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left-wingers loved this show until they realized it was making fun of them LMAO
My gf rapes me with a strapon.
stop spamming this retard show you dumb nigger
Stop spamming the board with this shitty show.
>loving God and your country causes trannies to seethe
>fujoshitters mald over Charlie's redhead gf being hot
>baskintranny wannabe janny falls under 1st
Gonna buy a shirt now
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Continue to bless the board with this amazing show.
Maybe they should cultivate a little media literacy then.
Keep making the wokeoids seethe with this based show
I remember all the libcucks going "woah let's not get political" after season 1's BLM joke
Stop shilling your shitty show here, Zach, also apologize to Stamper for ruining his life.
Why do people pretend Zach is conservative when he's a libertarian atheist?
I find it weird how polarizing this show is politically. I mean, it has nothing profound to say about anything. It's just another example of "lolsorandumb" zoomer humor with no depth or underlying critique. I honestly do not get the appeal. It's the same kind of gearbox borderlands millennial writing slop.
new episode where
The show has little to no politics that people are inserting their own meaning and beliefs into it.
People are too brainrotted for simple jovial humor post 2016
My favorite message of the show was when it utterly destroyed shit like Bojack Horseman with the frowning friends episode.
“You’re a piece of shit, but that’s okay” is a tired and trite message that has exhausted its welcome in entertainment.
Because shills need an angle.
Yep. Imagine if something like Mike Tyson Mysteries inspired similar debate. Just as absurd.
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These days anything right of trotsky's conservative.
It has very obvious messages against nihilism, sloth, and cancel culture. Have you watched it or did you somehow miss these?
Sorry about your brainrot.
He tried starting a genuine discussion yesterday on a show he likes and got rightfully shut down. Fuck that guy.
Leftoids are so desperate to "humiliate" chuds to the point where they reveal their weakness, which given how they police language was obvious. Call them a name and they dissolve before your eyes, and since they're raped narcissists they assume everyone is like them on the inside. NEVER stop mocking these fucking faggots because it does work, either they eventually fuck off or they hang themselves because they just can't take it anymore.
You have no argument, and you will never be a woman.
I am a member of the glorious Chinese Communist Party and I enjoy Smiling Friends.
It shines a light upon the hollowness of Western society and demonstrates that friendship and community are the keys to spiritual fulfillment.
The neopuritian freak or baskintranny? Because the latter is well known for replying to himself
>It has very obvious messages against nihilism, sloth, and cancel culture
And how is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Lefties lack media literacy and can't handle being made fun of, who knew?
He's not talking about The Boys
He's not a Marxist so he's a fascist. No seriously that's how close-minded those freaks are.
because poltards, just like woketards, are absolutely deranged and see every single thing as an Us vs Them culture war battlefield.
>It's just another example of "lolsorandumb" zoomer humor
Like Beavis and Butthead or other millennial trash?
Baskintranny. He’s also made a few Smiling Friends threads
Seriously what's that fag's problem?
>makes threads to samefag
>makes a bunch of reddit accounts to samefag
>surprised the entire board hates him
I bet he'd kill himself if mods finally rangebanned him or added poster IDs
We know, Brian Tyler Cohen
It’s funny you say this because I’ve literally seen the most obnoxious leftists prop up smiling friends since this season
>zoomer humor
Buddy, that kind of humor has existed forever.
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Only cause it's popular now, they just started S1 and really resonated with this guy.
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regime propaganda show for neopuritan fascist losers
why is zach so obsessed with finasteride and the norwood scale
>regime propaganda
Renaissance means cultural revolution, retard-kun.
>I bet he'd kill himself if mods finally rangebanned him or added poster IDs
Baskinnigger has grown on me.
I wish him well.

If we got board id's he'd probably be happy to reply to himself or spend his mommy's money on vpn's
>Renaissance means cultural revolution
>calling anyone retard
Pot, meet kettle
>left-wingers loved this show until they realized it was making fun of them LMAO
>right-wingers loved the boys and it took 4 seasons for them to realise it was making fun of them LMAO
what is this cope people are trying to manifest into reality
Nah fuck him, glad he and cabinfag got doxxed for being annoying spammers poisoning the well with reddit culture
You're the less annoying anti-sf poster desu
hillary lost, loser.
>gets called out
>immediately delves into semantics
do you have anything to post other than buzzwords?
You are 100% projecting.
Said the dog on the internet collectively grouping whole swathes of humanity into categories “pollards” and “woketards.”
You’re so enlightened. It’s you! You’re the one that matters.
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It takes a lot of effort to be this WRONG and attack someone else.
Alien flat earth episode was the only funny episode this season.
>b-but you notice it! Stop noticing things
nice argument
>n-no you
nice argument
nice reddit photo
Or maybe, you cockslupring trannies, we just like him because he's not a gay libtard woke faggot that's not afraid to make jokes and say gamer words?
>muh poltards us vs them
That's literally what you're doing now when you're malding over your strawmen conservative boogeymen
You keep posting screenshots of a show you supposedly don't enjoy. Here's another (You) for you.
It's just a cartoon bro.
t. Main character syndrome
>“You’re a piece of shit, but that’s okay”
literally the entire point of bojack was that it's not okay
it's fitting how oneyplays faggots try to act intellectual but are barely above 20 iq
I really really doubt the show is "polarizing" to anyone outside a few hundred retards on here and twitter. Probably not even that much.

All this drama seems totally inorganic.
But nihilism and sloth is based. Smiling fags confirmed to be cringe then? Thanks for letting me know
whoa dude you're so cool for not caring about life, just wasting away day after day on the internet. you totally should kill yourself to really prove nothing matters
Show still spends hours focusing on a lot of shitty people and gives them endless attention.
Seems counterproductive.
It only seems to be contained to this shit-hole of a site, so you're probably right.
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it's incredibly easy to run GPT bots here and pit people against each other with tribalist propaganda
you don't even need to buy a pass anymore
>The neopuritian freak
Love that guy. One of the best schizos on this board.
zach is not a libertarian

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