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I've yet to see a movie depict a realistic conversation. It's always an exchange of dialogue where each character can immediately and eloquently express exactly how they feel. There's no cracking lighthearted jokes, no instances of someone misunderstanding or struggling to see someone's point of view, no stumbling over words or nervousness, just perfectly delivered dialogue everytime.
Just listen to a shitty podcast you twat if you conversation.
If you stop talking to autists and you might find that real people can string together a sentence just fine.
>OP just now realizes movies aren’t real life
and why doesn’t anyone on 4chan talk like a normal conversation irl wtf??
this is true and I have often wondered this myself
trying to think of movies where dialogue was actually natural
theres peep show

The opening diner scene in reservior dogs does decent job.
the answer of course is it stems from scripts and literature. the uhms, ers, misunderstandings of complex communications are confusing to the reader and thus to the viewer when a narrative needs to move along. and it needs to move along because that's what creates drama.

I always think I'm smart
My dog isn't autistic
>someone misunderstanding or struggling to see someone's point of view
Top Gun: Maverick
If you start talking to autists and stop listening to shitty podcasts it could change your outlook
There's a very genuine moment between Rosie Perez and that Office Space boss guy in the movie Pineapple Express
the first scene with vince and jules in pulp fiction meets all of those criteria so you just haven't seen any good movies.
but expecting film dialogue to perfectly replicate real life dialogue is stupid because film dialogue exists purely to advance the plot of the film.
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OP sounds like a wannabe writer that thinks he wants to hear people going "um" and "uh" every 5 seconds but if he'd actually written anything he'd know that shit was just diarrhea on the page as it is in real life. There's a reason you don't show the characters on star trek shitting, and if you think it's for any other reason than the fact that "it's shit" then you're a mongoloid.
smiling friends brazil episode. they literally nailed it when they phone called the boss
if i wanted real conversation dimwit i would turn off the tv and go down to the streets
That entire movie, save some moments, is the closest to OP's demands. This scene is the best and most realistic I've seen. I laughed my ass off and felt like a part of the group. It sucks also because it makes the ending much more tragic.
Nobody wants to hear naturalistic dialogue. It would get tiresome real fast.
This. Anyone wanting "realism" in movies is a fucking moron. You go to the movies to watch fiction. No matter how it's stylized, it's still make-believe.
Not a movie, but Succession has really realistic sounding dialogue, probably because the direction was very loose in general.
Try out Trees Lounge anon
70s films had a lot of naturalistic dialogue. People talked over each other and scripted lines would be peppered with little improv bits. It felt like a counterculture new wave thing. I really liked that style and then it seemed like it went away in the 80s and never truly came back. I wonder why.
I like all of these but you guys have serious autism if you think they accurately replicate realistic human conversation. It's a huge critique about Tarantino.
You'll be eating your words when I get a call back on my script.
What's wrong with that car scene? I agree Tarantino is the worst example but in Reservoir Dogs, he really nailed it. Every scene outside of the warehouse is very realistic.
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>uh just give me the Ed McMahon glasses
Ackshually, I do want to see Seven of Nine pooping.
>hey, are you Sydney Sweeney? because I want to fuck you silly.
Sydney Sweeney:
>*does this face*
Scenes that look genuine in movies are rare. I remember that scene in ''Serpico'' where Pacino is shot at by other policemen because of a misunderstanding, his reactions looked like the reactions of an actual human being scared for his life, including the goofy bits, screaming, tripping, etc it looked genuine.
If it was shot in a modern movie you just know Serpico would take care of business flawlessly and then walk away uttering some badass line or something
is that worth watching, never saw it
thats a whole other issue that deserves its own multiple threads
remember Ally McBeal spent a lot of time with characters in bathrooms (wait, I never saw that show, how do I know that)
>Scenes that look genuine in movies are rare.

I was watching the original "thing" movie and there's this scene where a man and a woman light up cigarettes and the woman has to take a piece of tobacco off her tongue. It leaped off the screen at me because it was real. Mundane but real.
watch better movies
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>There's a reason you don't show the characters on star trek shitting

No shit because they beam the poop out. Fucking casuals I swear...
poor Johnny, even has a smoke when taking a dump, can't even take Ginny to Italy
try some boring john cassavetes films
But that's all of them. I don't have that much time I'm just a simple sex-haver.
"muh realistic conversation"

We watch the movies to escape from stupid fucks like you I like that it's better
I find every character speaking in quips, quotes and references to other media more obnoxious. It's as if all movie and TV show characters have an encyclopedic knowledge of everything.
There's never any starting to speak then realising the other person hasn't finished yet.
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>It's as if all movie and TV show writers have internet

Nobody lives anymore. Nobody knows anything anymore. No one is bored but everything is boring.
Watch a prank viteo
There was an entire movement mumblecore but you missed it.
Because dialog in film is used for exposition and to advance the plot, not to sound realistic
>No one is bored but everything is boring.
Too close to home anon.
What about Boogie Nights?
>Too close to home anon.
This is why no one wants to talk to me these days. I am a bubble popper and everyone is super into their bubbles here at the end of all things.
You’re looking into the open frontier. No one has even made an accurate to life movie yet. We can do it.
>movie ends up 6 hours because people are fumbling their words
Dazed & Confused has very realistic natural dialogue. It sounds exactly like teenagers talk to each other. Also a perfect movies in many ways, one that captures the feeling of being young and just fucking around among your peers. The follow-up, Everybody Wants Some!! is similarly kino.
>realistic conversation
no such thing
I think Manchester by the Sea was kinda good at this
You've got to the point you're too intelligent to watch movies, I can tell when the director says "action" in every scene, that shatters my immersion completely and my desire to keep watching
>*screams in wilhelm*
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>I thought you said I was all right Spider
Robert Altman films, his trademark is people mumbling and talking over each other constantly just like irl. The Long Goodbye, 3 Women, MASH, Nashville etc
That's just as unnatural just in the opposite direction.
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came here to post this
soderberg does it well too
>never watched the sopranos
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I have noticed that modern shows have an incredibly unrealistic and sincerely odd way of doing conversations. I (reluctantly) watched Unstable and every single interaction is so painstakingly tailored to not upset anyone or say anything that could be viewed as 'offensive'. I thought it was just the quirky nature of it but no, it's just what entertainment has become: North Korea style bureau of cultural propaganda teams combing through every script.
watch Safdie bros movies
the "not even the fee for the gaming license" scene of the Sopranos
Alien. Also Aliens.
real conversations are boring and awkward and involve a lot of huhs and ums and uhhhs, not exactly cinematic
>real conversations are humoring normies and trying not to let on how dumb everything they care about is.
This thread is blowing my mind. Movies are to escape, well realism would aid in that. It's like people are against accurate dialog. Very strange.

But okay really getting into movies the past few years some that stood out to me dialog wise that felt real, Psycho, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, The Big Lebowski, A Scanner Darkly.

Things that get me are the times I'll think sounds like me and my brother, most of my examples. Psycho hit me as oddly realistic overall, how Bates cleans the bathroom up in a hurry, Marion looking for different spots to hide the money in her hotel room.

I'm with the realism anons. When it looks like clothing just came off the rack it's very distracting.
that's one of the reasons that i wouldn't describe almost any story as "realistic".

because imo it's all fantastical. it's funny to me when snobs are too good for fantasy/scifi but they latch onto drama with unrealistic character development and dialogue.
nah thats pretty close to how boomers shoot the shit.
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The Meyerowitz Stories is brilliant. I've watched this half a dozen times and every scene is just so satisfying. Not only is the dialogue real, the relationships and story is uncanny from real life.
It's not about naturalistic dialogue, it's about having dialogue that doesn't feel so artificial, where an actor's line is a fully formed thought that was overthought and would be clunky in real life. And an exchange between 2 actors comes off artificial. Like seeing the self insert totally win every argument and seeing the other person break down unrealistically.
The whole "mumblecore" genre is just an attempt at this, even if the plot is decent I have yet to see one that isn't totally unwatchable because of how annoying the style of dialogue is with characters talking over each other, swearing too often, and generally talking too much about nothing because of how much they
improv the lines.

Somehow it's actually worse than the sarcastic marvel quip dialogue that's in everything now.
This, and nobody is ever sweaty now. People are all dry and any dirt is painted on.
>Movies are to escape, well realism would aid in that.
It's like you're the dumbest person who is somehow still able to use the internet.
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because films take place in an idealized reality
Mmmm tarantula with salsa, my favorite
There are a small handful of films that have capital-r Realistic dialogue. however, none of them are mainstream. you won't see this on netflix or a theater
He’s *this close* to inventing 4th person narrative.

because real life is boring you dumb fuck

movies are an escape to live vicariously ans see things you wish you could do or say, that's why you nod your head and say THAT'S RIGHT or EXACTLY, because you were thinking it but arent important enough to be the person who wrote or acted the line
>i only watch slop
I used to think the exact same thing as OP until I made some friends in college who normified me, helped me lose my virginity, hooked me up with gfs, etc. Real people from middle or upper class backgrounds talk pretty well, their conversations are fluid and natural. The dialogue in White Lotus felt pretty true to life for me, except the most dramatic scenes.

The reason a lot of anons can't imagine it is because you communicate primarily through text. You think about your thoughts and compose them. You don't train your ability to speak immediately, so you often freeze up or stumble when put on the spot. Normal people aren't like that
You guys have depression btw - pretty classic signs
You haven't watched enough movies. There are plenty of mumblecore movies which are like that. Most of them are straight up improvised by the actors. There are even scripted movies that do it. The scene with Keitel in Taxi Driver is pretty authentic of two guys shooting the shit.
If you're not depressed or angry you're not paying close enough attention
>shooting the shit.
Shut the fuck up faggot
Alien breakfast scene
>I mean, dude you keep bringing up "creating life," have you ever like been with a woman? You know you can like create life with a woman, right? Like, fucking her?
coherence is pretty realistic, but I don't see what's the point?
I'm watching a movie, aren't I?
does /tv/ even watch the movies they discuss? not a single anon mentioned a /tv/ classic like drive.
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the entourage movie which was the finale of the entourage series, a lot of the conversations in those were played to be like real ones
>It's always an exchange of dialogue where each character can immediately and eloquently express exactly how they feel.
You've never watch a single movie in your faggoty life.
It stops short of "everyone clapped" except in that Batwoman show where that literally happens.
>writers deserve more money btw
>Seth Rogan
Absolutely not.
I think it's because real dialogue is extremely boring? I mean how often do people ever talk about something that matters? Do people not in reality just hang out for hours at a time. I accept the way that hollywood dialogue works because they essentially show the compressed version where you dont have to watch the 2h of "hanging out" talk
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My is brain is fucking buckbroken from two decades of depression, trauma, low social interaction, avoiding people, and pushing friends away. I've always had a very good long term memory, but lately it feels like I forget very obvious things, words, names, and I can barely get long strings of thoughts out without it derailing to "i'm going to kill myself". I'm 28, fit and have a good job. Should I start writing papers or something to get my writ back?
Kinos for this feel?
Eric Rohmer, The Green Ray
Get a job where you talk to people. Social interaction is a basic human need like safety and sex.
I was going to say Cassavetes or mumblecore, a lot of it gets obnoxious 5 minutes in. Likely because Cassavetes and others like him over do it.
the only shitting scene i can actually remember that's actually important is with hank in breaking bad.
that, and battleshits
What a load of bullshit.
I too tried to get "friends" in college and hung out with them for two years.
Not only didn't I lose my virginity because they never helped me, they also always talked over each other.
They were hyper successful normies with partners and jobs lined up.
Nobody ever helped me with anything and I stopped ever interacting with them when I realised that I was the one always ready to help others while I was left to rot if I wasn't deemed useful.
Now I am a 30 year old virgin with the only friends I have being other "failures" I know for almost 20 years (my best friends).
Normies are evil and they aren't social competent either, they are just loud and don't respect physical barriers.
Needless to say I also refuse to get a job seeing who benefits from it the most.
No you ain’t alright spider you got a fuckin problem
Sorry that happened to you bro, sounds like your coming of age into adulthood was simply botched by bad people. You got held back from what everyone gets by default. Friends, romance, prosperity, happiness, family. These are the base life case expectations for an average human, you were robbed of life itself.
Watch The Big Lebowski or anything with Anthony Hopkins.
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>me reading this post
rhetoric is important.
the podcast I listen to improve my mind and spirit by being fun, why would I stop?
>say something in Spanish
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bolsheviks really fancy themselves as wordsmiths but it just comes across as low IQ bafflegarble
realism is the death of art, go fuck yourself nigger ass OP
Robert Altman
I think you're smart
You first, bitch-made faggot
>bro i watch MOVIES for le REALISM
OP is a gaylord

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