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How are we liking this, fellow Mad Maxers?
/tv/ wants fucking nothing to do with it
I do
The warboy with the arrow in his head was hilarious and I liked the road warrior speech on the road
I saw it by myself, took so many edibles that I got lost driving home, it's a 15 minute drive and it took me an hour.

I enjoyed the movie a lot, it was the first time in the series you get to see two psycho warlords fighting each other, which is what you would imagine most of the wasteland being, rival warlord battles
I liked it a lot but the CG was very noticable. I like that it's deliberately the opposite movie from Fury Road. And I was a little bummed about it being a prequel and that the movie wouldn't add much to the mythos, but I like a lot of what it does bring like Dementus, Octoboss, and Jack. I think Anya is very good communicating without having to say anything. Hemsworth is a lot of fun without being annoying. Generally not as good as Fury Road (but few things in life are) but a worthy addition to the series. I hope we get the Max movie before Miller croaks.
standard forgettable "okay" movie
We just need one more movie of doing this new worlds version of Max going to Bartertown and fighting in the Thunderdome, and potentially finding the ruins of a major city in Australia
It sucks.

Could have been GREAT if the story started with as Furiosa as a young adult sold or traded to Immortan Joe for his harem. When he tries to first fuck her, she violently fights him off. As revenge she is given to two war boys to be raped, but she kills them. Seeing how fierce she is, Joe assigns her to Jack to be trained as his mechanics and assistance on the war rig. Story then focuses on their evolving relationship, very rocky at first, but slowly develops into a brother-sister bond. She learns to become an ace mechanics and driver. Lots of battles as they travel between the different towns. FLASHBACKS reveal Dementus and his gang killed her mom and they raped her before trading her away (for other girls). Dementus and his gang show up and become the most troublesome road attackers, desperately needing food and gas. Furiosa reveals her past with Dementus to Jack. They plot revenge. Lots of tricks and tactics used by both groups against each other, working toward a final climatic showdown where Furiosa, with Jack’s help, gets her sweet revenge.

Also, the Midge becomes a main side character. Part of Jack and Furiosa’s team. Maybe also a young “War Girl” and “War Boy,” too.
Nah, I like how the actual movie did it better
>Driving while high
Kill yourself, unironically
7/10, but since everyone compares it to a 10/10 movie, it seems worse.
How else was I going to get home motherfucker?
There was the warboys attacking from on high but we didn't really get warlord vs warlord, it just skipped over the 40 day war like a faggot.
The entire movie was those two forces fighting each other, it's not about Joe and Dementus physically fist fighting
Sober? Taxi? Uber? Bus? Friend?
Anything besides endangering the lives of others.
If you literally can't operate a car, which is extremely simple, while drunk or high it's a skill issue and you're retarded
> It's another feminist revenge fantasy.

It's shit.
it looks like indian shit. hollywood is a joke now
I completely agree with the anon you're replying to
the key phrase is "endangering the lives of others"
I don't give a fuck about you
I don't think I'm the average case, but I'm a lower class rural white man from Michigan and I grew up on tales of my grandfather's being extremely abusive alcoholic men who beat their wives and children and sexually abused their family, so stories like this don't really get me angry like they do to you. I wish my grandmother's could have felt any sense of empowerment in their lives to escape the cruelty they lived through
I just finished it
what did I think of it?
I would’ve watched this if it was a Mad Max movie.
You sound like a cunt. Women are property and the further they stray from that, the shittier society becomes.
the timelapses bruh
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Green Dementus has gotta be my favorite meme of 2024
This. Please do fuck off with these constant Floppiosa shill postings.
Nigger logic
lets make it big
honestly - the best trip (sober) I've ever had in a long time
0 - dont't watch fury road for several months/years
1 - watch furiosa
2 - rewatch fury road
I was 10 years old when my dad got drunk and first told me about sitting with his mom and telling him about how his father raped her. He is the most stoic man I've ever known, was a paratrooper who fought communists in the 80s in Grenada, a biker who worked hard labor on construction sites his whole life. He vividly remembers all the beatings and sexual abuse his father put on his mom and it still haunts him at 60 years old. This shit isn't a joke son.
Based, I'll live or die on this day I do not care
wtf are you talking about, assholes
do you get it now?
Amen and I already watched this in the theater. Shameful.
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>he's so bad at driving that when he drives drunk he endangers the lives of others
are you an asian woman?
You don't live in the rural Midwest of America like I do, where we were driving around drinking as a hobby and hangout since we were 15 years old and are experts at it. It's literally a generational tradition here
you forgot the part where dementus shows up with a big ass army to immortan's door step then him trojan horsing gas town
As I said - if you endanger the life of another person, then basically you are poorly educated, english only language, fast-food consumer, dumb as fuck idiot
I was driving better than anyone else on the road, you're just a hysterical karen trying to enforce arbitrary rules on the citizen base of the state because you're an authoritarian who wants to see people arrested and threatened by police. Cops aren't you friends, they'll fuck you as quickly as they'll fuck me even though you think you follow all the rules
>poorly educated, english only language
jeet confirmed
no wonder you have difficulty accomplishing basic tasks like driving without endangering others
Imagine getting so flustered that you shit out some stale pasta. What is it with women? Why are they so useless and boring?
trash cgi
>jeet confirmed
no, uneducated brit
just personally naming YOU as an ENGLISH ONLY LANGUAGE IDIOT
too dumb to learn another one, aren't you?
and speaking proudly about driving drunk
what a piece of shit you are
Not as good as Fury Road, but personally it was fun seeing more of the world even if a bit odd. Cool seeing gas town, and the bullet farm could've seen more of. Cg was pretty shit, but a decent movie. Doesn't deserve to flop.
>pretends to care about some people but not all
Go fuck yourself you fucking pussy hypocrite
Young Furiosa's butt was nice
I despise assholes who behave on the road like it's their own realm
fuck you
It was over produced, and the meandrous monologues made the drama and stakes unparsable
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it was good
Often with this much effort a writeup is at least half decent, but this is dogshit from start to finish. Good job.
>SNIFFFF ah yes quite pungent my dear
it was a pretty good hero's journey but making Furiosa a child for half the film and silent for 80% of the film was a huge misstep. Furiosa was much more interesting in the first film, where she wasn't just some revenge driven idiot.

Also, skipping the entire war and going straight to Dementus on the run was dumb. The film only has two good action scenes. Put in something like a Rohirim charge or a citadel siege with cars for five minutes or something, god damn.

Also the love interest was weak as shit. He barely says anything, then he just decides to run off with her. We don't even see his death. And once he's gone he's never mentioned again. Did Furiosa even care when he died?
You just have lived a very safe and protected life and have no idea what the real world is outside of the protection of your parents
Should have been a miniseries desu
Fury Road was like a crazy rollercoaster ride while this one was like a plodding road trip
It's only Mad max I've ever seen. Is pretty good. Well, at least until Anthony Jonston shows up then it sucks
Should have Cunnyosa on the poster, trailer makes it seem like she's in it for like 5 minutes
I wondered why cunnyosa going missing in the citadel wasn't a bigger deal. It was a big trade for Immortan to get her.
>le angry girlboss face
shant be watching unfortunately
Would've been a really good TV seriers
Do you guys pos shit like this and then accuse other people of being pedophiles? I sincerely always wonder that.
yeah agreed too much ground to cover in 3 hours would have been a fun mini series
>accuse other people of being pedophiles?
I almost never do
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White shit chuds are crying in agony and killing their own mothers. I'm pleased)
tfw you make the best Mad Max movie of all time but someone makes it look like a CGI shitfest with the trailer.
It’s almost more a dementirious movie then a furroisa
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You should cut your jugular. Fucking useless nigger.
this is better than what we got
the tense relationship development between Furiosa and Joe is what I was most excited for and they basically don't even know each other from what we see
I liked it
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I love how mad pot denouncers get. They say its potheads being emotional but lol
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Yes, a fat one too.mrkxp
It's really a shame Hemsworth wasted the best performance of his life on this.
Guy really can't catch a break.
FR was a 6/10 flick, and this is a 4
They're honestly no different from the anons who get pissy about cigarettes and alcohol being brought up.
it was genuinely one of the worst movies i've ever seen
>his name is SCROTUS LOL
fucking kill yourself
I hope you drive head on into a train and the conductor doesn't feel bad. You fucks are a god damned menace to society.
woah did a stoned driver slow you down briefly? or did one kill your mum or something? also why does how the conductor feel affect the anon you replied to if hes dead stupid cunt
Would’ve been way more enjoyable if it focused more on Immortal Joe, now they just made him a pedophile taking young Furiosa as a bride.
You put too much faggy load on the "rape" thing
Why are you such a pussy, with a granddad so based
God you and your dad must be such a disappointment
Neither you nor your dad deserve the family you got
Looks like you are the one bitching in comfort, and you pop lived in the real world
How does she have perfect teeth in the wasteland?
This shit has bothered me for 20 years
It's my only moviemaking pet peeve
>it just skipped over the 40 day war like a faggot
>The entire movie was those two forces fighting each other
please alert your handler you're on the computer unsupervised
As it stands the best movie of the year. Better than Fury road imo. Don't sweat it, i like both. But Fury roads story is fucking dumb. I felt Furiosas was quite good.
Hated it, and I actually liked Fury Road
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>This thread exposes just how many drug addicted degenerates are on this board.
Jesus Christ. Kill yourselves
That part made no fucking sense
Can someone also explain to me why cunniosa rubbed grease on her face when she was running away from Rictus? Did she just want to do blackface?
You all like this shit (or pretend to because you are shill) just becasue you never had good movies
No sugar or processed food
I only like the first two mad max films, haven't seen the rest since they're obviously subpar
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furiosa is the exact precise opposite of woke, and infact reinforces the absolute fucking necessity (and timeless beauty) of toxic masculinity
Furiosa™ (2024) is one of the best movies to come out in theatres in YEARS

Dementus is furiosa's father
Dementus literally saves little-D multiple times, while teaching her hard, uncomfortable truths about the wasteland
by being a toxically male badass, which little-D learns in time, is how you survive
Furiosas (((mother))) was some random lesbian cultist,
irreparably damaging her life with the vulvulini shit
The teddy bear is furiosas bear, and changes as she grows up. at the end of the movie, the bear only has one arm, like little-D
>(the bear is a SYMBOL OF HOPE, for Dementus, the memory of Little-D).
pretorian-dipshit is the step-dad/boyfriend
at the end, Dementus recognizes her as "little-D" when she tearfully re-takes the bear, seeing that Dementus had *HOPE* all along
lastly, it is directly implied Dementus was the healthy "stag" who was impregnating joes wives
>(joes sons were 'pale genetic abominations, who produced nuke-ruined 3 legged offspring)
Dementus = chad white toxic masculinity (tan, vibrant, long hair, beard, charisma, muscles, height, big-D)
Immortan joe = "immortal jew" (flanked by literal jew, and shabbos goy henchmen)
know the difference^
>Dementus = chad white toxic masculinity (tan, vibrant, long hair, beard, charisma, muscles, height, big-D)
big nose too, hmmm
Because there was no sugar to eat. It's sugar that fucks your teeth mostly.
>fury road
you are out of your mind, anon
>As it stands the best movie of the year.
Are all the other movies that unwatchable, shill?
>no characters, no dialogue, no story, repetitive action that gets old after 10 mins. And then they turn around and repeat.
Subpar. Name a classic, highly ranked action mvoie that share these problems
>furiosa is the exact precise opposite of woke
Praetorian Jack was going to be a big black guy but he dropped out to be in Aquaman,
Doubt. How were going to paint his face?
I'll return your question to you - name a better big-scale action movie released since/around the time of Fury Road.
Raging Fire is awesome, but it won't do.
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>name a better big-scale action movie released since/around the time of Fury Road.
Are you playing some kind of race to the bottom?
>name a better big-scale action movie released since/around the time of Fury Road
Nta but daily remainder that post 2000 films being utter trash doesn't make the few slightly less underwhelming post 2000 movies good.
I read it off the wiki
OK, I'll answer your question
Fury Road is a non-stop race movie from beginning to end
Done 80% in practical effects and is a visual masterpiece
All the shots were tightly storyboarded and meticulously created
The MAIN characters are well developed - too bad you're too blind to see it
It's a movie where the story is told through visuals, not dialog
And you cannot see it
Great characters and potential. CGI slightly jarring but not as bad as expected. Atrocious pacing and structure unfortunately.
Max is actually in the movie for about 5 seconds.
It's the same action piece going on forever with nor surprises or variations.
Has no characters, no dialogues and no story. Practical should be bare minimum, I'm sorry you grew up with capeshit.
Visual storytelling is a meme. All the elements that make a film a film and not a collection of images are missing.
Alo lol at visual masteropiece (as it meant anythign): the film is fucking orange
And you cannot see it.

And you avoided the original question >>200738647
>Subpar. Name a classic, highly ranked action movie that share these problems
>Visual storytelling is a meme
OK, I'll stop here
what do you think of A Trip to the Moon (1902)
>complain about junkies while posting on degenerate central: the website
That is a great Wharhammer 40k prequel and first contact done right. Doing a Bane breaks the Bat to the selenite king was the right Thing to do.
It doesn't have much to do with the book tho.

You aren't special, faggot.
Gimme your top 5 of movies of this year. I'll wait.
nervous breakdown?
I just asked about Visual storytelling and you go to Wharhammer 40k
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You are so mad you had to answer twice
Road House (89)
Cape Fear (og)
Dredd (2012)
I was right, lmao. You rabidly praise that shit just because your standards are set on current year dogshit
Deny it, I'll wait
>You are so mad you had to answer twice
the absolute opposite - chilling and listening to
so I guess it's your best answer?
are you illiterate? holy keks you dumb fuck. I said best movie of the year (2024 in case you don't know). Calls me a shill. Ask you for your best movie of 2024. Proceeds to name no movies of '24. Absolute retard. It's even a shitty top 5 to boot. But I guess that's the life of someone with limited brain capabilities for you.
>no tea
>no sugar
>no fruits (natural sugars that fuck your teeth
Only beverage is water and whatever meat they find.
Yeah, you are so calm and collected, bathing in intellectual cinema right now lol
You are trying to present yourself as movie connoisseur just dofend your badly made movie, that was clear.
What you meant about 5 movies was also clear, but I just posted movies I've seen (or rewatched) this year that I liked a lot, because movies made now are made by incompetents for retards and I don't care about which piece of shit is less worse than the others.
I don't care about your made up quizzes. And you are just angry because I called you subpar movie subpar.
Also you never answered the original question
i feel like theres something satanic about movies where they use cgi to make the whites of their eyes , whiter than they appear.
i shant be having it.
>film literally starts with her eating a fruit
You double retard
I am not the one going around calling people shills because they say that Furiosa is the best movie of 24 thusfar. Btw furiosa is a better movie than most of the films on your list but that's beside the point. I always hate it when people say there's no more good movies nowadays. It's bs, There's plenty of kino even nowadays. In the last 5 years alone you had:
Burning, the lighthouse, shoplifters, Cold War, parasite, j'accuse, Druk, Oppenheimer, Decision to Leave, The Father, Poor things, Dinner in America. That's just a few that come to mind. Now there's plenty of good old films. But to say that nowadays they can't make pictures anymore is just blatantly false.
Just pirated it and Fury Road is still better and Immortan Joe did nothing wrong
It could have been great but everything looks so cheap and CGI compared to Fury Road
All bad.
And Furiosa being the least shit among other shits means nothing.
>I always hate it when people say there's no more good movies nowadays
you jsut hate facts and are butthurt because you feel entitled to have good stuff like other poeple had. But art, culture, industries and everything is born, rise, peaks, stagnates, declines and then goes to shit. Until the next reainassance.
Good movie but it sometimes felt like whole scenes or shots were cut out
Boring movie.
haha fucking retard you know nothing about film. You mentioned a bunch of average to garbage films. You then have the gall to say current day movies are bad. In truth you probably don't know them because you're a gigantic pleb. You're unworthy of anymore of my time.
It seemed like there was supposed to be a big battle scene at the end but they ran out of money
hated it but mad me rewatch fury road then put black steelies on my cars lol
the video game did it all better a decade ago lol
I mentioned 5 movies I watched this year and liked. You mentioned a plethora of bad movies.
And all movies I mentioned mog yours.
You aren't a movie buff. Yo uare jsut a pretentious reatard who's self worth is based on liking current dogahit like it was good.
You embarass yourself more with every new post
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Dementus is a giga based chad, and his truck was fucking awesome
he was a mike tyson voiced faggot who couldn't even keep his gang in check and then ran like a little bitch after he lost the war
have only watched 2/3 of movie because it got too boring to marathon it in one sitting
its supposed to be a schlocky movie right? from the awkward writing, the many plotholes, amateurish editing and tempo, very mixed acting performances, all held together by PS3 tier CGI
anyway why even make this movie, we know what happens to the girl from the beginning, there is no real intrigue, its a foregone conclusion
u bring back the same cast, the same setting, similar action sequences, but now everything looks worse and doesnt feel fresh
why not make something original instead?
what a letdown

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