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You now remember how was near perfect Supernatural Seasons 1 - 5 were.
>near perfect
Let's not be silly now. I love me some Supernatty but "near perfect" is a stretch.
I binged the first 11 seasons of it a few years back when it was on Netflix. I completely forgot most of the plot points. I actually enjoyed the season with the skinwalker type monsters. Should I finish it or rewatch from the start?
I've never watched it. Is Soldier Boy based?
Dangerously so. He hard-carries a lot of it.
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Stop at the end of Season 5 and headcanon that to the ending. You'll love the show alot more.

I love the Skinwalker episodes, RIP Ronald.
Didn't Chuck/God become the main villain after Season 5 for no reason?
He kinda hovers around but becoming the villain was really late in the show's run. They had well and truly run out of ideas at that point.
Jensen Ackles is fucking awesome.
>Incredibly handsome
>Good actor
>Great comedic timing
>Loyal friend
>Family man
>Attractive wife
>Set up Jeffery Dean Morgan with his future wife
>Lives in Texas
>Kept the boots that he wore playing Dean
He's just unfathomably based.
Wasn't Chuck a legit nice guy with no ill motives in 1-5? He was just on a break and watching over humans?

why suddenly turn him eevil?
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>Dean help please.
Fucking loved seasons 1-5. Never watched past that though.
Was the the channel changing episode?
Poor man's teen wolf
The early seasons of this show reminded me of a Disney channel show that came out before it. I've always wondered if the same production staff worked on Supernatural and So Weird.
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They didn't know he was God then. He tells Metatron "Chuck" was just a cover and up until that point nobody was the wiser.
what was the point of that shit? with everything being so bright in the flashbacks it felt like there was something else going on, but no, nothing


there are some good episodes after season 5, but it becomes clear that they were trying hard to attract a female audience after that. also avoid every episode with charlie in them. another series felicia day tried to ruin with her fucking taint. also the potential for the man of letters was never reached
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>also avoid every episode with charlie in them.
She has a few good scenes.
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It's revealed he was God in the last episode and he was just helping Sam and Dean the whole time, reviving them and teleporting them when in dire trouble.
>mfw God gets pissed at them and stops helping so their credit cards get declined, the car breaks down, and Dean gets the flu
>near perfect
it was fun garbage with some great moments that turned into pure garbage post s5
>no cool monsters, just humans with weird eyes or teeth
>Plot revolves around biblical apocalypse but Jesus is never once mentioned or alluded to
The characters are fun but don't kid yourself, it's nothing near perfect.
He was only helping because he found it entertaining. The guy had a myriad of worlds he abandoned because he got bored.
>Nooo haha I'm just a writer I don't know why my books are controlling your lives
Chuck was always an asshole.
naw, fuck that bitch. i dont event want to see her get beat up
Huh? Oh, you mean the mandroid.
There was literally no reason for this character to continue appearing after the Leviathan arc yet she keeps randomly fucking turning up at the bunker and Sam and Dean act like she's their sister.
I stopped watching after they killed the demon that killed their mom. I have no idea how the show kept going after that.
>Jesus is never once mentioned or alluded to
Castiel burns his face off in a church at one point. He had very recently lost and/or regained his powers again and was trying take over as new God.
Turns out his mom fucked that demon by the way. Who happened to be inhabiting her father's body at the time. She was the root cause most of the boy's problems
She was god awful when she came back and I was happy when she got vapourised.
This show was at it’s best when it was just basic monster of the week episodes with a couple minutes of plot thrown in. I never got why monster of the week was used as a criticism.
>I never got why monster of the week was used as a criticism.
They mention christ like 3 times in the early seasons but obviously god didn't want him around and the writers never knew how to incorporate him. If they made him a villain like they made everything else people would probably have complained. Angels being cunts is one thing but the peaceful savior of a religion being useless or a villain wouldn't sit well or be well done. What the fuck would jesus have done that would have been good?
>What the fuck would jesus have done that would have been good?
Could have been a funny MOTW ep. Jesus is a children's entertainer who turns up to work drunk on wine he made out of water and then curses the tree in their yard when the client refuse to pay him after he drunkenly stumbles into their pool but doesn't break the surface, and when told to leave pulls a fish from the pool and throws it at the kids.
Is it really worth all the letters?
>Jesus is never once mentioned or alluded to
The show was made by jews, what did you expect?
Have him redeem himself over the course of the episode. Simple as. Who's gonna complain then apart from the people no one listens to?
>Chuck was always an asshole

He teleported them multiple times, he saved Dean from Hell etc.
The first 2 seasons were great, the next 3 were good but getting progressively worse each time.
He was the one that killed them and shit though, so how does it make it any better? He only killed them and brought them back because he was bored. Did you not watch the show?
None of that is even funny. It's just edgy atheist "lol what if Jesus did Bible things but bad/dumb/incompetent?"
He killed them after Season 5. Which was it's own show fanfiction,
> Crazy laser eyes
It's all canon no matter how much you want to cry about it.
It was the last great show, fun and shamelessly coomer friendly and allowed to be masculine, but it was far from perfect. Better than most things that ever make it to television though, and an absolute masterpiece compared to everything made after 2010.

It feels very disjointed until the start of season 4, where you could tell Kripke had an overall vision for what he wanted the show to be and where he wanted it to go, but he only had a solid grasp on the ending and didn't quite know how to get there smoothly. It wasn't helped by the faggy writers strike basically writing off season 3 and the total absence of John after Morgan got a steady job with The Walking Dead and being completely unavailable for filming during the height of the show, basically killing half the heart and emotional conflict of the characters since John was a huge influence that just totally disappeared with barely any callbacks after he "died" until the zombie seasons.
>Attractive wife
lel.. i'm sure she's a hell of a woman deserving of him but let's not go nuts with her attractiveness
but ya jensen is the man
>it's a winchester bros get telekinetically pinned against a wall until the baddie loses their concentration for reasons and they shoot them with magic bullets or hit them with a crowbar episode
meh.. season 4 remains as good as i remember it but i'm surprised at how far back the clumsy melding of season arc and standalones go. even season 5 at times never really gave off that "final season" vibe properly imo
i'll defend some of the later seasons too, at least up to season 11.
They replace picrel with some blackwoman. What were they thinking.
a sassy one
Of all the bad decisions the show made this was genuinely the worst one. Death had a charisma and likeability about him that made every single one of his apperances absolute fucking kino. Billie is just an annoying bitch.
At least the woman is just a reaper and not death itself but yeah big downgrade
He isn't evil, he just has the mind of a writer, which is expected from a God.
and have just re watched the first 5 seasons, You can easily see his sadism and sarcasm in his interaction with the bros and Cass.
>after season 5,
6 season was okay, I've skipped 7, it was dreadful.
I'm really enjoying the 8.
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>At least the woman is just a reaper and not death itself
Anon, I...
Who's going to tell him?
It's a total retcon. He was only a prophet until Kripke decided to "reveal" that he's actually God in the final moments of the fifth season.
1-3 were perfect 4-5 were servicing a point I suppose that nothing good lasts for ever and beyond that its just sad cringe fanfiction.
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I have genital herpes.
i've only seen the first five seasons because my ex told me it got so fucking bad after that. my only question is if Kripke was so adamant on ending his portion the way he wanted, why the fuck would he add the cliffhanger to let viewers know the show was continuing?

like why not double down and be like "sure you can have the show but i'm not putting in that cheap ass ending"
>It's a total retcon
It wasn’t supposed to be a cliffhanger. It’s open ended and you are suppose to imagine what happened.
He hates fags too.
well maybe not a cliffhanger exactly, but setting it up for another season. Sam coming back right after such an emotional moment just seemed cheap. If it were my show I cared so much about, i'd say fuck no and this is my ending. you guys do what you want after
They should just made Tessa the new Death, if they wanted a female that much.
a more kind Death like the one from Sandman.
Sam being onscreen in that final moment before the credits is absolutely a cliffhanger, and a wholly unearned one at that. It really does ruin the impact of that entire finale.
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big f
he was my favourite
>what if we killed Death lmao
What on earth were they thinking? Why would Death let himself get stabbed with his own scythe? Why would Death be so concerned with Sam that he would try to meme Dean into killing him in the first place?
Who the fuck knows. Maybe they got a call from the diversity police and decided old white man out, black woman in. Maybe Julian didn't like where the story was going and wanted off the show. Either way it was an awful decision.
X-Files 1-5 was near perfect
Supernatural 1-5 was pretty good
Yes, the other one is a massive whiny bitch though
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>Le quirky lesbian how do you do fellow gaymurz gurl
>lesbian gamer hacker DnD fanatic
Bizarre character. Feels like a blatant self insert.
how do ppl watch this shit? the cgi is beyond terrible to the point of breaking all immersion.
NEAR perfect? This was the best television has ever been, and I will fight anyone who says different.
She was cute in her own camelid way. People only hate her because she's le quirky gamer gurll
>Soldier boy
Kys Zoomer
Uhh This is a show for women
No, women latched onto it because ZOMG SAM AND DEAN ARE SOOOOO HOT or whatever. The content is the most perfect blend of X-Files and Buffy you could imagine.
I tried to watch this and got bored within 10 eps.
Yes. He was the perfect choice to play Death. Distant, snarky, witty, mostly ambivalent but with a small spark of compassion towards humanity and very 'matter of fact'.
>>anti christian slop written by a supreme kike
no thanks

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