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TJ seethers edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/raw/MkxawPjr (embed)



>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/yeSLgsLE (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200707363
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you know you can hate both TJ and Tay at the same time right?
TJ looks like a retarded white Kazuma Kiryu
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This show sucks.
Insider here.
Tay is done. She literally walked off into the woods alone and has left the property. We're not supposed to leave the boundary or we could get trespassed so unless she comes back we can't do anything for her.
after the rage inducing Jim face her adrenaline dumping and crying is pretty cathartic
Tj won everything.
Im so fucking hard right now
tj lost because he has neurological issues and looks like a sped
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Now, I wasn't the biggest TJ fan last season, but the way he gets under the skin of anons here, I find it most amusing. Hope we get more dancing, just to make you all seethe.
>Jimmy snorting more
Unleash the Jimbo
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y'all niggas postin' in a JimmyGOD thread
I use scroll of gay guy on this post. Anybody who looks at it becomes gay. I also cast magic shield on this post so nobody can dispel my scroll of gay guy.
Isn't it funny that Vance's S1 greatest moment was RPing as a schizo and yet in the RP season he barely exists
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>what does Taylor see i-
At least two reasons.
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>tayleigh has a breakdown putting a pause to everything

>people are blaming TJ for the downtime
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lmao bex and jimmy have similar builds
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Does Taylor actually racemix?
i really wonder, is this what sams vision for the show was? has he just accepted that he has created the biggest piece of shit ever and has nothing to do but embrace it?
I'm watching for Soda Man, Xavier's gone and the fish all fucking suck. The only thing making this somewhat entertaining are Soda Man's insults
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>jon and tay quit
>jimmy is thrown off after attempting to rape letty
>letty quits
>vance runs out of lives
>woooow i guess it just me now hopefuwwy i can defeat da vampire
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I kneel to TJ btw
>all you will ever be is a friend to her
>*TJ dance music starts playing
>Tai: fuck
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insider here. tayleigh straight up quit. she just kept yelling
>i'm sorry!
and got in an uber. we're trying to get a hold of her mom but i think it might be over.
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The great KING FATTIUS has been bitten by a vampire and, according to MAMA JUJU’s prophesy, will succumb to the evil influence of the vampire’s curse.
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Long live KING FATIUS. The returned king has implemented a new IRS system. Taxes have been raised in a very SUBTLE joke about VAMPIRIC INFLUENCE. REFUGEES now require that contestants pay daily TAXES to the KING.

Daily Quest:
The SOLDIER has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve her dark master. Today she took enormous PSYCHIC DAMAGE from a sorcerer known as Q.
The wandering samurai, DANTE (DJ), has returned - saved by XAVIER - and has joined the party in their battle against the evil king.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
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You broke her
Only four days in, and you guys broke Tayleigh
You even roped production into doing your dirty work, no lame "bombard her with mean TTS" plan
I'm impressed
>tai shitting on zip
on s2 she said she had 3 boyfriends, 2 white and 1 latino
I would watch that
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>Now, I wasn't the biggest TJ fan last season, but the way he gets under the skin of anons here, I find it most amusing. Hope we get more dancing, just to make you all seethe.
What's with Tayleigh and thinking every man is out to get her? She's incredibly paranoid and willing to fly off the handle over minor slights.
The bambo dominican bit is fucking played out. wtf are you thinking Jet
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is this supposed to be funny? because it's not.
One of her boyfriends was hispanic
Paradoxically, the town feels more empty with TJ in it. Need jon back bad
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I understand this is downtime, but TJ is making it as excruciating as possible. I'd rather just watch the other fish sit around and Vance go "yeah."
I fucking LOVE those small tits
FUCK the amount of dopamine i get from that, it feels so good i don't even care if it makes me gay
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tjcord troons still malding I take it
They tried the TTS thing the other day, it just didn't do a lot as expected
Would be too funny to happen
Jon is disabled now
What a fucking retard. Q will never get exposure like this again.
yes just make a spell that he doesnt have to dance anymore or some shit
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are the TJ seethers
>virgins mad he got a hot gf
>ornery taycucks
>self insert jimmytards (unaware you're supposed to laugh AT him)
>all the above
These threads have to be generated by bots right? Even if anyone watched this big brother for retards, they wouldn't post about it all day every day from one thread to another constantly. You can't bully anons into watching this garbage shills.
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Jimmy won
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did he do something to injure it
Jon coming back in a wheelchair would be good shit
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This nigga Jimmy gotta have a heart attack soon from all this bump right?
>TJ debate wars
Dear god, let it end.
stay mad. go watch anime faggot
*hispanic with a lot of BLACK in him
super sexy babe god damn drives me insane what a hottie
trish has a plate already LMAO
shes a dyke

heh, another tjseether broken
It just occurred to me that Im not as bothered by some of the bits that drag out because I keep the tab muted like 70% of the time.
I believe it
Evil Kevin is back
Joe biden and his wife vibes
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time is like a flat circle
They're self-insert Jimmytards
we lost 2 contestants in one day AGAIN. Letty's probably about to pull a Megan too aswell, most likely for the same reasons (scared of Jimmy)
Is it possible that Q and Jordan are the same person? They have the same hair and eyes look similar. Maybe it’s all an elaborate schizo larp to destroy tayleigh’s reality.
Reminder that Jimmy has a hug fetish and spent season 2 trying to hug the women as often as possible when he wasn't throwing things at them
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JET make this happen!

Fat sensei
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would you rather deal with the insanity alive or get lost in a prison of your own creation?
She got brain damage from drinking windex (not kidding)
It’s the closest 4chan has gotten to making a tv show and, because we aren’t willing to pay to use the official sites chat feature, we chat here
steroids and retardation are a hell of a combo. shame cause he was warming into it
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Hilarious. But hey TJ and Taylor are cuteee :)
Wtf is wrong with duanye? He seems severely hungover
Dumbgay is fucking blasted lmao
>Making any of the contestants your self insert

Jesus TJfags really are gay
Mental illness and guessing she had abusive boyfriend(s)
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>Xavier storyline derailed
>Tayleigh is fucking dead
>Jon is crippled
This show was actually promising until this point
Was bringing tj back worth it, jet? You just killed the show
He pulled something in his leg a few days ago when sprinting. The wiggers fed him pain pills and had him keep walking on it so the injury got worse.
Mostly 1, as it's people who believe they're better but can't really explain why their lives turned out worse (no gf, no friends, etc).
cuoar jimmy is quite the hottie!
>blah blah blah I'm a fat fucking retard who gags on many cocks
k keep me posted
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Never let Dumbgay have weed again
if I roll a 3 Jet has to make the #SchittyPoolParty real
Why are they playing the Xavier theme
it’s a joke about you faggots coping
You know what??

Fuck stoned Dumgay too, dudes trash.
I can't wait for tay to come back, look directly into the camera and make a silly face
>The Duke in public in a tshirt
For shame
You joke but I check The Downs regularly (whenever Jimmy is talking)
is literally anybody even watching this?
>sly elliot restreamer went from s2 with hundreds of viewers to 4

is the wigger crew even bothering to actively shill?
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celebrate whiteness
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They got my nigga Dumbgay high as fuck
Jet is close of friends with her IRL to "get away" with actually giving her a swimsuit pool party
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>her loyal (former) taytriots all warned her to not go because the wiggers hate her and will humiliate her again
Why did she just listen?
What happened to Jon?
take care of your body by injecting it with testosterone and steroids
Dr. manslave back in action
tai mogging sam rn
This season has slowly made us all realise how shit the cast actually was
there is no hope for us white males TJ did not win it IS SO OVER
much less
I feel like it's the same 8 guys in the threads this time around
this is the guy feeding xavier the qnanon info
now type that without crying
I've seen vampires hanging out there once or twice just chattering out of character, making a 'game plan'. Only happens at night though before a raid
Nah I actually like TJ and rooted for him in season 2. He's good at improv and Jet needs to let him rp instead of bringing back the "greatest hits" from season 2.
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It was revealed he stalked tayleigh online and they both were asked to leave
You get what you fucking deserve
pick-me's choose their cloutdaddies over sound advice. clout is more fun than staying home and streaming to losers.
His leg injury consumed him.
>Now you need to deal with TJs retarded ass and his smug faggot fans for content

Its fucking over
Why is sam just doing the bane voice now?
God I wish this were true
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She's a retard that thinks she is always right.
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duke is just doing anton voice
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I know she should be dancing around! or reciting Cumtown bits loudly like Brian
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I think this is Sam's best character so far.
because finding a woman to obsess over from an internet show and then telling her not to go on that internet show so you can keep her to yourself is gay
You think testosterone is bad for you?
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sam hit him with his bike, jons suing
Jon thought Xavier was his stalker and went ape shit. Tripped over a chair while trying to attack him and hurt himself bad
nigga has been high as fuck the entire 6 days
it's devolved into S2 but in the woods
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Tay is gone and lubecooch is here and you faggots are complaining. Isn't this what you asked for?
That was a bit
You get to enjoy a week and a half of TJ dancing
so jon and tay are just gone now? are they confirmed gone by production?
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Fire this bitch for getting high,spoiling surprises, and most importantly not being funny ALL WEEK
Dumbgay is hilarious when he's yelling through the house at Trish for hours straight
He just sucks when high
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It's summer. Only fair to dedicate an eps/day for fan service!
how does letty even know about this so called Q character? does she shit up /bant/ too? jfc
I fucking hate Tayleigh so much.
She ruins absolutely everything.
Tayleigh: *ruins your Xavier kino*
Saw a female vampire spinning there once
Another wrote something on the placard sign

I also watch the bunks when nobody is there because squirrels and mice are eating the spilled cheese puffs
Yes, but now I don't like it.
letty got confirmed to lurk bant like a year ago
>nintendo pedo loves the fishtank pedo
no surprise there
The same faggots bitching in here are going to keep watching anyway, just keep that in mind when you read their posts.
that's not what it was about
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goodbye tay
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>jimmy if he was skinny
Tay and Letty were whispering
Trish sucked at it tho, it was mainly him yelling it got super samey.
how do i be like the bottom?
Xavier was one of the better parts of the show, I really hope they don't cut his character
She doesn't, Tay filled her in
Message on the site mentioned the possibility of Jon coming back in a wheel chair
It does cause cardiac issues
That kind of felt like he was ending his time there after a week and swapping TJ in
now that TJ is here they are going to make him the protagonist for another season lol
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based jimmy. he'll get her in the end. the long con
people simp this?
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why is this boring faggot here again?
cole won. he actually won for once
Ok, we managed to convince Tayleigh to not quit but Xavier will have to come up with a different character. Give us some time.
tayleigh confirmed walked off. check twitter
To much of anything can be bad
Ah cmon
Post-Taymaker Dumbgay chained to the wall and
>You fight dirty!
>So do you bitch shut up
were the peaks of s2 post-Cole and Summer
why does TJ make those faces???
TJ looks exaclty like the Great Van Fleet lead singer. Punchable douche face.
melee fanbase is statistically older than any other game
Tay and her bonded over having stalkers obsessed with them. Don't know what that really says about their characters
we need jon. jon is vital to all this
letty was telling tay she knows who he is and then the whispered
Wow they both clean up nicely!
i just wanted jon and jimmy hitting women with sam watching. and betty making fun of niggers. i dont know what this is but im out. have fun.
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>Another week of this
He's one of the best contestants of all time just like tj
actual picture from the future
tard wrangler for jon, he is now redundant
he's a charisma vacuum. imagine replacing Jon with this faggot. You cuck faggots can keep coping and self-inserting as the horse fucker though, have fun.
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Cole always wins
>on Fishtank anyway
Taylor punched his face with her TITS.
when letty confirmed she was going on, she studied up on all the possible players from season 2. she's a gamer
yeah that was p cool, im just mainly mad at Trish, she did nothing
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They won't. At worst he's just explaining everything to Tay out of character and will do his best to salvage the story. At best there's plenty of time for Xavier to focus on other characters while he continues to make fun of Tay.
monkey bounce
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a week and 2 days of this
>wheel chair
t'is only a scratch for our king
That's what I was saying, it really seemed like he was wrapping things up with Tay. He said it was good to know her, said she could take off the ears and tail and give it back, and was trolling about finally revealing his identity. But Tay attacked him and freaked out so it ruined it
Took him long enough kek
What the fuck happened to Jimmy lol
tj was planned since the very beginning, bozo. jon's fault fucking his leg up
Wtf happened here
yuck. hate niggas that look like that.
kek classic Jimbo
a lot of 4s will do that for attention.
This is the chick with a stalker lmao
The Blacksmiths Wife's commitment to the NPC pathing and shit is great, best NPC by far
Tayleigh ruined the show
Jimmy goes in for a rapehug
S1 bros I think its time for you to start Jokerposting or whatever the fuck you call that thing
>Tay, Mauro and Jon are all MIA
God is good
kekek https://fishtank.live/clip/56889
its now up to our beautiful boy Jimmy to carry this season
>TJ returns
>Jon and Tayleigh die immediately irl
How does he do it? TJW
jimmy slowdanced with a trash bag whilst singing to it and everyone clapped
Duanyay got 10 times less entertaining once he got his weed back during S2... he just turned into a zombie. That should be a sign to him that this shit is poison
god i hope dumgay heems himself on that pogo
Not much of a big deal, but Jimmy never says thank you when people light up his cigs and it bothers me a little
Is Bex canonically TJ's mom in S2.5?
he'll carry him around now
this nigga dumbgay frolicking and shit
sexo con bexo
>jon gone
>xavier might be gone or changed
>whole mood ruined
>cant even complain about the jim camera looks
>fucking retarded TJ dancing because HEY REMEMBER SEASON 2
Its over
Letty thought it was some rapper, they whispered so Tay could explained that she thought it was Q instead
I've yet to see anyone give a serious answer about how Jon got injured
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>I just, like, really miss my cockbuddy dood... I don't know what to say.
Tay had a mental break. Similar to Letty's in season 1 when Letty started crying and had to be consoled by Sam off camera. She "pulled a Letty" so to speak
holy fuck shes so stupid
love this old slut
I agree. It's the little things like this that I appreciate the most when coupled with dedication
sam would inevitably get shut down because one of these retards will drown themselves
kentucky dick withdrawl
tai cam bex is putting makeup on sam
Its called content little bro.

And Xavier went a bit too hard with the stalker stuff not even Frank would go that hard
>xavier might be gone or changed
If this is true then Im not watching anymore
it's still so troubling to me that this ugly annoying freak has real life people that obsess over her
Tay is currently having a mental breakdown like Summer did
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>production makes a slight joke about some /bant/ bullshit
>something that you yourself constantly brings up and panders to
>has a full fledged nervous breakdown
Someone explain
A great potential moment ruined by Tayleigh being a massive bitch as always.
xavier confirmed walked off. check twitter
sad tits
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Who thought referencing the stalker was a good idea?
What if Jimmy just started about MARKY on full blast? How did Sam or Jet expect these people to act?
Xavier isn't gone, they're gonna have a dramatic moment where he is killed/written out now that they've introduced his disciple DJ.
kek Tayleigh is such a fucking sperg
she is a professional victim.
abi confirmed walking on. check twitter
Shes the protag you imbecile
>Someone explain
Turbo autism
>No link posted
kill yourself faggot
Tay Lee attacked him
Oh, did that 19 year old programmer thing actually come from her?
I really hope she's gone, if she comes back I'm holding you personally responsible and coming to your house to rape you.
TJ is good played into the RP a lot more than I expected. unfortunately this is a neptune production so TJ wont be able to RP for the majority of the day as nothing happens until 11 at night.
Stop calling everyone little bro you odd'un
He said he was sprinting really fast in the woods one day when it was raining. He's so top heavy that it basically exploded his hamstring
Josie confirmed walked in. check the daily mail
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On night 2 he and Jimmy went running around in the dark attacking vampires
Jon maybe tore his hamstring running in the forest and limped around for two days
He started taking pain meds on day 3
If it gets her out it gets her out, I don't gotta know why
no they arent. They know Xavier is carrying the show
Don Jolly just flew over my house
Insider here. Tayleigh is alright, she's rocking back and forth while muttering "three foot world" over and over until she can return.
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its so over
>little bro
stfu zoomer nigger
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Xavier's replacement is on the way.
We finally get rid of Tayleigh. Now TJ's here. Ugh.
Has Tay still not returned? what the fuck is she doing?

also nice to see that Trish still hasn't learned how to use a pogo stick.
cute trish on the pogo
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season 2 contestants are special kind of unhinged compared to season 1 contestants.


respect the gimmick
woman moment
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blacksmith's wife carrying this season hard
He already left lol just like jon and tayleigh.
They're starting to drop like flies.
S2 all over again.
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she really is a dumb bitch
talk about swapping trash for garbage
how long has it been since we've seen jet, tayleigh, jon, and xavier?
Need Blacksmith's Wife NPC bodycam POV, what does she get up to all day?
Can we get the homeless black man to replace tay? He already has wilderness experience so he'll be helpful to the party
would be too kino
They need to bring in Cole and have him solve a mystery to save this mess. It’s the only way.
not liking small perkies should be a jailable offense
She had a breakdown because she realized production just brought her on to humiliate her and now her reality is crashing down and she has no idea what's real.
sex with bex
simple as

simple as
jimmy is not happy TJ is there
When is Letty gonna fuck the Merchant already? They both share a Jewish love of making money.
Me when tay is finally oit of the show
>That nervous backing away before she lunges
He saw evil in those eyes
Taylor just took off running after TJ and her tits were bouncing for anyone who cares
sounds like he's out for good then
>Xavier went a bit too hard
xavier is back on the menu
Thank god Xavier is back
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too kino for shitgames
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Okay, men.
You have a decision to make.
Tayleigh has stated that for the show to continue, either Xavier has to leave or Tayleigh will no longer appear.
Who do you choose to stay?
Xavier or Tayleigh?
Thank God Xavier is back phew
oh fuck xavier's back, let's go
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>Jon replaced with TJ
name a bigger downgrade
Xavier returns!
xavier is back thank god
And look at that, there he is. Dormers btfo
Respect your protag asshole
if only we could hit her with a "we told you so" tts
When Xavier is speaking I sit my gaijin ass down and listen.
>Xavier comes back
>Tay doesn't
so she's gone, right?
>jon quit
>tayleigh quit
>jimmy about to quit
chuds lost. total reddit victory. cry harder incels.
kys cole
>some /bant/ bullshit
What is this? I don't really follow this crap after S2 was over
Insane dyke
That feud is long over. Jimmyfags hate TJ more than Jimmy himself does at this point
Jon confirmed walked off. check twitter
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Guys, were there Jap-made Mausers, or were they all Chinese captures?
>Xavier's back
show is saved
What a stupid question
Is this even a question? Retard coomer
It's too weird having both TJ and Jimmy there, they haven't acknowledged their animosity, or maybe they did and I missed it
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Season 2 was probably the worst thing to happen to Fishtank
god i wish i could be her
Who the fuck would ever pick Tayleigh?
Bro is that even a question, the crying bitch brought this on to herself
I want video proof of this, slowmo if possible to make sure
Why did Xavier's voice go down an octave
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remember the time Tayleigh dated a girl for two years in high school and said she got "tricked" lmao
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This. Stop acting like the moment itself was the reason.
Xavier slaughtered her with his katana (japanese sword)
imagine jc doing this
Jon is gonna be back tomorrow retard
she was raped on camera dude
>I am forgotten
Vocal cords were damaged by tayleigh choking him

>Xavier shit talking Tayleigh
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>Xavier or Tayleigh?
nigga that's no choice at all
I think tayleigh broke a contract rule by laying hands on xavier
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Xavier twitter
hahahahaha I love when Tayleigh loses
I realized I didn't hate Xavier I just hated Tayleigh and it was running off on him
if trish's tits fall out while jumping on the pogo please clip it
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nobody would pick tayleigh
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The best part about the cigarette fish toy is it forces Bex to come out regularly
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Oh fuck yeah, Xavier is the Player Character.
Lmao Xavier taking advice from tweets
>SeXavier returning in his magnificent horse stance
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Dayyuummmm this hog finna break the pogo
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Some innocent twink stalked her nothing srs
Xav insinuated, he, a 40 year old, was the stalker all along
Tay's gimmick is that she hates age gaps and tried to heem him
You might ask why did Xav do it? He did it because Tay has made bad decisions and lost her fanbase costing production tons of money

It'd explain why she was saying "I'm sorry" over and over again lol
twitter do ya thang
based xavier
someone call xay, xe is crying
He wouldn’t quit
Despite is somewhat serious injury, he’s been sleeping on random dirt patches of the forest each night and has refused to use any bunks
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Vance wept.
Bring back Shinji.
I'd sooner give my ideas for fucking with the fish to Xavier than Jet
>hey Xavier we are kind of out of ideas, could you like ask people for ideas what to do with your character? If we ask again people might say production ran out of ideas. Thanks!
Hes so good
they wanted her to stay but she was quitting and saying
>im sorry!
sam is sympathetic but jet and the wiggers are really upset.
Apologize to Blacksmith's Wife.
nah hes good
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Good. There was too much of that shit in S2 that they let slide.
So is the implication of Xavier /aka production) wanting tips to finish the quest, that Tay is leaving?
xavier ascends. tayleigh must be buried alive as penance
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erm i love xavier
the fact he's clearly an adult is what blows my mind. tay really thought this dude was 19??
that doesn't make sense. Jet replied "it's our fault", they weren't asking her to stay
>Xavier attaching himself to Tai
is there a clip of TJ’s return?
>capable of sympathy
Is there a clip of this Tayleigh happening? I've been busy all day.
>Tay lost AGAIN
Almost makes me wish tayjeets were still around so I could laugh at them
Tai's so goddamn funny
>betty followed xavier immediately
i thought she wasn't watching this season jancucki?
ok it makes sense now. I was so confused
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I love this based autistic nigga like you wouldn't believe
So is Tai the official main character now that tay and jon are gone?
The MDE shill cord is definitely here but most people are shit posting without watching like me
Tay quit.
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Wow it took them this long to realize it was stupid to do the main quest through fucking Tayleigh of all people
always has been
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i feel like sam has done the duke voice longer than the judge voice atp he gave up on the judge voice by day 3
>you turned king fattius now he looks hideous
After seeing them fuck with Jimmy to the point where he was swinging mallets and poking at TJ about lubecooch, why did Tay think she would be immune? Production showed her what they are. It's her fault for coming back and potentially exposing herself to this.
not like she has anything else going on besides sitting at home gooning and lamenting that nobody from FTL wants to interact with her
tay quit
jimmy shit
bitty fit
She thought the 19 year old was Xavs fabrication all this time , it would entail a grown ass man lusting over her

This is mostly /bant/ lore not even Tai or Letty knew, only Jimbo was aware and thats why hes demoralized
well they figured she would try the hardest since she is a bootlicker to authority
Cowboy Medic sighting!
I am sports entertained
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TJ = Xavier
Phone = Tayleigh
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Hey Betty, remember when you were in Cole's chat trying to get attention during his tier list stream and he negged you by putting you in D-tier? That must have been pretty humiliating!
execution by airsoft for tayleigh. as long as it takes.
Did anyone clip TJ dancing?
The duke seems like a funner character to play
Tay still missing... is she gone for good?
Don't get my hopes up you retards. She's just a pathetic husk who will say she's sorry because she had a breakdown and has no self-respect
Sam seems to be enjoying this season far more, yet to see him glare or dip out in anger yet.
It would at least come back every once in awhile. After the Duke's literal first line, Letty asked what his name was again and he said ".......forgot" in his regular voice
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of course she is
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finally some kino
Tay and Jimmy
she's genuinely retarded. his voice sounds nothing like Q either
finally some kino
Juggalo Fatty
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This happened so fast and smooth it seems like an edit
Xavier is the Protagonist
The Duke is the Antagonist
The rest are NPC's, including the fish.
why is she never watching with her discord though? does she hate them for making her a bbc slut?
I'd actually be ok with them bringing back Tayleigh every season as long as they mentally break her and make her quit lmao
What is this autistic shit? TJ needs to start dancing again.
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So... wait... he's King Fatteus again...?
They should really fix the fuckin' audio in the Director cam, it's peaking constantly
>Tai and Xavier team up
Best possible outcome.
he's a Christian theatre boy at the end of the day tracks he would be into larps
jimmy actually seemed pretty happy to see him
The shit banging around while letty walks has a nice beat
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keep that vile wench away from him
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>Weak Duke voice during the day
>Powerful Duke voice at night
I wonder why?
holy KINO
>The rest are NPC's, including the fish.
couldn't agree more
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new kino dropped
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based teej
i love that little retard
>xavier needs help with forming a plot
hopefully this means the beat dyke left
Anyone remember when Xavier kept talking about being a 'son of Sparta'
My theory is that they were all lured in with the promise that this was going to be nothing but a friendtank camping trip. That's why Jimmy freaked out over Abby last night and Tayleigh freaked out today.
>Absolute panic on Tai's face
They Hate for for Jim facing
not funny bro
kek at the pause
Don't even bother to make sense of it. Jet and Ben don't care. You shouldn't either.
>Tai is the new money magnet
>New main character
cap taylor with her goggles pls she looks really cute
HAHAHAH she’s here right now
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based juggalo fatty
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>Jimmy: on season 2.5
>Abi: sucking black dicks in her backwoods bumfuck shithole
Jimmy won.
This would require way too much forethought for the wiggers
yeah check reddit
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It is a friendtank camping trip though? Tay and Jimmy are just retarded
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>Tayleigh gone for hours, now
>not a single person cares
*teleports behind you*
The King is not dressed befitting one of his station
okay this is fun
How would he be able to possess Yamato if he weren't a son of Sparda?
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Sam obviously loves this shit.
why are her and her fans so adament she has moved on with her life?
You can't trust anything that jew broad says
hating tay is reddit behavior
Sam and Xavier having the time of their lives
Was Abby there?
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'After a bloody battle TJ appears to Free Maiden Taylor! He calls himself Dante now, he says Xavier saved him & is a Good Guy..'

VIDEO ON X: https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1807528686234820682/video/1

HD VIDEO ON YT: https://youtu.be/NLrfEPvtTOU
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He thought it was summer. He even "no homo'd" and said he thought it was his wife.
Is there a label for this type of entertainment? Improve theatre?
call it gay all you want but i love this
*Telep-turn the camera, TURN THE CAMERA-teleports behind you*
I care :(
he was a theater kid
you don't have to larp as /bant/, anon
hes more into this scene than he was for anything in season 2
>Jet replied "it's our fault"
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I blinked and the duke was behind Xavier wtf was that
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here is one from the other day
>Important cutscene
>Two players missing
>Tay dies
>Kino ensues
Good day
okay, you can go back now
Biggest pleb filter out there bro

Her look TJ is dancing !!
how will h3 recover from this?
jons hamstring confirmed completely torn.
We either get wheelchair paladin or no paladin.
>nobody even cares jon is gone
I hope tayleigh doesnt come back
Its much better this way
tayleigh still hasnt returned?
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lmao based ben
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>Sam and crew are more into it than the fish
This whole thing was an excuse for them to larp in the woods
Bear is OP
Many people are saying this
>even seethers are asking where tayleigh is
>RP and music stops as rules are discussed
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Every single fish has been shook for hours now. Respect your protag asshole.
Exactly, it's fuckin' stupid when production clearly wanted to make Tayleigh the center stage of this Season as a redemption for the antics in S2 which many perceived to be "too much".
Instead she acts like a total sperg, not able to RP in a single situation being defensive and repulsive to all, and only defaulting to the soiface with cockbuddies in between.
>that was some high-octane shit
fucking Tai kek
Nope, neither has Jon
>The King and the Duke vs Tai and Xavier

In the clip of Schitty where you can hear Tay crying. She was saying "i'm sorry" in between sobs and he replied "it's our fault"
stop with the pausing its chimp tier
jimmy looks so fittingly retarded kek
Honestly it would've been way better if Letty had a breakdown and left since her voice is 10x as grating but I guess she already did that break down crying and having to be consoled by production off camera in season 1
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Tactical as fuck
idk i find it funny
4 u Tayleigh attacking Xav
I've received word that Tayleigh's cockbuddy is being brought in to calm her down.
>alright guys Tayleigh quit the show but don’t worry, we have a very guest as her replacement some of you may know…ladies and gentleman, welcome cryokeen!
I swear I wanted them to shove the director cam in her crying face and give some prime screen-caps
season 2 is the redditor season friendo
Do you have that clip
tai is now a zombie
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I just want to know what happened I've been busy all day but nobody will explain
>Duke has raise zombie powers
fucking based
evil zombie tai. shows over
>Jon was their best vampire slayer
>Tayleigh was the best vampire slayer that didn't have an invincibility glitch

the fish lost.
>Tay gone
>Immediate RP Kino Starts
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there's zero precedent for turning players into zombies. sam is completely fucking up the show
>This whole thing was an excuse for them to larp in the woods
kek it was
>Scott sitting straight up as a zombie
kek that was good
Which one of them smells the worst?
Now that she's gone can we just pretend Tayleigh was never there
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Trimming the fat, so to speak
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damn party's getting wiped
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>sam is 40 years old larping with zoomers
the phone in the pocket is killing me
thanks man
Tai is the best and it isn't even close
Still crazy Jon was fighting all the vampires with that leg
why is xavier not fighting
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Tai will quit soon

He recognized Tay as the rightful protag
was tay now that she’s gone probably jim
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Letty and Tay attack Xavier https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1807515319180894535
This season is pure kino
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Stare into the void long enough and the void stares back
>party wiped

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And lose this ?
wait did the fish lose?
Xavier the savior
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>Tai's complete lack of reaction
letty cam died
Letty said Greg is farting constantly
we should all be so lucky
tay quit so sam rushed the story. this is the climax before the end
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He has to pay charls and nick to hangout with him now after he ruined their tv careers
>they're gonna kill xavier
40-30s set culture right now, we enjoy our 20 something gladiators and clowns
yeah amazing how much people have fun there is when you dont have some dumb jim halpert makin faces all the time
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ab status?
I wish she wasn't a coal burner she has perfect feet
Tayleigh is perfect and she will be back.
fatty looks so much healthier it's amazing
you just love to see it
Fattius too op lmao
clips of tay breakdown & tj arrival?
it's going to technically be considered a failure but will have a cult following of true patricians
is sam trying to kill the show early
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Tai is the best vamp slayer though
im absolutely certain nobody there gives a single shit that Tay quit
TJ is lubecooch
wiggers, if you're trying to protect tay, do NOT end this shit early or you'll amass an army of seethers
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sam is just improvising and fucking up jets entire storyline
Xavier died for our sins
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well we know how charles feels
even when they make her the protag and actively try to give her kino opportunity every chance they get she manages to fuck it all up. she's unfit for the role and unfit for a career in entertainment as a whole.
wait, is jon gone?
Sure feels like it
kek it really does feel like that
What are you a fucking dentist
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Xavier is too powerful
Lmao at fatty charging onto the battlefield and immediately killing tai, letty and soda man. Fool is so OP production had to nerf him immediately.
U wish boomer
Greg apparently
is that why it's shit?
Read the room imbecile
Sam doing his Dr Manslave character.
he completely tore a hammy so he might be back but very limited.
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They can't afford even one contestant to leave permanently
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I'm crying. This is kino
>Letty laid down after her huge explosion like Megumin
fatty ruins everything

desperate for relevancy
these rp fights are embarrassing and cringe

anyone calling it kino is a retard and or a shill

letty's dead armpits though
Who the fuck is Tay?
The official edits of this are going to be good.
hope he doesn't come back
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>she has a long refractory period
i'm dying i love this shit
qrd on whatever the last 2 hours has been?
its kino
this comment is sponsored by ifunny
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they have a huge cast this time. they can make anyone there part of the main crew
also they aren't contestants nobody is playing for a prize lmao
Yea I can't watch it's too cringe
mondomegabits over, invest in mondoguioh
and what even in the prize?
I cried when letty hyper exploded the bandit
what sucks is the whole xavier bit seemed to be pro-tayleigh and they just wanted her to realize she could say no to production
Do you seriously think they have a script they're following and its not minute-to-minute improv?
Tayleigh cried
People died
Based Blacksmith couple
Best NPC by far, made the season kino
Wait Vance was part of the fight.
>what tax sees
When you're younger you think you're retarded like Tj but growing up is realising you're retarded like Jimmy.
now I'm entertained
>fish combat
gay and boring
>Xavier combat
based and kino
simple as
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>thank you love!
Blacksmith's wife is cute
Xev went too hard on Tay

She quit and shows dead. No really.
It's like Tayleigh added nothing to the show and nobody notices she's gone.
lol @ fatty instantly fucking up every single one of them because he's actually good at airsoft
>there has been a completely different battle occurring in the forest that zero people watched
LMAO jet it up
nice sigil satanic faggot
bex y cowboy
Tay was always expendable and the show is drastically improved by her absence.
This would be a moment everyone in the theater would cheer for
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Hang'm high
he only does this when jet huffs too many balloons and forgets to come up with content so sam steps in to avoid an entire day's worth of downtime. it's jet's own fault
Grow up knee-jerk internet puritan faggot
Sending positive thoughts to Xayleigh.
Shut up whore.
need jon back though
imagine if the combat was like a turn based strategy game and the players actions were determined by TTS
That was great
First Fishtank event that didn't need to be a disaster to be interesting
well it's clear that she did, I'm clearly hatewatching her and want to see her eat shit, so it's kino
Did Jimmy call Bex a cockadile hunter?
jon is done, he hung out with production the entire day yesterday
how could we when there are no cams and both body cams were in town
that sounds horrible
If he quits that fucking Vikings accent
I agree. Hopefully things calm down and TJ can do some dancing.
What does Jimmy's numeral tattoo mean?
more like the people playing npcs are jobbing and he went as hard as he could lmao
This is great honestly
I can't wait to bitch about every future season not being as good as 2.5
I agree but these are the same faggots who brought Tay back in the first place and tried to give her the main quest
i would kill myself if i was watching that
I like feet, like xavier but he has shit taste because Tay has ugly feet.
Correct and keyed
Jimmy just called bex a “cockadile hunter”
I can't watch that either
Jet is a drugged out wigger. Sam saved season 2 through sheer willpower.
its a literal sigil what are you talking about
Yep but even thats low key humiliation. Like she doesnt know better.

He went too hard. He insulted her a little bit he did.
Jon is cooked, but they should bring him back in whatever capacity they can, even if he can't fight.
simple and clean is the way that it's making him feel tonight
>Scott and Blacksmith's Wife carried Letty back to camp
dead letty cam getting carried by the wife
how the fuck did he do that?
>players actions were determined by TTS
Absolute hell fire
Cigs are $30
Fred flinstone feet
jimmy panicking
>jimmy is coked the fuck out
nah, it'd be pretty cool, but these braindead wiggers would never be able to pull it off because it'd require rules and planning, but putting actual effort in is beneath them and not cool
XIII - it dignifies his membership in MS-13
>Crucified Letty
Gave me a boner
For a pack?
He's been so real today
didn't go far enough
I heard it too.
This is the people that hate Tay :

Carrying the show on his back along with Xavier
kek based, ya gotta love the Jimster
I bet Jon had coke in his system when he went to get that MRI lmao
Change "sigil" by "nazi" and you will understand how much of a fucking bitch you're sounding like
i bet she has a cute lady peen bros
dead letty looking up at the trees is the shot of the season
weighing more than he used too, not streatching and being physical at some point. i think it was friday morning?
to send one
Literally Kingdom Hearts.

Jimmy has been cringemaxxing his entire life.
trips confirm hood nigga jimmy
he has made a vow to goon 13 times every day
i only hate jon
You like Tay?
Where's TJ?
Wow that's crazy jewish
He and Taylor walked around the campgrounds for a bit then they and a bunch of other NPCs went back to wherever everyone hangs out off cam
where's taylor. i swear to go, if he lays a hand on her.
She was seriously calling that Q guy on her streams and publicly laughing at him, but when that gets referenced she freaks out ?
fuck her seriously, pussy ass behaviour
its not like theyre going to kick her off the show because of this. if she doesnt come back its because she decided not to
His character is an evil vampire trying to kill his brother by allying with the fish and building a shrine to Christ that will be powerful enough to kill The Duke.
Do you yell at your tv whenever a bad guy comes on screen?
Guess that's different to having him actually show up.
retard strength
thats not even a question.X is paramount to the Lore....unless the Lore/Cannon is just irrelevant bullshit like the show. then who cares. if lore exists in this RP then Xavier is the only choice. Is the show nonsense or realsense.
hottest girl to appear on the shitshow so far and they let her leave. ball dropped.
cryokeen you old son of a biscuit. you still doing your new pill channle? i'll buy it for 27 bucks.
considering how fucking stupid she is it wouldn't be too farfetched to believe she managed to trick her every singe day of those two years
shaved armpits nice
dont leave this thread kino kino kino kino kino
Still tracks for season 2
good guy
they're sweet
Xavier pretended to be her real Stalker, she beat him
Yeah weird

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