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what was the exact moment /tv/ turned on always sunny?
When Mac did his little faggot dance
When reddit started recommending it
The gay dance is where when I previously thought Sunny was losing steam, that I was just confused about how something as serious as that made it it on to Sunny. It's not even that it was gay, it just felt so tonally inconsistent with the show that it gave me whiplash.
i always thought the tonal clash was part of the joke, no?
Sunny always followed the Seinfeld rule of not having that "very special episode" where some super serious message is treated with utmost reverence, until that faggy dance scene.
Yeah, it was pretty much this. It's so off tone from the rest of the show and it's clearly only there because Rob wanted an Emmy.
i just got the feeling in the later seasons that pretty much everyone was "done" with the show but couldn't move on because they knew they had absolutely nothing else so they kept shoving dumb shit into sunny
i mean we glenn already tried to go make another show and failed at it, rob's crap was a little more successful but it's all garbage
honestly, upon rewatching i couldn't help but be struck by how unfunny a lot of the show is and kinda forced. people whine a lot about rob dragging the show down with his ugly bird wife, but tbqh, charlie is by far the worst part of the show, he is a totally one-note character who can only scream in an annoying way and pretend to be stupid, that's it, he never does anything remotely interesting
even dee is a better character than charlie as far as the story is concerned, yet charlie is the most reddit out of all of them so he keeps getting pushed as the show goes on
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Except there was no actual joke. They really wanted you to take that moment seriously.
it's different because seinfeld truly treated everything with irreverence
sunny was always a lot more "woke" and laced with social critique, even in those early seasons
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the faggot already got more than he deserved by having 2 minutes of screentime on LOST
i honestly think rob might be one of the most annoying faggot pieces of shit alive, though he is competing hardcore with ryan reynolds and both look alike
It feels like they played it too straight for it to be a joke.
Something can be intended as a joke and still not be funny. In fact, the entirety of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia consists in this one flaw. It's an unfunny show made by unintelligent people for an audience of of reactionaries and conservatives who identify with the monstrous characters and cheer for them.
It was left leaning like pretty much every American comedic show but it was never preachy or moralizing.
it was more than just a little left leaning, it's very mouch hardcore leftist
like there's plenty of sitcoms that don't have this problem, seinfeld, 30 rock, hell even modern family despite being pozzed is less leftist than always sunny
always sunny literally makes a point of criticizing capitalism, america, and whites whenever it's possible
sounds like a you problem

I will have you know his bird wife has hot fucking feet. So does the waitress aka Charlie's wife.>>200734562
S13E1, the second Mindy Kaling appeared.
i don't remember anything funny in the mac's gay dance episode
it had that running gag of frank's face swelling up with blood which is low tier physical comedy and nothing else
>channeling getting raped as child into a funny musical
>S10 (11?)
>channeling liking men’s butts into a super cereal interpretive dance
Bro just because they’re not pro-life doesn’t make them hardcore leftists. And that episode didn’t even make the pro-life people look that bad. Almost every single episode that deals with leftist pet causes pretty much calls out the performative nature of it all. Like the dumpster baby episode environmental activists just wanting to bang and smoke hash
most of frank is physical comedy

I'm from Georgia. The show seemed like "le edgy anti-NYC midwest bros" and nothing deeper and nothing funny.

It was weird as fuck they were always at the bar. Even if it was their job or whatever, it was awkward. Go in a back room or something. You guys just hang out in the middle of a bar 24/7? That's not relatable.
gay mac
And not anymore after that. She's properly hiding in their basement or Dennis killed her.
And Dee, when they did that clip show episode.
yeah i do think the bar got extremely boring over time
seinfeld for example did much better with using various locations as time went on
it's called always sunny in philly but they barely show off philly AT ALL
I miss when the moral of political episodes was "you shouldn't have strong opinions on political subjects you know nothing about, and you're an idiot if you do" e.g. the gun fever episode where Mac and Charlie start out pro-gun, Dee and Dennis start out anti-gun, and by the end of the episode both teams have completely switched sides because they're retarded (meanwhile Frank made a shitload of money by exploiting the issue without actually caring about it)
they kinda realized that only added to the rise of trump and facism in america so they thankfully did some self-reflection and stopped
bothsidesing has to be one of the most pussyass stances you can take, even as a creative
stopped watching when they switched to 16:9
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In the first 11 seasons there are only 2 episodes written by women.
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dee getting gang raped by filipinos was the funniest shit I ever seen
>It's very much hard-core leftist
You don't even know what that means
>shilling against guns
>shilling for racial equality
>shilling for the secular state
i think i do
they even made an episode against israel
When Danny DeVito Joined
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>shilling against guns
>shilling for racial equality
>shilling for the secular state
dennis tries to buy a gun to prove how easy it is and they refused because hes batshit insane
dennis and dees granpa was a ss wauffen soldier
Mac is cathlic incarnate
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Is this really where we're at? You have to be a tranny worshipping BNWO sister or an Aryan race warrior one man holocaust and those are your two choices?
>Aryan race warrior one man holocaust
this is actually your only choice
It's what I lean towards myself, personally.
Nah it started with the nigger episode.
I kinda liked mythic quest, but it was just too "modern" if you know what i mean.
I bet you say "y'all" like a giant faggot.
there's nothing faggy about saying y'all if you're actually from the south and/or a nigger
it's only annoying when it's used by some dipshit kike from california who would never naturally pick it up
This is true. But that word is so tainted now that you're going to get nothing but shit from anons for it.
I didnt really turn on the show, I only turned on Mac.
>I have to identify with and like the characters to enjoy a show
peak midwit
you fagtards got angry at the millionaires' podcast

this is like being mad at jay-z for not rapping about and actually selling drugs to his community as a 60 year-old multimillionaire
I've never turned it on once. What's it about?
No, that wasn't the point. The point was that rightwingers are incapable of enjoying any media unless they identify with the characters and they also happen to be stupid enough to think that the Always Sunny characters are an endorsement of their own irl nigger behavior.
White trash sees white trash and thinks it's celebratory.
>I'm incapable of enjoying this media because I can't identify with the characters
>t-this is because right wingers are incapable of identifying with characters
you'd think with how much these leftist faggots cry about the south they wouldn't want to appropriate the lingo
what's next? are they gonna start wearing cowboy hats and going to monster truck shows?
get your own culture, you freaks
I don't enjoy it because it's a poorly written show and not funny. Charlie Day has to be one the most annoying and unfunny cunts who took lessons at the Adam Sandler school of screaming = SO FUNNY!!
But it's incredibly funny, you just don't have a sense of humor
I will agree that Charlie is the second worst character next to Mac though.
They are trying to sound like blacks that's all it is. It started off with gay tweets using ebonics and using "yall" to set the tone of the meme or whatever. I used to associate yall with rednecks so that's another thing fags from sanfran have ruined.
Whatever funny bits there may have been are cancelled out by how much they double down on some shit. People whine about the later seasons, but they're already unlikable caricatures during S4-S5. The Frank x Charlie are gross together is so overdone and used for jokes so many times that it makes me fucking sick. Like holy fuck, get some new material.
maybe those nigger feminists on twitter are right
maybe appropriation should carry the death penalty
You're the nigga who's been making anti Smiling Friends threads, the media isn't controlled by "Christian nationalists".
Isn't that the first episode
for me the show got shitty once they started to go for higher-concept stories. most sitcoms fall off when they starts to happen, because its a symptom of them being out of funny ideas, so they start to be interesting rather than funny.

season 9/10 are when i started to feel i wasnt really enjoying it, and the flanderization was just slamming into the top of the meter. this is when they started going outside the bar and philly in general more and more often. the fag dance was season 13, i was pretty much over the show at that point anyway but the dance certainly didnt help.

the show doesnt have much longer left, i looked it up and the viewership is pretty low. season 4-8 is when viewership peaked. after 9 it starts to really taper off, that aligns PERFECTLY with what ive said here.
The gay dance and franks 'I GET IT.' They just decided to do a left flip to their token 'pierce' character from community. Also it being so self fulfilling and drawn out. It also only allowed mac to be important when even in eps like the nightman musical, it was charlie's thing but everyone had equal important parts. I was done with the series after season 12, that season I was hit or miss on.
I don't even know what that is.
i mean just look at them, man, it's embarrassing
dennis has gone from looking like a golden god to a fucking wow undead
it's just fucking depressing
they're just a few years away from being as sad as googling a recent picture of marilyn manson
i never liked dee
that actress is really fucking ugly and unlikable
in another universe where the waitress played dee i think i'd be a lot happier
>they're already unlikable caricatures
which is funny
>it's bad on purpose
>unlikeable characters = bad
peak midwit
>i'll switch out caricature for character, maybe nobody will notice
you're pathetic, just like your hero, rob
the high school reunion episode.

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