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I'm doing blow and watching harry potter
at least somebody is having a good time
Fuck yeah bro, I'm watching Prisoner of Azkaban on that good BuckBeak shit, I'm high as hell on weed too
I'm doing Harry Potter and watching blow
pack of gilly

stop being a bitch, inject some fent
Blow is a good movie
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A couple weeks back I watched a bunch of Ghibli movies at my cabin up north at night while drinking heavily.
Your mom is a good Blow
Cocaine is most overrated drug of all time, yeah you feel like a God for about 15-30 minutes after that it wears off and you want more. The come down is worst than any alcohol hangover. Shit tier drug
Instead of doing blow, you should take the potter pill.
I used to only need the Potter pill, then this little slut fucked my shit up and now I need to do drugs.
Post pics of the cabin.
Sounds based as hell.
Your pawpaw looks like Kris Kristofferson when he played Whistler in Blade
I’m contemplating kms because I smashed my toe right at the base of the nail and now it’s turning black, but under the cuticle where I can’t poke it to get the blood out.
sounds comfy. make sure to save a few fat lines for later in the series when the films become markedly worse

definitely overrated but it has its uses. the short halflife can be advantageous when you don't want the lengthy wired commitment of amphetamines with comparable euphoria plus bonus neurotransmitter release. use as an aphrodesiac or energizer to get you over those last hurdles before home and bed for example
Skill issue
And it’s expensive too. The only reason coke is propped up on a pedestal is because of Cartel shit. If it wasn’t for them it would unironically be weed-tier
Who would do cocaine and then sit down to watch a movie you've seen before? Cocaine is an active drug. It makes you want to get up and do anything. Even cleaning your room is fun on cocaine. But watching Harry Potter would be torture.

I'm guessing OP has never actually done cocaine.
strange combo
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I've got a ton of pics of the area around the cabin, but none of the cabin itself. Closest I have to a pic of it would be one of my Grandpa sitting out on the porch. It's not much but it gives a good sense of scale.
Yeah something like adderall is better even though it makes you more of a robot
Absolutely based
This. Xanax would be the obvious choice
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He's a great guy. He has seen every Western film and TV series ever made and can even name every actor in every one, down to the extras. He's introduced me to a lot of old Western kino; second to last time I saw him I watched picrel, which I'd never heard of, and it was fantastic. I also finally saw Patton that same day, which was pretty special.
Anytime he sees me watching Ghibli movies late at night though whenever I visit; he always mocks me by saying "Japan?!" in a surprised tone, and then makes a rapsberry sound and gives a thumbs down, which always makes me laugh.
for me? its blow and married women
for my gf, it's blowing married men
For me, it's acid and LOTR
>The come down is worst than any alcohol hangover
Disagree, but at least you can sleep on booze
I'm on angel dust, crack and heroin watching Milo and Otis on VHS.
Sounds like a pretty typical and comfy Sunday night. Enjoy, my friend.
Kek thanks, I think it was what he was going for in that pic.
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>it's a "abusing substances is no longer enough to assuage the touch starvation" episode
Coke and Harry Potter, you sir have the morals of a alley cat
Well you must be very proud of yourself mister frog posting bot.
Thats the point. Its a party drug you do with friend and babble all night. Its the only stimulant worth doing as it wont keep you up all night.
I'm not doing blow OR watching Harry Potter.
Nah benzos suck for watching movies or shows. You end up not being able to concentrate on it and will most likely forget whatever you watch. Unless you were to just take a small theraputic dose like 0.25 - 0.5mgs . But benzos make me wanna go do shit, ill clean my room, my car, wash my car or get anything else done that I had been putting off. Benzos give me the power to get a shit ton of stuff done. I seriously think I should be on them, but of course its impossible now days no doctors will prescribe them.
and not unlike a cat, a hooked penis
>babble all night
>wont keep you up all night

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