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For a Reddit show, it's not too bad
It's something to watch. Thats about it.
neopuritan chudslop
Stop spamming this garbage show.
This. It's the TV equivalent of your friend showing you a funny video. It's not nearly as good as they seem to think it is and you just think less of your friend for showing it to you.
>t. Faggots
its good
I need my heckin onions or I'll be an unwholesome chungus
This and Royal Crackers are singlehandedly keeping Adult Swim afloat
It's not. It's mediocre. And with all the shilling on this board, I just hate it.
>silly thing happens
>characters talk and stutter about how silly the thing that happened was
how is this shit any different from rick and morty
name three good current shows
I prefer 9gag shows. Or ifunny shows like Sam Hydes.
newgrounds sucked
There aren't any.
It’s not fetid “I fucking love science” smoothbrain libshit garbage
I love Zach but SF is very overated, it's okay. Still better than most shit on tho
This is the only new show I've watched in years, and it sucks.
They should dump the whole season again like they did the first time. The week to week release format really dragged the show down
Know what else dragged the show down? The show.
does r*ddit actually like this as much as rick and morty?

loving rick and morty desu but I avoided it because r*ddit. maybe I should watch what they like
don't respond again
What makes something a "reddit" show?
Interesting opinions, but have you tried not being a tranny? Because I hear it really helps with your particular issue, and it seems to be just what you're missing.
Fuck off.
How is that btfo?
>I don't like this
>y-y-you're a tranny
Do you ever stop obsessing about chicks with dicks, or is that just what your script told you to say?
>buzzwordbuzzword buzzwordbuzzword
>troon meltdown
Us of 4chan /tv/ here are ironic, irreverent and FAR RIGHT. I suggest marxists like you abandon this place.
>It's the TV equivalent of your friend showing you a funny video.
which is the first scene of the entire show. interesting.
and it doesn't take up too much time. a huge bonus for something like this
Responses from fans of Smiling Friends.
>neopuritan chudslop
So it's kino?
>troon malding so hard his hairline somehow got even worse (seems impossible)
you mean youtube

the show was made by guys that would just bullshit around and play old games
You need a very high IQ to understand Smiling Friends
I like this show because I'm owning the libs by watching it.
Stop shilling your slop here, Zach. Also, apologize to Stamper for ruining his life.
Why are you all so cynical? I feel like irony and culture war is rotting some of you. Unironically touch grass before its too late. Life is so much more than reddit vs 4chan // left vs right bs. I know most of you are probably just shitposting. But for the few who are being sincere: leave now before its too late.

Personally i like smiling friends. It isnt the best show ever or anything but its decent enough to hold my attention.
>pim busts through wall like the koolaid man
>alan rocket boots
>renaissance men
what am I missing
It's an unremarkable show and I'm tired of it being spammed on this board. Plus, it is reddit.
Smiling Friends is 4chan/newgrounds
R&M is reddit
Hazbin hotel/hb is tumblr
>making successful TV show
>make guest appearances constantly on successful YouTube shows and channels
>still have to rent a place in Burbank
Do these guys really get paid like shit or something?
Reddit post
Genuinely the most subversive show on television.
>still seething over tumblr
Pizzypop is a tumblr fujo tho and those shows sucked, the only thing it was good for was porn
Can you define neopuritan?
I dont think cursing or gore or showing demonic entities is puritanical in any sense.
Hazbin hotel is for abject losers
better than hellbenders at least
>Charlie's christian and said he loves god in S2E8
>Zach Hadel made his jewish friend voice grandpa glep and say Christianity was right all along
>Charlie and Pim prayed before they almost died
The guy is mentally ill and hates Christians, he's probably jewish
Who gives a fuck if it gets spammed here, nu-/tv/ sucks ass regardless. Quit gatekeeping you butthurt faggot
You will never be a woman.
No, it isn't.
um. hello.
I know
There is no scalie bestiality fetishisation unlike Rick & Morty
I found it interesting
Or incest fetishization. Rick and Morty is such a fucking cesspool
Stamper ruined his own life
season 1 maybe

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