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>The popular fantasy action RPG video game “Elden Ring” could be headed for a film or television adaptation, George R.R. Martin wrote on his blog Saturday. Martin, the “Game of Thrones” author who’s also behind the acclaimed game’s worldbuilding, explained, “Oh, and about those rumors you may have heard about a feature film or television series based on ELDEN RING… I have nothing to say. Not a word, nope, not a thing, I know nothing, you never heard a peep from me, mum mum mum. What rumor?”

Would you watch it?
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I rather watch a leaked video of this fat tub of shit jack off to black gay porn than see anymore campaign for this cuck nerd shit. Absolute bug marketing. I CARE ABOUT CINEMA. I CARE ABOUT KINO. GIVE ME KINO.
It wont work unless the director is Japanese and actors are European
>They plot is... everything is lies and nothing matters!
It's right up his alley at least
More like up his ASS what a shitload of fuck
They should make a tv series about the backstory before Mike got ahold of it and made it generic dark fantasy.
Give me GOT but for a pantheon of gods.
I feel like I'm in the minority but I really don't care if he doesn't finish ASOIAF. The last two books were an absolute slog and they didn't extinguished my interest in the saga. It's better if he doesn't finish so that I won't get the impulse to read another massive boring book just to finish what I started.
the one story not even Hollywood could fuck up and the fans would eat all the tranny dei SHIT up.
>Radagon is a nigger
>Full of redheads
They are fucking foaming at the mouth
ER is ass, I want a DS movie first
I don’t care if he finishes ASOIAF because I’ve never read any of the books and have only ever seen one episode of GOT.
>girlboss the movie
It will be relatively the same ending anyway. I suspect that's why he gave up on writing them because he knows everyone is just going to hate them
cast my man Ornstein
I wonder if they'll match the dialogue.
Jonah Hill in a fat suit
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>Radahn - Giant black guy
>Miquella - Tiny, small, frail, white twink
>Miquella is consort to Radahn, and they are in love with each other, with Miquella getting PLOWED every day in the Redmane Castle

Cast them both.
Zanzibart... forgive me
Good. I'm glad that shit community will be getting all the roasties and faggots. That trash deserves nothing less.
The tranny from euphoria and idris elba
Don't forget theyre brothers( blood related)
I don't know anything about Elden Ring, QRD?
Should I buy Elden Ring?
this fat fuck will do anything but write his fucking book
>royal parents are a bunch of assholes
>they all have children who are all assholes (except one or two) trying to claim lordship and screw the others over
>you play as a random guy in the world trying to take that title or burn everything to the ground
Basically none of the characters are that great and caused most of the problems you see in the hellscape of a world you enter. Only maybe one or two are decent (Margit, maybe Mohg too if we believe he was being brainwashed this whole time)
If you don't like Fromsoft games or that awful genre they "created" don't bother
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I don't see how they would translate the story etc but okay
That’s Smough
Why do people like you insist on hating souls games? They just feel good to play. The worlds are beautiful and detailed, combat is quick and satisfying, story isn’t forced on you. Is it because of how popular they’ve become? Is it just annoying to hear about it? Because frankly it’s just the flavor of this month. You won’t hear about it again until the next one
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>for a film or television adaptation
Martin's role was to provide the backstory for the game proper. So if they do an adaptation it will most likely cover pre shattering stuff
>The Elden is a physical manifestation of the laws that govern reality
>Queen Marika is the vessel and figure head of the 'Golden Order'
>There's at least a dozen or more immortal demigods each doing their own thing. All of them are children of Marika
>A conspiracy happens and Godwyn the golden is murdered (Golden Order's poster boy, basically Jesus type figure)
>A whole bunch of demigods get murdered
>The Elden Ring is shattered and the realm goes to shit
>Marika goes missing
>Marika's remaining children claim shards of the Elden Ring and infighting ensues
>The few remaining demigods are at a stalemate and the realm stagnates
>Centuries Pass
>Game begins here
That's the general set up. A lot more happens but those are the main plot points
It's not my thing the same way sports, racing and fighting games aren't my thing. I just really don't have fun playing them and have no desire to git gud at something I don't enjoy playing
The problem is that they don't feel good to play aside from Bloodborne.
>defeats /lit/
>defeats /tv/
>defeats /v/

A better word would be "demoralizes" or something along those lines
These people have no clue what video games would make decent shows/movies.

Mario(latest movie is still watchable despite illusion studio, point is it is fertile ground)
Last of us
Mortal Kombat
Resident evil

Dark souls/elden ring
Monster hunter

To make it a good show you would have to change it so fundamentally that fans would have to hate it.
The Monster Hunter RPG was liked
They suck at video games despite making them the center of their personalities. These games shove that deficiency in their face and causes cognitive malfunction.
Radahn is still a terrible boss
Just another way to get out of finishing the books. Fat fuck
This, the thing that makes Elden Ring work is that miscommunication between the Japanese and the Western imagination. All the characters in Souls feel alien and strange because of this and that specific brand of strangeness gives souls its unique flavor. Like the whole world has gone just a little mad. In film this usually just manifests as poor acting and unclear direction, but in a game it serves to make the player feel just a little uncomfortable at all times, like everyone, even the passive NPCs have some ulterior motive.
>really don't care if he doesn't finish ASOIAF
i made my peace with him never finishing it
just like i made my peace with the death of star wars
Thats edgy gook shit. It will never triumph.
Please don't. It's a work of art and is perfect in its current media format. They'd ruin it.
never gonna happen, hope you're ready for black melina
It'll probably end up as a prequel or something
Her seiyu is black but yeah if its live action its probably gonna suck
holy fucking weeb
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>Well THAT'S a SIGHT for SORE EYES!! The REDMANE ARMY!! WHA-!??! You are ALL going to TAKE TURNS RAILING my BROTHER?!?! RADAHN'S FIRST?!?! And YOU are going to REPEATEDLY COOM into MIQUELLA'S tight BUSSY!?!? B-but you are TOO LARGE! You will RUIN him for EVERYONE ELSE!!! EHHH??!? And after RADAHN STRETCHES out my beloved brother PERMANENTLY with ANTI GRAVITY HIP ATTACKS and ZERO G SPINNING COCK LUNGES, OGHA and JERREN will DOUBLE-TEAM him?!?! EHHHHH??!?! You're both gonna SPITROAST him like the DIRTY TWINK WHORE he IS?!?! JERREN is gonna FILL him with his RED MAGMA-like SEMEN?!?! ALL while OGHA WHISKS his MIND AWAY with PLEASURE like A RAIN OF GRAVITATIONAL ARROWS?!?!! And NEXT is IJI?!?! HUUUHHHH?!?! YOU joined back as the BLACKSMITH of the REDMANES JUST to FUCK my BROTHER?! WAIT PLEASE DON'T USE YOUR CARIAN MAGIC TO BROADCAST THIS ACROSS THE LANDS BETWEEN!!! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DON'T!!! I BEG YOU!!! WAIT, you WON'T until HE arrives??!? And WHO could that possibly b- WAIT the TARNISHED?!?! SAY WHHAAA-?!?! You are going to BEAT ME again and FORCE me to BLOOM? Making me be REBORN and SPAWN more clones like MILLICENT and her SISTERS who are PART of ME? THEN you'll ORDER RADAHN'S KNIGHTS to hold us down and FORCE US to WATCH our beloved BROTHER get VIOLATED by the ENTIRETY of the REDMANE ARMY from EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE? And YOU'RE SAYING that seeing my SWEET BROTHER getting GAPED, will RUIN my ENTIRE WORLD-VIEW?!? My WHOLE WORLD will SHATTER like the ELDEN RING as my MIND BREAKS from seeing such a HORRID and TRAUMATIZING thing?!?! And this will cause me to develop a DISSOCIATIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER, where I will KEEP MUMBLING TO MYSELF I'm UNDEFEATED, which will eventually DRIVE me INSANE?!?! And then, I will be FORCED into the BASE OF THE SCADUTREE where I will be LOCKED and TRAPPED in DEEP WITHIN, with only a SMALL window to see my BELOVED BROTHER getting FUCKED THROUGH while I become A DROOLING INVALID?!?! YABBA DABBA

There is no fucking story to tell. Elden Ring has the most lazily written fantasy '''story''' ever created, it's just a bunch of consecutive boss battles. People talk about rolling techniques more than they talk about the world or it's characters.
>part 1
Lets get down to it, who is based enough to play Hora Loux?
the erdtree was lesbian space witches btw
I kneel, I squeal, my right arm isn't real
I cope, I mope, someone fetch me a rope
I smell like puke, I'm a fluke, if I'm near death I drop a nuke
I suck, I'm a cuck, I watch Radahn give Miquella the proper fuck
I don't have cute feet, all my simps are neets, I am malenia and I have known defeat
More like Melinan
Because it's copy pasted low effort trash. If you have any semblance of taste, you'd agree it's just been downhill from Demon's Souls.
Just give more dunk and egg
>roll roll roll

>you think i care? im racing my remote control cars around my platinum studded pool! LOL! - GRRM
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there's not enough plot for that
Amber Heard as Marika
>gimmick bosses are... le good!
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Hunter Schafer as dung eater
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>Lol how popular can a gay fantasy game be-
>25,000,000 units
Damn I am surprised. I thought this dark souls shit was niche.
And it will filled to the brim with niggers.
>7 examples
>from a 140 hour game
walking around a field for 60 hours doesnt count as content faggot
No. Fuck Grrm. I read the first ice and fire book in 1996 when I was in high school. I don't give a single fuck about any new project his lazy fatass is promoting unless he finishes that series.
>he got stuck in a field for 60 hours
I like Vaati well enough and he seems like a decent guy all things considered but man oh man do I absolutely hate the genre of YouTubers he spurned with his faux deep over-analyzing bullshit
If he finishes it, its gonna be shit. Like the last two books. Asoiaf(ag) will never be as good as they are right now. But before they reached critical mass they were very good. I'm just happy my man George got some dirty German pornstar pussy before McDonald's takes his life.
Can't wait for the kino fights
>has multiple projects unfinished
>starts new projects
How many times can someone dick around before it becomes deliberate
I like Elden Ring more than ASoIaF. I want him to write a story set in the world of Elden Ring now.
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Dark Souls 2 was the peak. Unfortunately because of crying cretins who cannot evade, From turned roll button into invincibility button and nuked stamina system.
Ever since then they do nothing but damage control around it, with enemies chasing you around with lifted arms for 10 seconds.
robert pattinson or willem dafoe for ornstein, russell crowe for smough
I want George Dungeater Martin to crawl into his hole, die and remain unburied.
He shit up what he could in the story. It's his fault nobody can remember the names of the bosses, because he names his characters like a fucking retard - aemon darmon daerhon daehrys armon viserys viseryl risevis ivsehrys etc
It has always been the invincibility button. Adding 2 more frames of invul to fast and mid rolls barely does anything since everyone runs the medium roll at least.
>Hidetaka Miyazaka
He's going senile isn't he?
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>all the Empyreans are made black
Oh well. Good thing they'll never adapt the superior Soulsborne game anyway
uhh Winds of Winter?
We will finally get an answer to the mystery of Zanzibarto
I was going to play Elden Ring but now that I know that Fat Boy George RAPE RAPE Martin wrote the thing, I'll stay away

fucking degenerate

DNA test on the series Finding Your Roots showed him to be 53.6% "British and Irish", 22.4% Ashkenazi Jewish, and 15.6% "Broadly Northwestern European".

That’s “adaption”, Chud.
DS2 sucks
Pedocrat and draft dodger, opposes war but supported obama who bombed the fuck out of the middle east, supported killary and sleepy joe

what a wretched person and books, disgusting piggy anti-tolkien
>Adding 2 more frames of invul to fast and mid rolls barely does anything

Oh yeah, and each of those frames is six seconds long. This is such a cope, they overcorrected so fucking badly that the entire combat revolves around this mistake.
Look at how it looks like - it's either a dude that takes 8 seconds to swing, or a dude that does 10 swings in a row regardless of what he looks like. Oh and grabs. Million grabs worse than it ever was in DS2 and everyone can see it.

G odrick
R adahn
R ykard
M orgott

G odwyn
R ennala
R adagon
M arika

G odfrey
R anni
R enna
M alenia

GRRM you fucking hack
What will be ER protagonists build?
Only if you're a normienigger who enjoys janky console 3rd person button smashers.
All of the story happens before your character goes on their mute murder adventure. The Shattering and the events that led up to it would be peak fantasy, but unless this somehow could've been created 15 years ago half the characters will be race swapped and just ruin all immersion. I can't even watch House of the Dragon because it makes no sense
>supported obama who bombed the fuck out of the middle east, supported killary and sleepy joe
Yeah I'm thinking based.
>roll, attack, roll, attack, roll, attack...
Rivers of Blood
Kek, nice lore m8
Also queen Marika is named after Marika Hase, one of GURM's three favorite pornstars, along with Sibel Kekilli (who he cast in Game of Thrones) and that other black chick he tried to cast for House of the Dragon.
whiter than 90% of americans
>now that I know that Fat Boy George RAPE RAPE Martin wrote the thing, I'll stay away
He wrote the lore of the world and then Miyazaki shattered the Elden Ring, killed or crippled most of the characters he wrote, and added a bunch of barefoot characters and poison swamps as usual.
Also there's hardly any rape, only a chick that fucks dead people.
to be fair
the fromsoft execs forced the fat boy on the japanese devs

as if they needed story telling training wheels from the literature equivalent of rick and morty
why doesn't he finish those books? it's his life work
Abbey Lee as Ranni the Bitch
t. Marika
Naw, fuck Marika, Radagon, Godfrey, and Rennala along with their demented kids.
Gold Mask had it right.
because he's trying to find a way to salvage his dogshit ending
Because show endings were his endings and now mister Anti-Aragorn sees that Tolkien was right and he is just Rian Johnson of fantasy literature, so he will spent rest of his childless days malding about drumpf.
More like redditmask
It would be interesting if they did it as a tv series with extended timelapses.
I'm not too solid on the timeline, but it could look like:

1st season:
>Marika, the Bonny Village, Numen - a druidic tribe of craftspeople with innate flesh-melding properties
>Establishes Hornsent faction - a ruling race disfigured with horns via the crucible
>Season covers the Hornsent butchering the Numen shamans and shoving their remains in Great Ritual Jars
>Develops into the Fingers machinations leading Marika into an uprising, overthrowing the Hornsent etc.
>Presumably here the Gloam Eyed Queen is defeated, maybe, being the other candidate chosen by the fingers
>Birth of Messmer/Melina?
>Planting of Erdtree/Elden Beast?

2nd season:
>Hoarah Loux, his people enter the picture
>Marika vs Fire Giants
>Astrologers/Rennala/Caria/Liurnia/Raya Lucaria etc.
>Presumably Astel being used by Caria to assault the Nox cities?
>Foundations of the Erdtree
>Founding/Usurping of Leyndell
>Maybe Dragon faction enters
>Birth of Godwyn

3rd season:
>Birth/banishment of Mohg/Morgott
>The end of Godfrey's campaign, disgrace of his people
>Godwyn's Routing of the dragons
>Perfumers/Deathbed companions
>War on Liurnia
>Radagon/Rennala marriage and peace/Giant Turtle Pontiff
>Birth of Rykard/Radahn/Ranni

4th season:
>Radagon becomes Marika's consort
>The machinations of Rennala's children
>Godwyn's death
>Birth of Malenia/Miquella

5th season:
The shattering, splintering of factions, all out war
>instead of Winds of Winter he's going to announce the Elden Ring movie
HAhahahahaa we're in Hell
he finished the book. it will be released after his death. post humous is the only way he can get the ending out in peace
Winds of Winter isn't the last book in the series, anon. It's not an ending at all.
It has all the pretentious faggotry of an alternative niche while also being discussed constantly the way mainstream titles are.

For a similar irritating effect, see: Berserk, Jojos, Lain, Death Grips, 100 gecs
Goose as Zanzibart
this dude actually thinks there is any kind of plot to follow lmao
Dark Souls 2 was really the pleb filter. Far more problems with dark Souls games than invincibility frames but you literally gonna defend the target locking system pulling you into oblivion with stiff freeform attack patterns?
That has no bearing on the quality of it though anon. I will say though that as much as I love all the souls games (and a lot of the clones like Nioh, Lies of P, Hellpoint, Mortal Shell, etc.) I find Elden Ring to be a lot less replayable because it’s so big and not as densely packed as its more linear predecessors. It’s size makes the sense of discovery take a hit ironically enough and while is still like it, it’s definitely the one I’ve revisited the least. Bloodborne is GOAT in every category from mechanics and gameplay to story to art direction and a BB movie or show would be 1000x better than one based on ER
By repeating that reddit meme written by a literal borderlands writer you only reveal your ignorance
sorry pal, which e-celeb video essay do you recommend I watch to have it explained to me?
As much as I like the games, I get what you mean. The fanbase still acts like it's the most niche stuff around while at the same time, the games are one of the biggest, most talked about entertainment media in years. It's not even the dev's fault, they didn't appear to toot their own horn that much, it's just that their fanbase hyped them up like crazy it rubbed off on people.
Maybe don't skip dialogue, cutscenes, and actually read item lore
me as diallos
Zanzibart sisters, we won...
ds3 is the best souls game. sekiro is the best fromsoftgame
Nah DS1 is both
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I love my wife Ranni.
Bloodborne has a fraction of the characters, history, locations, and general worldbuilding for an adaptation to work with compared to ER. I'm not saying it's spectacular in the latter, more that Bloodborne is confined strongly to Yharnam and has a deliberately vague chronology with vanishing roots so as to embolden its oneiric thematic premise
At best, you could make a trippy film with the source material. Since Bloodborne's storytelling is generally more poetic and deliberately blends the metaphorical and the literal to create a transcendent experience, making a bog-standard tv show or film would completely deprive the setting of its magic
Meanwhile, the plots, schemes, martial conflicts, and interfamilial dynamics of the Shardbearers alone is a strong foundation for writers to work with when it comes to a hypothetical ER adaptation
I can't say the same for the foundation and schisms of Yharnam's various factions, the healing church, the hunter's workshop, Ludwig and his hunters, the clouded series of events tantalisingly inferred behind the Fishing village, Ebrietas etc.
Sure, they're interesting when complementing the notion of working out the puzzle of Bloodborne's lore, but I don't think that they could, in the format of a film or tv show, be presented in a way that respects the manner in which Bloodborne's unravelling eldritch horror compels you
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Sydney Sweeney should be casted as Queen Marika. I mean look at this.
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I did it for the Moonlight Greatsword, not the doll wife
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shit waifu

The last two books really were shit and that was some time ago. GERM doesn't know where to go with his story now, as everyone hated his stupid ending in the show. Not to mention judging by the state of his mind, looking at his blog posts, nothing he'll make now will be worth reading anyway. He can't finish the series with just one more book either and he's not going to live long enough to get another one out, so it's over
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Isn't that just a berserk ripoff? So the fat fuck will torpedo all future plan of liveaction berserk adaptation with this move.
>fight boss without summons
>game feels borderline impossible

>fight boss with summons
>game feels too easy
Collect Scadu Fragments to boost your power and defense

If you are talking about the base game then just level up
Carian senpai vs Raya Lucaria civil war. Who would play Ranni?
Some Welsh red-headed actress, or at least someone with the ability to convincingly pull off a welsh accent
Typing it out like this, it almost seems possible. But I don't trust the retards in Hollywood or any of the big streaming services to be able to pull it off. It's not only about DEI. The people making the decisions won't understand the themes. They won't have played the game, and probably have active disdain for video games and people who play them and consider them a low brow form of entertainment (despite the slop being cranked out in the world of TV and film), and don't see games as art. Elden Ring is an actual work of art in visual design, atmosphere, and themes. These fucking assholes don't see that and don't care. They just saw that it's become popular and want to try and parasitize it to make money and don't care if they ruin it in the process. They are vultures. They should die in a fucking fire.
>I have nothing to say. Not a word, nope, not a thing, I know nothing, you never heard a peep from me, mum mum mum. What rumor?”

He talks like a fat faggot. Imagine actually consuming this guy's content.
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-End the fucking books, Martin!
-Make me.
pattinson is already cast as lautrec
Hunter Schaefer as Queen Marika
and radagon lol
write the fucking book you fat fuck
Who will R.R. Martin play?

My vote goes to a nameless tarnished who gets brutally murdered
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based take
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>Here's your queen Marika bro
for me its shield block attack block attack block attack as a I play a based paladin
kek, I checked out of video games after ps3.
Sometimes less is more. BB has a much more rich and interesting backstory that would make for some crazy horror stuff rather than the complete clusterfuck of themes found ER but we can agree to disagree.

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