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This is probably one of the best movies ever made.
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One of the greatest uses of zoom-in in filmic history
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Barry Lurpak should have done more Shakespeare like this.
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I really hate musicals with dubbed vocals. That was why the Les Mis adaptation was so good and natural , also sometimes unintentionally funny. All the singing was mic'd and not lip synced
Holy kino
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I took my friend to see that and he was mad at me for YEARS. Also the boomer audience clapped at the end.
Too far, but it's still the only good version of Romeo And Juliet Hollywood has ever sharted out and ever will.
It's a gorgeous film with great performances.
So what you're saying is that it was good?
I watched this in 9th grade English class.
I did think it was good.
7th for me, theater class
That's a shame. My life science professor showed us the Mormon episode from South Park
Do you have this confused with something else, R+J is not a musical. It doesn't even have any songs.
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10th for me.
We also watched the Zeffirelli one. All the boys(myself included) in the class clapped and cheered when we saw her tits.
That's probably because it's not a Hollywood film, the director is Australian.
Good times good times. My English teacher wore glasses and had a nice ass
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Certified English teacher wants a day/week off kino
How twistedly grim we are here cracks me up sometimes.
Being forced to watch it in English is why I initially hated it.
>the one black guy who is part of leo's gang wears a delicate white blouse

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>That was why the Les Mis adaptation was so good and natural
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This was a time when black people had to get extra fruity to get roles
I swear I saw the Leo Romeo and Juliet and it was a musical. I might have swapped timelines again
It's weird because I remember enjoying all the Shakespeare stuff in high school English, hating this movie, and now I remember none of it. I was in advanced English all 4 years of high school and probably remember 10% of it.
I hate it
in fact I hate all shakespear apart from hamlet and the witch scene from macbeth
he was the capeshitter of his time
The "other" Romeo and Juliet with the boobs is better, and also moulin rouge is the better luhrmann film
You might be confusing it with Moulin Rouge by the same director, which actually is a musical.
>black guy has the gayest fashion
truly ahead of its time

That time is now. And black people dress zesty all on their own now.
sonnets are spoken word songs in a sense, perhaps you are just a symbolic absorber
>not posting the version where he has the giant blonde dildo afro

you had one job
He's a good actor though, same guy that played Link in the best Matrix movie.
are you retarded
the les mis film was garbage and they obviously dubbed the whole film it's on YouTube if you care to watch the studio recordings, unless you're being sarcastic about everything and not making any particular point
the superior les mis is the anniversary lea salonga version, both her as eponine and fantine
My only memories of doing Shakespeare in high school is hating that film and getting an A* (A+) for the essay we had to write about Romeo and Juliet (the original play, not Bazza's film). I was... not kind. I think we might have done Macbeth at some point.
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>I remember enjoying all the Shakespeare stuff in high school English

Me too.
>he was the capeshitter of his time
This is a little known Shakespeare fact, despite being treated as "highbrow literature" these days, back in his time his plays were the mainstream, mass market crap that all the peasants went to go see.
my only dream in life is to kiss my gun and then shoot someone with it
and where are the "true" works of art that mogged him now?
An absolutely ridiculous view
He's always gonna be Augustus Hill to me.
>The name on the street for the Oswald Maximum Security Penintentiary
I want Michael Bay to do Shakespeare now.
It was fun when we'd read sections out loud and classmates were all given different parts. The comedians in the class would all volunteer for parts and would overact. It was a good time.
>Le Sophisticated universal work was actually le [insert trendy slop] of its time

Helloooo Reddit!
How old are you guys? zoomers know how to have a good time?
Luhrmann is a fucking hack and everything he does sucks dog ass. Migraine inducing cuts, garbage SFX and overhyped stale late 90’s hyperactive MTV style editing. Horrible, hollow spectacle.
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*bites thumb*
where can i get that truck?
30s. Zoomers could never
Yeah, figures as much, so like the last generation when culture was important to people, you still had semi-competent people as teachers and the kids still had some personality to make the dynamic work
We're all old and alone here Satan, you dare mock us in the hell you put us in
Zoomers have culture. May I present:
Skibidi toilet
I thought that was a Colbert Report skit
Don't try to take gen alpha's crowning achievement away from them.
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there's some magic in this scene
Lmao butthurt pseud thought liking old timely schlock is refined and cultured
Leguizamo was like Baz luhrmann if Latino, I just realized
Her daughter is even hotter. Somehow.

She has some movie where she's some sort of cum-draining succubus or another
Autistic german child
Same and it was awesome. Juliet got my dick hard.
Used to think the opening scene was cool as fuck
it still is
Shakespeare is fun to study. English Lit classes were so comfy in general it was like a book club to break up the rest of the day.
Yes. Queen Elizabeth was such a low-brow pleb.
>implying royals acting royal isn't a facade for their inhumane tendencies and behaviour
why does heput the gun in the holster?
I still do, but I used to, too.
So that he had both hands free to take off his jacket, duh?
Baz Luhrman is a fucking hack.
You must be trolling.
Should you watch this as your first Romeo and Juliet-experience or is it better to watch a boring play?
Played Romeo in my acting class last year
The actress I was paired with didn't want to kiss me (not even a quick peck) and we had to fake it...
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there is only one film version of Romeo & Juliet, and it sure af isn't directed by Baz "Hyperactive" Lurhmann.

no there isn't. it's shit
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if you're so provincial that you think a play is boring without having seen it, then yes, you should definitely watch Lurhman's Americanized tacky bullshit version -- if you can't find a rap version of it, somewhere.
Don't even bother with Franco Zeffirelli's vastly superior version.
And make sure you avoid seeing a staged version!
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You should also check out the Anthony Hopkins version of Titus.
okay it's not that good, it's decent
I'm dysphlexic, so. I ain't no blink,
given, I'm duesplexhic, if, I think,
I prefer, the fancy stuff, righto
over looooong, words, u know?
and so,
with my deusplexxic fate
I think, I know enough of hate,
to say for tellyvisioning nice,
Romeo + Juliet is great,
and would suffice
the soundtrack is among the best and I still listen to it. Makes me wonder if other movie soundtracks have hidden gems of music. Radio would never play that radiohead song, only creep.
Movie soundtracks can be a great way to find lesser known, hidden gems of music by famous artists.
it was a great diegetic device to introduce the story.
city of angels and romeo + juliet were yearly broadcast for mexican tv channels. It was the only respite from soap operas. Cool song, don't remember what scene it plays though.
i watched the one where you see juliets tits
>le high/low culture distinction
True midwittery.
Best soundtrack is Nashville(1975). Best Shakespeare film adaptation is A Midsummer Night's Dream(1999).
And calling things "mid" is what zoomers do so you're worse.
I have never heard of that movie nashville, ever. I'll check it out.
Tromeo and Juliette is kino too
All Troma movies are kino
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Based. I'm an English teacher and it was pretty fulfilling getting even urban TikTok zoomers to have fun acting this out and following the story

When Juliet stabbed herself I blasted CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES and got the whole class headbanging
>Do you bite your thumb AT US, SIR?
Unmitigated Kino, had to watch it for HS english and my mates were quoting it for days after. Unironically made us like shakespeare
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Imagine being Shakespeare and having to see retards 'modernise' your eternal dramas.
I like that your passionate for teaching, no teacher was this involved and just gave us the word jumble to zombify to.
The 90s were an entirely different era zoomer bro.
Even worse these days when kids can AI generate their essays in seconds and boomer old female teachers have no clue and think they're actually teaching dumb 9th graders to write college level essays
As an ESLer of the 2nd degree I really can't stand Shakespeares old-lingual-languaged talktalk where every adjective is adverbed to maximum of its capacity causing the rhythms hierachival prominence to swerve off too such extent the internal meaning of the sentences gets fragmentated into bits, leaving the listener to question his (no female can ever intake the wittyness of the shakesperian dialogue) insanity, which begs the question: why insist on your own self - abbreviated to the simple line of being and not; self-indulgance at the highest level, that is!
I think if Shakespeare was still alive 400+ years after his death he would have bigger priorities in his life than caring about movies.
ESL = low IQ confirmed.
You mean myriad
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didn't the gillian jacobs say that she read shakespeare as a kid?
>not this
You underestimate just how disheartening it is for an artist to see their art performed badly.
>no female can ever intake the wittyness of the shakesperian dialogue
Sorry my man but this is a you problem. Even the dumbest woman can understand Shakespeare if she puts in a modicum of effort.
movies don't belong in schools. time-wasters with zero educational value.
Most of school has zero educational value so might as well enjoy it
What a pest!
most of school outside of math and science are a waste of time meant to give the illusion of usefulness. Unless you join the military or police right out of high school you are in poverty.
And you would know from experience? Yeah, didn't think so.
>most of school outside of math and science are a waste of time
I agree, but that's a reason to improve education, not make it worse
Retarded redditor capeshit slop
>Open murder in broad daylight
>Somehow still gets out
It was a bit fucking retarded
I failed all my math and science classes but focused entirely on my art. I'm now a concept artist in the video game industry that makes $55/h with a shit ton of benefits and stock options.
holy yummola
In the long run he died so it still makes sense.
I discovered a cool Duran Duran song called Come Undone because it was in Layer Cake. Funny thing is it's not in the actual movie but is used in an alternate ending scene they made so I wouldn't have even found out about it if I didn't do some digging. The movie itself also uses Ordinary World.
isterades Pandy of his mons?
Leonardo Retardo?
I can't stand that guy.
I think he's a great actor, but not so great as a person. Just like Brad Pitt. But I'm good at setting aside my thoughts on the personal life and just appreciating the performance. Since it's not like I'm sending them money.
I've scurred around all internet searching for a porn parody of this movie but have yet to find anyone doing the adequate work. How is it possible? Romeo + Juliet seems like one of the easiest source to pornparody, yet none exist. Is it about Juliet being jailbaitaged? about non of the actors able to channel his inner Romeo? The dialogue being to hard to remember? Idk. But I know I want one, and I'm willing to pay, a lot, around $20 bucks or so, for a double-sided DVD with commentary and a few special features. How much would you pay? Would you? Would!
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bravo! How should I get started on sculpting if I want to make hyper real figurines?
I liked the club anthem that plays.
I still remember this shameless apology from seeing it once, at school, twenty years ago.

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