and BASED my dude
>this show is like a cinematic updoot!
what did they mean by this?
OP also cries about drone kino from Ukraine
>redditor openly outs himself as being a retard liberal
how did the sting of Thursday night’s loss feel? still seething?
What sets apart white people dying in a war in Europe during WW2 from the other thousands of years of conflict the continent has known
they all died fighting the wrong enemy, keep in mind France and Britain were the first to declare war
Maybe surrender if you don’t want your cities bombed?
imagine being this delusional and retarded
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>Sure I might have invaded Poland, but I didn’t DECLARE I would haha aren’t I such a peacemaker
Germany started a conflict that it fully knew Britain and France were treaty bound to act upon.
Poland literally welcomed Germany in, if they were worried about invasion why didn’t they build any fortifications or trenches. Many polish worked closely with the Germans
Better than voting for a convicted criminal KWAB
>phone filenames
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the show was decent but nothing close to band of brothers quality. would've been much better if it solely focused on the bombing missions
I hate this series. So Hallmark/Lindsay Lohan's holiday special. None of the Brits can convince as Americans. Nate Mann had the best written character.
>Poland literally welcomed Germany in
I already forgot this show existed and that I watched it.

Why didn't it leave a lasting impression like BoB or Generation Kill?
>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them.
>At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naive theory into operation.
>They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

Uh, based?
The grandchildren of RAF bombers are getting gang-raped by Pakistanis.
you're brown
I dropped this shit after 3 episodes. Biggest disappointment of the year.
>they all died fighting the wrong enemy
Germans have ruined Europe every chance they got for millennia. Anytime European's try to have something nice, Germoids destroy it for spite
>Europe (1914)
>Europe again (1939)
The allies should have genocided every last German to free Europe from this eternal plague.
op is brazilian and sucks mega cock
German's are worse than Jews. They also invented communism in the 1500's, then invented it again in the 1800's, and intentionally weaponized and unleashed it on Europe.
Dresden was based, just don't send rockets over London. It's not hard.
>Germany started a war they fully knew France and the UK would declare war if the Nazis invaded Poland
This is a-historical. Hitler was surprised when war was declared. He'd been appeased up to that point and assumed France and the UK would acquiesce since that's what they did with Czechslovakia and the other pre Sept 39 aggressions. Hitler is a dumb faggot and I reject the talmud, but get your facts straight.
honest question - can you actually speak any French or are you just a moron?
Neither Britain or France accepted or recognized Germany's annexation of the rest of Czechoslovakia, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about acquiescence for. So much for your complaints about ahistorical narratives.
>Hitler was surprised when war was declared

The whole Poalnd false flag again
God you lying faggots are tiresome
This is why we simply physically remove fascists
They lie
>Hitler was surprised when war was declared
Hitler was a naive faggot who kept trying to convince himself the eternal anglo was any different than the jew.
He overplayed his hand so bad that he got 10 million Germans killed for nothing.
You ever seen Uncet Gems? Hitler is the Ratner character but not Jewish, obviously.

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