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Now that the studio is going bankrupt, will Netflix snatch the rights to make the Ur-Kino?
commie game
This game wouldn't translate well into a show/movie and we know Netflix would just fuck it up and make some slop
How did it go bankrupt?
It's literally a picture book. Your dialogue, set design, costumes, and script are pre-built for you. Why would that not translate? This isn't a game with branching narratives or choices.
>"acquire" studio through possibly fraudulent means
>fire the complete creative and programming teams
>create zero new products with your company
What was the point? Getting the company cheaply and selling off stock and assets while deliberately tanking it? Escrow trick? Net worth value inflation?
They actually contacted me during their writer search in late 2021, but ended up not working with me because I do not live in the UK. For what it's worth, they were extremely pleasant to deal with, but looking back it's really weird that all the interanl struggles and the firing of the actual team wasn't public, so I had no idea I was essentially speaking to a completely different company than they pretended to be
How would they portray Harry's thoughts advising and talking to him in his brain? Those are kind of very important to the game and the lore. Also, not much really happens in the game until the end, it's mostly just talking to people and getting information from them
Will it be retard-proof?
Not really, actually opposite, communists are all hypocrites or retards
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Every ideology is made fun of in the game
you're a naive idiot chasing a pipe dream
you're a racist woman hating retard
you're a fence sitting retard who supports the foreign governments that bombed your city to hell and do nothing to improve living conditions while profiting from your misery. Worse than every other ideology, including fascism
>ultraliberal (libertarian)
You're a pathetic loser who sucks off rich capitalists while being poor as fuck

It's supposed to convey that politics in the game are just a coping mechanism for Harry to forget getting pumped and dumped by your bitch ass whore girlfriend. You just woke up from an alcohol induced coma with amnesia and you expect to start building communism out of the blue with no knowledge of the world just like that?
The religious worldview is the only one not given a shakedown
I might be wrong on this since I didn't pay close attention to the religious stuff in the game but if I'm not mistaken, religion actually helped contain the pale and stop it from spreading which is why the original settlers in Revachol built churches on top of the pale anomaly(ies) they found, but secularism has reduced the role of religion so much that it can't contain pale anymore and the Moralintern chooses instead to just suppress knowledge of the pale to not cause panic instead of actually doing anything to stop it (hence, the police raid on the church and Harry being recruited/probably abducted and killed by the Coalition in the moralist ending)
I played this game and it seemed very hackneyed
I think everyone criticizing it for being 'communist' give too much credit for why some people didn't like it or how it supposedly filtered its detractors
It seems a very universally praised game but from the perspective of someone who's more familiar with screenwriting than RPG writing it just doesn't impress me at all
Playing as an amnesiac was the first cardinal sin imho, it's simply a cliché and one that was supposedly quite tired in wrpgs even by the turn of the millennium
Its obvious use is to have the setting explained to you as a fish out of water but even that seemed poorly handled, every John/Jane Doe you speak to will give you an exposition dump of the very rudiments of reality upon simple request as though every character across all social strata had a philosophy degree before falling on hard times and shovelling shit by the time of the lynching investigation
>But what about the voice acting
They got a lot of talented people to read some of the worst directed dialogue I've ever heard, the jazz vocalist they hired to read Harry's thoughts was easy to listen to and very tied to a core component of the game but when it came to actual characters they just relied on stereotypes like the disaffected teen clerk or the lefty idea of what an amateur scientific racist (from the 2010s specifically) would sound like
I liked Joyce at first, she reminded me of Kay Thompson in a way, until I found she was just a rather unmodified rehash of Thatcher
The game doesn't really reference much other than different RPGs or fotw twitterisms when I know they're above that in terms of inspo and believe I've tried to prove myself wrong on that to no avail
There's just not much different said about a lot of themes or tropes or archetypes from what I've seen from even like minded people as the creators
>But the OST's good
It has its moments but the major of it that's featured in the game or praised online sounds corny as hell
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Reminder that one of the most rational level-headed and likable characters in the game (Lilienne) is a fascist revolutionary
>Reveres the sun as if it were a deity (reminiscent of traditionalist pagan beliefs commonly associated with esoteric right-wing values, is also used to portray monarchists/fascists in the DE universe (Gary the Cryptofascist has a flag on his wall with the old Revacholian suzerainty's logo, which is a sun, and your own portrait adds a sun-like insignia in a Fascist run as well), likely connected to the black sun)
>names her skiff "The Sun"
>wields a sword (like the in-game royalists) (also like Mussolini)
>Shivers explicitly says she owns a pair of cavalry boots
>taught her daughter the word "revolutionary" (and yes, the definition of "revolutionary" used in DE also includes fascism, Call Me Manana calls you one if you choose fascist-leaning dialogue options)
>she's a no-nonsense working class citizen who's skeptical of the union, critical of the drunks around her, and infuriated with the delinquents and criminals in revachol
>titus says that the fishing village staunchly refuses to unionize, likely at the behest of Lilienne and the washerwoman
>Lilienne's daughter hums the overworld theme, which was a tune used by the Revacholian royalist forces
>successfully going on a date with her doesn't lead to her practically opening her legs for you, instead she sets boundaries and thanks you while considering a second bout later down the line to see if you can stick with your sobriety and piece your life back together
>esteems her family above all else
>immensely cooperative with the police, even with the knowledge of harry's recklessness and endangerment of multiple people, including and especially himself
>whereas the washerwoman calls the RCM a bad omen, Lilienne has splash dialogue that says she is relieved to see the RCM
>her outfit's color palette is the same as the revacholian suzerainty's flag (blue and gold)
and she's cute too.
>every John/Jane Doe you speak to will give you an exposition dump of the very rudiments of reality upon simple request
this is one of the fastest ways to get people to freak out and to accidently kill yourself with morale damage
YWNBTLIAFA (you will never be the Lilienne is a fascist anon)
Literally never ever. Disco Elysium was made by a "collective" who all backstabbed each other and the rights for it are in oblivion
>no checkpointing
It has autosaving? The fuck is he on about?
communists aren't naive idiots. they're history's most narcissistic mass-murderers. "making fun" of them for something that's one gorillionth as bad as the thing they actually are is absolutely being pro-communist.
Modern communist sympathizers, especially the "Stalin and Mao were actually cool" kind that plague the internet, are more what the game reflects. The only actual communist you meet is what you described
this is like what Vaushpedos consider a good game right?
Don't be a retard. The game acknowledges that communists killed millions of people too. You're not in position to kill millions, so why would they make fun of you for it? Fascists are just as bad if not worse in the mass murder department and they don't make fun of you for that either. In most conflicts between communists and right wingers that I can think of, the fascists almost always have a higher war crime count
Disco Elysium is Persona 5 for people who make Vaush their father figure.

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