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>they never adapted the best Narnia book
I'm still mad.
me too anon, me too
book is peak comfy
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>reading this right after my grandma died
sex with jadis
When I was kid I had a full collection of these books and the Magicians Nephew was listed as the first one. I always thought it was the most interesting and then very quickly lost interest in the series about halfway through the Dawn Treader book. The characters and world never really connected to me that much.
literally me
The best Narnia book is Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I've read all the books* and honestly the only one that really stands out is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There's a reason why that book has like a dozen tv/movie adaptations. The Last Battle is hands down the funniest book in the whole series, though. Lewis essentially says that Susan isn't allowed into Narnia heaven because she was a thot.

*My elementary school had a program where you could earn points by reading certain books, and those points could be translated to little prizes like colored pencils or special bookmarks, so naturally I read the hell out the Narnia books bc they were on the list
>he needed an incentive to read as a kid
Jadis deserves corrective rape. She requires it.
People who didn't read these books as children became today's soi-guzzling NPC bugpeople
No seriously I get skipping the first one but what was up with going 2 at a time after that?
note the first one is the only one I have read and lion the only movie I have seen
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Society owes me a bully Tarkheena gf
Lmao, you had a list? You could read ANY book in the ENTIRE LIBRARY and they ALL were worth a certain amount of points in MY DAY
VotDT and the Silver Chair were fucking slogs.
>mfw kids were books worth half a point, one point
I think The Hobbit was 14 points. I think this was when I peaked to be honest. Elementary school Accelerated Reading.
Eustace and Jill's relationship saved those later books for me
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Puddleglum is based.
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>ultimate villains of the series are... Muslims and Allah
The Calormenes are kinda Arabic/Turkish but Tash was more likely just an allegory for pagan religions in general.
I'm still triggered CS Lewis let one into heaven. Didn't realize her was a heretic until I read The Last Battle as an adult.
>Then by reason of my great desire for wisdom and understanding, I overcame my fear and questioned the Glorious One and said, Lord, is it then true, as the Ape said, that thou and Tash are one?
>The Lion growled so that the earth shook (but his wrath was not against me) and said, It is false. Not because he and I are one, but because we are opposites, I take to me the services which thou hast done to him, for I and he are of such different kinds that no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him.
>Therefore if any man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath's sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him. And if any man do a cruelty in my name, then, though he says the name Aslan, it is Tash whom he serves and by Tash his deed is accepted. Dost thou understand, Child?
Actually now that I think about it that's not true, Lewis wasn't just a christfag, he really just hated brown people. I mean, he portrayed pagan deities like Bacchus and Silenius in Prince Caspian as GOOD guys, so paganism wasn't an issue for him. Brown people were.
>Tash worshipper/propogandist located
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Should Mr Tumnus rape Lucy in the Netflix adaptation?
A tranny had to ruin this semi-tolerable thread ( semi-tolerable is equivalent to kino these days ). You really are evil fucks
Tash was clearly Satan.

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