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This was the 9/11 of 4chan culture
Nah, it was the zoomer invasion of 2016.
Which came first, this or soijaks
2017 /r9k/ "that kid" threads were the funniest thing ever on this website
Nothing and I mean fucking NOTHING has ever come out of r9k that was of any quality whatsoever to anyone who drives a car and a has a job.
Quality of most boards would improve drastically if it had /r9k/s anti unoriginality system though
How new are u?
>Nothing and I mean fucking NOTHING
you write like a fag
The fact that you believe this is indicative that you're autistic.

Brute originality for the sake of originality is autistic. Real niggas know the value of some memes is borne out of their ability to be mimed. It's human nature.
Who cares when I cant tell who's a fucking bot anymore.
The word "bot" is a racist 2024 dog whistle that signifies "Indian" or "Pakistani".
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You forgot peepee poopoo
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I miss this meme :(
That’s an insult to bots.
If this was 9/11 then what was the Pearl Harbor of 4chan?
This shit is too hardcore for nuchan
>nasty bugs
Nooo you can't post that, this is a blue board :(((
Memories. This reminds me of these "fluffy" torture posts
Wojack and Pepe are the worst memes imo.
Feels Guy is fine with me, just Wojack and its spawns are all awful.

Oh God I remember this meme. I was laughing and wheezing so hard during the month when it was in vogue. Please post more.
was a decently funny concept, but quickly ruined by redditors as usual, same fate that happened wit hrage comics, but 99% of 4chan today are redditors or reddit adjacent

feels shit was always hated here. it was always foreign krautchan cancer
It got quite esoteric near the end.
4chan jumped the shark with gamergate
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>feels shit was always hated here
Actually, now that you mention it, you are right. I guess I just dislike these new ones so much the feels guy hate isn't anywhere as bad in my mind.
In 2017 an r9k mod give me a site wide 1 week ban for making a thread saying I was depressed and suicidal lol.
Gamergate was the 9/11 of 4chan culture
>Horrific event unheard of prior to 2014
>Destroyed everyones innocence
>Used as a justification for over a decade of culture war on offshore websites
>Gatekeeping (security) heightened to great lengths to stop "terrorists" from invading
>Never forgotten
>Le inside job
the explosion in wojak shit combined with zoomers getting extremely online ruined the creative content of this board.

Remember: any post that derides human emotion is zoomer aids
I met my first girlfriend on the old /r9k/ in 2010. At least one good thing came out of it.
Did you get married and have kids? Cause if not... I'm afraid to tell you...
Is this your justification for whining about movies and shows you don't like
>don't come to school tomorrow
>chad vs virgin
>school shooter achievements thread
If any single event was majorly detrimental to the quality of 4chan it was those videos of fucking with indian scammers
naw I actually enjoy movies. I don't think analysis of films that just becomes shit flinging is a worthwhile activity.
wojak literal embodied 4chan losing to reddit
very comfy
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The 2016 election and subsequent reddit invasion was the 9/11 of 4chan culture.
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soijak will always be the best meme to come out 4chan

before being hijacked and ruined by sharty subhumans ofcourse
This. There are so many obvious boomers and qfags on /pol/ right now it’s hilarious how hard that board fell off.
I wonder who Quentin is.
>That one time some canuck sperg went on a killing spree inspired by the meme
omfg we never spammed WWW.4CHANA.ORG jfc
There were rules
There were fucking rules
He was a tripfag on /v/ that liked to troll stoners and nintendo fans

It's genuinely so insane that a joke from /v/ specifically referring to one tripfag from like 10 years ago is now the basis for all just-below-the-surface level internet culture.
What's going on here
It was hilarious until it spread to other websites, and retards completely misinterpreted the meme as "virgin thing I don't like vs. chad thing I like".
Pepe becoming popular among ultra-normies sometime in 2015. It got to the point that people like Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry were posting pepe memes. In reaction, 4chan - more specifically /r9k/ - started making extremely grotesque pepe and wojack memes. The purpose was to gross out people and prevent it from being further hijacked.
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> I'm the perfect gentleman.

you can always blame the fucking trannies that started witch hunting 4chan users because they got lé hecking triggerino'd to ropetown.
I told you faggots not to give Anita attention, but you wouldn't listen.
The hackers on steroids fox news report that brought the first wave of newfags here.
>this is quentin's legacy
All those diamond dog memes... wasted...
Feelsfags were hated because they kept derailing discussions with their youtube comment sob stories. Before that it was all rage, all the time.
deletion of /qa/ was the end of 4chan since it was the last place producing relevant memes
wording this
those were the days
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Didnt work, did it.
I can't see any normie posting pepes. He's generally considered a chud symbol.
H-hey I’m trying to learn how to drive man sheesh…. If I have a job though
Lmao hes more popular than ever. Every fucking twitch streamer has a repertoire of pepes and apustajas as emotes, and that site is normalfaggot central.
Nothing on this website on any board is of any quality to anyone who drives a car and has a job, yet here you are. Maybe not everything needs to appeal to people who drive a car and have a job.
Checks out.
I'm a depressed loner with a car and a job.
Never got into /r9k/ or saw it as much as an extra /b/.
The idea of a board where there are no exact re posts is legitimately cool, and should apply to all boards, though.
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aha...sure...not the fact that third-worlders can now access the internet
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