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How the FUCK did Disney let this be made?
>teehee im not like those other disneyslops you silli bois
Get fucked, still never watching.
So the /tv/ kids would have something to shill positively while still hateshilling all the other slop
They should've ended the season where Andor shoots the other guy after the heist.
You didn't like their dumb little peace march?
Nobody watched it. That's why.
Wait, is that a non-white bi-curious "male"? Why does he have a gypsy's haircut? OH BRAVO KATHLEEN, THANKS FOR RUINING MY SPACE NAZI EPIC. I'M GOING TO REVIEW BOMB EVERY ONE OF THESE EPISODES.
Tony Gilroy said in an interview that Lucasfilm literally forgot they greenlit it until he came back to them with a finished show
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By not being around.
*hits you with the Marva brick
I only watched the 2 episodes right after the heist and stopped after he got caught for literally no reason. The political stuff with Mon Mothma was ok but was a bit too slow. .
They lost their minds after Rogue 1s success.
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Were you in on it?
you're missing out on quality entertainment
It's original and has nothing in common with slop - the show literally starts with the main protagonist shooting an unarmed asshole begging for his life in order to cover his tracks
I was annoyed that there was going to be a prison arc when it started too but it ended up being pretty good
because 1) rogue one was more successful than solo 2) gilroy is a real director.
What kind of dumb motherfucker doesn't want to watch a prison break
I still wish we got the original cut of Rogue One that Disney rejected because it was too "dark and gritty". I really don't like Rogue One as it is now.
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Yeah, it was a bit too bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, the show is good up to the heist. But it should've just ended after Andor shot the other guy after the heist, and that's it.

I just couldn't watch it after he got arrested for no reason. It felt really filler-like. The political stuff was good, but they didn't really lead anywhere after 2 episodes as well, so I got bored.

I just lost my interest, sorry. My time is precious, I rather waste it on arguing with people I will never meet on an online basket weaving forum.
It was kino
It already has a built in ending with our 2 white heroes being blown up on the Death Star.
>directed by a white man
>we're acting!
They were too busy fucking up Kenobi and Ahsoka to notice Andor was allowed to do its own thing.
The point of the prison arc is to give Andor a reason to really hate the Empire. He was pretty indifferent about them before that. Also one of the guys who escaped with him was in Rogue One so I guess that was also their way of connecting him more to eventually joining the rebellion
They thought they fucked it up by making it about a character no one cared about from rogue one and they were right
>diego luna
Sure, but it felt unnecessary, they could've done it better, they could've shot a season 2 for all of this shit with a more focused plot and stuff.

Don't get me wrong, I really liked the overall show, and I hate tv shows in general. I watched it purely because Stellan Skarsgård was in it, and his performance was stellar, as always.
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What "other guy"
Skeen or whatever
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He is an evil terrorist. I am talking about Syril and Dedra.
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Best boy is about to get him some dripping wet imperial pussy before he dies next season at least
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>I just couldn't watch it after he got arrested for no reason. It felt really filler-like. The political stuff was good, but they didn't really lead anywhere after 2 episodes as well, so I got bored.
It was a great highlight about him getting caught up in the ramifications of the Aldhani heist's success. As for you: six years.

Best star wars content made in last 30 years
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How did the whole cast have so much soul when compared to everything else Disney has done
Lmao, so this is what the "good" Nu Wars TV show looks like.
i didn’t know about that but makes sense. andor must be his way of expressing that vision. as far as the movie, it feels the more like classic star wars—like a mimic wearing someone else’s skin. uncanniness in design elements (e.g. shore troopers, death troopers; hammerhead ships and jan ors stolen from the eu) and performances (jones’ bad voice acting, CGI leia).
it’s not quite right.
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Brits bring their A game to Star Wars. Been doing it since ANH.
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Something wrong with Imperial brutalism?
>how did disney let this subversive left wing garbage get made?
truly a fucking mystery.
you mean that guy with the Oedipus complex?
Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit
I regret not watching this 2 years ago when it came out. I missed out on a good general probably, because I was caught up in the "Disney Wars bad" narrative. Sad
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He's not that complex.
Kill yourself shill
How come you don't post this in Acolyte threads but spam it in Andor threads? It's getting suspicious
Disney would rather no one even knew about Andor. It got the bare minimum in terms of marketing
I've watched far too much BDSM porn for this to be even a remotely believable performance.
I spent the entire show waiting for him to kill his mother
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>Andor is a shit character no one gives a shit about
>Speeches were tryhard, forced and cringe
>Mon Monthma's storyline stalled and became boring incredibly fast. No actual politics. The bitch was just sitting at home with a sad face and bickering with her awful family. I felt sadder for her when she said, "Many Bothans died to bring us this information," than throughout the entirety of Andor
>Saw Gerrera was just a cameo and really had no reason to be in the show
>Luthen's action scene with the lightsaber ship was garbage and utterly pointless, did not affect the story in any way, because he goes to Ferrix on the next day for some reason, despite being established as a cautious person. He had no reason to be there, because he had already dispatched two deadly assassins after Andor. He went there, because the writer couldn't figure out how to get Andor and Luthen together. And the only reason Andor found him was because conveniently Luthen parked at the exact same spot out of all the places on a fucking planet
>BE TOO EMO is cringe, forced toybait, much like BB8
>Flashbacks were useless shit
>Retconned Cassian's "I was in this fight since I was 6 years old" Separatist background, making the character even less interesting than he was before
>Useless filler incel clerk storyline that is absolutely pointless and will not lead to anything substantial
>Lots of empty, pointless Emmy bait talking that reads like the writer masturbating
>Dogshit pacing and structure, episodes often just end abruptly without achieving anything, no sense of finality or hook to most of them
>99% of the show was humans, and 90% of them had London accents. Almost no aliens, so much for rich and diverse SW galaxy
>Doesn't look/feel like SW
>Absolutely devoid of fun and adventure, dull and exhausting. Pseuds confuse dark and serious for joyless and tiresome, which is what the hacks like Nolan and Villeneuve do

Plebs really were tricked into thinking this shit is any good, it's hilarious
Cool it w/ the racism anon
>Almost no aliens, so much for rich and diverse SW galaxy
There were aliens in almost every episode, you just didn't pay attention.
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>Disney would rather no one even knew about Andor.
Yeah, nigger, Disney doesn't want anyone to know about the "prestige" production they'd wasted $250,000,000 on. Fucking dumbass. Which is why they even tried to shill it on fucking cable networks, lmao. Trandorfaggots are utterly delusional. It's actually hilarious: you consume disney commie shit faggot propaganda, while at the same time pretending you are above the corporation that fed you it. You're an actual schizophrenic.
Star Wars version of agent Nelson lmao
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lmao even
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The show is pretentious, middling and extremely pedestrian. Looks ugly, bland and doesn't feel like Star Wars at all. All the magic and wonder are gone. It tries to be 'adult', but comes off as juvenile instead, i.e. a character saying 'shit' — this is what Star Wars has been reduced to. The dialogues are tedious and dragged out. The writer is definitely an egocentric graphomaniac. It has "literary" quality at the expense of coming off as artificial and forced. The pacing is terrible. The episodes often just end abruptly without concluding anything they set out to do, including the finale. Main character is a charisma vacuum Mexican, who dies in the spin-off prequel where he was introduced — and where his entire character arc happened. Other characters are just as dull. None of them behave like real people, they all take everything over-the-top seriously, which comes off as automatons going through the motions the writer requires them, and not how organic, real people talk or act.

The fanbase is extremely obnoxious, no better than TLJfags. They don't even like Star Wars, they just like feeling smarter than they actually are. Any shill andor thread is basically this:

Very obnoxious.

All in all, generic and bland story with no novelty of themes and ideas, that should never have been told. Just like Rogue One ruined the Death Star and Darth Vader, this keeps ruining it even further.
We better fucking see Yabba
It is just Star Wars Game of Thrones without all the scandalous sex scenes and edge people watched Game of Thrones for.

Probably was the writer's pitch too.
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Game of Thrones actually had interesting characters that behaved like actual people, and not just plot devices of the writer hyper seriously sniffing his own farts and thinking he is making some real "deep", "profound" shit.
What Star Trek movie is this?
I find it mind boggling people speak this way as if starwars is high art. Like what series did you guys watch growing up.
The Clone Wars show but they ignored 90% of the shit like baby Hutt and focused on the war plus orange butt cheeks
>me at my goonstation
(there is a gap in the middle so i dont shoot cum on my monitors)
NuWars aliens are so goddamn hideous
I can't believe I let you retards convince me this was good. I'm 5 episodes in and I haven't seen a single Andorian, this is the worst Star Trek show ever.
they forgot and found out too late
Only Star Wars fans desperately clinging to the franchise like it because it's really the only good thing Disney has made. No one else really cares, it's still Star Wars at the end of the day
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Star Wars is a solful adventurous pulp. Blandor is soulless, sterile, dull, bland, lifeless, tryhard, hyper serious, pretentious, wanna-be "deep" slop.
show has at least half a dozen literally me characters, probably close to 10
Yeah, bro, they totally forgot about their 250 million dollar production. Executive produced by Kathleen Kennedy, by the way. Totally forgot.
Hideous, human-skin colored abomination straight out of Star Trek.

My god, just how ugly that show looks. Everything is muted, dull, all the life is sucked out of the frame.
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This poster is the epitome of a contrarian faggot. He's mad at a show because he's convinced himself that it's being pretentious. He consumes his media purely through others, he's mad at a projection of a tv show his created in his own head. A person so overspecialized and domesticated that he's unable to enjoy something if it is enjoyed by others.
>it's really the only good thing Disney has made
It's shit, lol.
Fuck, I meant to say oversocialized. You get the point.
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>tranife faggot attempting to sound wise and profound
How embarrassing.
Just ignore it then
>attempting to sound wise and profound
More projections of an oversocialized contrarian faggot.
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Andor was made for those that think Star Wars is bigger than just Tattooine over and over again.
Who the hell is Canda Anbry?
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Fucking embarrassing.
I was making a Star Trek joke you goober, read the whole post before replying next time
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How do we go from
<- this

to this:

Faggots shilling this dogshit crap not only hate the actual Star Wars, but I doubt they even watched it.
You're right, there shouldn't be any tie fighters in a show about Star Wars because it might remind you that it's a franchise where tie fighters show up when the Empire is around. Fuck off tard
terrible costuming is a longstanding tradition and hallmark of star wars. mos eisley bars are frequented by literal werewolves
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Wasting trips on baitposting is now considered a class 1 offense.
Soulless glopshit. Fuck Lucas.
never post this nigger again
>more contrarian faggot projections
You call the show pretentious but you're the most pretentious faggot in the room. Go back to consuming Filonislop.
Gee, I dunno anyone, I'm not convinced.
Maybe if you post all these walls of text again another 50 times or so, you'll finally be right
I wish it were bait. Andor makes a specific anon or group of anons irrationally more angry than anything else Disney has done with Star Wars
Case in point.

Total kikesney shill death.
I like what they're trying to do with the show. If Star Wars is going to be this huge franchise with endless spinoffs and cash-ins, then they need to do at least a bare minimum level of worldbuilding. Excluding the old EU/legends books, Andor is the only time they've actually tried to do that.

I would have been happier if they never went down this route at all, let the originals and prequels stand on their own, and never touched the series again. But if Disney is going to milk George Lucas' man tits for all he's worth, then they might as well try to make the world feel deeper than "knights in space".
Kill yourself, retard.
>the debut appearance of twi'leks happen to be the two ugliest bitches they could scrape up off Santa Monica Boulevard

Every legend has an humble origin
My god, just how ugly this movie looks. Everything is muted, dull, all the life is sucked out of the frame.
Why are Storm-troopers(elite naval infantry of the fleet) carrying out routine policing at a Holiday resort in peacetime?
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Star Wars is a Flash Gordon-inspired serial adventure for families — a mythological fairy tale, distilled into a space opera format. It has a sense of wide-eye wonder, the aliens, the goofy music, the silly robots, the big space battles, and yes, the lightsabers, the Force, the princesses, the desert shaman, the evil samurai guy in all black choking people with his mind, Sergio Leone inspired space cowboys and pirates, the humor, the charm, the goofiness, the actual spirit of an adventure film made for families. Andor is none of that. It is the opposite of that. It is the antithesis of that. It's a generic sci-fi NBC drama in space london. It has nothing of Star Wars, other than the occasional usage of legacy memorabilia, such as Stormtroopers, TIE-Fighters, etc. — and even those feel grossly out of place when seen next to extremely generic, "grounded" and bland original designs of the show, such as the nigger with AK in the woods. Andor is "Star Wars" made by r/atheism. It is especially evident when it tries so, so hard to be "adult", that it becomes embarrassing. "Look! We have character saying SHIT! Now THAT'S MATURE AND SUBVERSIVE! LOOK! WE HAVE A BROTHEL! LOOK! THE CHARACTERS IMPLIED TO HAVE SEX, LOL!" Really made me cringe.
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The main guy is mexican.
Blandor is utterly soulless dogshit. It appeals only to teenage midwits from letterboxd and twitter film crowd, who think Nolan, Villeneuve and Eggers are the hottest shit ever, but something actually complex and designed to be thought provoking and requiring effort, like Tarkovsky, Bergman, Godard, Eisenstein and other actual filmmakers are "boring". So they settle for that kind of "serious" and "adult" capeshit — it's still capeshit, but, you see, it's kinda "serious", "dark" and "adult", even though it is fundamentally set in the universe of silly super people wearing spandex suits and capes, based on the literal children's media. The perversion and subversion of said children's media seems "smart" to them. But in reality, it is inferior to both. It is nothing but joyless, pretentious, ugly drivel that adds absolutely nothing in terms of narrative or themes, and only exploits the name of the IP in order to promote the author's unnecessary, obnoxious "take" on what he considers fundamentally below them. Utterly irrelevant, pointless, needless story, without a single creative bone in its body. It's revolting. All you need is characters talking constantly without actually saying anything, and a bunch of forced, cringe, emmy bait monologues to make midwits lose their shit. Embarrassing.

Actual Star Wars has infinitely more substance and depth than any culturally irrelevant thing Disney and/or (heh) Tony Gilroy have come up with in his career.

Because a massive heist was just pulled that put the Empire on high alert and they spell it out pretty clearly that they're going to put the hammer down on the galaxy because of it.
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Your grid, just like your show, looks like shit.
>the show is bad because the the people I don't like watch it!
Not an argument
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>How the FUCK did Disney let this be made?
What do you mean? Seems consistently terrible and low-effort, just like everything else they've done.
>if I just spam enough then everyone will be sure to agree with me!
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Andor and Fallen Order are the only two NuWars thing that feel like they could belong in the old EU so I just pretend they're part of that continuity.
I can't exactly describe what it is about most Disney Wars shit but it feels phony. Fallen Order doesn't have that.
you don’t travel much, do you? every third world shithole has “elite” soldiers stationed at resorts to protect tourists
>ugliest bitches they could scrape up off Santa Monica Boulevard
You shouldn't be so mean to your mom and sister, anon. How are they even relevant to this conversation to begin with? Weird that you mention it like that.
Pure unadulterated midwit trash
You shouldn't say things like that about yourself
>Pure unadulterated midwit trash
But enough about you!
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I look like this
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Fallen Order is literally peak disney fucking slop. The protagonist is the single most bland, vanilla, inoffensive, cookie cutter, generic nobody, who has a cutesy droid pal that he keeps patting on the back for the entire game
The design of the droid is just so shit and toyetic, and not in a good way, but just like BB-8 - fucking retarded and quirky for the sake of it.

The story is utter dogshit and doesn't make a lick of sense, with that holocron bullshit that they themselves went to great lengths to get only for the Empire to get it because of them and then destroy it in the end. None of it mattered. Jedi Fallen Order was the friends we made along the way :^)

Characters are all bland and one dimensional. Bug-eyed negress is terrible. Cal Kestis got stabbed and survived somehow. Music is a cheap John Williams at home knockoff. Game has no identity of its own, stealing ideas and mechanics from better titles, while never excelling at any of them.

The lore is literally all from Rebels, with Inquisitors and other dumb shit.

I find it funny how you try to associate yourself with old EU fags and pretend that it fits, lol, when it relies EXCLUSIVELY on the new continuity. You are an embarrassing faggot nigger, and you should fuck off to reddit and kill yourself.
Didn't read
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No NuWars shit gets hate on the level as Andor on /tv/. It's very odd.
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Not surprised. Inability to read explains why you like that slop to begin with.
>The protagonist is the single most bland, vanilla, inoffensive, cookie cutter, generic nobody
I'm confused, pal. You were complaining about non-white protagonists just a minute ago.
>The lore is literally all from Rebels, with Inquisitors and other dumb shit.
That's true. But Fallen Order actually made those things work. Whereas Filoni treated Inquisitors like lame Saturday cartoon villains, Avellone actually made them interesting and threatening. Because that's what the person who wrote KOTOR2 does. And Filoni is the biggest hack this franchise got subjected to. Even worse than Ryan Johnson, because Rian Johnson actually knows how to make movies.
It's just one autist who binged Rick Worley videos and thinks that's the same as going to film school. I respect that guy deeply, but the Andorfag is just embarrassing.
nah, i did the same. It only meant we got to see kino later and appreciated it more.
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Probably because no other nu wars garbage is hailed as some masterpiece of television. Trandor ain't it, yet its shills are particularly delusional and obnoxious. Stop making these threads, you dumb nigger, and fuck off to r/andor or xitter, or something.
Damn how short is KK. Isn't the Andor guy a manlet
Disney Wars is still putrid garbage. Andor is an anomaly that shouldn't exist.
Who cares? Look it up?
It's actually a brilliant work.
>is hailed as some masterpiece of television
Again, you dumb faggot: your own projections about people who consume a specific piece of content are irrelevant to its actual quality.
>with that holocron bullshit that they themselves went to great lengths to get only for the Empire to get it because of them and then destroy it in the end. None of it mattered. Jedi Fallen Order was the friends we made along the way :^)
I think the problem there is that they felt pressure to make it part of a bigger story, they should have never done that. Fallen Order was great as the story of this random, half-trained guy who barely survived Order 66 and was just running around the galaxy. I've played every SW game under the sun and I think this was the first time where the whole way through I actually felt like my character wasn't Force Jesus. The holocron shit was awful, but the overall tone and premise of the game was really solid.
There is nothing special about Andor
Cute pigtails
What's brilliant about it?
Idk but they are aware of it and that it is largely championed by white men, so you can be sure they're going to fuck with it next season, just like mandalorian
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>I'm confused, pal. You were complaining about non-white protagonists just a minute ago.
It's not about race, you dumb nigger. It's about the character and personality. Cal Kestis is the single most bland and boring character in the history of Star Wars. Even worse than Jaden Korr. At least you could customize Jaden and you could choose to fall to the Dark Side.
>That's true.
So, turns out your previous post was a deliberate lie.
>But Fallen Order actually made those things work.
No, it did not, lol.
>Whereas Filoni treated Inquisitors like lame Saturday cartoon villains
That's what they were in Fallen Slop as well. Especially the Ogre one.
>Avellone actually made them interesting and threatening
Hahhahaha, you fucking retard. Avellone did not write that game. He was one of the freelance staff writers. He had nothing to do with the actual writing of the story or dialogue. I don't think he was even mentioned in the fucking credits, and he was not in the documentary of the making of the game. He is completely uncredited everywhere.

Oh, and also, Avellonefags, not even once, hahahhahaha.

Kill yourself, dumb nigger, lmao.
>There is nothing special about Andor
There is, actually. It's competently made which sets it apart from the rest of the Disney slop. It's well-acted, well-edited, and well-shot. Scripts are nothing to write home about, but mediocrity is still a tier above the rest of Disneyshit.
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The actual quality is shit.
That's all it takes for you lot?
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>It's competently made
>It's well-acted
It's not. It's "I AM LE ACTING" acted. It's overly pretentious and sentimental. The old granny holo speech was the single most cringe shit I've seen in Star Wars.
Better than Acolyte, I guess. Otherwise, there was nothing notable about the editing.
>and well-shot
Hahaha, no.
It was shit. Shit characters, shit story, shit game. Play Jedi Academy, instead of this faggot poncho collector simulator.
>Cal Kestis is the single most bland and boring character in the history of Star Wars
Do you expect me to get upset that a game protagonist is not the most interesting person in an all of Star Wars? The only measure of a good game protagonist is how fun he is to play as, period. Kyle Katarn started off as a floating blaster. Revan is whatever you want him/her to be. Starkiller is the ultimate Gary Stu. But that's okay, because game protagonists are usually not interesting and exists purely for you to inhabit.
It's literally just the one poster every time. You can easily tell since it's always the same bunch of pics and pastas, as well as his usual "Blandor/Trandor" nickname. I think he gets so particularly wound up by this because Andor is literally the only piece of NuWars /tv/ actually likes. Compare Andor's reception to the reception of the rest of NuWars on /tv/:
>the Sequel Trilogy
obviously hated
>Rogue One
forgotten, aside from a couple of retarded scenes
>The Mandalorian
S1 was actually decently liked IIRC, but then S2 started a decline that came into full force in S3 and now it's fanservice Filonislop no one here in their right mind gives a fuck about
>Book of Boba Fett
mocked on arrival
mocked and hated on arrival
more Filonislop, only vaguely notable for having two half-decent girls which fuelled the threads about it
>The Acolyte
Andor is liked on here largely because it's somehow actually good, in direct spite of disney's usual all-encompassing incompetence and shittiness. It's not a masterpiece, but the fact it's good is a minor miracle when considering how disney has otherwise utterly run the series into the cold hard ground and it's clearly down to how the showrunners made this as far away from Lucasfilm as possible.
Chris publicly begging for a chance to write for something that isn't video games
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This. So. Much. This.
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>andor is liked
>it's the same few faggots making threads about it and posting in it
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What are you trying to prove by spamming pictures of background extras? You can subject any Star Wars thing to that kind of autistic nitpicking.
You're always posting in them too, anon.
>literally the only piece of NuWars /tv/ actually likes
It's not even that. Faggot has actual mental issues and cannot disconnect a television show from the discourse surrounding it. He saw a bunch of thumbnails by midwit YouTube video essayists calling the show a masterpiece, and he's a midwit contrarian faggot himself, so that's enough for him to lose his marbles.
>What are you trying to prove by spamming pictures of background extras?
These "background extras" are indicative of the show's quality and attention to detail as a whole. It's shit.
>You can subject any Star Wars thing to that kind of autistic nitpicking.
Pic unrelated?
>Cal Kestis is the single most bland and boring character in the history of Star Wars

True, but you got a Nightsister waifu to make up for it.
>These "background extras" are indicative of the show's quality and attention to detail as a whole
>it's just one anon that likes it!
I don't think it might be the other way around, anon
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Andorfags are actual redditors.
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Based Qyburn
>bland, boring non-character, who appears in the last 20 minutes of the game
>alcohol fetal syndrome face
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>look mom, I try to find fallacies when I can't refute the point!
Fallacy fallacy, faggot.

And it's true. The show looks like shit. The costumes are shit. The props are shit. It's fucking ugly.
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If Rick Worley knew his Star Wars, he would know that early drafts for EP6 featured a sterile urban planet called Had Abbadon which was supposed to be The Empire's capital, so Coruscant looking dystopian during the Age of Empire is par for the course and how George would have done it. Because he already did it in THX-1138.
Your arguments are sloppy.
Someone explain Andor to me, from the perspective of one of you inbred retard faggots that apparently love this shit.

>Show starts with a guy looking for a family member, and kills some guards because...I dunno they just felt like accosting him.
>Ok so he's on the run. There's this whole crazy out-of-the-way detour where Stellan Skarsgard muscles Andor into a robbery crew where they rob some imperial outpost, but literally it doesn't matter because all the people involved and all of the money they took disappear offscreen and are never mentioned again.
>Whatever, actually that doesn't matter, because instead of that ever coming up again, he actually just gets picked up and thrown in jail on a completely random planet for a completely unrelated thing and just happens to be thrown in life in prison for like, jaywalking, because the Empire just decided that all crime is punishable by death now.
>Ok so now he's in super-max death-camp work prison. But of course, he's gonna escape because he's the only one there in history who ever spent 5 minutes trying.
>While this is happening there's a background plot about an irrelevant Original Trilogy character with a half a speaking line being some crazy important diplomat trying to sneak money to the rebellion, I guess.
>Anyway, after escaping prison, Andor sneaks back to his home planet but at the same time a big parade thing happens which turns into a riot where people die and it's literally all triggered by this old woman's hologram grave.

My point is, who the fuck is this guy? He accomplishes nothing, and everything in the show just happens around him. Nothing he does or achieves has consequence and literally all of the events of the story would have happened identically if he weren't there (except maybe the prison break thing, but I'm not even sure why they had that plot at all and why it only lasted like 2 episodes when the fucking unimportant heist lasted like 5).
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What would your dream Star Wars show look like, anon?
Be creative here, instead of just spamming the same whinging posts and pics you already posted dozens of times before. I want to hear what your ideal version of Star Wars is
And Cal Fagtis is a boring plank of bland wood that is not fun or interesting to play as. He is not only a failed character in and of itself, but he is a terrible game character. No one in their right mind wants to play as an effeminate ginger faggot, who can't stop having disney conversations with his toy droid.
>My point is, who the fuck is this guy?
He's everyman.
There is no Star Wars. It cannot exist. It's supposed to be a modern mythos. Only George can create.
this will be my new whatsapp picture thanks
>not fun or interesting to play as
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Why do the same 3-4 Trandor fags keep making these threads, humiliation kink? It's the only explanation.
take a breather, kiddo
meds now
Had Abbadon looks nothing like London backyard that they used to film this slop.
>Coruscant looking dystopian during the Age of Empire is par for the course and how George would have done it
No, it's not, lol. We have Underworld test footage. It looks pretty much exactly the same as Attack of the Clones. You are unironically fucking retarded. Coruscant is a planet with 1000 years history and architecture that is built across centuries in layers on top of each other. It won't change overnight to reflect your pretentious wanna be 1984 point. We also see Coruscant at the end of ROTJ. Again, it's the same. Coruscant was inspired by futuristic cities, Metropolis. It won't suddenly become brutalist London slop because you said so, dumbfaggot nigger retard. Slop is in place where your brain is supposed to be. Fucking embarrassing.
The money taken from the heist causes the empire to double down on their citizens which by cause and effect lands Andor in prison for only being suspected of commiting a crime. On Mon Mothma and all that, more than half of the show is showing the fragmented rebels across the galaxy slowly coming together as the Alliance we see in A New Hope. Calling it Andor was a mistake, it's barely his show
>What would your dream Star Wars show look like, anon?

Link related. Follow regular Imperial Army troopers ala Band of Brothers. Every season is a new campaign/planet like the Roughnecks series did.

Do you think you're actually fooling anyone? The joke is on you, schitzo. Your autism single-handedly pushes these threads to the bump limit.
>Play Jedi Academy
I played Jedi Academy the year it came out. Took me like an hour to get it to work on the family computer. I still remember the console commands (devmapall, thereisnospoon, etc.). What part of "I've played every SW game under the sun" did you not understand?
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kek he will never be happy again, he'll never get his andor equivalent.
Brown protagonist
Mutts like you don't count.
I do think it's funny how the only reason the Rebel Alliance gets cash is because this mom sells her daughter to get plowed by some scummy politician's son.
One retard screaming the same shit he's screamed over and over hundreds of times before isn't humiliating for anyone except maybe (You).
>It won't change overnight to reflect your pretentious wanna be 1984 point
Why not?
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Homosexual retard.
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>Cal Kestis is the single most bland and boring character in the history of Star Wars
you don't know much SW
pic unrelated
Too bad, somewhere from 2003 to now you became a tranny faggot.
fpbp. this and rogue one are just the least stinky turds in the toilet bowl
this is how pigs actually are irl.
>Cal Kestis is the single most bland and boring character in the history of Star Wars
But how is that a bad thing? You can't convince me that floating blaster from Dark Forces is somehow more interesting.
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I think we should have another Andor thread directly after this one. I'm just curious how long he can keep going.
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>OH N-
Fuck off. Jedi Academy is a good game. So is Fallen Order.
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Which is dumb as shit and retarded. Did they forget that Rebel Alliance was run by this fucking guy? King of a literal FUCKING PLANET? Who is ALSO Mon Mothma's fucking best friend since the Republic days? You expect me to believe that Mon Mothma, who had been a Senator in opposition for *DECADES*, doesn't know how to secure funds? Fuck off, lol.
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da poleece stopped us for no reason
you do realize Kyle had a portrait and dialogues in Dark Forces, right? but that's besides the points, what was being discussed was Cal being the blandest (which he isn't)
he knew the plan, wtf was his problem??
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No, it's utter shit.
Half the point of the show is that Andor is desperately trying not to do anything, because he just wants to live a life as quietly as he can. If it seems like he does nothing, that's because the character WANTS nothing to do with either the Empire or the burgeoning Rebels. Yet he keeps getting forced into these various volatile situations across the galaxy until he eventually has no choice left but to go all in on rebellion. If they're doing it rigjt, and I hope they will, after the S1 finale the next season should probably see Andor become much more proactive.
It's fair to say that the show is a bit too disparate and ensemble-focused for any sort of specific character study like the title suggests. Just understand that it's not really Andor's show alone
that feloni guy and KK were distracted by Ahoka so they did not give a fuck and let it be made with out their interference.
>Did they forget that Rebel Alliance was run by this fucking guy?
I think they actually did. Remember that Bail never actually appears in the original trilogy, he gets vaporized on Alderaan. As far as we know in Episodes IV and V, Leia is the leader of the Rebellion, it's only until VI that we meet Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar.
Buy an add yidsney shill. I will NEVER watch starshit again.
I wish they weren't soulslikes. Absolutely one of my least favorite type of games
i fucking hate how stiff the controls and animations in games from the past 15 years are, it's like you hit the button and then that tells somebody to tell him to swing the saber then 5 seconds later it swings. It's the same with a lot of FPS games.
Coruscant was already the named capital as far back as 1976. Ask Alan Dean Foster about it.
It’s a sports bar dummy
The captions in your web say
>my PS5 playthrough
Fallen Order came out in 2019, the PS5 came out in 2020. Are you sure that this isn't a video from Jedi Survivor, the sequel that came out in 2023?
>How the FUCK did Disney let this be made?
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>Cal being the blandest
I mean, he's pretty bland, that's better than having to play as some obnoxious diversity hire. Most if not all Star Wars game protagonists are bland, and that's a good thing. Fallen Order is not an RPG, it's an action game.
But that's not Fallen Order you posted.
Each 3 episode arc next season will have a year timeskip. He'll at least be full rebel mode after the first arc but then he'll have to go save his sister or something then she'll die then he'll be the more full on Rebel he is in Rogue One
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>retarded higher ups leave somebody alone allowing them to make kino
Many such cases, this is what made curse of the black pearl so good
>implying she had anything to do with this beyond slapping her name on the credits and then going off to focus on turning out absolute shite like Ahsoka and Tha ACKolyte
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The names Dash, Dash Rendar.
Basically kill all Disney execs and let the creative people make their shit in peace
>"no you!" twice
Is this the best Disney hive mind can do?
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>this will sell our show
They unironically thought that considering they showed it in the trailer
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I stopped watching and wasn't really paying attention and I hate star wars. The show has these didactic, heavy-handed monologues every minute which are the most preachy and moralizing lectures that I've ever seen. Completely took me out. I've seen clips from faggots on twitter creaming when Skarsgaard and others gave speeches about how there needs to be sacrifices for the upcoming revolution , freedom from the oppressive government and worker solidarity. They ruined Mon Mothma for me. I liked her creepy solemn delivery in Return of the Jedi, now she's just a bitch girl boss. Did not need that much screentime. I also hate this multiracial fragmented guerilla tactics rebellion that we see in Disney star wars. In 77' it was an all white English cast and they behaved like an organized military force even though Rogue One is supposed to happen right before A New Hope. Am I crazy or when Andor was on that beach planet was there a beachtrooper that was supposed to be a corrupt cop too? And didn't someone literally have their own communist manifesto?
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>Coruscant was already the named capital as far back as 1976. Ask Alan Dean Foster about it.
No, you're right. Coruscant was lifted directly from the Expanded Universe. Which is why Pablo Hidalgo, Dave FIiloni, and the whole "EU WAS NEVER CANON CHUD!" crowd can go fuck themselves. Filoni might actually be the Star Wars Antichrist, the way he made changes to the lore behind Lucas' back, how he completely rewrote the ending of The Clone Wars from its original vision, how he took credit for that show despite never writing for it before its Disney revival. Filoni is the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars, he's a pathological liar. He would frequently throw George Lucas under the bus to justify the changes HE WANTED TO MAKE. Do you actually think Lucas cared enough to change Korriban to Moraband? That was Filoni. Same for the Nordic Mandalorians.
this was definitely a Dave Felony note, telling Gilroy to make it happen or else. That's why he told Stellan to act like he hated doing it.
Yeah, it's pretty cool.
He really does look absolutely miserable filming those few seconds of footage
Actual schizo post.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
You're a total schizo, who got brainwashed by youtube retards.
that art of dash looks like brock sampson
His phisiognomy says it all.
George Lucas has dementia all of those quotes are revisionism. When he made star wars he did not have any of those views.
George is so fucking all over the place. I swear his wife controls most of the words that come out of his mouth
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Not impressed
>goyslop but for pseuds
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Holy cope.
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>Phil Szostak is the Creative Art Manager at Lucasfilm Ltd
I don't who that lying faggot is but I'm pretty sure that an eighty year old grandpa would never use the words 'white privilege' or 'male privilege' in the same sentence. And it just so happens that I saw a video of Lucas telling people that they can't just put a woman in pants and expect her to be a hero in reference to Rey Skywalker. He also told the idiots complaining about the lack of diversity in Star Wars to fuck off in the same interview.
Looks like your average generic streaming shit.
It looks pretty.
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>suqdiq is shorter than all the women
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>Looks like your average generic streaming shit.
shit taste
It's from an interview by James Cameron for his Story of Science Fiction series. You can download it and watch it for yourself. There's also a book.
>everything inherently male is le bad and everything female is good
They've raised a generation of incels and self-hating soys.
>I insisted that they do action figures of Princess Leia
Is George really trying to spin his transparent, insatiable lust for marketing bucks as some kind of feminist statement? Has anybody asked him why he had Leia captured by a crime lord and held on a leash in a bikini for a decent chunk of the movie's opening act?
Someone edit andor holding a guitar
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>this will sell our show
ohhh Mon....
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>angry civilians throwing pipe bombs at space police
Not really something I was expecting to see in Star Wars but I liked it
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How so? I have as well, electro play particularly. I don't see a problem.
god this looks like garbage
That's what I say when I see footage from Fromsoft games too.
Some producer said something about the studio basically forgetting it was in production so nobody interfered.
For not liking Andor, you certainly are obsessed with it.
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the first time Star Wars had soul since the original trilogy. I thought I would never feel anything again.
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Based 1 in 100 Star Wars fans willing to accept the occasional crumbs we get
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Season 2 better have more Rebel terrorism or I'll be disappointed

It was really cool how they wrote it so the rebels are in many ways indistinguishable from terrorists. That they aren't morally pure.
yeah thats what makes it kino for me, the honesty and the realism of it
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This applies irl too, except it's lonely guys, largely white and asian, against whatever it is kathleen kennedy stands for
i swear Kathleen allowed Andor to be made so realistically because she knew what the chuds were planning.
No one cares if you dumb fags watch. Viewership is irrelevant. The final season is on its way. Our kino is already secured, and frankly, you're unworthy. Just remember while you watch your prole feed that Andorchads are WINNING and there's nothing you can do about it.
Kathleen kind of forgot about Andor
yeah, you're unworthy of kino you piece of shit.
Nice try schlomo. I'm not watching it
Don't then, don't waste your time posting here either. Literally no one cares about you
I got to the 2nd ep and then couldn't be bothered. The female character i am on le poor trader of parts type person or some shit just ruined it for me i couldn't be bothered with investing more time into it.
There's a reason why they dumped the first 3 episodes at once. It's a really slow show
I don't know if its just me but I can never take Stormtrooper/Imperial whatever armor seriously. They all look like plastic
I too am shocked that Disney could put out trite garbage
This is unprecedented
Moira is my favorite ow2 character
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Probably the best bits of TARD WHORES shit cinema that the SHITPEE corporation extruded from their rectal orifice.
>Electrocutes hippies

SHITPEE SECURITY: "Great news everybody, the delousing bath was approved!"
(Thousands of fleas leap off their hippie hosts to their deaths as the floor continues to electrocute the cast of "Snow Brown's Seven Magical Losers")
Because of the Rogue One "the only good disney slop wars" cope
kek, shills seething
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lmao trannydor looks so shit
>Starkiller is the ultimate Gary Stu.
it has lesbians and a very diverse cast. that was the selling point to Disney.
>"Anon has noticed the Memetic Indoctrination, what do?"
thanks for proving my point
Andor is boring slop. Largely soulless, very tryhard.
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should have been a Jodorowsky Andor
That's a good trick.
Autistanon, I'm genuinely curious on your motivations. Are you a prequelfag who just hates everything Disney and can't stand people praising a nu-wars show, or a TLJfag that hates that Andor gets praise while all the other sequel stuff is hated, or do you just specifically hate Andor in a vacuum? What propels you into these threads?

Retards, it's never stated Jimmy Schmitz was involved in the rebellion yet or knew what Mothma was doing. Also, the problem wasn't just money, the empire was actually investigating Mothma and her siphoning of money would have looked extremely suspicious.
K. Kennedy liked the pitch.
This show had the first lesbian couple in Star Wars.

Andor is a socialist's vision of Star Wars, thus they greenlit it. It still hits all the woke boxes, it's just better than most of the media they came up with:

>Space Lesbian Resistance Fighters
>Mockery of a borderline asperger's white male incel
>"He didn' do nuffin!...In fact, Dey all didn' do nuffin!"
>AK for soviet street cred, despite that it makes no sense.
>Women in power, Matriarchal Masons
>Space Fascists
>Torture porn mingled with victimization

It's just mask off, which was refreshing about it. It also shows the ugly side of revolutionaries, even if it pretends to play it straight in a "they had no choice" frame of perspective:

>Stealing worker's wages to fund their revolution
>Killing each other over paranoid lack of trust
>The naive idealists die quickly, while the psychos survive
>Rael openly admits his terrorism is provocation to create a reaction from the Empire, implying they weren't doing much of anything until he came along. They had only been in power for 3-5 years when he "wrote his equation"
>Rebels are mostly traitors, criminals, corrupt politicians, terrorists, naive LARPers, and most of them are sociopaths who will kill you to get ahead. Mothma literally pimps her daughter to a criminal's son.
>Le Space Fascists aren't really all that fascist, if you aren't a terrorist or criminal
>Rebels happily recruits criminals without thoroughly vetting them, because they are mostly cannon fodder
>Most of them aren't fighting because they genuinely believe in liberty but because of petty personal reasons
>Literal groomers who kidnap a primitive child and teach him to be a thief
>Women are at the core of most rebellions, hence why the only one who figures things is out is another woman.
>There's always a fucking pedantic manifesto

It's also why pinkos didn't like it but hardcore lefties LOVED it. It showed what communists are really like and how they think.
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Can we fix her?

She'll be the Casca to Andor's Guts most likely.
I can't imagine watching media like this, it must be unbearable to engage with like... anything at all. Also,
>Space Fascists
So... ep 4 is also a socialists vision of Star Wars?
>"He didn' do nuffin!...In fact, Dey all didn' do nuffin!
>AK for soviet street cred, despite that it makes no sense.
Oh goddamnit I'm responding to a bait post.
Every time she came on screen I said Bix Nood out loud.
And-or what, motherfucker?
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I love her.
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It is pretentious but, there is at least passion behind it. They wanted to make a really woke gritty Star Wars and they succeeded at least in that metric. Lefties are only passionate about their ideology so it's only natural that this was slightly of better quality than most of their other stuff.

Not great, not terrible.
>Characters that are literally you
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Looks fine to me
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>So... ep 4 is also a socialists vision of Star Wars?
Yep. It depicts how revolutionaries operate. More function than ideology but the "how" of the Rebellion is all textbook insurgency. It does drop hints which are half-confirmed towards the end about Rael's past (hint; nepobaby).

The entire prison arc. The audience is meant to assume that because Cassian is innocent of the crime he's being accused of that all the inmates must be. Never-mind that the crackdown is related to the Ahldani heist, which we literally just saw him commit. The entire prison is released despite us having no knowledge of why they are actually there. It's just assumed they all are innocent and should be let free. And it uses their current treatment as justification.

Andor murdered quite a few people, evaded arrest, stole government property multiple times, knowingly and willingly engaged in seditious activity, by all rights he should be in prison. He executed an unarmed man who had surrendered. Corrupt corpos or not, he could have just let second one go and fled and nothing about the story would have changed much.

Cassian Andor, in a just and ordered world would be rotting in prison, even if he's easy to empathize with.

>Oh goddamnit I'm responding to a bait post.

>I can't imagine watching media like this, it must be unbearable to engage with like
It's not so bad when you see what it's doing. I wouldn't watch it again but, I can appreciate it was art. Same with Cloud Atlas, which is about 2 pounds of meth more "woke" than Andor.
>slop #455545
Le Andor being good is just a Reddit meme
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too late anon, ISB mommy and space Mengele already got to her
Andor is kino, and is easily rewatchable.
thats what the average andorfag looks like
Dogshit trite slop for midwit brown manchildren retards.
g_saberrealisticcombat 1
ya i have rewatched and it even better.
love the prison arc it could have been a movie
Am I having a brain damage or didn't the same chuds who are now defending it cry about it when it first came out because it was making a shitty mexicans at the border wall analogy with swarthy brown people and was just as woke as all the rest of disney slop?
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greatest anime show of all time
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Watched it last month expecting it to be shit. For me, this and Mando S1 are the only SW Disney products that I find enterteining.
The prison part was specially unexpected kino.
come on post the audio
>unexpected kino.
At this point, there's basically a Disney/Lucasfilm cycle:

>good times make weak products
Fresh off critical acclaim and financial success, Lucasfilm follows up with something terrible (TLJ, Boba Fett, Mandalorian S3, etc.) Some try damage control and say it isn't bad, the fandom menace just hates everything or something. But morale is diminished.

>weak products make bad times
The product of the previous era was contentious. But now Lucasfilm releases a product that pretty much everyone agrees is horrendous (Obi-wan, TROS). Lucasfilm becomes aimless. Products announced in the good times get axed left and right. KK will be fired in approximately two weeks according to online experts.

>Bad times make strong products
Morale among the Lucasfilm Story Team and KK at an all-time low. Little creative activity taking place. Iger/KK lose interest in Star Wars. They let someone uninvolved have a crack at it (Favreau, Gilroy). The result is Mandalorian/Andor. Some criticism, but mostly positivity, praise, optimism. "Star Wars is good again!" "Best since ESB!" etc.

>strong products make good times
Morale among fandom and Lucasfilm high again. The Story Team are emboldened by this sudden success. But they are upset over being left out. They try to create something of their own to capitalize on the good times. Dozens of new shows and films get announced. Story Team tries to create something of their own to capitalize off the new buzz (High Republic, Acolyte). Eventually, some of these products get released. And now you are back in bad times.

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