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Heesa lives rent free in yousa brains
Their point was that the show is mediocre and that people turning it into some massive culture war issue, from both the left and right, are retarded. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
>I’m excited to see where this goes!
why do rlmfags always lie
Except what's really happening is that the culture war shit is coming from the show runners themselves, while everyone else is just mocking the show and not taking it seriously.
This works both ways. It shows that this shitty show is unimportant trash that acts like it has something important to say about the world, but is just a meaningless distraction from real issues plaguing the world.
>hey guys, hahah this show is shit!
>I wonder why this show is so bad, let me go look up what the creators intentions we-
>it's not that bad goyim!
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Maybe they can donate their Patreon money to help those starving in Africa.
no they need it to buy more ironic props from bad movies
Okay, seriously - how much is Mike paying you to make these fucking threads? (And can I get a piece of the action?)
They act like all Star Wars lore nerds are insufferable when they make changes to important dates but at the same time freak out over a vase in the Star Trek movies being broken that was dear to Picard in the series. They try to dunk on lore nerds yet have fucking Star Trek trivia shows. It made me realize these faggots are compromised by their YT greed and have no respect for scifi films if they don't personally jerk off to them. This made me unsubscribe and now I'm going to make a YT channel dedicated to pointing out how fucking shit their opinions are.
Doesn't this mean stuckmann has more power
>while everyone else is just mocking the show and not taking it seriously.
I don't watch their channels so maybe I'm missing some larger context, but in the video they played clips from prominent conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles who seemed genuinely angry about a joke a writer made about R2D2 being a lesbian. Shapiro saying "this is what they're teaching your kids" as though it's some horrible line being crossed when people were making "gay robots" jokes about R2 and 3PO more than 20 years ago on the Simpsons.
Shelby Oaks will end Mike's whole career
>They act like all Star Wars lore nerds are insufferable when they make changes to important dates
Which important date was changed by the acolyte, other than the birthdate of Ki-Adi Mundi, an irrelevant random side character? I'm a Star Wars lore nerd, I know random bullshit like the names of the seven forms of lightsaber combat and their strengths/weaknesses, or which systems are the most important for ship-building, but when I found out they made Mundi older I couldn't have cared less?

Just to be clear the show is shit and I'm not defending it. I only don't understand why people are getting hung up on that particular bit of lore of all things.
Sometimes by not taking a side. You'll end up taking a side, at least in the eyes of the public.
The prequels are and will always be SHIT.
They should of stopped at “if you write a shit show with diversity or no diversity, it’s still a shit show”
True, but at least they led to some good video games.
They have always been trekkie faggots that jumped on the prequel hate train because they could finally pretend their commie space shit was better than atar wars
Shelby Oaks is being produced by the guy Mike Flanagan that mike constantly sucks off so it probably does hurt his ego a bit that the shitty youtuber that cried when RLM made fun of him actually made a movie with a guy he admires. While Mike does voices in an adult swim show and bloodhound gang trivia videos
Or maybe Mike doesn't give a shit and it's not worth devoting your dwindling braincells to creating imaginary fanfic e-celeb drama
I mean yeah, he cares too much about the starving children in Africa to think about that
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>Rich check our funds we need to buy more ironic props NOW!!!!
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>Crying over EFAP made fun of them once
>Critical drinking getting more views and his movie getting mainstream attention
Red letter media is just reddit channel awesome.
>"Star Wars is a retarded thing to be political about. There are more important things if that's what you want to do. People selling politics to you wrapped in pop culture are con artists and you buying into it."

Seems reasonable. Don't know why you guys are crying so much. But that's what The Right does, huh?
I don’t even get what the difference is between those “grifters” and RLM when they always make videos about every controversial star wars product
Because it is loser
Shut up /pol/
trekkie faggot
>I love The Good Place!
Literally leftist socialist propaganda.
Oh look an EFAP drone
>Failed filmmakers
>Only famous on the Internet for making fun of Star Wars
>Waaaah it’s bad when conservatives make fun of Disney Star Wars
Why does the same /tv/ that makes fun of Doug Walker and channel awesome gives these loser Kevin smith faggots a free pass?
>>Crying over EFAP made fun of them once
But this never happened
>But this never happened
>Showed thumbnails of EFAP
Get fucked reddit letter media
No one has ever asked starving African children to think about me.
Rent free
>Reddit thought the africa comparison was genious
My sides lol
Actresses are cute so I will watch
It's that simple Hollywood
...in a montage of dozens of other channels.

When did RLM cry over EFAP?
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>it's not that the show is woke, it's just that it's written by woke retards with no real life experience
Based truthsayer
This message would be reasonable if it was directed at the showrunners, not the people rightfully pointing out the show's agenda and mocking it.
I know (pre-haircut) Sabine chick is cute in Ashoka but who’s cute in Acolyte?
the acolyte cast is not cute
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>SW fans are being political
But Disney are the fucking ones making it political. Not the fans. The fans are simply getting pissed off with it. RLM is acting like we are the ones making these shit movies and series political and completely giving Disney a free pass. It's so blatantly obvious they are compromised by either YT or Disney or both.
>Gee hahaha I don't see anything wrong with all the marxist propaganda

Fuck these fat boomer faggots
Seemed like they hated it but for some reason just used it to take shots at Star Wars fans again because they're such Star Wars vs Star Trek fags even though they're almost nothing alike
I never got the tribalism when it came to fandom. I like Star Trek and Star Wars. I like Stargate. I lik Farscape. I like BSG. I like Babylon 5. Real Scifi fans don't limit themselves to one IP. But I dont like Nutrek or Nuwars at all.
Imagine losing your fans to fags like the drinker man and Nerdroctic
No don't you get it? You're being tricked by Ben Shapiro into reading the blatant messaging of these movies that is beating you over the head with the writers' hamfisted progressive ideologies.

Also, you're not media literate or something.
did they really pull this shit? what a bunch of fucking dipshits
>imagine losing your fans to better channels
They played Star Wars theory ranting over compilations of impoverished African children.

Someone needs to do the same but with Mike and rich ranting about Picard and discovery.
>They played Star Wars theory ranting over compilations of impoverished African children.
that was so fucking funny
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The main theme of nu-wars is quite literally
>we are replacing old white men with the "new faces of America"
Not only is the messaging blatant in the works themselves. But the writers and producers use every public appearance to tell you that this is exactly what they are doing. It's absurb when 90s libtards try to cope their way out of this reality. It's like, we get it. You hated parental advisory stickers.
This video was the last straw. There no denying how over the hill these losers are now. Unless you're a die hard with nothing else to watch this will be the end of the line.

EFAP is as bad or worse. Mauler is the Eternal Pseud. I sincerely hope /tv/ can find better things to do than watching anything with Mauler in it.
If not, get a new hobby.
Would it also be funny if someone put some of rich and mike’s Star Trek rants over that same footage?
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>Would it also be funny if someone put some of rich and mike’s Star Trek rants over that same footage?
probably not.
It was funny because it was him but it was pretty disingenuous. The clip they show is Star Wars Theory looking up in real time as an Acolyte episode is airing Wookiepedia scrambling to change Ki Adi Mundi's birthday
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Disney owns star wars they set the canon, George changed canon all the time.
Thanks for confirming you’re a massive hypocrite
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>Someone needs to do the same but with Mike and rich ranting about Picard and discovery.
I mean their entire channel is built on them complaining about films and tv. do they really have so little self-awareness or do they just think that their audience are mentally retarded?
Their point is that when it's Star Trek they're almost literally in tears over Picard and when it's Star Wars there's starving kids in Africa who cares you're just culture warriors. Suddenly they can't fathom there are nerds that care about Star Wars as much as they care about Star Trek themselves, so they're all dishonest culture warriors and not fans.
Miss me with that gay shit Mike.
Gayest fags in queer town.
still seething, salty?
Wise anon
*audience is
to be fair when paramount has done to Trek is so much more of an injustice than what's happened to Star Wars.
If they knew how they look as whiney as Star Wars fans about the current state of things when it comes to Star Trek they'd understand. Laughing at them hate NuTrek has been funny but for some reason they don't see why Star Wars fans are as mad as they are about Star Trek
>do they just think that their audience are mentally retarded?
Yes. (And they’re right)
At least Paramount did them the courtesy of setting NuTrek in a different timeline
Based Based Binks
Mike will never criticze Disney SW because it's 'everything he wanted it to be'
>courtesy of setting NuTrek in a different timeline
true true
I don't have an opinion on Acolyte or RLM, but I just like arguing with you fags :)
and those "grifters" aren't even conservative
it's like gamergate where the majority of people were center-left battling the mindfucked radical left
This shit makes me not want to really pirate the series.
I've pirated all of NuWars since TFA and I wouldn't even watch this one for free
>the show is mediocre
no it's not
that would imply it's 5/10
it's not at all
and stop pretending mike that was the same with tlj
it wasn't
Question for anyone; what is the steelman position of what you think the show runners are doing and what you believe they are trying to achieve?
Have they release a next video teaser for their patreon simps? I'm curious what it's going to be.
>caring about “star wars” in such a way you have an emotional reaction to a bad product being released under the brand
I can understand enjoying and appreciating a work of art. But to have your identity tied to a corporate franchise sounds like a fate of consoomerism too pathetic to fathom. Works of art can be good or bad, made with care or poorly executed… but an IP is just a thing to be owned. Get it together. You’ll thank me
Good to know so called star wars fans are still insufferable cunts after all these years. How does it feel being even more insufferable than trekkies. I also enjoy the refishnist history where we pretend george lucas was a sage genius who cared about "lore". Every movie breaks the lore of the last movie since the originals.
Enough with the crying, modern day Nostalgia Critic and friends.
chuds disgust me so much
the stated goal of showrunner and former personal assistant to harvey weinstein leslyeiaye headland is to tell a story about two sisters learning that true love can exist between two sisters: https://youtu.be/b9QvKpomoog?si=96Jwn2ci_sl70iw7&t=159
>Waste your life crying about Disney

The problem isn't Disney or the media. The entire culture has shifted left and will keep going left. This is what these chuds don't understand. The conservative shows they create are dogshit and still have the same liberal pandering nonsense they whine about.
who's crying in that screenshot?
I don't understand the ones who want to show their faces and their 30+ year old man "nerd caves"
>and his movie getting mainstream attention
I hope his friends have the integrity to rip apart his dogshit film when it releases.
It's not a "nerd cave" it's their command center from which they do battle.
Star Wars Theory is always crying
Sad to see these hacks just be contrarians for the sake of it.
he hasn't been crying in any of the videos I've seen of him so that's not true
Did he always cuss so much and get so angry? I never really watched much of his stuff until I was curious to see his Acolyte reaction assuming he loved it because LIGHTSABERS
Many of the ape-like retards that make up nuanons are like that.
>marxist propaganda
Midwits still believe this lie. They just hate white people it's not a conspiracy you moron.
well I hope it's good but if it's not then I agree
I like when a post and the response contain the same word and it's lined up in such a way that when you hover your mouse over the post link, it gives you this cool visual effect. Anyone else?
they freak out over lore nerds but lore is just continuity. everybody like a story that has continuity.
when you're deal with cinematic universe it's even more important to have continuity not just visually but with characters and within the universe in general.

in a Galaxy sized cinematic universe there should be enough room for all sorts of shit. Fistus IX, the diverse lebsian planet in the mid rim. they don't play a major part in the rebellion era but you could have a story there.
where Disney fails time and time again is they shit over established continuity. the franchise is being pulled in multiple directions and none of it really fits.

as a company you absolutely want people to be invested in your cinematic universe. that isn't to say you can't expand into newer demographics. I wish Disney would fuck off with the nostalgia bait, all it does it fuck up continuity. look how horrible Disney was with Kai Mundi

the shit isnt hard but Disney is going in too many direction and doesn't give two fuck about continuity in story telling
hating white people is a crucial aspect of communist philosophy
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So anyway, what I wanna know is,
what RACE is Star Wars Theory???
>But to have your identity tied to a corporate franchise sounds like a fate of consoomerism too pathetic to fathom.
Yea, haha. That would be crazy. Good thing RLM doesn't do that.

Brb- going to watch the 12th two hour review of Picard season 2 with an icebag on my head because I'm so depressed about how terrible it is
The reason you feel disgust at this picture is because these people are bunch of liberals with consumer products in the background pretending to be mad to get chuds to send super chats. Its all fake. That Platoon guy is openly gay and Mauler is friends with troons.
What's most irritating about this is how RLM is pretending that there isn't any type of power disparity here. Disney is a multi-billion dollar corporation. People who post "ragebait" videos are just everyday people with youtube channels. Acting like Disney and the haters are on equal footing is disingenuous as fuck. Disney can make whatever it wants and shove it into the faces of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. All the haters/trolls/right wing incels/whatever can do is say, "this sucks."
And probably the worst thing about all of this is that RLM was once the poster child of toxic Star Wars fans who had irrational obsessions and hatreds. RLM never did this "both sides"-ism when the prequels were dividing the fanbase. They fully sided with haters and had no problem heaping all sorts of scorn onto the people who made the prequels, Lucas especially. Where was their fair-mindedness then and their calls for moderation then?
tldr they're disingenuous cowards and outdated 90s liberals.
Was the RLM fan response to this big enough that they'll address it in their next video, do you think?
Maybe if they keep reviewing the show. This review was only episode 1-4 so they didn't see all the flashy lightsabers and annoying characters die
It wouldn't surprise me one bit to learn all those guys were fags or as Norm would say "deeply closeted".
>communist philosophy
All nonsense. Since these people are brown, black, jewish, white liberal(mentally ill mutants). They just hate white people they don't believe in science or philosophy.
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>Drinker, I got the scoops from my insiders in Hollywood! Marvel like fired like 20 producers and writers that were woke and they're gonna try to course correct like crazy now.
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>Holy shit! Ahahahaha.
>in a Galaxy sized cinematic universe there should be enough room for all sorts of shit
There actually isn't and that's always been the main problem with Star Wars endless sequels and series. The story of original Star Wars is just a very simple, straightforward hero's journey. Good vs. Evil. It's a contained story that has its own arc and then concludes. Yes, the setting is a galaxy far far away and all that happy horse shit. But that doesn't mean that there are endless interesting stories just because it takes place in a galaxy with aliens. That's just a setting.

Star Wars is not deep. And I don't give a shit about 21st century boomer revisionism. There was no political message in the original trilogy. Lucas wasn't trying to change elections or stop Vietnam (a war that ended 4 years before the movie went into production). All of the boomer filmmakers from that era say this shit now. But there is no footage of them saying this when it happened. Give me one single video of Lucas in 1976 claiming that this was a critique on capitalism or whatever the fuck. God, I've grown to hate boomers so much in the last 10 years.
>former personal assistant to harvey weinstein leslyeiaye headland
What is the implication you are invoking with this? I don't see how it is relevant to this show.

Her quote in that video sounds pretty normal.
>they got big enough to get paid off/wined and dined by tv execs
the original trilogy is pretty straight forward and simple. however the setting could easily be expanded on because you're deal with an entire galaxy. potentially millions of habitable worlds. plenty of places to tell any number of stories without touching the main Lucas works.

everybody makes everything political, it's so engrained into American culture it's sickening. I can't wait until that mind virus is purged from the world.
>because you're deal with an entire galaxy
Then why not just make a completely different story that has nothing to do with Star Wars and takes place in another galaxy with aliens? Oh right, because they're not good writers and they're selling you brand recognition and nostalgia bait.
It is as bad as it is, because people need to use how bad it is to sell it, people will naturally not watch it. Now you need to sell outrage.
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>twn be a jim varney live action joe camel movie
the world died when he did
It's so obvious they'd be defending midichlorians if Disney came up with it, despite crying about it for the prequels. They obsessed over every little PT detail and yet with Disney they just run cover for everything, and then cry about people who are rightly criticizing it.
>b-but their PT reviews are layered with irony and not serious!
yeah, no. they absolutely hate the PT and stand by everything said in them. Hack boomer frauds that are now trying to pull the ladder up from under themselves. Faggots.
They're like the last of the generation of people who are still salty about the prequels that they just hate all Star Wars now which is reasonable but they're terrible judges for what is or isn't good Star Wars and they should just stick with crying about how Star Trek is going if they're going to be that way
the human race
>both sides are stupid and you're stupid for caring. I am superior for not caring but also making fun of you.

ah the classic South Park approach
>Vietnam (a war that ended 4 years before the movie went into production)
And so nobody talked about, thought about, or referenced it ever again until the end of time.
Can Xers just fuck off now? There are no good ones left.
Criticize the show and don't take the bait. You're missing the forest for the trees. What you want is whining on forums. You actually don't give a fuck about what is being discussed. You want in on the gossip. That's woman shit.
women gossip about people (they know)
men discuss things
To be fair I'm absolutely sure that Mike has early onset Alzheimer's look at him two years ago you can even sort of see it then. Now I'm surprised no one in this threat is talking about it.
It's hard to watch him slur and know that's not alcohol teehee funny time he doesn't know what the fuck is going on anymore he can't remember shit.
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In you go
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because they changed the lore to be right agewise
it is like i make an argument about something and change the historical facts to be right
it is just dishonest and shows that they dont care, they wanted ki adi mundi so they manipulated the facts to get him there
Mauler did that by playing the same footage over the audio about Rich and Mike talking about the acolyte

Fuck reddit letter media. I never watch reddit letter media no matter what. lol
>it's not a conspiracy
It is, by definition, a conspiracy
Iranian, or part Iranian.
His surname is Dadbeh
>And so nobody talked about, thought about, or referenced it ever again until the end of time.
Lucas didn't. In fact, all he did was make a film adaptation of Dune for children. There was no deeper thinking taking place. Just Dune for Children.
Nigga he was a fan of Flash Gordon
>claim neutrality
>only get mad at the right
Data robot gay
>disney keeps releasing shit
>disney keeps ratcheting up the bait
>disney keeps about harassment
>"whoa, you can point this out. you're the bad guy"
fuck you and the horse you rode in on
Africa would be better off long term if we stopped sending them aid. sure millions will die but they will get over it.
They fucked up...
Or outposts...
Don’t you dare compare the ancient kings like Doug and Linkara to people like this.
This. I'm tired of midwits with an audience like RLM and Like Stories of Old's new video just fence sitting and pretending The Quartering is just as bad and evil as an entire industry ruining entertainment and infecting it with their propaganda.
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Why did this make chuds seethe? They called woke grifters out as well yet you dont see them crying.
whats cartmans opinion on the juice?
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>Or maybe Mike doesn't give a shit
nice cope, Stoklasa... you are seething and this is why I know there will be no video about SHELBY OAKS from RLM, because the seething would be obvious to everyone
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EFAP won. Billions must sneed
>Mike accidentally gave a perfect meme to mock faggots defending Disney Star Wars with starving Africans children
P.S why is red letter media operating one of the whitest cities in America if they like In diversity so much?
Star Wars theory mexican and RLM calling him white for not liking Star Wars acolyte.
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The prequels were trash though. Terrible casting, lighting, direction, everything.

They're not really all that comparable anyway. Both in space, that's it. Star Wars was just a trio of action movies for kids circa 1980; Star Trek, even in movie form, was a long-running series of TV shows. They had different audiences mostly. Star Wars you watched as a kid or with your kids, Star Trek was for the adults.

Now, however, they are finally comparable, as they are both generic slop that is almost indistinguishable thanks to diversity checklists and general modern shittiness. But who wants to compare this crap, as few care to even watch it (other than OP feebs, who truly are reddit incarnate).
>Ki-Adi-Mundi asks about the droid attack on the Wookiees
>they then discuss strategy about that planet/battle

This is the most embarrassing piece of criticism. Yes, it would be odd of them not to bring it up. While you're giving commentary on the scene of them bringing it up, they're discussing it now.
>do they just think that their audience are mentally retarded?
Anyone who watches as much video as they do, and not get paid for it, is just that.
Their prequel review was peak midwittery.
They can't fathom how a false flag attack works.
Somehow Palpatine is too smart for them.
These are the people who read "taxation of trade routes" and zone out.
Obviously no conflict in human history has ever begun because of a dispute over taxes.
Why was it so popular back in the day to hate on world building and fictional politics? Everyone loved it when Game of Thrones did it.
>It is a period of civil war.
>civil war
How? Don't they just mean 'war'?
>Star Trek was for the adults.
Star Trek was for autists you mean.
This is why Star Trek games are so boring and uninspired while in Star Wars games you're gunning down magical death cultists using drugs to create a slave army to disrupt galactic order
Brutally murder a Star Wars fan today. Make a difference.
No, prequelshit was just bad
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>another thread of prequelfag screeching
Because when GoT did it, it was intriguing. In the prequels the politics part was boring, because George can't write.
Nothing about Game of Thrones politics is more interesting. You were just told that the Trade Federation being used by Palpatine to overthrow the chancellor is less interesting than Littlefinger betraying the Baratheons and Starks because he didn't get tully puss puss
Its not even a culture war issue. Its people pointing out how insane it is to abandon your core market by changing elements of the property to appeal to people who dislike it. While also hiring people with disdain for the core audience who will intentionally harm your brand by saying stupid shit or making spiteful decisions that make their products worse.
They assumed the core market would always be there. This was a bad assumption but it happens a lot.
>Its people pointing out how insane it is to abandon your core market by changing elements of the property to appeal to people who dislike it.
its not insane, microsoft does it all the time because it makes business sense. some complain about how tablets or AI are useless but the promise of greater market share matters more to investors who are the only opinions that matter.
How is the core market abandoned? Disney is developing what I would say is too many shows to appeal to a wide group of people, but I wouldn't say the core audience is abandoned. I also wouldn't say that gay people or women actively dislike star wars. I'm honestly confused where you are getting that the people there now have disdain for the core audience. The most disdain from Disney's side has been towards retards that attack their actors online.
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I stoped the video when I heard the forced fake le quircky laugh of the faggot on the left.
First time I watch them, last time.
He believes OJ was innocent, but doesn't care either way because the victim was a woman.
The problem in my eyes is that businesses are run by people who went by business school, and business school teaches you to be retarded because it assumes customers are just numbers on a spreadsheet and not people.
No, they need it to buy vintage Star Wars figures to dissolve in a giant fish tank full of acetone.
Star Trek nerds are infinitely more insufferable, but there are way fewer of them.
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Why isn't the darth maul russian lesbian space witch mom on the poster?
>another "grr rlm are stupid shills" thread
do you have to make a bunch of these whenever they put out a new video? hasn't this issue already been settled?
Why do people even hate this guy? He was a trivial side character.

I grand ep2 and 3 were the good ones, but hating ep1 for this guy instead of for the over-long action scenes and fight scenes seems kind of ridiculous.
The point is that Mike is a fucking woman who only cares about internet drama.

If you want to be more cynical you could say he's just doing this shit for views because it's trending.
Because the entire movie was bad across multiple domains of analysis, and Jar-Jar provides a convenient focal point to symbolize the mess as a whole because he's just so visibly obnoxious.

That really shouldn't have been too difficult of a thing for you to figure out. Have you ever taken an IQ test (not on the internet)?
Kek I love how RLM absolutely obliterated your anus
>Maybe they can donate their Patreon money to help those starving in Africa.
As someone who works to feed starving kids in Africa it would be nice if these faggots did something
>makes throwaway joking comment
>humorless autists take it at face value and lose their mind
many such cases
>Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Thats because you're a retard.
>I'm a serious critic, take my opinions seriously
>No, you can't criticize my opinions, I'm just a comedian!
Literally the worst kind of reviewer. It's the main reason I stopped watching Jon Stewart and Colbert when I was younger.
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Did you miss the part where they say the best method for combating this shit is to fucking turn the show off? The whole video is saying "you're wasting your time and energy in a pointless culture war"
Disney aren't going to stop casting black people just because you're on twitter sperging out, they'll stop pushing these shit writers if you stop watching, it's that simple
This website has become so fucking moronic in the past 8 years
and they were a good friend
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I have no dog, or Doug, in this fight. I don't care. I just call it like I see it. Critical Drinker is just Nostalgia Critic wearing sunglasses who watched the Mr Plinkett Star Wars reviews and thought it was funny when he referred to "most embarassing thing since my son".
>Le both sides are just as bad argument
>The entire production of the show was predicated on the showrunners making the "gayest" Star Wars project when literally nobody wanted that
Sure, it's the right who are to blame here.
>Did you miss the part where they say the best method for combating this shit is to fucking turn the show off
False, the issues will just become worse.
>Start complaining about a black guy as soon as the Force Awakens trailer releases
>Fast forward 9 years, more woke writing than ever
Yeah a lot of good your complaining on twitter and youtube comments did, fucking retard
Don't watch the shows/movies, it's that simple. I haven't watched anything since Mandalorian season 1 and I couldn't be happier
the right are winning Europe and the rest of the west will follow. The woke are losing.
The problem is that there is a small but very vocal number of people who will not do that. The reasonable people didn't watch at all, or have already stopped. The unreasonable people won't listen and will continue to watch and screech the loudest.
>"you're wasting your time and energy in a pointless culture war"
yes just ignore "diversity" coming for you
What is this kind of thing called anyway? There's gotta be a term for it.
no, they will stop doing it when the elites that push the agenda are removed, and that doesn't happen by ignoring everything
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let their miserable livers fail already so we can begone of these total losers.
no, you're wrong. building consensus is part of it. right after TLJ was released there was no consensus on it being awful. only through debate here and elsewhere, the consensus that it's dogshit emerged - due to the fact the initial defenders switched sides
>h-he was just pretending to be retarded
Nobody is watching this trash. Which again prompts you to look up the reason why disney are making shows that nobody watches.

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