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This movie was actually incredibly good. Even though it was very self indulgent
Yeah, It deserved the Oscar for best Best Picture. Fuck Hollywood.
It's one of the best movies of the 21st century. It encapsulates the history and the social norms of Hollywood. The OST is great too.
It is not a movie for prudes, provincial or naive types, including those who work for or around the industry bc some of its truths are unflinching and lift the veil on the nature of the studio system and art itself.
The opening is pretty lame but if you make it to the end it's pretty good
I hated it the first time I watched it, but then it stuck in my head and I kept watching it and I eventually found it incredibly sad and heartfelt. The movie perfectly shows how this horrific world they live in is also able to be so tempting and alluring
how anachronistic is it?
It's got a lot of good casually placed sexism, racism and homophobia that isn't about making a point, just a part of the world if that's what you mean.
In what sense? You mean like Baz Luhrman stuff? Not at all, the movie sticks realistically to the setting it depicts, including some thinly-veiled allusions to real characters, real events etc
the movie is not about celebration of hollywood that's why it didn't won
I loved this filthy movie. It's one of the only steelbooks I own.
It also burst the bubbles of 2 lies Hollywood tries to tell the audience:
-actors are these mythical figures (instead of ppl who are highly disposable)
-journalists are independent chroniclers (instead of biased types who simply act as PR representatives for the studios)
Some journalists criticized the movie because it exposed them and these shenanigans.
The music is immaculate, the way they use the same melody for the ecstatic scenes of decadence and the tragic moments of failure and doomed romance
It is excellent. It's very pulsating and has that sense of collective feeling that the movie displays more than once
It really did the race stuff very well without coming across pandering. Manny is a great character who sincerely worked his way up the ranks through sheer hard work and lucky connections, but was so enamored by the first hot party girl he met that it drug him into the underworld. Sid the black musician had a great arc of realizing the whole world of Hollywood success was a trap that would take your soul and left it all behind even meaning he was going to be poor for the rest of his life.

I truly think the movie got a lot of hate because it had the jewish producer having sex parties with a secret upper room that had underage girls
The only problem I had with the movie is how they lazily gave everybody an "ending" through newspaper clippings.

I HATED the underground sewer/tunnel complex scene. It was just so out of place, unconvincing and seemed just tossed in to be “shocking.” It was stupid and insulting. Ruined the movie imho.
Unironically one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen.
Everybody ITT is snorting cocaine.
For me, it was that what they were doing wasn't shocking enough. Seeing a body builder eat live rats isn't that crazy
>is insincere and pure fiction in your path
it's an adaptation of a handful of wikipedia articles
I haven't put anything up my nose in years bro
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it's predictable, onenote and repetitive, steals a lot from actually good films

the movie montage scene at the theater was just cringe
>it's an adaptation of a handful of wikipedia articles
It's quite a bit more than that. Chazelle isn't a reddltor trying to affect an illusion of competence. He went beyond Hollywood Babylon too.
The movie also has a blunt Hegelian aspect to it in that it says that history and art keep discarding individuals but their greatness remains in the works. At such a narcissistic age, this is the type of message some media types resist acknowledging
>steals a lot
All of its references are obvious and pointed out by Chazelle himself. Only midwits/autists would assume that Chazelle would think the Boogie Nights reference for instance would go undetected
The story of Manny and Nellie really stuck to me, the way Manny fell so deeply in love with the first charismatic hot party girl he met that showed him some special attention and then spent years fixated on her and the special way she made him feel but that love was ultimately an illusion and she was a disgusting mess of a person who ruined his life and wasn't worth shit, literally me until i was like 28
All good art steals
>Chazelle isn't a reddltor trying to affect an illusion of competence
he's a pretender and a farce
shame about this movie not being good
I found it very good, even with its flaws. All good movies have flaws
No but you probably are. In fact, Chazelle and Eggers are the only millennial directors who established themselves as serious and worthy of attention.
the whole movie is just people doing drugs and being whores. gets old after the first scene
Yeah, the point of the movie was to show the degenerate shithole that Hollywood is
margot robbie was hot at least
Not only does this movie lack any kind of subtlety but these fictional stories presented in this fictional retelling of ye olden "real hollywood" is taken as some kind of historical fact by many mouth breathers in this very thread. These same anons would likely believe any movie "based on a true story" was the truth. Laughable.
It's oppressive and suffocating in the framing, staging, acting, everything that seems more like Chazelle insists upon himself, not cos he makes you imagine it must've been so.
Tell us the real truth anon
It's at least an ambitious attempt at telling a story man, more than what most directors do
all movies are a form of propaganda
And you think you're immune to propaganda, and the things you consume aren't propagandist?
It's more than that. That oh so outraged take is very entry-level and a bit provincial. Sure, there was and there is debauchery in the entertainment world in general, but Babylon goes beyond that in that it shows that the works of art we see have behind them a lot of emotional and social complexity which is inherently nonmoral.
As for the stories/anecdotes it alludes to, doubting them is in itself meaningless. The opinion of a random (probably shut-in) anon who wasn't there has in itself no legitimacy or relevance.
So the Chinese woke movie (Everything Everywhere All at Once) was better?
>suffocating in the framing
It has several wide shots.
why would I think any of that?
I already tried to watch their farting corpse movie and it was so unfunny and I promised myself to not watch their next "comedy"
>but Babylon goes beyond that in that it shows that the works of art we see have behind them a lot of emotional and social complexity which is inherently nonmoral
Gee I had no idea!
Everything Everywhere etc won because it was worse. In fact, it's most likely an assignment turned into a movie for social engineering purposes. The ridiculous awards it won and the movie itself have been swept under the rug.
They're awful and the movie you mention has the same type of overbearing, cloying philistinism of EEAAO
No you didn't. That's why you've never accomplished anything of artistic worth or couldn't even make an insightful comment about the movie. You're not even a spectator, just a resentful eavesdropper
Tell me the propaganda you've fallen for in your life then
take it easy chazelle and maybe don't include a clip show at the end of your movie featuring blue cat people
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Yes, Damien Chazelle spends his days defending Babylon on /tv/ from autistic, testy contrarians. That's how he made Whiplash, First Man, Babylon etc
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I really liked it too.
>the opening scene with the elephant shitting on everyone
>the dance orgy with that amazing jazz music
>the one take of all the silent films being made on the same lot
>Manny speeding to get the new camera delivered before the sun sets
>the "Hello college!" scene
>the asshole of Los Angeles nightmare with the rat eater
>every line and second with Creepy Maguire
>even Toby Maguire's awful movie pitches were funny
and I thought the black musician subplot was dumb but it really paid off in his final scene when he's forced to wear blackface and he's practically crying while playing the trumpet. This film is like Lalaland's evil twin and I love it. Whoever was in charge of marketing this film really fucked it over.
I could have watched an entire movie of Greasy Maguire just sitting there pitching movies, just fundamentally misunderstanding what you can show in a movie in 1929.
It was the biggest call out to jewish hollywood I'd seen in ages, and you can tell the director was mad as hell at kikes since he's Italian and his parents forced him into a jewish school.
Based movie.
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>Chazelle isn't a reddltor
You'll find that 4chan as a whole, particularly /pol/, has a high jew percentage. They hate Chazelle because Babylon called them out. There was even a quick shot of a hand rubbing rabbi in the rat eating pit, and not a single jew character in the movie was portrayed positively.
I see you have no words to describe your experiences, which isn't surprising
It was impressive how they had all of the "producers" in the movie be of the same tribe
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Chazelle had a lot of experience enduring the tribe's bullshit growing up. I'm sure he's very thankful for his parents' decision.
It's crazy he literally had a weinstein character that inherented the business from an even more evil version of himself from a relative in the movie
Fellini gets very busy + maximalist, but the culture inside the frame seems like its own thing. Here there is no there there, like a POP-UP story, almost like punch & judy. Also I'm used to Day of the Locust so this seems so much more removed
Still, Babylon feels very spacious and the open air shot is immense and sprawling. Even the ending inside the movie theater has a lot of room to it
It was shit
Kek wtf I can't even tell if this is brain rot or you really mean it but you do you anon. Movie was shit by the way absolute trash.
Yeah I can't even tell if everyone is being serious or have descended in the inconceivable depths of retardedness
Look no further than your own content-free, low IQ comment (so to speak) for an evidence of brain rot. You can't even write proper English. Are you drunk? If so, maybe just lurk
You're just dumb yourself and don't realize it
>paramount still advertises this failure
That's right, Paramount has paid people to "shill" a movie (released 19 months ago) on a 4chan thread
Why don't you provide some words to describe why the movie is bad since you're on a forum for movie discussion?
Still hear the theme melody in my head

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