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I dare you to show me a better sci-fi series
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>gerry anderson
You have my attention. Does it feature marionettes in any capacity?
Any Trek series is better than that. Even Sliders is better. I'll never understand you people. It's like enjoying Xena or the Highlander syndicated show.
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Whatever. I like liking things.
Look at this pedophile. Shameful.
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Obvious answer is obvious.
stop at s3
>It's like enjoying Xena
Send me location.
Bablyon 5, dune miniseries, expanse, firefly, Farscape and a few others.
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>First eight seasons of SG1
>First three seasons of The Expanse
I'm still gonna hafta say SG1... but it's *close*!
I stopped at the first episode, the cast was extremely unlikeable and the setting was bland.

>Bablyon 5
Only good if delayed gratification is your thing. But good payoff.

What could have been, the show. Joss Whedon was seriously at his best.
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Imagine all three of them strapped and taking turns pegging you, bros.
What is it with the coomers on this board and pegging? Are all of you secretly gay? You make /v/ look palatable.
Yea the consensus is, it gets better at Episode 3 once they get their own ship.
>What could have been, the show. Joss Whedon was seriously at his best.
Yeah, it's really weird. I watched it for the first time pretty recently, and I could see all the seeds of stuff that would ruin so many other movies, but Firefly somehow just made it all work and feel so genuine. Like it was stuff Joss Whedon genuinely liked and thought was cool and wanted to share it with us instead of the rote pandering and trope checklists that came after. Genuinely shocked at how much I enjoyed Firefly to the point where I even read some of the comics.
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Look at it this way; it wasn't on long enough for Joss to ruin it.
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Fuck you, Xena was kino.
Taking turns?
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If we are objectively speaking, the top 20 sci-fi series are all anime
I honestly don't know how to rank Farscape relative to others in the scifi genre because of how fucking weird it is but it will always be somewhere adjacent to the alltime great zone at minimum for the makeup and puppetry work alone

Farscape was great, I'd give it an easy 8.5/10. I'm just glad they killed when they did. You could tell the writers were out of ideas by season 4. They allowed it to go out with dignity.


I would put Babylon 5 just above SG1.
>ywn have an inappropriate emotional relationship with an unusually tall moongirl while you're recovering in a hospital offworld
feels strange man
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Low T weirdo

Went downhill after season 1 and to complete shit after season 2.
I'm currently on Farscape Season 2 and I already feel that it is the correct and definitive answer to this question.

It has already turned a corner and bettered every Star Trek series bar DS9, it is as good as The Expanse was in S1 - 3 (bear in mind this show got so bad I couldn't even finish the final 3 episodes of S6), it's more fleshed out than Firefly, better paced than Babylon 5, as comfy as Stargate Atlantis (I know SG1fags don't wanna hear it, but again after S5 SG1 starts falling off extremely hard and Atlantis probably wins out as best SG series), it's not as dated as Blakes 7 and has a similar level of maturity, granted with a fair bit more humour. Honestly it's fantastic. And this is all evident by the 2nd (SECOND) Season. Unless this crashes and burns by the end, which I hope it doesn't and don't think it will, I reckon it could probably be the best Sci Fi series of all time, especially if you're just counting space operas.
I wish they'd reboot Sliders.
>I'm currently on Farscape Season 2
Me too, I saw Beware of Dog today.
And I'm very jealous of D'Argo.
Nothin' personnel
This is really good. Shame about the final season and the ending. Honourable mention for Battlestar Galactica too.
Still Farscape for me.
>Any Trek series is better than that.
Could never get into that series. I liked the 2009 reboot movie and it's Khan follow up (never saw the third movie in that trilogy tho), but the rest of the series was always boring as fuck to me. I tried the 60s series with Kirk and I got bored out of my mind. Then I tried the first 10 episodes of TNG and I dropped it because the plot was fucking horrible and the characters were uncharismatic.
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The head writer recently revealed the synopsis of the 6th season, if it had got greenlit.

They made a live action version of that Daffy Duck cartoon?
ngl this was pretty universally panned, but it's my favourite comedy sci-fi
>Blakes 7
It's still fun, though. In my book, low budget effects and good writers trump expensive effects and bad writers.
> Cheap, american war propaganda shat out during Gulf War 2.

How is this even sci-fi? It's a soapie in a clearing. I'm tired of this mentally ill fuckwit spamming this garbage show, like holy shit get some taste you fake faggot.
>shat out during Gulf War 2
It started when Bill Clinton was still in office you idiot.
God i wanted to bone Wilma so bad. Still would.
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I'll just leave this here
>Highlander syndicated show.

Bro, that show was actually decent and cemented my position that river boats make awesome homes. Now Seaquest on the other hand....
It's excellent. I didn't bother mentioned shows that I didn't feel were in the top echelon of Sci Fi series.
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Stargate always sucked
Not many.
Firefly and Farscape are off the top of my head the only 100% locks.
I'd put Babby 5 over it too, it's too bad about the Sinclair stuff because after S1 it was on pace for a top 3 all time show
Expanse if you let me stop at S3, it becomes a conversation if I add 4 and then 5-6 take it out of the running
BSG is a coinflip but its a weighted coin that will always land on SG-1 because BSG ended so poorly
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As of right now I am answering your question
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Assuming we arent posting astar Trek I'll post something different. Not space but still scifi
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Pretty meh tbch
what racist stereotypes do those aliens have?
BSG amd SG1 are my all time favorites. Expanse was good for a while too.
Even Sliders is better.

sliders is great to a point, then it craters into one of the worst sci fi shows ever
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>Any Trek series is better than that.
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>its a teyla episode
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>I'll just leave this here
It was always here
Does anyone remember this? I have only vague memories of watching it in tv in the '90s but I feel like it could have been more popular. It was kind of like Lost on an alien planet.
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2199 is a good close second.
I have a vague memory of watching that and feeling dissatisfied with it.
People are too harsh on Sliders S5
there i said it
was equally based
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Tik was zesty as hail
>the cast was extremely unlikeable
This has killed countless shows for me in the past 10 years. It's like everyone things being a massive faggot is cool
why are you starting a stargate thread by asking anons to spam a bunch of garbage shows in it?
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>being a massive faggot is cool
>he said
>on 4chan
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That's it, threads over.
As a matter of fact it does say Colonel on my uniform!

Finally, someone who isn't trying to say that it was just as good after Amazon bought it.

Fucking kek, always wrote this off but actually kind of want to watch it now.

>Literally designed like the sea ship
You lost and Yamato got BTFO get over it, Japs.
why does he have such a huge and oddly shaped wrack?
What are they looking/pouting at?
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What the fuck do you mean "finally"? The general consensus around here is it turning to dogshit the second Amazon took over.
I really liked this show just because it would come on right before stargate on Sunday night at around 11pm
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>Teyla starts singing
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G'Kar and Londo characters and friendship is fucking 20/10
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Maybe not better in storytelling, but as far as quality of women ...
is this real?
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It really isnt. I watched it two years ago as part of my "things on tv that I only saw a few episodes of" checklist, and the show is only ever average.
It's mostly anthology shorts of the most basic What Ifs like "what if society praised drugs instead of shamed users?"
And the moment they tried to tack on an over-arching plot with the Morlocks it as you said goes to shit and kills off the best characters.
And then it doesnt even follow the Morlocks most of the time and spends WAY too much on a villain that shouldnt have even had one full episode to himself.
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Who was the best girl?
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both kino of the highest order
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what are you talking about? see >>200732241 stargate was wall to wall coomfuel
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>I dare you to show me a better sci-fi series
i wont say better, perhaps 'on par'
>The untitled two-parter would have seen the return of Connor Trinneer as the Wraith hybrid, Michael
yuck underwater setting is cringe. you give me the ick boomer
Tomboy Tok'ra
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>somehow Michael returned
>more magic baby
>more singing
The last episode should have been Vegas. Atlantis was going downhill but if it continued it would have shit the bed worse than SG-1.
>Somehow Elizabeth returned
>Somehow Kolya returned
>Somehow Michael returned
>Somehow Ford returned
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thats some good casting and its even shared between serials
Boob windows
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I miss when Sci-Fi actresses were contractually obliged to appear in slutty glamour photoshoots to promote the show.
Scheduling pro photoshoots with onsite stylists beats the fuck out of the modern version where some designer sends her some shit that doesn't even fit that well and she shits out a bunch of poorly lit selfies. We have to go back.
Many of the same people involved with both shows, including the DeLuise family.
>You lost and Yamato got BTFO get over it, Japs.
Why are you the one seething then?
Reads like total hack shit. It was a really good call to cancel Atlantis before this crap.
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There is always the AI option.
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it was a better time

Tbh what actress still doesn't do that?
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>rewatching SG-1 recently and a wild Grace appeared
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Where bobs?
So far the cut-off for good scifi is 2009-2010, with only The Expanse coming close.
>no Dr Keller
c'mon man
I'd rather watch them fucking each other to be honest.
They way Star Trek ripped of B5 was pretty egregious
I thought that was Gundam Wing from the thumbnail, god I miss that 80/90s anime artstyle so fucking much. I hate what anime has become.
I actually enjoyed SGU first season. You can stop watching after that.
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That's the trilogy.
>stop watching SGU after season 1
>missing out on the kino descendants episode
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I keep thinking about how kino a proper 40K series could be and then how shit this Amazon shitshow will be and getting pissed. Why does everything have to be so fucking gay. Just make something cool for once.
But the second season is superior in literally every way
this series sucks
I've watched all of SGU I just barely remember it is all, but I'm sure that the seasons after 1 were when they find the other ship wasn't it? Also wasn't that the part where Telford was fucking the Colonel's wife etc? It just got boring.
There were only two seasons before it was cancelled.
S1 leant hard into all the stupid Earth drama like the shit with Telford fucking Young’s wife and Wray’s lesbian crap and Scott’s baby daddy stuff.
S2 dropped like 90% of that and focused on more action and sci-fi. You’ve got the end of the Lucian Alliance incursion arc, the aliens that abducted Chloe and Rush come back, they find the seed ship and the aliens that were wiped out by the drone ships, the fun episode where Woolsey bodyjacks the Langaran president to steal access to their Stargate, time travel shenanigans with the crew founding a civilization in a distant galaxy, consciousnesses getting downloaded into Destiny’s computer, a pretty solid cliffhanger ending that also works as a bittersweet finale. Huge improvements all around.
Oh, well then maybe I was wrong. I just remember enjoying the idea that they were trapped on the ship exploring random planets without a Stargate. Rush was the best part of it though, likely due to Robert Carlyle.
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Space Above and Beyond was ok
Yeah Carlyle did a great job. Ferreira too.
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Colonel Young teaming up with Omac to develop Earth real estate was a strange arc.
You suck :(
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the last best hope
>if earth is so great why haven't they made an earth tw...
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Shit your whore mouth. If one is like Xena than that's Sliders.
And start trek is just formal, bureaucratic crap.
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All the women were hot as fuck though, I guess you could say that for all of SG.
I loves this when I was younger and tried watching it again now and its pretty cheesy. The robots are hilariously bad.
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Praise Deluise.
Yummy mommy.
Just a mediocre copy of the original sg1

When does it start to get good? Always felt like it's as boring ass any star trek

Highlander the Series is one of the greatest pieces of television ever made. Holy shit, you absolute cuckold lmao
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Atlantis is better
sg1 had too many seasons that should have been given to Atlantis instead
I didn't like Joe as the lead actor, the rest were fine.
>Atlantis is better
hell no atlantis is mega cringe
>sg1 had too many seasons
agreed, the ori kinda ruined it
>somehow everyone returned
>time travel episode
>another time travel episode
>third time travel episode with three different timelines interacting
season 6 would've been boring
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I wish we could go back.
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i think he's fine, for me it's tayla - always skip the ethosian episodes now, and michael.
Joe's acting is a bit wooden, but so was Richards.
i used to think so too, because it's hard to go from knowing 1 cast to another. then years later i gave it another shot and i ended up liking it even more than SG1. you should give it another shot some time
I remember loving it as a kid but I can't find torrents anywhere so it could actually be shit
Old sci-fi is fairly hit or miss, especially the early CGI from that era.
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>Elizabeth Mitchell
>Morena Baccarin
Ok you have my attention, but it's impossible to search for on torrent sites?
Lower Decks
>Highlander the Series is one of the greatest pieces of television ever made

it really is. it's fucking scary almost
me second from the far left
This but unironically.
O'Neill was an insufferable protoredditor.
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>the ori kinda ruined it
Yeah, "what if goold but catholic" was a shaky plot from the jump, the farscape guys were just wrong for Stargate, and so much of the last two (really three) seasons felt like spinning their wheels because the writers ran out of ideas.
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It’s because you’re stupid.
You mean this isn’t a “post literally any sci-fi show” thread?
Hey Ho, Let's Go!!
>I dare you to show me a better sci-fi series
Battlestar Gallactica (2004)
Star Trek: Voyager.
Star Trek: Deep Space
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
>Middle schooler is hearing about Xena: Warrior Princess for the first time in his widdle baby life.

Fun fact. I was watching the History channel roughly 15 or so years ago, and on the show Universe, they had a guy who discovered some Dwarf planet or star or some shit, and he was totally gonna name it Xena after the show, but he changed his mind, and called it something else. They don't say, but I imagine he got bullied hard by the scientific community into not naming cosmic bodies after hollywood products.
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I prefer the real 2525.
>le woman warrior protagonist
What's the Dracula ayys fucking problem?
Why are they such dicks?
God i hated that bitch teyla, she could not act for one bit and really was not that hot.
Obviously some actress fucking somebody highup and recieved her part that way.
She was a C list actor in a show full of B list actors.
Actually, recently they leaked all the episodes of season 6, and they all sounded pretty good.
Only downside was micheal would be back for the midseason two episode special.
But they also wanted to bring back ford and the genii
I'm trying to enjoy this but every single episode devolves into ten minute stretches of hand-wringing over something they obviously need to get done.
"These guys are going to kill millions and we can stop them!"
"But oh noes ... that one kid could get in the way and get killed!"

That is every fucking episode. Action brought to a screeching halt by some sensitive jerk worrying about one person over the lives of millions. It's just another soap opera, but in space.
The real sam is better.
I hate anime, but at least this artstyle gives them actual noses for a change.
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You better not be talking about the tv show!!
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I never heard anybody complain when it was a
>somehow the repicators have returned
>somehow baal has returned
>another tealc "muh jaffa" episode
>two fucking seasons of "muh ori" and daniels slampiece.
>what if we made a blade runner tv show but we called it total recall so nobody wanted to watch it?
>that's brilliant, but I'll only give you a million dollars to make it
>not a problem sir, I can just reuse the same 5 seconds of CGI and ten seconds of street-level b-roll in every episode
Dark angel was good, for the total two seasons we had.
Jessica alba in her prime doing backflips and stuff in tight leather, never understood why they cancelled it.

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