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18 years later, it's still underrated
It had some good moments, was a solid film, gave everybody what they wanted, was an unofficial continuation of the Reeve, Donner films
There isn’t any good Superman movies. They’re all embarrassing.
it had long, boring stretches
i remember nothing about this other than it being long and boring
I remember Kevin spacey screaming
This movie is like a testament to why they have such a hard time putting superman to film
>does nostalgiaslop before it was cool
I remember it had long, boring parts, but apart from that I don't remember anything.
also, I haven't seen it but I remember hearing that it's long and boring.
Critics in 2006 complained about the lack of action in Superman Returns.
The same critics in 2013 then complained about the "destruction porn" featured in Man of Steel.
Superman just can't catch a break, but since James Gunn is beloved (for some reason), you're going to see glowing reviews for his Superman movie. Kind of like how THE Suicide Squad was dogshit, but we're supposed to pretend that it was good because critics love Gunn.
I remember seeing it in 3D. Fucking awful.

Everything about the movie was ludicrous from the fact they were continuing the story line from a decades old series to the fact they were just recycling Lex's old land scheme, but made it worse.
No it's a terrible film. I hated it. Even as a child I hated it.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the key to making a good Superman movie: Clark Kent.
It's really this simple.
The movie peaked withy he plane scene, which was 1/3 in. Spacey as Hackman Lex was inspired, but the rest was lame and Wtf was with superkid?
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Well I liked it as a child, so there!
>Wtf was with superkid?
sequel bait
It was stupid.
They made him a baby daddy.
You know from the start he can never have a happy love ending, Louis lane is fucking happily married to someone else.
That along makes the movie a 6/10 at best
Fucking zoomer
Hollywood needs to remember a lesson. Most people don't like kids except their own. No one wants to watch kids do anything in a movie.
Botpost or retarded retard from retardistan?
Superman was too brooding and stalkery. Him abandoning Earth for years just to see if Krypton was destroyed was retarded and out of character. Then they just repeated the original film again.
Ah yes, that movie where Superman lifted a 5000000000000000000 ton island made out of kryptonite with no issues
It was really bland plot wise. A complete waste of Spacey as Lex.
With the resolution to a landmass of kryptonite killing Clark, being... Clark just flying and using super strength anyway to toss it into space.
I enjoyed the aesthetics, but it was a boring average at best film.
I assume the issues were budgetary, because Lex went from talking about growing Kryptonian super technology to growing a 70s Star Trek set.

The game was great, though. I still own it.
It was a great movie
Yeah it's a great movie, fuck those boomer trash who say otherwise
The scene where he talks off his glasses and changes posture when Lois isn't looking is absolute capekinography of the highest order.
Superman is going back to his jewish roots, so this one will be certified fresh.
Great film
I said zoomer wtf my tablet autocorrected me
It wasn't great but there were just barely enough cool scenes strung along to keep my little squirrel brain interested as a kid.
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That's unfortunately true.
Based kino enjoyer.
Essentially, all of the scenes with Clark or Supes directly interacting with Lois was kino. It requires no special effects. Get this working and you have half of the movie.
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But every Superman movie plot is that, he gets fouled by kryptonnite, and then overcomes it by force of will.
Like this guy said, Superman movies all have the same problems,
Superman is just too much of a Garysue. He is OP even in a marvel setting.
punch drunk love
He hasn't dropped them
Forgotten or anything
It's just too heavy
For a Superman to lift ;_;
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He did a good job. I can't accept being teased by a teddy bear
Criminal this move didn't even get one sequel
Good movie
.....parker posey
Who makes superman maroon? What were they thinking why not just make it red like he's supposed to be?
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Only Man of Steel is good, and that's aided massively by Faora.
Him pulling the plane from the ocean is pure kino
When UHD Blu-ray be released?
Pretty meh but a few kino scenes like supes holding half a ship with one hand and him hovering over earth hearing everything.
>Cinderella kiss
Kek get the fuck outta here fags
Brian Synger was too gay to make Superman and Lois work this time around. I dare to say Kate Bosworth is too weirdly masculine to be a Lois lame.
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It's a good watch if you want that nostalgia. It actually was long, not that boring, and great superman scenes (machine gun, young sups) but yeah still a way better movie than whatever that hack snyder made.

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>Corenswet was raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[4]
>His father, John Corenswet, was from a prominent Jewish family in New Orleans,[5][6]

Oh fuck no we're getting a Jewish Superman now?! With the zoomer perm nonetheless.
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the fuck is Gunn thinking with that haircut
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>No mention of the bullet in the eye scene
>No mention of the saving the plane scene
You guys haven't seen it, right?

Also the photos Jesus imagery inserted
No there this one animated movi-
Oh shit you're right. They're all at least some level of cringe. It's not like Batman or Spider-Man. Poor supes. Those Fleischer Superman are still cool tho, not that I'd tell a woman about them
It had some great moment, but the rest wasn't very good.
It's still easily better than anything made with the character since then. And I doubt it will change soon
>Man of Shit
>Critics in 2006 complained about the lack of action in Superman Returns.
>The same critics in 2013 then complained about the "destruction porn" featured in Man of Steel.
It's almost like there is more than one way to make a piece of shit movie. At least the guy in Returns was Superman
>Like this guy said, Superman movies all have the same problems,
>Superman is just too much of a Garysue. He is OP even in a marvel setting.
Nah, that's a shitty writing problem. Thy just need to avoid making a physical confrontation betwwen superman and down to earth enemies.
1st movei with reeve had only kryptoshit used to let Lex explain his own plan
Anyway anyone saying this movie was good was raised by modern movies
Where are they now?
we know bryan singer's in israel.
Scene for scene remake of the 1980 Superman movie

> Kal-El lands a cornfield near the Kent farm
> Clark leaves for Metropolis
> Superman saves Lois from a disaster involving aircraft
> Lex Luthor is working on a land scheme that will kill millions
> Lex Luthor uses his female hench wench in a distraction ploy involving a remote control car crash
> Superman confronts Lex, is poisoned with Kryptonite, and dumped in the water
> Superman is saved after a woman jumps in the water to save him
> Superman saves the day by performing an extreme act of super ability

All with a truly disturbing stalker subplot in which Superman is literally hanging out in Lois' bushes and looking through her walls
Legends of Tomorrow film when?

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