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Australian low level course language edition.

Also Paradise Towers 2: Slytheen Boogaloo hinted at by RTD and The Moff.

Previous thread >>200710365
Paradise Towers 2 never ever.
spin off director confirmed
The same director as 73 Yards.
Reminder that Paradise Towers, one of the worst things ever put on television, is the favourite classic story of not one but two NuWho showrunners.
Good. It seemed like they were trying to rip-off Ballad's High Rise but the stupid robot and Richard Briers not giving two shits and overacting kills it.
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A major political party is laughing at us /who/sisters
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Who was his favourite Doctor lads? I think he was a based Pertwee Chad.
>which I used to love
If pressed how would he answer which is his favourite incarnation and what is the best story?
Nige would go for the mass appeal answer. David Tennant and then struggle to name a story.
Farage is actually a bit of an autist. He's obsessed with history and goes to commemorations every few months each year. There are interviews where he goes into great detail about obscure World War One and Two facts. He's definitely got the kind of mindset to be a Doctor Who fan.
He would do some research at least.
Considering Farage's Tardis Wiki article mentions him posing with a Dalek one time, will it mention this now?
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>Posing with a Dalek one time.
Not surprised Farage hangs with the Nazis.
It's a fantastic story with great atmosphere. One of my fave series of 7
His least favourite is The Curse of Peladon.
Lefty BBC lovey detected. You poofs are so desperate to convince people Nige is out of touch because you don’t like that he resonates with the common man- the worker, who you claim to be in favour of. Truth is you don’t like the poor, and you don’t like the working class. You want to be surrounded by socialist university graduates and call yourselves the workers

Our Nige probably liked Sylvester McCoy. It’s a respectable decision
He was born in '64, so he'd have been the prime audience during the Tom Baker gothic golden age
Imagine if Farage kept randomly bringing-up Doctor Who in speeches and interviews.
and he uses the word Homobame
No one was watching McCoy's era.
More people watched McCoy than Ncuti.
probably Pertwee or Baker, going by his age that's probably when he started watching it
Nige was. He’s a true British patriot. He didn’t mind one bit that McCoy is part Italian.
Farage once said he was a Harry Potter fan when he was defending JK Rowling
Imagine the headlines in the timeline where Farage is massively into Doctor Who and won't shut-up about it
>Farage calls for the return of the Rutans
>Farage declares The Well-Mannered War the best Virgin Missing Adventures novel
>Farage's favourite Fourth Doctor companion revealed
>Farage lambasts Big Finish as having run-out of idea
>Reform leader Nigel Farage weighs in on the UNIT Dating question
If Nige doesn’t win the election, do you reckon the BBC will let him play the Doctor by way of apology for their smear campaign?
the politics would be even more insufferable as the writers would deliberately try to piss him off
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He has already picked-out his signature costume.
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We honestly missed the window for the most kino end to any trilogy ever with
>The Referendum of Peladon
>Quite frankly, Davros, the people of Earth have said enough is enough. We won’t accept your terms. We won’t be exterminated. And we won’t let the EU dictate our laws.
That would be pretty fucking kino desu. Tennant and Davison rolled into one
double based
it's because the programme started treating the aliens as people instead of monsters.
it's because the KINGDOM started treating the aliens as people instead of monsters.
If you want it to get really funny and cause even more seething than have Trump be really big into Doctor Who. It would be so unlikely and unexpected as to be surreal. He WOULD keep bringing it up in tangents. It would cause huge seething in much of the fanbase.
Bait post
>I love Doctor Who! No ones a bigger fan of Doctor Who than I am, ask anybody. Spiders in a hotel? What an idea! Tremendous. Really fantastic.
Don't you think he looks tired?
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>and then she turned BACK into David Tennant YOU CAN'T DO THAT
Fuck; those comments make my flesh peel from my bones due to cringe
what's 'voting tactically' in this context? tactical voting is usually voting for the Greens or someone. has it come full circle, do Greenpeace want environmentalists to vote Labour?
Big Finish > Nu Who
Books > BF
>doesn't even mention Reform UK
also the idea that the Greens are leading the charge despite blocking actual solar farms and being massively anti-nuclear is laughable
It appears to be that they want people to vote for Labour despite other parties doing better in their ratings, probably because Labour is still much better than the Conservatives.
>despite blocking actual solar farms
Isn't solar power meant to be pretty inefficient though?
Not to mention every fucking party is enacting some level of green policy anyway. Even Reform is saying they will move to nuclear to get away from fossil fuels.

Anyone who votes green is an utter bell-end. Bet they like that one episode where a forest overgrows London for no reason. Or Orphan 55.
Braindead episodes for braindead people.
>People say I'm racist. I'm not racist. Martha was my favorite NuWho companion. Who here likes Martha? You know the real racists are the writers. The Fugitive Doctor - they cast a black person and they call them a criminal. The whole Timeless Child thing was the biggest disaster in Doctor Who history. The timeline makes no sense. Why does the Fugitive Doctor's TARDIS look like a police box? It is insulting to William Hartnell and the fans.
>Take the Doctor, you know the Doctor from Doctor Who?, he is not allowed to be a heroic man anymore. He acts like a crying woman - and of course they had made him a woman before that. The last three Doctor's have been a joke. When was the last good Doctor? Capaldi? What do we think of Capaldi? I had tremendous respect for Capaldi, I really did, but, they were already emasculating the character then.
We made cold fusion possible already, this climate crap are in borrowed time
Spoiler for you lad, despite having about 20 years of development, all renewables are absurdly inefficient.
I know it's a meme, but we're actually very close to cracking cold fusion, and then the thousands of shitty wind farms that don't work when the wind is low but also don't work when the wind is high will be seen as one of the biggest public spending blunders in history.
>being massively anti-nuclear
I was wondering if nuclear energy would get any mention in the video, not surprised to see it didn't.
We could put the nuclear power plants in Morocco
Build them in Birmingham, no one would mind and they're already mutated round there.
and Allah would protect it
Remember to buy your Dalek Props, before they go up in worth once the show gets cancelled and prop makers start raising the price for nostalgia value in 5-10 years.
I just brought the anal plug Ncuti used in Rogue!
How much use does solar even have in the UK? I would have thought offshore wind is the most viable renewable option. Ultimately the British seem like they should have a mixture of nuclear and offshore wind. It surprises me that Britain does not have a closer electricity mix to France that has something like 70% come from nuclear. The first commercial nuclear power station having been in Britain. I'm guessing anti-nuclear and North Sea oil stopped any British move towards it.
Some are efficient in gathering energy, with the caveat that they aren't efficient in price. But the point is that when looking at energy solutions in the long term it's not great to just go with the lesser evil that'll end up causing problems later.
>Government policy, set under a former administration in 2014, aimed to reduce nuclear's share of electricity generation to 50% by 2025. This target was delayed in 2019 to 2035, before being abandoned in 2023.
Good they have abandoned it. At least they never went full retard like Germany and completely got rid of all their nuclear plants.
Can't answer why we don't have more nuclear power, but I can tell you that off-shore wind is actually less favoured than just ruining the country-side.
Its expensive to build the fuckers at sea, and you lose energy the further it has to travel.
My understanding is the biggest problem with renewable is the energy storage, or more specifically the lack of.
Nah, production is also incredibly inconsistent. That ties to storage to a degree, in that if we could store it then we would bridge the shortages a bit. But it's just not as convenient as being able to produce energy on demand.
>souce: Alex Jones
This guy on the left to Farage is dressed more like a believable incarnation of Doctor than 15 is.
The batteries are certainly a problem. Even disregarding the storage problems with batteries, they tend to have a big footprint in emissions as well, which is why the narrative changed to zero emissions to net-zero emissions.
You just know he'd call Biden a Cyberman all the time
name him
Jovan Owusu-Nepaul. He is the Labour candidate for the seat Farage is contesting in the upcoming election.
Alternate/secondary costume. Also, what about companions?
Irish whovians?
Holy based! Fromage is going to make Who good again!
One of those skirts there, the blonde one. But there is no romance, he’s not a time-travelling nonce. She’s there for the audience, not the 1200 year old hobo
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What is Farage's policy on expanded universe media?
I for one hope Farage Who returns to the Classic formula of having serials.
>Expanded Universe
that are broadcast in sequence in the same day
He’s pledged to cancel BBC state funding, so he genuinely might.
They’d be forced to actually compete instead of enforcing diversity quotas
Apocrypha that, whilst he enjoys much of, has non true canonicity for the actual show and can be ignored when writing for the show. He goes as far as to distance from the show even actual TV spin-offs like The Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood as being at best semi-canon. Several stories and ideas from the extended universe he is in favour of incorporating into the show.
Only the Missing Adventures and The Eighth Doctor Adventures count.
Farage gets 6 4-part serials. What are the plots/villains?
- Fags vs Muslims
Those two girls are literal MI5 agents btw.
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no sauce quote
Such a depressing list. The early nuclear ones get decommission, fair enough. ...and also the most reason ones intended to run until at least 2055, now on the cusp of shutting down.

If Bradwell B ever gets built, will China General Nuclear Power Group and EDF Energy sell up to GB Energy?
What doctor has the biggest power plant?
Thought I was on /who/ not /britpol/
>If Bradwell B ever gets built, will China General Nuclear Power Group and EDF Energy sell up to GB Energy?
If the incoming Labour government intends to nationalises it then they won't really have a choice.
any backlash on tennant going full troom?
Would he accept Sarah Jane dying in that one novel as being more canon than SJA?
every death was Sutekh's work and it was all reverted.
/who/ is linked to /britpol/ by the politics behind a bunch of stories.
Farage wants to canonise Faction Paradox.
The Gelth from 'The Unquiet Dead'. Did you never read that Lawrence Miles review?
Basically the same thing tbqh. Fewer namenonces in here, but that's about it
Nigel has never liked the Doctor, he was always a Davros man. Funny how he went off the show just as the Children in Need special, where Davros is turned into a figure of fun, was broadcast.
>Our Nige probably liked Sylvester McCoy.
Andrew Cartmel was a communist. The McCoy era was blatant leftist propaganda and the prototype for NuWho.
>Our Nige probably liked Sylvester McCoy. It’s a respectable decision
Nigel would have hated that, it savagely ripped the piss out of Margret Thatcher in the Happiness Patrol, and portrayed typical Reform voter types as cannibals and rat eaters in Paradise Towers.
Pertwee. It was like a can of Monster
>one day I will cum black
This is a much more productive conversation that /britpol/
11 days after finale, zero traction
>rtd2 is a failure confirmed
How are the viewing numbers looking, lads?
What should have got made?
Could be worse.
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>Could be worse.
I wonder what number of the +7 is repeat viewing? Also be interested to see what the demographic breakdown was.
Should be, this anti-white shit shouldn't have viewers left
>Also be interested to see what the demographic breakdown was.
All we know about that is apparently the BBC are pretty happy that they have a program that young people want to watch.
Took a break this week after the disastrous finale. What news did I miss since?
Tennant wants a PM black dead because of TERF
>young people
>Doctor Who remains one of the most-watched programmes on iPlayer and is the BBC's top drama for under-35s this year, making it one of the biggest programmes for the demographic across all streamers and broadcasters.
The 2 key things to take from that is 1) they say Doctor Who broadly rather than explicitly NuNuWho; and 2) under-35s, which is a broad age demographic. The viewership could be a majority people in their late-20s to early-30s under how the BBC have worded it, which is not really young people if we take that to be children, teenagers or even people in their early-20s.
Farage to be the next Doctor.
The quote going around the web now from RTD from Radio Times to GBNews is
>"The under-16s and the 16-34 audience, as well, is massive. It's not doing that well in the ratings, but it is doing phenomenally well with the younger audience that we wanted."
For what it seems, it's a success with the demographic they want. He said this at a BAFTA Q and A that doesn't seem to be online.
Anyone have a source for the new Celestial Toymaker animation?
How can he know it's doing well with those audiences?
Honestly it just reads like cope. Like, they know the ratings are abysmal, but they need to justify the continued production of the show, so they just bullshit a new success parameter instead.
So the first gay Doctor?
They are already filming season 2, so there's no gain for anyone involved to say its doing shit. Next year might be different though...
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They'd probably have iPlayer figures, but maybe they get more detailed stuff from BARB that's actually representative of everyone.
If you are blind yes.
My imagination > any piece of Doctor Who media.
t. Lawrence Miles
Dark Dimension and Scratchman.

What did he mean by this?
Jealous of the next Doctor already surpassing him.
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>it's a multi-Doctor story
I watched The Daleks in colour last night. Nasty editing and awful redone overblown soundtrack out of 10.
Well I guess that's PART of the reason it's gone to shit.
The current Greens are all about fucking Gaza.
>on the left to Farage
Thanks for avoiding any confusion.
Which Doctor has the biggest penis?
Yes. But I watch GB News.
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Funny how even in the American remake of Doctor Who 4 and 6's actors had the same last names
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>Doctor Who (Hey!) Doctor Who,
>Doctor Who (Hey!) The Tardis,
>Doctor Who (Hey!) Doctor Who,
>Doctor Who, ah, Doctor Who,
>Doctor Who, ah, Doctor Who
bit problematic that this is based on a gary glitter song
>Jon Pertwee Sings Songs for Vulgar Boatmen
There is an entire playlist on YouTube
It's impressive how quickly this general died post Season 1. RTD really fucked it huh?
why do Australians need trigger warnings for Corse language? are they racist?
Who is your favourite queer character throughout all of the show's history?

For me it's Kamelion.
>Empire of Death: 3.69 million
Those under 35s coming in clutch, man.
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RTD promises Mel backstory for season 2 on top of all the other unresolved mysteries
Unless we all autistically got into the EU, there's not much to talk about with Doctor Who anymore that /who/ hasn't discussed to death. It's what happens to all generals when they live too long.
>Unless we all autistically got into the EU
What is some good EU?
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>fucking Mel is now the zoomers' reference point for what Classic companions used to be.
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literally all of it is better than NuWho.
just start reading the VNAs in order.
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Don't bother with books, just get into the Big Finish stuff that's on Spotify. Should be the Main Range up to the 50th serial and a bunch of other stuff. just only listen if you have Spotify Premium because ads can be annoying. BBC Sounds also has a bunch of other Big Finish stuff like the crossover between 4 and 10.
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I'm liking the costumes they have got planned.
Laraunce Miles and his Autistic Magial Realm
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oh good god, imagine if you were Jenna Colemans boyfriend and she wanted to spit in your mouth all day? You wake up in the morning, only to realize your mouth is full of liquid from Jenna spitting in your mouth for the past hour while you slept, she stares down at you with determined sex eyes and demands you swallow it all. She tells you she has been phlegmy all morning, and that she feels better when she spits it out, but that she requires a personal spit dispenser, and she wants it to be you. What are the guidelines? It's simple; whenever she sternly points her finger at you and snaps her fingers, that is cue for you to kneel at her feet, title your head back, and open your mouth so she can emit her saliva into your mouth, and you MUST swallow, or else the process has to begin again the next day. You get no food, you get no water, you only consume what Jenna ejects from her mouth.
I want to cum in her mouth.
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The 3rd Doctor.
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Kek that is unreasonably good. God bless you for wasting your talents on these threads.
The resident shitposter killed /who/ more than the absolute state of the show tbqhwy
They only exist because of boredom.
Which companion suffered the most by knowing the Doctor? Which companion benefited the most by knowing the Doctor?
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not an answer but I want to post this
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So, did anyone else enter the Big Finish competition to have your story published and read by Nicholas Briggs?

Mine was this urban explorer guy in future goes into a derelict tower block in the London "exclusion zone" in it he finds what he takes to be a dead tramp in one flat where the walls are covered with posters of the band ELO from "the before time". The tramp has rotted away to just a skellington but his trousers are round his ankles and there is what looks to be a paving slab over his groin.

Then the urban explorer hears a moaning sound coming from the other side of the slab. He lifts it up and sees it has the face of a woman, the face reminds him of Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter films and it has a patina of rotted fat around it's mouth as if some fleshy meat rotted in there over several years. Suddenly the face moves, then it lets out a gutteral moan and a cough to clear it's throat. "Feeeed meee," it screams "Elton has dried up, he hasn't given me his special yogurt in so long, get your pants off right now and feed me!"

Just then Martha and Mickey burst in with guns. Mickey says "I'll handle this one, you get him out!" Martha gets the Urban Explorer out and they wait outside the door for Mickey, but they just hear a screen.

They run back in to see Mickey has had his dick bitten clean off by the paving slab. Martha throws the paving slab out of the window and it shatters on the ground 10 stories down. Mickey bleeds to death on the floor of the snide little flat and the 10th doctor turns up in the TARDIS to take Martha out of the zone.
Harry > Sarah
ignoring non-canon NuWho
>suffered the most
Adric of course.
>benefited the most
probably Leela. but Steven, Turlough and Ace were stranded and Peri was on the brink of death before meeting the Doctor so that's a huge benefit as well.
Nuwho > classic who
who > schizo
I'm not a schizo.
Ignoring Classic, because most people I've seen leave in my Classic watchthrough are in entirely one piece and get a completely happy ending.
Adam is an obvious one for suffered the most but I feel like he's cheating.
Jack is probably the companion who suffers the most. By the time he dies, he's older than the universe, but for all of the wonders that Jack sees, he goes through so much pain after meeting the Doctor. He also spends god knows how long as a head in a container.
As for who benefitted the most, in the end it was probably Donna. Especially post 60th with her memories back.
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that's always what schizos say.
Rory, cuckolded and then used as a battery to feed the angels, Adric had it easy just dying.

Captain Jack, basically immortal. Can do and indeed fuck whatever the hell he likes , for example in Torchwood 1.2 he plans to save the day by nobbing the 18 year old that's dusting people when the cum, until she is completely saited.
Jack dies way before the universe dies.
Rory wasn't a cuck.
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Come on man. Its been 12 years. Amy Pond got her surname from what happened in her panties every time she looked at The Doctor.
The date, yes. But Jack is someone with access to time travel technology. They say the Face of Boe was there to watch the universe grow old. At the very least, the Face of Boe is millions of years old.
The new season being terrible and pushing woke shit killed the show, there's nothing for fans to discuss except how bad they fucked it up
Sorry, but he was. He didn't deserve to be, but he was. He simped over her so much he stood waiting outside the room she was sleeping in for 2000 years dressed like a stripper and literally died for her on several occasions, but she forgot about him when she saw the Doctor's crack and on another occasion went on a flirty trip with the Doctor on the eve of her wedding.
If RTD's gay agenda didn't kill the show in his first era, it's not really doing anything now. In the past, /who/ was kept busy by a mentally ill cabal of trannies who mostly moved on to greener pastures after the general got banned.
It's better than series 2 and it's not that woke either.

Yeah, totally fans, not just trolls or gammon spitting out their tea about Doctor Who being "woke" as if that is a new thing.
Hope this wins so that Briggs has to talk about"Elton's special yoghurt" in a falsetto voice pretending to be a woman.
>Which companion suffered the most by knowing the Doctor?
I can't remember the details and it is all extended universe stuff that comes down to whether you consider it canon or not but, due to some book or whatever there was something about Dodo having a terrible life until it going amended.
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one of the only men who have read any of the novels here. while my knowledge is exclusive to 99% nuwho, and i am inebriated, feel free to ask me questions about teh books
Why do you talk like a middle aged redditor? Yes fans you faggot, see the viewer numbers
Doctor battling Rassilon. Return to Peladon.
You mean NuWho novels?
It's far more woke, likely they wanted to double down after changing the doctors race for no reason. They knew fans and most people would hate it
Any kinky stuff in them?
Time Lords have been changing their race since the Moffat era.
i read a few seventh novels but nothing that stood out and it bobs against the shoreline of lost memory
Was there any positively interesting or 'what were they thinking' weird ideas in them?
When did the Doctor change race before the past few years?
You don't need to defend everything the media does anon
I enjoyed the Deep Time story with 12 but it suffered from the typical sci-fi woes of cool setting at the expense of poorly developed/too many side characters.
The Blood Cell (coincidentally, another 12) stood out for being wholly in the first-person perspective of a non-Doctor/Clara 'antagonist'.
I enjoyed The Clockwise Man with 9 but it's been too long for any details.
Lastly, BBC briefly ran shorter stories that shipped two at a time, so ya got two short stories instead of one novel, but Quick Reads only lasted six books (so 12 stories) and only featured Doctors 10 and 11. Wasted potential imo.
Would any have made a good TV story?
Plenty. I would imagine cutaways and cliffhangers to commercials in my head when reading, lol
What exactly made you read them?
Me being a bookfag who has read (sci-fi and fantasy) books as far back as I've known.

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