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Stop watching RLM.
Stop posting on 4chan
Re:view and BOTW have always been nothing more than "story recap with giggling".
HITB was quality, about a decade ago, when jay and mike would actually discuss industry and film making topics.
They would be right If I didn't watch the video where mike is damn near in tears about picard
They were talking about cringe culture war shit and they were right.
>taking a picture of your tweet and making a thread about it on 4chan
trolling is a artform
tell your friend you posted this from to fucking kill themself
But why did they made this video before the season finished?
if it's just mediocre, i don't see a reason why they would drop it early, Like they have reviewed entire seasons of STD, Picard, Ashoka, Obi-Wan and all of those are arguably shows that are just as bad as Acolyte
you who are still posting crying about this are up there on the charts for most pathetic loser ive ever seen on 4chan
opinion discarded
invoking the starving african kids fallacy opens a nasty can of worms for RLM. it was a mistake for them to do it, you can't deny this.
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>Mike didn't mention Critical Drinker
>clearly follows all the chud youtubers
>pretends he's above them
You don't understand, they were being ironic because they made 72 hours of videos bitching about the new Star Trek shows and movies so it's an ironic double standard.
>there are children starving in africa but please give your money to our patreon instead!
what did the grifters mean by this?
>no blue checkmark
>not even 1k likes
Stop posting twatter screensharts, especially from literally whos.
I said the same thing first and a lot more concise.
Imagine watching ecelebs at all
Star Trek getting raped and Mike's hero calling him a clown is appropriate karma.
>things got worse
They didn't. Acolyte is like the prequels but with good acting.
I've never heard of these people until whatever discord modern /tv/ anons are from started ranting about them endlessly
they should unironically just do a full star trek tng channel with mike and rich. its the only thing where they'll actually sit down and talk about the show instead of digging up graveyards and slaughtering all the whites like actual fucking loons.
Somebody place this over their Picard and STD discussion.
I have never watched this reddit shit despite all the years of you faggots shilling them. All Fag Wars fans are faggots
>look at me, I'm a contrarian! aren't I so special?
The prequels are shit and Plinkett was right.
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here's more attention
cherish it
Who are these 60 year old guys?
I can agree with their sentiment. Getting upset about the prequels or even the Disney sequels made sense as there was plenty of potential for them to be good. In 2024 that potential is gone. Getting upset about star war slop in 2024 is like getting upset about triple A game studios in 2024, they've been shit, they're gonna keep being shit and they have made it abundantly clear over and over that they don't care about your(fans) opinions.
Old people sitting together in a room is not what I want, and I hate that midwits like Nerdrotic seem to represent all dissent of terrible movies.
I literally prefer the prequel direction of having an all new cast, to waving some old guy around and saying "look, look!".
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher don't matter. They're barely even good actors. Most of what made Star Wars appealing was the world, and the epic themes, not to mention the actual craftsmanship of the films. John Williams matters more than Luke.

I did years ago.
they didnt even watch Ahsoka i think but yeah your point stands. they led the whole video with "we've only watched 4 episodes"
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what the fuck is this lineup and who would subject themselves to listening to this
if there is a /tv/ discord it sounds like hell
Everything about the bottom here looks fucking awful.

There's an episode of TNG where Scotty is found, and he spends the whole episode feeling out of place and missing the good old days.

I haven't watched Picard at all, because I heard it was dogshit, and after a couple of seasons of failing ratings they decided to go the pathetic reunion show route, but I can think of nothing more vile than lazy nostalgia bait. I don't care what stupid convoluted reason got the old crew back together, even if it was just for this photo op, and I never want to know.
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WKUK's George is actually right, Going further into the past would be a better idea. I want to see the formation of the first Jedi order and the Rakatan Empire. But that would require actual effort over just recoloring the OT.
I watch almost none of their new videos. They're too boring. Been this way for a long time actually. Only reason I'm still subscribed is to watch old BotW episodes now and then.
Very accurate post. Watch a 2012 HITB then watch a HITB from 2016+, the show is night and day.
The exact time period doesn't really matter. What matters is a new trilogy offers what the original films offered when they were new: a world to explore that feels fresh and alien, and a set of characters who represent classical archetypes in a way that immediately resonates with the audience.
It's probably for the best that Star Wars always focus on a young boy, because it's a fairy tale at it's core, and it's probably for the best that there's some kind of quasi-Christian moral to the whole thing.

This is the stuff that's essential, not arranging a reunion tour for actors from some 50 year old guy's childhood, and not the Millennium Falcon.
You're pissing into the wind. These companies like Disney have one goal in mind and that's pushing propaganda. You are never gonna get the star wars you want or even anything close. These companies have made it very clear that they value ideology over profit and the LAST thing they would ever value is the average fans opinion as they openly view you with contempt.
Millennials almost have nostalgic hate goggles, they collect cannon “shit entries” and cannot except that anything new is worse than them. Spider Man 3 must be worse than the Tom Holland shit, the prequels are the worst movies of all time, there’s nothing that convince these people anything is worse than Prometheus.
>pauses video in the middle of a point being made to make a random gaming or Simpsons reference
>laugh at the freeze frame and mock person's appearance
>continue video after 15 minutes of yapping
>point is now lost, everyone screeches "that doesn't make sense!" because they keep interrupting the video
There, I summarized all 2000 hours of EFAP
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Thank you for this excellent twitter screencap thread. You really elevate the quality of this board.
i remember when that furfag was being spammed here for a few weeks.
I never started. Reddit letter media sucks dick and so does start wars

I think I stopped watching their shit over a decade ago when they kept watching garbage sequels to great classics with things like "it's not a bad movie, it's not good either, it's just OK" (this is their most scathing review)
I think they blew it, they had the "angry nerd so angry he's about to become a well adjusted human and stop watching this shit"aaudience and should have just slated these movies as they deserved.
They realize the IP flatlined and the show is getting memory holed the moment the last episode drops, so they're throwing breadcrumbs to the limping, beaten breadtube audience as they're now completely outclassed at trashing Star Wars. As usual, the fags crying grifter are grifters themselves.
The prequels were good, the sequels are the slop. Disney shill.
what did they say about it? there is no way I will watch it. Are they sucking disney cock again?
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The prequels are the worst, thoughmstever. The prequels get talked about more because they inspire stronger but negative reactions in people while the Disney movies leave next to no trace on a person's memory. It's not bland enough to inspire anger, it's not good enough to give much joy, you just watch some laser swords for a couple hours and eat your popcorn and leave
Daily reminder to slaughter all Star Wars fans. You'll be doing them a favor, they're begging for death.
They said the Acolyte is fine and only nasty people hate it. They said both sides are as bad as one another and that the casting is irrelevant. Also heavily downplayed the fag power fantasy angle. Basically gave a pass to people who still watch SW in 2024. Expert level shills.
Yes, but in this video in particular they try establish industrial scale, state backed jewish propaganda doesn't make arts bad because... there are 10k view average youtubers no one knows criticizing them? Guess that makes sense in their heads.
The hungry african children bit is verbatim.
The prequels are good, you only remember them badly because you were 13 and angry you werent getting laid.
Shitlib RLMbros btfo
The joke's on you, I'm still not getting laid and the sequels were better. Not good, but better
persoanlly i thinbk more diversity would make BOTW a better show. bit of a white wash lol
They got older. Teenagers and grifters wage this culture war. Adults don't give a fuck anymore.
I never have, and from the impressions of it I get here, I have ever understood why others have given it a try. They just look like smarmy fat losers
i hate this culture war shit tho. it's difficult to hang with my boomer dad because his brain has worms now. he's even started calling people on TV fags and poofs when before he would be very accepting.

i think of it like a big elastic band that got pulled too far. it snapped and whip lashed people to the extremes
Mike has gotten progressively low T. You can tell he just doesn't care as much and he doesn't shit on his friends nearly enough to make it interesting for me.
you dad sounds based and you sound like a fag
I think their take of "a show should be judged by its own merits, rather than culture war bullshit" is okay, but acting like it's nonexistent is also stupid. If you let stupid shit like that fly, you open the door to retarded episodes like Lizzo and Jack Black being on the Mandalorian. Star Wars (or any IP for that matter) can be good if you let the right people write and make it. 1-2 seasons of Mandalorian is proof of that.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed the massive decline of RLM’s taste
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>yet another thread of prequelfag screeching
Should be funny to see every video of theirs get a comment saying "why do you care about so and so? there's starving kids in Africa!".
yeah your echo chamber here is confirming your opinions congrats little buddy
definitely has nothing to do with your personal politics I bet

you fucking faggots are so fucking obvious
What echo chamber? There's anons defending RLM, shitting on them and even anons saying they don't care. You didn't even read the thread, you disingenuous fuck-stick.
They are totally right you dumb retards.
if this wouldn't be star wars nobody would care, it would be just an ordinary medicore shitty tv show. But because its star wars people are acting like this is the coming of satan.
Your dad isn't an extremist, you are.
What echo chamber? You'd be gone if it were.
>no u
>echo chambers are only when everything you dont like is perma banned and not simply drowned out by your mindless group think "agreement"
what are you 15
You can tell it yourself, it bleeds through that post, yet your programing demands self-sabotage.
>I haven't watched Picard at all, because I heard it was dogshit

It's not just dogshit, it's everything wrong about modern media rolled into one package. I couldn't describe you how bad it is without going into a 15 minute AVGN rant so in short: Yes, it's vile dogshit and then some.
Why aren't you and the other tourists getting drowned? You think it's an echo chamber simply because you can't get do it for freers to silence dissent and the dopamine rush of... clicking a cartoon hand.
Bro you are screaming about echochambers on the internet when there are starving children in Africa.
I remember destroying these fat faggots trying to shill TFA years back on TV. Counterpointed their whole BS. You knew they posted more often back then.
>you're a tourist
outed yourself already by thinking anybody that disagrees with you is just a tourist
jej thanks for proving my point squirt
And the redditor gives up.
cool fantasy bro
It coincided with the increase of paychecks from Disney and starving children in Africa
holy kek almighty
0 self awareness
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>adults are people who dissect silly scifi shows about space federation while there are starving children in Africa
I honestly don't see why people even care about Star Wars
Honestly, this should become a thing.
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>"This is Le ECHO-CHAMBER!"
>he said, while being able to endlessly whine & post dissenting opinions
This, especially when shit like pic related is going on.
>modern /tv/
RLM is fried simulator bullshit that shouldn't be allowed on this board, but they've been posted extensively here way before you ever decided to browse this shithole.
Admitting that it's not an Echo-Chamber but in silly Green Text does not make this place an "Echo-Chamber".
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>redditor talking about echo chambers
are they really alright with that guy having obvious furry porn as his pfp?
Why are you still allowed to post? This can't be happening, I'm in charge here.
>if this wouldn't be star wars nobody would care, it would be just an ordinary medicore shitty tv show.
No, it wouldn't be "mediocre". It'd be straight up shitty.

>But because its star wars people are acting like this is the coming of satan.
Yeah, it's ALMOST LIKE at one point Star Wars had a high level of quality to live up to and all the Disney garbage is failing to do so.

Stop running damage-control for the Mouse, you absolute faggot.
It is possible to not care about both.
That being said, a well-researched video on the topic of starving African children and why this continues to be a problem would be more interesting than an hour of "Dude Star Wars lmao".
Your Dad sounds like he's actually I'm touch with reality.
You sound like a hyper-sensitive faggot.
Yeah, at exactly one point. In 1980.
I don't need a friend simulator anymore, I got a react gf
How do people even watch these Disney+ shows

and I do mean literally, how. I fall asleep after one 30 minute episode when I give them a try. The only one I liked is the Scarlet Witch one and Mandalorian season 1.
The rest I actually fell asleep, and I have insomnia. They were just so devoid of any creativity, purpose, or anything. Literal slop, probably AI generated
People disagreeing with you and your opinion not being the most popular doesn't make something an "Echo-Chamber".

You're being a histrionic little faggot right now.
>is possible to not care about both

Nope, RLM care deeply about starving African children and absolutely condemn everyone who makes YT videos about vapid scifi entertainment instead of helping fight the hunger.
Fair point.
It's like someone that enjoyed Jurassic Park throwing a tantrum over Camp Cretaceous.
Lol, this.
Lol and yet people like you are nowhere to be seen when adult Leftists are "waging their culture war". Curious.
Cool opinion.
Nobody really cares though.
I mostly don't care. 4chan is the only social media I use. We don't really have leftists.
>Dude, just STOP complaining!

What now, shill?
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>Getting upset about the prequels or even the Disney sequels made sense

It didn't, there were starving children in Africa even back then, imagine being some fat sack of shit on Youtube crying about space children for wizards movies instead of helping UN make food packages.

I feel like you kids are just to fucking sensitive and like snowflakes. Literally, go out and have sex. Rich did it, and he is a fat balding creep.
I hope you don't follow that with starving african children.
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>"Culture War shit" is "cringe" when consumers complain about wokeslop being bad
>But not when it's grown-ass adults like Thwomp-Face mandating the show feature obese Jedai and lesbian space-witches and "non-binary" Sith, because that's IMPORTANT and BRAVE and STUNNING
New cast wouldn't be a problem with good writers. If they weren't going to have a scene with Luke Leia and Han together one last time than they shouldn't have even been in the new movies. Instead we got retarded versions of the characters that all died in incredibly stupid ways.
That must be why the second you get away from Han/Luke/Leia, the cracks in the armor started to show, and they’ve been shaving off layers of fans ever since. That’s like saying that Jurassic Park is just dinosaurs running around, when the first one is the only objectively good film, and the rest are “love it or hate it”.
There's literally nothing wrong with lesbian space witches. Non binary shit is annoying and confusing and shouldn't be normalized, but what's so bad about space witches? It's a shitty fantasy series.
I don't remember them talking about children at all.
Can I get a time stamp on that part of the video?

Or is /tv/ getting mad at fake bullshit again?
No, I'm not giving these niggers another click, but it's true. You can't dislike propagandistic media because african children are starving.
Rememebr: Every faggot whining about how "le Culture War is CRINGE, for BOTH SIDES!!!" is a stealthing faggot that ABSOLUTELY has a horse in the race but is pretending he doesn't so he can instead pretend he is "above it all" in an attempt to shame you into silence.

Do you honestly think that those same people show up when Leftyfaggots are circlejerking and start calling them "cringe" and "immature" for "engaging in Culture War shit"? No, of course they fucking don't. And nobody's ever really seen them doing that either.

That's because they're stealthing.
They shame YOU, the normal person who doesn't like the Corporate Slop, into silence and not complaining about it, while never trying to make the opposing side do the same.
>people actually believe this
Apathy is real anon, not everyone is militant about every topic
Mike has already preempted your criticism by pointing out in the plinkett reviews that the prequels were so bad they even made life worse for starving african children specifically. Not true for the more irrelevant disney wars. You lose again.
I looked them up. It stands for every frame a pause and they don't pause at every frame. False advertising.
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The only good content from RLM really is watching Mike's soul slowly get crushed in a vice by the degrading quality of Alex Kurzmann trek shows that Mike and Rich have been ritualistically subjecting themselves to.
It's always chud nazis complaining about Disney as well, and we all know how little nazis care about Africans especially the starving ones. Therefore complaining about Star Wars is racist
imagine caring this much about star wars
Both sides are bad. At this point the chuds are probably worse.
If we stop feeding them they eventually
have less kids and the problem sorts itself out.
what the fuck is chud or chuds
talk normally retards
>turn on the video
>not even 5 minutes in
>You see, the thing about Ghostbusters that made it so special was that it was about 4 regular guys who happen to blah blah blah
you need to go back
>Stop watching RLM.
lol no
Lmao knew /tv/ was full of shit again.
If you've ever had to deal with old people you'd know its like that all the time. They keep saying the same things over and over
I refuse to regard the opinions of anyone with an avatar. I don't care if they're racist or promoting violence, until proven otherwise they're a fat ugly sperg with shit opinions regardless of the content of their.. content.
>Franchise that has been shit since the third entry (Return of the Jedi)
>Keep being invested and frothing at the mouth when the new entry, inevitably, sucks.

I'll give you Andor was good, but fans didn't like it anyway because
>It's not real star Wars
So they have to be the most retarded fanbase around.
Now go fill up the theaters when the new Rey trilogy starts, and complain on YouTube about how dead Star Wars is.
Why do you keep visiting 4chan?
They didn't say that though
Not old people. I've known people like this since I was 17. Some people just don't have many dialogue options cause they're not main characters.
Apathy is real indeed and those who truly don't give a shit don't talk about it whatsoever. Those ranting about their so called apathy are just looking to frame the discussion to their liking and to quieten dissent.
Turns out twitterfag had it cropped. There goes your revenue, Mike.

https://files.catbox moe/aaixc7.mp4
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Never even begun
Missing the point of the video really puts all the dipshit discussions on this board into perspective. Maybe more media literacy?
>gotta keep that shit blank just like my personality
Potato, potato. Some people just miss when anons weren’t always autistically losing their minds over trivial and sperging out over every little thing with it devolving into a buzzword hurling match where nobody wins
No, I think people should use their fucking face. If there was a 4chan meet up the spergs would be instinctively and automatically ide tified and disregarded based on their appearance and voice and mannerisms, online they make a thread and people genuinely engage their nonsense.
Delete this
Give me your clicks!!!!
>prequels were so bad they even made life worse for starving african children specifically

Can these nerds be anymore cringe if they tried?
You have to feed African children.
>more than an hour of two old ladies rambling and cackling and giving absolute fence sitter boomer takes on a corpo-globohomogenized space fantasy movie and the id pol bullshit around it
Why did I watch it? Why would anyone watch this garbage? Are people really that hang up on their cool e-uncles to notice they're not so cool anymore?
No I need my comfy RLM kino.
Kids can starve.
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We need to exterminate all prequelfags. They are unworthy of life.
RLM was never for you.
Disney sent the check ahead of time and they have contractual obligations
your show protag is a faggot nigger LMAO
no one wanted geriatric star wars.
they only made this fucking video to talk about the culture war for 45 minutes. They didn't really care for the show itself.
Your dad stayed normal while you went down the slippery slope and accepted clown world
Daily reminder that ALL of Disney Star Wars can be blamed on RLM and their astroturfed hatred of the prequels.
kill youself
not your army
get a fucking life loser
have sex
That's not what they said at all kek. They made this vid to talk about culture wars. They said they didn't care for diversity one way or the other. They labeled it lightsaber porn. Both of them had absolutely nothing decent to say about the story itself. They thought the characters were bland af. They also didn't think this was markedly worse than any of the other slop they made. The only thing they rate highly was Andor. Considering the season isn't actually done they didn't really have a definitive conclusion on the show. B-but why make the vid? because Mike wanted to talk about culture wars.
Constantly whining about how the """chuds""" don't like wokeslop isn't "apathy", faggot.
You are 100% a participant.
the point was star wars isnt some "event' anymore, there barely even a social reason to watch it.
caring that your big baby adult cartoon from disney could be saved "if only it weren't for __" is fucking retarded

stop consuming product and go make a family you worthless faggot
See: >>200734955
IT was clear after the ghostbusters review they cared about being called racist chuds. So they did everything to say "we aren't racist sexist chuds". I tried to watch the acolyte review. It was so fucking dishonest. I couldn't believe how sensitive they are to try not offending trannies and pocs (pieces of crud).
Mike 'Mandela' Stoklasa would be so disappointed in you.
Peak Reddit.
One side only exists because of the other.
Woke side also has corporate AND government backing.
Cry more.
Its true though to be fair the industry went to shit so there is very little to discuss.
You literally just want wokeshit to be unopposed and don't want people to be allowed to complain about it or express any sort of dissatisfaction with your corporate overlords.
no real human bean is watching them anymore, only npcs and bots
I don't want some faggot's greasy face in the video the whole time.
>"The Prequels are the worst" they can't admit things got worse
Is this person retarded? The prequels are the biggest pile of dogshit ever created. The nu-star wars sucks ass, but it's orders of magnitude better than the fucking prequels. A vid of a guy shitting would be better than the fucking prequels.
>Apathy is real
And you clearly don't have "apathy".
>Missing the point of the video
Points is that people do other stuff while there are starving children in Africa.
Stfu fucking retard. It's not about BOTH SIDES ARE BAD. You just don't want any fags or coloured folk on your screen. That's never gonna not happen. Because the people who work in Hollywood aka young people think this whole diversity and representation schtick is the be all and all. Those concepts are so prevalent in their minds they sometimes forget to actually make good movies/series. Some of us, me included just want a good fucking film at the end of the day. The above will never change. Unless you some of you racist faggots manage to infiltrate Hollywood and start making pre 80s flicks again. A lot of those fucking sucked too btw.

I literally don't care either way. I just want good slop. So no idgaf about your racist sjpiel and no idgaf about diversity either. Noone of the above should come before making good films. Perfectly legitimate take if you ask me. B-but you picked a side now. No I didn't, now fuck off.
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>it's orders of magnitude better than the fucking prequels
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Some related things about it are neat
>I want two completely contradictory things, perfectly legitimate take if you ask me

Silence, African child.
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Do us and your family a favor. Find the nearest bridge and jump.
*trolling is am artform
Chuds lied to me about robots being officially gay, why should I trust them?
They literally mention both sides are cringe, and they’re right. The far right is cringe for hating anything that has diversity and the far left is cringe for putting diversity and their agenda before a good story
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Is this seriously just a single person or a group of discors raiders making these threads EVERY FUCKING DAY now? With twitter screencaps from literal who's nonetheless
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>The far right is cringe for hating anything that has diversity

And yet Mike 'Starving African Child' Stoklasa made career viciously shitting on the most diverse Star Trek of all time. What's that about?
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>Stop watching RLM.

lol. imagine ever watching these talentless schlubs.
Mike is a jerk
I stopped watching them like ten years ago.
>uwu Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products with more lesbians uwu
I don't agree. I like a lot of the old EU that focuses on characters like Kyle Katarn or Dash Rendar, I like the entire conceptual direction of the prequel era, even if the movies can be a bit questionable, and I like Mandalorian well enough.
The idea that SW cannot expand beyond Luke is such unbelievable boomery. This is well trodden ground. All Luke is is a simple everyman character, in the first place.
Who is Mike's hero?
Man, if the people who think the prequels are a pile of shit ever saw Doctor Who, they would gain new appreciation for the prequels.
Martin Luther King.
Lol no. Redlettermedia is kino and I'll continue to watch them and subscribe to their patreon.
not the same
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>wall of text
>I literally don't care either way
Can't really blame them when the globohomo side constantly stretches the poor old Overton window with "everything is a spectrum!", "men are women!" and "there are gazzilion genders!".
That's just sounded dishonest as fuck. Mike is such a slimy cunt.
>rlm making retards come unhinged again
>I'll continue to watch them and subscribe to their patreon

How can you waste your time and money on that when there are starving children in Africa? Mike would be so disappointed in you.
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>caring about rlm making retards angry
shouldn't you be focused on starving children in africa?
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It's really crazy how passionate some anons are about how much they really don't care.
it's about appearing like you don't care so you can shame those that do. RLM is being hypocritical and mocking people who care when they've done the same thing.
stop promoting your shitty twitter account here, thx.

At this point in my life I hate rad centrists/libertarian types the most
Please harangue these washed up manchild into sending all their money to African children
you can't do shit
these people are oblivious hypocrites.
The 2 guys on the left are the authors of the infamous 8 hour reply to some clueless white woman's fairly uncontroversial review of the joker
no I don't have severe autism, I just laughed at that bit like a normal person.
Mike 'Rosa Parks' Stoklasa already sends all of their patreon money to charities, because each starving African child is a future Star Trek episode that won't get made.
>8 hour reply
They spent an hour on mrs. Piggy and then argued about Australian toilets the rest of the time.
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I liked their Starship Troopers, Robocop and Ed Wood reviews.

Literally everything else they've ever done that I watched was shite. And they couldn't be more wrong about the prequels.
anon the "bit" makes them hypocrites
>The wokesters ruining the industry get so angry if we criticize them so we're gonna complain about the conflict itself and sit on the fence.
He's right tho. The second you say "why do you even care if it's shit?" you've lost the plot and the argument because you're tacitly agreeing that it's shit.
>RLM fence sitters
reminds me of boogie
Their prequel reviews look stupid and petty in the face of what Disney has done since then. That's why they'll never admit that MouseWars is worse.
Their acolyte review finally exposed them as frauds and it's an indicator they no longer have anything relevant to say about star wars, or any franchise for all we know, and honestly, they should stick to their best of the worst content instead.
>there are starving kids in africa, why do you care so much about the franchise? here, have some funny scenes of vader making an ass out of himself at a disney park, see? It's not a serious franchise
This type of poor deflection is just one step below the typical disney shill reply
>it's a movie about space wizards for kids, don't take it seriously
and yet, every single director, writer and showrunner from the disney wars productions state how star wars is so important for its diversity, queerness, inclusion, feminism and actively rejecting the original fanbase and its conception as a simple good vs evil space wizards story, and the fact mike and rich spent more than an hour rambling about their naive cultural war takes and don't arrive to this conclusion, but just feeling superior for being le based, detached from everything centrists, should tell you they no longer understand the world they live in and they exposed themselves as privileged boomers living at secluded areas that haven't been affected by the agenda yet, so, it's not just them selling out for their new gigs at adult swim, it's more like thinking of them as a neutered cat, just laying there eating his slop and no longer caring about the world outside of his food plate.
>industry and film making topics
It turns out their knowledge of either ended at 'whatever is mentioned in another film review article they read in the past', so they ran out of stuff to say.
Star Geezers being desirable to anyone is just proof that sci-fi is a dead genre.
Why were they crying about "star wars porn" so much?
Rogue One IS star wars, Darth Vader, Lea, death star are all part of star wars.
So for it to be not star wars porn, it should be a show about some mexican running away from police for murdering a cop?
Because there are starving children in Africa.
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haha Typical limited brain capacity responses. It's not too hard to understand. I don't praise movies BECAUSE they have tranny/fags or coloured folk in them. I equally don't hate everything because of it's poor casting choices. I don't hatewatch shit. i have better things to do. For example i skipped Barbie because it isn't aimed at me as a target audience (teenage girls). Now i could watch it and seeth uncontrollably in my fap chair. But i choose not to. I value my time better than that. I like to value movies on their merit. But enjoy your pointless culture war.
>coloured folk
your mask slipped too early
>laughs at starving children in africa
>I'd like the wokeslop if it was GOOD!
Wokeslop will never be good because wokeslop is the antithesis of "good".
Holy shit this post REALLY got the Redditor Wokeshills to expose themselves.
>i have better things to do.
Saving children in Africa I am sure.
You mean you dont notice how many threads are redone with the exact same OP? Every. Single. Day?
>You just don't want any fags or coloured folk on your screen.
Correct. Keep flopping.
Keep making our star wars toys disney
Mike is a cocksucker
I know, that's the great thing about not being a retarded schizoid faggot - I can enjoy content while not always agreeing with what the content creator has to say.
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their time is over. but they should be fine for a while before they get MEGA64'd and barely get thousand views per video. at this point i'd focus on my core audience before making another half hearted internet drama video thats possibly the source of outrage marketing anyway, like rich urged mike in the end towards watching farscape. i'd watch that reveiw.
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>enjoying content when children are starving in Africa
kek, the absolute state of you. I had my fun. Have a good one sir.
kek anon you got blown the fuck out. Don't take it too hard, there's more important things like starving children in africa
You deserve to be shamed into silence for being an autistic faggotty manchild yelling about how your goyslop isn't based and redpilled enough
Kek, I love how you're in so much misery in pain you can't even handle the fact that RLM EXISTS. You will never be free.
"Nope" LMAO! See how easy it is for me to torture you?
>dude sits around with his bro
>has a giggle making fun of screeching fanbabies with "there's kids starving in africa" crack
>literal sharting incels cannot HANDLE it
>explode a giant messy shit bubble in their pants on /tv/ over it
Calm down, have negroni. Have two. Save them from starvation.
"lol you care about a Star Wars show, when there are starving children in Africa?"
t. the guy who made 10 hour detailed complaining video essays about Star Trek and Star Wars

fuck Mike
fuck Rich
fuck their nihilism and cynical snobbery
All of their credibility is now shattered. Anyone who takes their opinion seriously after this is a fool.
cope harder
"cope" lmao
but sweatie, you're the one with the problem
"s-sstop watching rlm reee!"
nope lol i'm having fun
stay shitting yourself lmao
fight that strawman harder nigga
stay mad lmao
*continues watching RLM*
>watching RLM
while there are children starving in africa?
Yeah, no need to complain about Star Wars or Star Trek or anything. Starving kids, you know.

But have a long video about Popeye the Fucking Sailor Man live-action movie.
Holy shit, they eviscerated RLM in this.
the starving kids in africa line really did a number on these autismos.
it shows their hypocrisy
>Therefore complaining about Star Wars is racist
You don't need to justify this in any way. This has been mainstream fact since TLJ came out.
>'I-it was just a joke' stammers Mike Stoklasa as he cradles a starving African child suspiciously similar to Chris Evans
>caring about the opinions of autismos when there are children starving in Africa right now.
It's hard to enunciate the contempt I have for these fat losers, considering I used to deeply enjoy their content at one point.
Don’t you get it bro? Sure all this culture war stuff is bad and all of the people forcing/mansating diversity and hiring incompetent people because of skin color or gender are bad, but you’re just as bad as them for noticing the things they do and saying they should stop. Just stfu, consoom product, and let them keep doing what they’re doing, only you need to actually stop doing what you’re doing but I’m totally neutral here ok?!
They're right. If you hate the franchise that much, just don't watch it lol
Of course the people who think they aren't critical enough of disney wars are autistic. It wasn't the prequels that killed their interest in star wars
Stopped a couple of years ago now. No particular moment served as the straw that broke the camel's back but I felt that they had very gradually turned obnoxious.
>If you hate the franchise that much, just don't watch it lol
>spend years shitting on STD
>spend years seething about Picard
>6 gorrilion African children starved to death in the meantime
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Reminds me of a Roger Ebert quote where he's seething about fanboys of certain movies.
>Ebert watches 8 hours of slops per week
>fanboy watches the same movie franchise (also 8 hours in total) per week
>Ebert: I'm better than you
That's why he got jaw cancer and died.
God didn't like him.
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>>literal sharting incels cannot HANDLE it
>>explode a giant messy shit bubble in their pants on /tv/ over it
take your meds, anon, because youre imagining thingd
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>b-but they did captain kirk wrong! we were totally not sperging out about irrelevant BS like the origins of ten forward
But they themselves point out that they're being hypocritical.

Did nobody watch the video except for me?
they claimed that it was different because with star trek it was about captain kirk and not about an irrelevant backgound character
did they think we forgot about the things that drove them mad?
That makes it even worse.
I did several years ago. They went to shit in 2019.
Like Star Wars, they ran their course and now it's just zombiefied and embarrassing.
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>watching youtube videos while children are starving in Africa
No it doesn't, it absolves them and makes their critics look like morons who don't know what they're talking about. Or are you saying people guilty of a crime are not allowed to notice when others do it?
I'm only watching content and videos about starving African children
I'm always hearing about these guys and tried watching their videos, but within about five minutes of trying to care what they were talking about I realised I was just listening to two ugly, pathetic looking men who make a living filming low-effort content where they talk about children's /normie mainstream pop culture. Are these guys really world famous just for shitting on George Lucas in a silly voice?
I never liked star wars, but that means everyone is correctly criticizing them if they just acknowledge their hypocrisy, right? Pretty convenient and pathetic.
>it absolves them
lol you are so fucking stupid.
>We admit we're being hypocrites so you can't criticize us; now back to this 90 minute video of us complaining about youtubers doing the exact same thing we've been doing for 15 years.
I, earnestly, have no idea what you're talking about. You're not making sense.
Not them, but the Internet is making you dumb.
Being aware of doing the wrong things is still doing the wrong thing. This is about them manipulating feelings in order to avoid being called the hypocrites that they are.
Never did
>summerfags think lampshading makes is okay
this is unironically the worst summer here in years
>people (4chan) go to the zoo (rlm) and make fun of all the retarded animals (mike and all those other fags)

This doesn't make you a shit flinging monkey in a zoo by the way.
No, fuck you.
What's your point? Are people not allowed to point things out anymore? Try and stop me.
one of my favorite Star Wars stories was the Legacy stuff that took place so far after the OT nobody from it was featured.
>Are people not allowed to point things out anymore?
I wonder why this triggers you and rlm so much whenever somebody else does it. What a mystery.

Jay's heart raced as Mike's strong arms wrapped around him. The dim light of the screening room cast shadows across Mike's chiseled features. "I don't want to watch bad movies anymore," Mike whispered, his breath hot against Jay's ear. "I just want to watch you." Rich cleared his throat from the doorway, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Room for one more?" he asked.

Jay felt his cheeks flush as he looked between Mike and Rich. The tension in the room was palpable, like the anticipation before the twist in a Shyamalan film. "I... I think we might need a bigger couch," Jay stammered, his wit failing him for once.

Mike chuckled, his laugh deep and resonant. "Oh Jay, always thinking practically. But I think we can make do with what we have." He pulled Jay closer, their bodies pressed together in the warm glow of the paused VHS player.

Rich sauntered over, his signature laugh bubbling up. "You know, I always thought our chemistry was the best part of the show. Maybe it's time we explored that off-camera."

As Rich joined them on the couch, Jay felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was uncharted territory, like watching a film without reading any reviews beforehand. But as Mike's lips found his and Rich's hand caressed his back, Jay realized that sometimes, the best experiences come when you least expect them.

The night unfolded like the plot of the steamiest B-movie they'd ever reviewed, full of passion, laughter, and unexpected twists. And as they lay tangled together in the afterglow, surrounded by scattered VHS tapes and empty beer bottles, Jay couldn't help but think that this was truly the best of the best.

"You know," Mike said, breaking the comfortable silence, "I think we just found the perfect way to make it through all those terrible movies."
>far after the OT
Was it almost present day? Why is Lucas such an untalented hack?
red letter media is build on being nitpicks from the getgo. thats all the trek plinkett reviews are. and i dont mind that, because the devil is in the detail and theyre very important for the overall quality of your piece of medium.

browns and beiiiiiigeeeeee
browns and beige everybody

Fan Fiction Stories
Explore our collection of fan-written stories featuring your favorite Red Letter Media personalities in romantic and often steamy situations. Remember, these are works of fiction!

Best of the Worst... or Best of the Best? Mature
By: AnonymousRLMFan42 | 3,500 words
Jay's heart raced as Mike's strong arms wrapped around him. The dim light of the screening room cast shadows across Mike's chiseled features...

Hack Frauds in Love Teen
By: PlinkettsPizza | 5,200 words
Rich never thought he'd fall for a fellow hack fraud, but as he gazed into Mike's eyes over a pile of destroyed VHS tapes, he knew he was doomed...

Previously Recorded Passion Explicit
By: JaysPerfectBeard | 4,800 words
Jack and Rich thought they were just going to record another gaming video. But when the cameras stopped rolling, their true feelings came to light...

Half in the Bag, Fully in Love Mature
By: MikeStolaskasDreams | 6,100 words
Mike and Jay's on-screen chemistry was undeniable, but off-screen, they struggled to admit their true feelings. Until one fateful night of VCR repair...

Space Cop: Undercover Lover Teen
By: RichEvansLaugh | 4,300 words
In a dystopian future, Space Cop Rich must go undercover in a gay bar to crack a case. But he never expected to fall for his prime suspect, the mysterious bartender Jay...
i admit being hypocritical here so it's okay if i call you a dumb piece of shit
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>Are people not allowed to point things out anymore?
>Said while crying about people pointing out The Acolyte sucks
>Literally made his fame with a video that was complaining about the minutia of Star Trek Generations being wrong, like Picard coming out of what is the ready room just make a cooler looking entrance for characters despite it making no sense, and how it made it to be the worst movie of all time in his opinion. Constantly talked about how this wasn't made with the fans of the show in mind and was dumbed down for general audiences
>Is telling people who are mad about the birth date of a character being changed to suit a new show and how people actively watched them alter databases to match it or complaining the show runners aren't putting the fans in mind when making shows and movies to get over it because who cares?


Space Cop: Undercover Lover
By: RichEvansLaugh | 4,300 words
In the neon-drenched streets of Neo Milwaukee, year 2059, Space Cop Rich Evans adjusted his regulation space boots. The mission briefing still rang in his ears: infiltrate the Andromeda Lounge, a known hangout for intergalactic smugglers. His target? A mysterious bartender named Jay, suspected of trafficking illegal VHS tapes across the galaxy.

Rich tugged at his tight-fitting mesh shirt, a far cry from his usual bulky space suit. "For authenticity," his chief had insisted, handing him the provocative undercover outfit. Rich sighed, remembering the chief's words: "You're our only hope, Evans. You've got the body of a Greek god... if that god let himself go a bit and had a really infectious laugh."

The doors of the Andromeda Lounge hissed open, revealing a smoky interior bathed in purple light. Holo-screens flickered with scenes from obscure movies, and patrons of various species mingled at the bar. Rich's eyes locked onto the bartender – it had to be Jay.

Jay's nimble fingers mixed a Venusian Sunrise, his beard neatly trimmed and his eyes twinkling with mischief. As Rich approached the bar, he felt a flutter in his chest that had nothing to do with the malfunctioning artificial gravity.

"What'll it be, stranger?" Jay asked, his voice smooth as Martian whiskey.

Rich cleared his throat. "I'll have a... uh... Romulan ale?" He mentally kicked himself. Wrong franchise, dummy!

Jay raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at his lips. "Sorry, fresh out. How about I make you something special? I call it 'The Hack Fraud' – it'll knock your space boots off."
But they also said in the same breath that that can be a disingenuous point to make and then Mike referenced how he was pissed about Picard shitting all over Star Trek. Their main point was that Star Wars has never been about super deep lore and world building like Star Trek or other properties are but it can still be valid to want the property’s past established lore to be respected
>Their main point was that Star Wars has never been about super deep lore and world building like Star Trek or other properties
Then their main point is wrong and AIDS infected.
>What's wrong with the status quo? It's not having an affect on my life so it clearly isn't have an affect on yours
Centrists are the worst.
world-building began in the 80s with the west end games ttrpg and that time star wars lore probably was more evolved than trek lore.
these normie morons just have no clue what they're talking about.
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>Super deep lore
>Communist serialized show for gay baby retards to watch after they get out of school where they're only getting good grades because they're "too smart"
Yeah no. Star Trek is basically just Dr Who for Americans. It's a childrens show that developmentally stunted gen Xers held onto for far too long and then made their entire identity.
Yes yes but only fringe autists ever got into Star Wars EU shit. What made Star Wars actually good and why it had a fan base was that it was a monomyth classic hero’s journey with space aesthetic. Star Trek was fundamentally built around being a philosophy midwit and being “immersive” sci fi so the basis for critique is different for either properly
I watched them last week. I remember they vividly. They're an ugly, boring, juvenile mess.
Revenge of the Sith is the 2nd best movie in the entire franchise though…
You're either delusional or you haven't watched a movie without fiddling on your phone/a second monitor in decades.
Tasteless. It perfectly balances epic battles, deep lore, and raw emotion. The opening space battle? Pure adrenaline. Anakin's fall to the dark side? Shakespearean tragedy. Palpatine's rise and Order 66? Chilling and unforgettable. the duel on Mustafar is legendary both visually and emotionally. Lucas delivered a dark, compelling story that ties the prequels to the original trilogy seamlessly. ROTS is a masterpiece and your drivel insisting otherwise will always be cope
>Their main point was that Star Wars has never been about super deep lore
They literally made HOURS LONG REVIEWS for all three prequels.


Canadian Bacon and Bearded Love
By: MapleLeafLover | 4,500 words Teen
The Milwaukee air was crisp with the scent of autumn as Jim, the bearded Canadian friend of the Red Letter Media crew, stepped out of his rental car. He adjusted his flannel shirt and took a deep breath, his beard twitching slightly with anticipation. It had been months since he'd last visited the studio, and he was looking forward to catching up with the gang.

As he approached the familiar warehouse, Jim couldn't help but notice the 'Best of the Worst' wheel spinning lazily in the window, as if beckoning him inside. Little did he know, fate had something special in store for him today.

The moment Jim stepped inside, he was greeted by the usual cacophony of the RLM crew. Mike was arguing with Jay about some obscure 80s movie, while Rich's distinctive laugh echoed from somewhere in the back. But it was Josh who caught Jim's eye immediately.

Josh looked... different. His beard was neatly trimmed, and there was a newfound sparkle in his eyes. Jim felt a strange flutter in his chest as Josh turned and their gazes met.

"Jim! You made it!" Josh exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face. He strode over and pulled Jim into a warm hug. "How was the drive from the Great White North?"

Jim chuckled, his rich baritone sending an unexpected shiver down Josh's spine. "Oh, you know. Stopped to wrestle a moose and chug some maple syrup along the way. The usual."
I feel like you're referencing something and I'm not in on the joke. We're not having a real conversation, are we? You're just waiting for me to reply to you so you can type your next thing.
it's only monomyth in star wars and the first part of ESB. it turns into greek drama as soon as vader reveals the truth to luke
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>erm is that an opinion that hasn’t been approved by Reddit, Inc?
>this has to be a heckin joke I mean how am I supposed to respond to non Reddit approved opinions? I just literally can’t right now!
Not surprised the terminal contrarian is a wojak posting iphone user.
if i ever turn 40 and i'm still discussing star fucking wars with other middle aged men, shoot me.
They make more money than you, have more power and clout than you, and have much easier lives than you.
They also get their cocks sucked more by you, apparently.
That episode is called 'Relics' and it is indeed a banger. It pulls on your heartstrings though.
That's true. Regardless of their defense of anything that is woke in modern entertainment, every single fuckin Re: View is them rehashing the same fucking brain dribblings over and over. They're a bunch of lolcows to be laughed at not laughed with.

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