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>Bluray hasn't completely replaced DVD yet
>UHD Bluray isn't selling well at all
What gives?
This was before streaming got big.
Do people not care about video quality?
They really don't, sorry. I wish it didn't be like it is, but it do.
Blu-ray removed the soul from buying home releases. DVD menus were insanely creative and Blu-ray menus are GOOD MORNING SIR lazy tier
blu-ray discs and blu-ray players even today are too expensive.
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you don't know what you're talking about because you don't even buy blu-rays, you just parrot this site
Most people can't tell the difference, they watch it on their tiny TV 10 feet away.
>they watch it on their tiny TV 10 feet away.
everybody I know has a 60 inch tv or bigger
Thrift store versions are available for way less, but it's true that they never brought the retail price down. Boomers and women were never going to collect physical blu-rays, and they appear to have all the money for consumer spending.

80 percent of Americans have a smart tv, but in other countries like Canada, it was more like 50 percent till recently.
>no 4k discs yet

What is going on?
who cares for it? ultra bluray hd or whatever is pointless for most people. they don't care to see the individual hair follices on a character's arm. crystal clear picture adds nothing to the story
VHS was abandoned because DVD had better picture and sound, and no rewind, and multiple options like commentary, and they were extremely compact. BR just has better picture and sound than DVD, most don't even have extras. No matter how much Reddit screams, that was never enough for DVD collectors to completely convert to BR. Streamers don't care either
>everybody I know has a 60 inch tv or bigger
me too lol wtf tiny tv what the fuck is that guy talking about? everybody has a fuckhuge costco TV in at least one room of their house and many houses have 2 or 3 giant tvs.
Wow! Looks like incoherent shit!
VHS had soul
>video quality
720 is fine. 1080 is best anything above that is not necessary.
You can already see the image and follow the story, why does it then need to be sharper and be 200gb download or a 100gb blue ray
Why buy physical media? You can just redownload stuff when you need it
>what is going on?
what are you talking about? 4K discs have been around for years.
It's because nobody is buying PlayStations anymore
4K blu-rays are even more expensive than 1080p blu-rays were when they first appeared on the market and 4K players cost more than some TVs and the difference in quality doesn't justify the cost unless you really, really want to see those individual hair strands.
In America sure. Now you know why we call them europoors. They can't even afford ac.
>720 is fine. 1080 is best anything above that is not necessary.
Yeah but the point is that many people don't even want that and still buy DVD
>In America sure. Now you know why we call them europoors. They can't even afford ac.
I live in Argentina and my house has 2 giant ass TVs. They are not expensive anymore.
DVD is 480, not 720.
Aren't we almost ten years into 4k discs already? Prices should be cut in half on those things by now. So should the players.
I have not seen them for sale here (Guatemala)
what speed is your internet there?
how big is your tv?
probably doesn't make sense to sell them there.
The leap from VHS to DVD was big and worth it. The leap from DVD to Blu ray wasn't worth it. If you take 2 of the same tvs hooked up to the same blu ray player and put a DVD in one and a blu ray in the other, only a complete autist would be able to tell the diference. If anything most blu ray releases of movies fuck around with the color grading a lot.
And blu rays are too expensive. A new DVD that costs $10? Worth it if you love the movie and want something like the commentary track (which you can't find on streaming services). The same DVD only blu ray for $20. No.
>If you take 2 of the same tvs hooked up to the same blu ray player and put a DVD in one and a blu ray in the other, only a complete autist would be able to tell the diference.
you are incredibly stupid
That happened before bluray.
Ok faggot. The amount of effort that they put into upscaling for blu rays ranges from putrid to minimal at best. Blu rays don't look that much better.
You've got that muddled up. The leap from VHS to DVD was decently big, but the real selling points were DVDs taking up way less space, not needing to be rewound, and being readily playable in the PS2. The picture quality jump from DVD to blu-ray was fucking enormous and you'd have to have seriously shitty eyesight to not notice. It's the 1080p > 4K jump that is barely noticeable.
Blu Ray came too early after DVD, all the people with VHS collections replaced them with DVDs and didn't want to do it again, then streaming took off not long after Blu Ray came out.
Video games and nature docs in 4k 60fps+ is pure kino.
holy shit. i knew you were incredibly stupid but i guess you're legitimately retarded.
>but the real selling points were DVDs taking up way less space,
What? Literally no one cared about that. A DVD shell case isn't much smaller than a VHS cassette.
>and being readily playable in the PS2.
You got it backwards. DVDs were selling well before the PS2. It wasn't that DVD could play on the PS2, it was that the PS2 could play DVDs.
>The picture quality jump from DVD to blu-ray was fucking enormous and you'd have to have seriously shitty eyesight to not notice.
The difference technically is big, but in real world usage it really isn't. You guys sound like those audiophile retards that spend $20k on huge cables with crystals tape to them and insist the sound is better. Is blu ray pic quality better? Yes. But it's barely anything. No one was screaming for better DVD video quality when blu ray showed up, and barely anyone bought blu ray when it did.
I'd rather have a physical copy when downloads can just be changed or taken away whenever the publisher feels like it.


DVD was a fair and legit improvement over VHS in many aspects.
There is just one problem with it, Laserdisc was already doing what DVD does except menus years before DVD existed. They couldve improved Laserdisc, since it already existed as a format, to have the storage capacity of DVD and eliminate the "need" to flip the disc which was DVDs only actual advantage over it.
>holy shit. i knew you were incredibly stupid but i guess you're legitimately retarded.
What an answer.
"Herr derr it's just better ok! I totally trust cheapo distrubution companies to take full advance of the blu ray format and not just put out cheap cash grab garbage!"

Didnt a couple torrent sites just go down lately?
>Video games
>4k 60fps
Makes zero difference, gameplay is all that matters. Best game ever created was 240p SD sub 20fps, often sub 15fps
>nature docs
This would make 4K worth having.

Shit I still play vidya on a 12yo 1080P TV and watch movies, 1080P YIFI rips on a 1080P laptop.
My enjoyment is not at all decreased.
>you guys sound like those audiophile retards
If you seriously can't tell how big the difference between 480p and 1080p is you need to visit an optometrist.
i don't really need to say anything. the fact that you refer to blu rays as being upscaled shows that you're talking out of your ass and/or referring to a non-notable minority of releases. you clearly don't understand the formats and have no idea what you're talking about.
>If you seriously can't tell how big the difference between 480p and 1080p is you need to visit an optometrist.
That's not what I'm saying, retard. What I'm saying is that 1. it's not much better (unless you are 2 feet from the screen) and 2. most companies do a shit job of making blu rays. Some just copy the exact DVD over to blu ray.
>Best game ever created was 240p SD sub 20fps, often sub 15fps
What was that?
DVDs still consistently outsell bluray and 4k every year
>the fact that you refer to blu rays as being upscaled shows
So, you don't think that companies don't just take the DVD 480p files, upscale it to 1080p, then slap it into a blu ray? Are you fucking serious?
>If you take 2 of the same tvs hooked up to the same blu ray player and put a DVD in one and a blu ray in the other, only a complete autist would be able to tell the diference.
You said it right here.
I don't really care about DVD menus a good one is nostalgic nothing more

I only care that it functions, has English subs, and a decent commentary track
PS2 was a DVD player and you never needed anything else.
>Didnt a couple torrent sites just go down lately?
You know there's like a few thousand torrent sites out there, right? I'm a member of 10 of them.
Yeah, it's not much better and only a complete autist would notice or care.
Those were the size of vinyl records and expensive. Betamax was superior to VHS but was more expensive. Cost does matter.
>You're an autist because I'm blind
>DVDs still consistently outsell bluray and 4k every year
Ok faggot. Keeping buying those $20k audio cables because of course the quality is better.
480p is fine for me
>Betamax was superior to VHS but was more expensive.
It wasn't.
>480p is fine for me
you're blind?
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No, most people are just not autistic faggots like you.
are you legitimately schizo? because you're making up a problem in your head that doesn't exist. there are bad releases, yes. sd content has to be upscaled for blu ray, yes. but a majority or releases aren't upscaled sd content. you're writing off an entire format because you don't understand the process that goes into it.
it's ok anon, maybe they will cure you someday.
you can't see what is going on at 480p? i don't watch movies as tech demos and a file 5 times the size for the sake of slightly smoother edges is retarded
>you can't see what is going on at 480p?
I only watch 1080p. 480p is retarded.
>sd content has to be upscaled for blu ray, yes.
So why did you say that I had no idea what I was talking about when you just confirmed that yes it does happen? Fucking retard.
> but a majority or releases aren't upscaled sd content.
Even those that aren't aren't much of a visual difference. And AGAIN, in the modern era of releases they for some reason try to make the movie look like shit in other ways (blue/green filters, movie too bright, removing film grain, etc).
YES Blu ray is better, but the difference isn't much better in the same way VHS to DVD was, and Blu rays look worse sometimes because of other factors like I said.
>Keep doing that thing I made up in my head
Jesus Christ just go to the optometrist.
>I only watch 1080p. 480p is retarded.
Let me guess, you spend 2 hours configuring your mpv codecs before watching something?
Jail stripes swipe transition?
>Jesus Christ just go to the optometrist.
Says the faggot that can't watch 480p. Kys retard. There's not a ton of difference and lots of blu rays suffer from nu-film technique garbage like removing grain and adding stupid filters.
>Let me guess, you spend 2 hours configuring your mpv codecs
mpv doesn't use codecs, anon. it's all done in one exe file.
i just click and mpv plays my kinos instantly.
My grandpa's old beta still works and every VHS player I've ever had has died.
Sorry but when I go to my private torrent tracker I only download 1080p because I have good vision, unlike you.
>mpv doesn't use codecs, anon. it's all done in one exe file.
It uses a config file you retard
>uses mpv
Holy fuck and you said you weren't autistic...

Honestly, I still have a 5000+ VHS collection and I’m perfectly fine with the quality. In fact, I prefer it.
>Says the faggot that can't watch 480p
Making stuff up again.
>Sorry but when I go to my private torrent tracker I only download 1080p because I have good vision, unlike you.
So you like dumb filters, removing film grain and other garbage things they do to movies. kys zoomer retard.
>acting like 480p burns your eyes or some shit
>It uses a config file you retard
so what? i don't change anything on config. nice moving of the goalposts. the defaults are designed to make it so you don't need to change settings unless you want super autism quality from your GPU.
>So why did you say that I had no idea what I was talking about when you just confirmed that yes it does happen? Fucking retard.
because you're talking like every release is upscaled and shitting on the entire format because of it when only a small minority of releases are upscaled? why don't you go back and reread what you posted if your memory is so bad that you can't even remember what you said?
>Even those that aren't aren't much of a visual difference.
if you think that having more than double the vertical resolution doesn't majorly improve picture detail then you might want to get your eyes checked
>And AGAIN, in the modern era of releases they for some reason try to make the movie look like shit in other ways (blue/green filters, movie too bright, removing film grain, etc).
yes, there are bad releases. not all releases are bad.
>YES Blu ray is better
finally you say something intelligent
you talk like dvds didn't heavily filter the picture to try to make it look better on crt televisions. the things you're complaining about are done on modern dvd releases too.
>because you're talking like every release is upscaled
I never said that. I said it happens. You confirmed.
>hitting on the entire format because of it when only a small minority of releases are upscaled?
I'm shitting on it for other reasons as well. This was just one reason.
>if you think that having more than double the vertical resolution doesn't majorly improve picture detail then you might want to get your eyes checked
Unless you are 2 feet away from the screen, it's not much difference.
>yes, there are bad releases. not all releases are bad.
But it mostly applies to blu ray. Most DVDs didn't have this shit. I would say most blu ray releases try to minimize film grain.
>finally you say something intelligent
You have don't nothing but simp for a tech format...
>you talk like dvds didn't heavily filter the picture to try to make it look better on crt televisions.
They didn't. Please explain how they did. They didn't try to remove film grain. They didn't add stupid filters. And sometimes blu rays seem to have the brightness jacked up. I have the Friday the 13th blu ray collection and while the picture is sharper, it's too fucking bright. The DVD captures what the movie was supposed to look like.
>Unless you are 2 feet away from the screen
You've said this multiple times and you're just proving our point that you need an eye exam.
>i don't change anything on config.
Ok faggot. So you are the one mpv autist that uses a video player that is made to be tweaked by autists like you and you just don't change anything. Sure.
That's blank discs. Not blu-ray movies.
>You've said this multiple times and you're just proving our point that you need an eye exam.
And you need a lesson on how many blu ray videos are different from what they used to look like.
>"herr derr barely any remove grain, use filters, jack up brightness, or just upscale the dvd to 1080p!"
>So you are the one mpv autist that uses a video player that is made to be tweaked by autists like you and you just don't change anything. Sure.
I gave it a nice UI but yeah that's all I did.
>I gave it a nice UI but yeah that's all I did.
It's mind blowing to me people unironically have tvs and disc drivers in 2024, haven't touched one since 2009, I just own a pc, a smartphone and a projector if I want to watch kino with people
I'm a boomer but you guys make me feel young
Ok anon. You don't seem to get that I use Linux and Windows so I like minimal players like mpv where all I did was add a custom UI with the plugin system. Enjoy your VLC bloat.
You can move the goal posts all you want. You are visually impaired and you've confirmed it over and over again.
>I use Linux
>Enjoy your VLC bloat.
You're right with the color. Different editions of the exact same movie with different covers and nothing else didn't help. Reminds me of comic books in the late 90s.
>You are visually impaired and you've confirmed it over and over again.
Ok retard.
>Admits he can't tell the difference between 480p and 1080p unless he's 2ft from the screen
>Keeps going off on wild tangents about things I never mentioned
>This somehow makes me retarded
All this reeeeeing because you need glasses. Lol.
Ocarina of Time
>>Admits he can't tell the difference between 480p and 1080p unless he's 2ft from the screen
It's true. Especially considering there are tons of cheap blu rays that aren't properly remastered or just upscales
>>Keeps going off on wild tangents about things I never mentioned
But I mentioned them.
>All this reeeeeing because you need glasses. Lol.
Says the faggot that is simping for a disc format lol. Face it, blu ray is not much better than plain old dvd.
>It's true
For you, because you're blind.
>For you, because you're blind.
You're just a simp. SAD
>Name calling
I accept your concession. Now go to the optometrist.
WAAAH, he said a bad word and called out my simping!
Face it, blu ray is a failing format for a reason. It's not much better than DVD and the movies are all fucked up because of nu remastering shit. YOU LOSE
>Once again going on a wild irrelevant tangent
The whole time you've been doing this is time you could have spent making an appointment with the optometrist.
Number one issue is marketing. I know so many people that don't understand how DVDs are 480p and Blurays are HD meaning 720p or 1080p. On the surface they're both discs so people just regard it as some bullshit upsetting scheme. If they could have called them HD DVDs instead of that random blu-ray descriptor it would have gone a long way. I know Microsoft kind if got in the way with their own technology but strictly speaking HD-DVD makes a lot more sense to the layman than blu-ray which means nothing to the average person.
>>Once again going on a wild irrelevant tangent
WAAH! It's not relevant because I say so.
Blu rays barely look better than DVD (unless you are 2 feet away like an autist staring at pixels) and blu rays also generally suffer from nu remastering fuckery. I buy DVD. You know 100% that you are getting the movie how it looked in the theater and the quality isn't much different.
Blue Ray and even DVD are way better quality then streaming. But then again most people dont even have a dvd/blue-ray player anymore. Well i guess i do, does a PS4 play blue-rays?
It's more than just that. But you are correct, blu ray is a dumb fuck name
>special players needed so that DVD player you have doesn't work with blu ray discs
>blu ray player to this day still more expensive than a DVD player from the same brand
>blu ray discs more expensive for a long time, though it's pretty similar today
The entire thing was retarded. Most people aren't audio/video phile autists like retards in this thread. They just want the movie to look and sound good and that's it.
It's not relevant because it's got nothing to do with the point I've been making this whole time, which you have yet again confirmed. You have poor eyesight.
I do miss a lot of the extras that came on DVDs. Like if it was a really good movie they would put the directors cut on it and sometimes even the entire movie with the director/writers/actors talking about each scene, basically like watching the movie with you. I enjoyed the on on the "Rules of Attraction" DVD where Roger Avery and the cast and etc talk about each scene while you watch the movie with them.
>Watching Napoleon dynamite on the PS2
Memory unlocked
i'm sorry that you're blind but lashing out about it on 4chan probably isn't helping you
That's not so much a fault of the format as much as it's menu creators got lazy.
>It's not relevant because it's got nothing to do with the point I've been making this whole time, which you have yet again confirmed.
Yes it does. DVDs aren't much different from blu ray unless you are 2 feet away. And blu rays are lots of time shitty for other reasons (we've been talking about this since the beginning)
Fucking simp.
>i'm sorry that you're blind but lashing out about it on 4chan probably isn't helping you
herr derr blind.
Go back to your mpv config file you autistic faggot.
Bluray picture quality is a drastic improvement over DVD, there's no valid argument that it's not. Except most people don't give a shit. Just like VHS collectors back in the 80s didn't give a shit about the objectively better Laserdisc
You keep saying the same incriminating thing over and over as if it's going to change the very obvious fact that you need to get your eyes tested.
Imagine being a filthy low IQ american with giant TV's in every room so you can stare at them 24/7 like a zombie. Only poor low class Americans think this indicates wealth. Some of us who have actual wealth happen to have a theater room with projector and sound system. We prefer to read and engage in hobbies when we're not watching movies. Lower class scum.
>You keep saying the same incriminating thing over and over as if it's going to change the very obvious fact that you need to get your eyes tested.
And you keep using the same lame excuse. SIMP.
Enjoy your overpriced disc that doesn't look that much better and in many ways looks worse because of all the nu remastering shit they do to it.
Excuse for what? I haven't tried to excuse anything. You however keep trying to excuse your poor eyesight by making shit up.
>Excuse for what? I haven't tried to excuse anything.
The lame excuse is that "my eyesight is bad".
You are can't accept the fact that blu ray is overrated and the video quality isn't much better than DVD. Most blu rays suffer from one of the following problems or more
>shitty 480p upscale from DVD
>taking a film that isn't remastered from a shitty print and putting it on to blu ray
>garbage remastering like color filters, grain removal, too much brightness/contrast
All these things are reasons why DVD isn't much different than Blu ray (unless you are close up).
Nobody knows what that means, autist.
This, I live in an apartment so my tv is appropriate for the room size. My ex wanted a fucking 5 ft diagonal TV to watch from 6 feet away. I try to give a partner what she wants within reason, but I put my foot down here. She had no grasp of how to size a TV and very little concept of style in general.
>Nobody knows what that means, autist.
Me and that anon were talking about mpv, so we both know what it is. And I was replying to him.
Don't care. He's an autist.
I said that numerous times, retard. He's an autist and you're a retard.
So me using your own words to deduce that you need an eye test is an excuse for... What, exactly?
>So me using your own words to deduce that you need an eye test is an excuse for... What, exactly?
To prove that your excuse is lame and that you can't accept reality because you are a sad simp. If bluray had an onlyfans page you would donate to it.
She sounds based and you sound effeminate and limp wristed

Probably would have a little TV mounted above your fireplace if you had one
>does a PS4 play blue-rays?
Exactly. The both of you are autistic.
And you're a retard.
You're autistic.
>Your excuse is an excuse to prove your excuse is lame
Are you an ESL?
>trying to move the conversation
Stop simping for blu ray.
>Don't do that thing I've done fifty times
Answer the question.
It's clearly mid transition, fuckhead

Laserdisc never had the variety of titles VHS available fand the players were expensive, even back when VHS players were also.
VHS won out because they could put the players into more peoples homes and you could record with them. Laserdisc "had" recordable discs and players but every VCR could at one point.

Betamax was also proprietary, just like Bluray.
Thats why it failed, because anybody could make a movie and release it on VHS tape but you only had what they "felt" like you should with Betamax.
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you know bro
>if an item doesn’t appear in Guatemala, it does not exist
U just mad u don't have space for a 85 inch oled in your little hobbit stone house
>even the entire movie with the director/writers/actors talking about each scene, basically like watching the movie with you
Those were fun. I especially liked the Ridley Scott commentary for Alien. Very much going into the practicalities of making the film as he watched it with you.
why would you watch 480p when even fucking free streaming sites have at least 720p lmao.
t. enjoying kino on my phone in bed
>Do people not care about video quality?
Why do you think LCDs became popular?

4k is a legitimate scam for video. The resolvable limit of 35mm film stock is around 1440p at best, with poorly preserved, poorly shot, or poorly processed reels coming in below 1080p in quality. Even with digital, sensor quality varies wildly and SNR means that 4k isn't really 4k most of the time. In a best case example with a perfect sensor, you get about a 30% improvement. In a best case real world scenario, it's about 20%. In an average case scenario, it's sub 5%.
>The resolvable limit of 35mm film stock is around 1440p at best
source on this? i've heard it's somewhat higher than 4k
>Do people not care about video quality?

If you look at the most popular torrents, the smallest files are always the most downloaded. Entertainment is fast food to the masses.
So are you.
>crystal clear picture adds nothing to the story

just read the book bro
A lot of times the audio on BD is worst because they remove noise. Like how they remove grain from picture and it looks off. They remove noise from audio and it sounds off.
Prices only drop if people are buying them. Physical media is a niche market.
https://www.tmax100.com/photo/pdf/film.pdf is a good overview. My numbers are derived from this.

Color dye clouds are 10-25um. This corresponds to a digital resolution of 2500-1000 PPI. Converted to digital, a perfect 4k image at 35mm would have a PPI of 3200, while 1080p would have a PPI of 1600.

So the maximum possible resolution of 35mm film stock is below the maximum resolution of digital. In poor cases with dye clouds around 25um, the PPI of film stock is well below 1080p quality.

Now, monochrome film stock can be much sharper than this, but all of this is without accounting for things like lens aberrations. Once you factor stuff like that in, you wind up with much lower best case scenario figures.
>pay between 19-29 for a flick, you also just can use ur old TV and it's still far superior to VHS in picture, sound and handling. You can download movies already, but it takes ages or you download cp by accident.
>pay between 39-59 for a flick, you also need a really good TV and hope the source material on the disk is actually good by itself, the sound won't be that much better, and the handling is the same. You can already easily flicks already anyway
>between 39-59
um no
When scanning you need double or more digital resolution to retain the film quality. For instance the film information isn’t going to line up with pixels sensors, and you must do multiple passes to average out noise. Per the format there are probably DVDs that are superior in quality, even though it’s lower bitrate. But with digital they can send the exact footage to the file or 4K to retain best quality. So film is not better anymore. It’s going to be a very wide difference in quality on every format.

With bluray they started putting insane ads and even abuse the internet functionality, then it doesn’t work anymore. It’s also slower loading than dvd. My BR player would choke for 4mins trying to load the garbage they put on and then the menus pop up. They’d push unstoppable ads, like Disney junk. They made a big mistakes adding functionality to BR players that developers and studios abused. The extra featurettes on early DVDs were superior.
Blu ray packaging (except Criterion) is total dogshit.
Flimsy ugly blue plastic packaging with no extras or booklets inside most of the time.
Damn, when did Argentina join Europe?
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Remember when dvds had little point and click games on them?
Also, I read that discs are the longest lasting form of storage. I wish they kept working on the technology so I can start using them as my main form of backup.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - 2k is perfectly fine, 4k is an overkill
I may change my opinion in the future, but as of today I'm perfectly fine with 2k movies
And to piss some of you off: 2GB x265 >>>>>> 10Gb x264
4k is better than film, objectively. Like I said, 4k has a superior resolution to the best that color 35mm can possibly achieve. Scanning at a higher resolution and then averaging out the noise is obviously important, due to how sensors work, but the final digital image has no real need to be beyond 1440p.

I'm talking purely in terms of optimal fidelity here. No consideration is given to how a movie was shot, things like shutter speed and lens architecture vastly impact how well light is focused and captured onto film stock. Real world, it's doubtful that any 35mm film has any benefit to being preserved beyond 1080p.
Yes why would anyone want a more detailed image when they could have it more compressed?
>Do people not care about video quality?
No, not when higher quality means triple ptice
4K is milking out consumers
there is ZERO reason to price 4K titles 3x compared to bluray
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>Do people not care about video quality?

people are retarded. and because of shit genes flooding the west, people don't have the eye sight to tell the difference.

I still get into arguments with people about how shit DVD is, especially on a 4k tv.

DVDs belong in the fucking trash. its NATIVE 480i.
for me it's AI upscales that introduce new frames, specially with classics like Alien or True Lies. I love it.
Streaming is "good enough" for 99.9% of people. The number of people who can actually identify a bit-starved scene is vanishingly small.
DVD's are trash but poor people can buy them from a large bin at Walmart for $4.99, so the format will continue to survive. Blurays cost a staggering $14.99, so by comparison they are a luxury for your average poor piece of shit. I'd mention that some boutique labels like Criterion are even more expensive... but poor people wouldn't watch those films anyway, so it's a niche within a niche.

That's the reason. Money and ignorance prop up DVD sales. Blurays are, without question, superior but the average consumer would prefer to use the additional $10 on fast food rather than picture quality.
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Most boomers have their tvs mounted almost on the ceiling and bluray as a name for the format just dont tell stupid burgers what it is they are getting. 4k UHD would sell way more if they stopped producing DVDs or somehow used DVDs to market 4k UHD.

There are a few bad 4k release but then the bluray will have to do. If someone can stand to watch a DVD on a 4k tv their eyes wont be bothered.

They are too expensive. Maybe boutique labels can justify their prices but standard releases shouldnt be more than $20.

This is true and 4k uhd is only a little better. Not to mention the covers on DVDs are often better, just using a poster when the Blu-ray and 4K boxes often have some new "artwork" that looks like shit.
I never watch any extra content.
because it never gets used; there are few surviving beta tapes
DVD is the cheapest option out of the 3. People care about saving money more than video quality.

Your average Blu Ray player is gonna run you around $70 or more.

I was lucky enough to find one at Goodwill for $12 but it doesn't always work out like that.
Well pardon mr. gucci loafers
And 4k players are another story, they are ridiculously priced. Im pretty sure most people buying 4k disck have an xbox x or a ps whatever.
Movies and tv shows in 4:3 native look amazing on a CRT, finished watching fist of the north star and the quality and color being viewed through both a lcd and crt were night and day the crt colors were more vibrant you didn't see any artifacting. I'm going to watch dragon ball GT next on it.
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I doubt I'll ever get a 4K player. It's just impractical at this point. I'm content with 1080p and you're right, most 4K equipment is super expensive, whether it's a tv or a player.

As far as blu rays, I always prefer to shop 3rd party. I'll go to pawn shops or thrift stores, or ebay. I'm usually able to find pretty good stuff for stupid cheap.

I found Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind for $3 at a local pawn.
I agree with this and buy used DVDs at low prices to watch on a big crt i have for that purpose (as well as gaming). As beutiful as film can look in 4k uhd, some things look better on an old crt. Any old show where you can see the bad special effects or makeup in hd for example, as well as older anime.
I remember my Dad had a crt and vhs player in his office for us to use as kids whenever we came to visit.

I'd get static shock every time I turned the TV on to rewatch my old tape of Return of the Jedi.

Good times.
I respect the thrift store grind and do the same but there are few blurays in my area, just dvds. Many hd blurays look fine on a 4k tv anyways (some dont though). When i buy new I buy 4k if its available. Also many releases might never see 4k at this point so anything i want that isnt very likely to get a 4k release i will get on bluray.
you're brown
>Do people not care about video quality?
Mainstream audiences don't, same for video games.
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I forewent the tv and bought a small RCA projector. It's 720p native and supports 1080.

It's great because I can just take it with me on trips and stuff.

I have a blank white wall so I can just make my screen as big as I want depending on how far back I can get the projector from the wall.

Works great with my blu ray player.

As far as lack of thrift stores, try for ebay. A lot of the blu rays I got there were like 4-8 bucks and had free shipping so it wasn't that expensive
Isn't everyone buying the digital versions now more than anything?
A blu-ray is $25 once. Streaming services are $15 monthly. It just makes good business sense.
Price. It's literally just the price. Purchasing power is going down too, so even more things that people are "supposed" to buy are going to be left on the shelves. Same reason why no one goes to the cinema, ticket prices. Nothing will change until prices go down, but they won't go down, and you're seeing the consequences everywhere.
Streaming services are more in Canada, and if you want anything approaching peak monopoly netflix era catalog you need like 3 subs at least. Even then content disappears and some will never make it because its problematic.
Most modern DVD menus use a generic template. Studios stopped investing in making them unique because the market declined and at the end of the day, no one was buying them for the menus.
I'd say 90% of my DVDs are still better than my BluRays. There are very few with horrid sound mixing but the rest are fine. Also, BluRays are ugly af, they're blue and they contain absolutely zero extras inside or on the disc.
I honestly prefer simpler menus. Give me some music and a background and as few options as possible. Just watched the criterion 4k of Blue Velvet and the menu was perfect. Waving blue velvet cloth from end credits with some ambient music from the film. No sound explosion, no looping scene from movie, no maze, just play, setup, extras.
Give examples where the DVD is better. Unless your talking about the packaging because DVD packaging is better.
For me its yiffy releases on a 1st gen ipod video
>DVD packaging is better

Not anymore. Now they always have that ugly bar at the top of the packaging that says "DVD" and it diminishes the cover art.

Like yeah no shit I know I bought a dvd, let me enjoy the art, don't remind me it's a dvd
NTA but the Terminator DVDs are the only way to get the original Mono audio for 1, and the original CDS track for T2, same for the Star Wars Original Trilogy with it being the only way to legally own the original cuts.
>The Shining is still 4:3 and the croquet ball isn't purple.
>Back to the Future Biff still says spooks and referheads
>any film that got blue filtered
>twin peaks gold box set, tons of extras and looks/sounds phenomenal
I said some have shit audio but the jump from dvd to bluray is nothing I worry about.
Probably trolling, but a bluray is $25 (or whatever) for ONE movie, while streaming costs $15 a month to watch many movies and TV shows.
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fucking kek
Pretty sure Kubric made the Shining to be displayed in European widescreen, the 4:3 open matte being so the image didn't have to be zoomed in for TV broadcast, but I might be wrong.
You also forgot how the Robocop Criterion DVD is the only version of the movie with the correct aspect ratio.
>tiny houses
>no air conditioners
>tiny refrigerators
>small TVs
Not even our poor people live like average europoors.
No reason

Not only am I a physical media chad, but I haven't even made the switch to Blu-Ray yet because I still watch films at home on DVD.
People vertically watch their shows on their phone
I mean 16/9 VERTICALLY
So you have your response
On a crt? Otherwise they kind of look like shit unless your tv is tiny maybe.
>lives in tiny ancient apartment that you will die in if temp goes below 0 or above 25c and pays what a burger pays for a ranch
>only allowed to ride a bike
I reason I hate europoors is you think your poverty and lack of freedom is superior and your choice, when its only because you are still peasants
What does a used PS4 cost? $100?
People don't watch movies anymore, they stream tv shows that they can watch while on their phones. The market for movie home releases is small and is only compounded by the fact that movie enthusiasts are a large proportion of people who pirate them anyway so adoption of the technology is minuscule.
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>As far as blu rays, I always prefer to shop 3rd party. I'll go to pawn shops or thrift stores, or ebay. I'm usually able to find pretty good stuff for stupid cheap.

i buy blu rays at disc replays and pawn shops for like $4. when the fall hits you start getting good deals on new stuff.


>I doubt I'll ever get a 4K player. It's just impractical at this point.

certain 4k discs are simply stunning. most aren't. film scans are the best. lotr and the thing are incredible in 4k. dune is pretty good, but the atmos is much better than the picture. I just use my xbox.
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>dvd white knights
>native 480i
>can't maintain proper framerate
>in u.s another frame is added making it look choppy
>in the UK they speed up the frames

The fact these points still need to be argued, just shows how far society has fallen. not even joking.
Interlacing has fallen. Billions must use progressive scan.
I bought one with five controllers and five games for $225 two years ago.
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>Interlacing has fallen. Billions must use progressive scan.

TFW when dvd white knights try to make an argument.
I really don't understand the love for DVD. The only DVDs I keep are the ones that don't have a Blu-ray release. Which is still a lot, don't get me wrong, but the people who prefer DVD make no sense to me.
I will be genuinely sad when he's gone.
I got an old blu ray player from a goodwill in maybe 2018 for about 8 dollars. Even has left and right RCA audio output, convenient for stereo
disgusting. VLC when used in conjunction with MakeMKV can play commercial bluray discs and with menu support
blu ray wasn't different enough from DVD to render it totally obsolete the way DVD did to VHS.
It's stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy
Its a visual upgrade. The real leap is 4k uhd which visually is bigger than the leap from vhs to dvd in most cases.
Some dvds still look better than bluray/4k because of the unnecessary tints they add
But 90% of buyers dont care about that
Except the ones that use AI like terminator 2 and aliens that makes it darker and blurs faces
mpv is better
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So are you.

The reason I hate amerimutts is because they're too retarded to speak properly their own language.
Diminishing returns.
When the color grading is fucked up on Bluray releases the DVD versions retain their superiority despite the lower resolution.
You’re brown.
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UHF dvd has wide screen on one side of the disk and fullscreen on the other and weird al shows up in green screen on the movie when you listen to the commentary
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Why are people here against watching the best looking version of a movie?
Contrarianism, or being legally blind and not knowing like that one idiot further up in the thread.
Too expensive.
I know, it just doesn't have menus, is all. It does integrate with MakeMKV just fine, so that's cool. But if you want menus VLC is the only one
True, that's the only real problem with MPV, and even then I can understand why people would prefer VLC simply because it can play DVDs properly(Playing DVDs through MPV is annoying if they work).
>Shit I still play vidya on a 12yo 1080P TV and watch movies, 1080P YIFI rips on a 1080P laptop.
>My enjoyment is not at all decreased.

You would think otherwise if you weren't too poor to afford current-day technology.
those are called commentaries if you wanna use shorthand for them next time
It all depends on the quality of the transfer and how much it was fucked with. Good BD is absolutely superior to everything else, i.e. 4K Mastered Japanese version of Lawrence of Arabia is the best that movie has ever looked outside of the original 70mm screenings.

MPEG-2 BD version of the Predator didn't have that problem on your pic.
You just named almost all of them
How? Are you sure you know what diminishing returns means?
mainly because instead of just being a high definition transfer and leaving everything else unchanged, they deliberately fuck up the color palette.
>watches a visual medium unconcerned of its visual clarity
i used to buy wwe shows on dvd, and some of them were so bad quality you couldnt even tell what the fuck was happening. i cant imagine not immediately upgrading
This release is a fuckup. The new 4k is impeccable.
I enjoy 4k blurays but I’ll admit 4k streaming is still perfectly watchable even if it can be up to 20x less bitrate.

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