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Dance-off bro ,you and me!
On what basis from the fossilised evidence did they deduce this behaviour?

the evidence that the 4chan jannies and moderators choose to pick acceptable threads and delete the threads they hate despite what the board rules state
>the troons came for dinosaurs
Literally nothing is safe
Omg... reddit would LOVE this!!!
The fact that while its arms are very short, the socket is unusually mobile and flexible, which suggests it wasn't used for holding things down or grappling, but rather to use in a weird and flamboyant display.
most mobile arms of any dinosaur with no function in either hunting or getting up
Evolution is just a theory.
>Nature documentaries aren't tv related because... uhhhh.... THEY JUST AREN'T OK
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>We made that one up
I would never give the go ahead to show Dinosaurs in an impotent light. Fuck whoever pitched this and he horse they rode in on. They knew exactly what this was signifying. It's like those retarded korean women sneaking the "small dick" symbol into their games until they got exposed and fired.
Did they ever produce any kind of evidence that would support those tiny arms could change color and were used for mating rituals and not a complete fabrication? If they were part of a mating ritual shouldn't they be as big as possible? Seems like they're more like whales leg bones that are completely useless
What is the purpose of such small arms?
do you also have mental breakdowns when you see birds doing stupid dances to try and impress the females?
oh my science!
more credible than creationism
>korean women sneaking the "small dick" symbol into their games until they got exposed and fired.
well i for one liked the dance
They know dinos did this because they found 63 bones :)
>OP has fun lighthearted idea for a thread
>immediately devolves into autistic screeching about how dinosaurs are depicted and evolution vs creationism
Some of you guys really just have no clue how to have a good time do you?
I understand the limbs as incipient arms or but why would they have the little hands, it's not like that could even get them close enough to anything to use as manipulators and even if they could they wouldn't be able to see what they were doing
Yep. How much of a stick do you have to have up your ass to get mad at dinosaurs of all things? Literally the coolest things to have ever lived. I wish I was a dinosaur, shit would be so cash.
Basically all animals focus on being as big as possible if that is the purpose. Birds poof themselves up and display their feathers. Deer, moose etc need the biggest antlers possible. Tiny little arms wouldn't impress anyone because clearly their arms aren't practical or a show of size and strength.
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>I wish I was a dinosaur, shit would be so cash.
Is what exclusively newfags call people who are old enough to remember when people liked to have fun with each other here and not just flip out at each other like complete spergs. You had to have been there
leftover like your tailbone
Stop the Ceratosaur slander
>in an enviroment with like 4 other large theropdos
>they're all bigger and stronger than it
Ceratosaurus life was hell
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He probably lived a decent life. You realize how successful an animal has to be to get fossilized at all? It has to be very prolific for that to happen at all. Ceratosaurus was probably fine doing his own thing in his own niche while Allosaurus was out being a sigma and Torvosaurus doing whatever the fuck Torvosaurus did.
What if it had like, really long feathers on its arms that wouldn't show up in the fossil record? What if it used those feathers to scratch its ass?
Doubt it, Carnotaurus had fossilized skin impressions and it was scaly and bumpy
carnotaurus is one of the dinosaurs featherfags cannot try to claim without appearing retarded because it had wart-like scales
>Torvosaurus doing whatever the fuck Torvosaurus did.
Basically being the allosaurus' direct rival since they swap places as the top predator in europe where the allosaurus species is smaller than the local torvosaurus
In the future a anthropologist is going to dig up your bones and suggesting
>You were entirely covered in hair
>Weigh 300 pounds with a massive stomach.
>You attract females with outragous arm displays
>you got no bitches
But in North America Allosaurus was still smaller than Torvosaurus. It's body proportions were weird, too. It was alot bulkier but shorter in length than Allosaurus, didn't seem to be as athletic an animal.
how the fuck did they get all of that right
See the arms aren't that small, but they've added so much fat to the thing in reconstructions that it becomes this tiny thing on a massive flab of meat
>webms that broke /tv/ episode 7
That's another fucking dinosaur you third world brainlet
Humiliation ritual
the dinosaurs are now gay too!
What the fuck is this Stegocopesaurus bullshit?
It was probably drawn by a Stegosaurus
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>How much of a stick do you have to have up your ass to get mad at dinosaurs of all things
Because they're trying to ruin them with gay ass shit.
>I hope a stegosaurus comes and thagomizes your balls
How are they ruining them? Animals do flamboyant shit to attract mates, at least they're trying to make those vestigial arms useful by taking artistic liberties
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Not really but ok. You sound like the kind of person who threw a shit fit and still gets salty about when they revoked Plutos planetary status lol
People like this should be declared legally incompetent and forced into diet programs.
is this the tree of life? What did it mean?
God damn that's pathetic to be upset about that.
>outragous arm displays
Women love when I start busting out the Naruto seals.
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So is gravity. Would you like to step out of your apartment window now to test it?
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> We don’t use our tailbone as courtship displa-
> twerking
Uhh oh
Birds, unlike dinosaurs, are gay tho.
what is this from? Looks cool.
>from the brilliant minds that brought you "Climate Change" and "COVID Vaccinations" comes another "Trust the science" production: "Dancing Transexual Dinosaurs".
Just trust the science, chud
It's more pathetic that its deliberate to begin with.
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Prehistoric Planet, TV series in the style of a Planet Earth documentary, narrated by David Attenborough.
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I bet a stupid gay woman insisted on this fucking waste of money and CGI.
>tee-hee look! Mom-worries!
Get the FUCK out of here. Only dudes like dinosaurs and can present them in the necessary way that builds intrigue and interest. This webm in particular would bore little boys watching it. What the fuck man.
How do you explain the fingers and grip movility
>evolution make females select for the males with the most finger-like structure, even if the arm wasn't capable of holding anything, having fingers that could grip are very attractive I guess
Evolutionfags are demented
What's the point of this show? Force people to watch shit that they admit has a flip coin toss chance of being fabricated? Humiliation ritual.
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No. NO! What the FUCK happened?
Yes, I have never intentionally provoked people in my life as a joke. Who would do such a thing? If only there were some high paying positions like "jannies" to stop me
Those bones are also a creative "reconstruction" anon
It's an entirely different dinosaur shitskin schizo
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look up megalia
You can tell this anon never had a single problem in his life (probably underaged) so he has to make himself mad at literal non problems like this
No they're not we have mostly complete Ceratosaurus skeletons
Birds are not gay, you're gay
How could anybody be bored by a Giraffe sized flying fuck with a 7 foot spear for a face?
I would be equally angry if an ad for watches show'd the watch in a nigger power fist
It's not about "the gesture being a small thing", it's a political agenda pandering add
thanks, will watch.
Not my point
Then post the cerato bones then
Are all evolutionists podcels?
reptiles are so buckbroken it's unreal
personally i hope the amphibians take over after humans fuck it up
Jesus christ tl;dr
to think I fell for the dino craze in the 90s
fucking gay ass shit
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If it's between laughing and crying I'd rather laugh because I'm not that insecure. Avoid brands that do stupid ad campaigns and enjoy how mad everyone gets about it. Like Gillette. Made me swap over to safety razors and my life is better for it plus I can enjoy the memes about these ad campaigns. Free entertainment
never seen strawberry elephants on parade
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I did already but go off
You have a point about alot of fragmentary dinosaurs being described from just a few bones, but well known and understood animals like Ceratosaurus have complete skeletons, as does Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, etc. They're famous for a reason, they're not mysteries changing every 5 minutes like Spinosaurus
It's ok if you don't have kids and it shows.
But more than half the planet do.
And when you do, you stop thinking about society as a road you manouver in like a free man in a motorcicle, and start to think about the roadblocks, sharp turns and batches it has for the people driving campers
Brother are you somehow blind or something
Can't you see that shit has no hands
Some Gen-Xir that works at the bbc remembered the bird scene from Jurassic Park and remembered some Birds of Paradise scene from Dickie Att's Planet Earth and thought it would be funny to combine the two. And that is how science is made.
Yes, but this was the original specimen used to describe the species. It is remarkably intact for a dinosaur skeleton. Other Ceratosaurs have been found with the hands and arms intact, thus giving us a complete picture of what the entire animal looked like. Here's another one with the missing bones highlighted in black. Delicate small bones seldom survive the fossilization process but there have been genuine Ceratosaurus forelimbs recovered before
>it was used in a flamboyant display
what's flamboyant about tiny arms? if moving your arms about gave you an advantage they'd be bigger
imagine a peacock with a tiny tail
Fucking kek, imagine how small your penis would have to be for, one, to think that image is about a small penis in the first place, and two, to think that a random image about small penises is directed at you specifically. Kekasaraus Keks
Microscopic pathogens causing illness and disease is called Germ Theory. Go jump into a pile of bio-waste and see what happens.
No scientist would say this is accurate and would say they have 0 idea what they looked like or what they did when it comes to mating. All we can figure out if how they moved and what they would have eaten. And when it comes to what they looked like we only have small amounts of evidence. There's only one known specimen that was fossilized to show that even by the time of the dinosaurs that crossing shading(the underside of the body is lighter the rest) had developed among lifeforms.
Objectively false. You're falling into the left wing trap of trying to make society conform to you which is impossible. Focus on your family and friends and lead by example and guide them. The lies will be obvious over time and exposure, if you push your kids too hard one way it could actually have the opposite effect.
I don't think you have the capacity to understand what I said
I'm sorry I didn't use vehicle analogies to help you understand. Focus on what you can actually influence and build from there. Society rots from the top down but you can't control that on an individual level. Do what you can and create a solid foundation.
>Creationism: just trust the religious leaders bro
>Evolution: just trust our scientists bro, who also happen to be funded by jews who don't even believe in it
Bro we live in completely different words.
You think you "can actually influence" by not buying gillette, that you "think of your friends and family" by not buying gillette, that you "do what you can" by not buying gillete
meanwhile the bitching of koreans actually took the ad down
You and me, we are not the same
Waving those little arms around is pretty gay
But the people who make the credible discoveries in evolution are the people who don't think there's a creator. So them being funded by Jews who don't believe it doesn't really matter. It's the scientific process which provides the empirical information. A whole bunch of advances in modern medicine is all because of our understanding of evolution which in turn is driving evolution in the pathogens we're combating as the one that survive create generations resistant to our drugs. You don't think all of that is just made up do you?
It's already been proven and women have been fired and bitched about it on twitter.
99.99% of paleontology is making shit up
>trust the people and method that created The vaxx™
Great argument m8
How are future historians going to call this age's mania with making everything as ugly and lame as possible? And how are they going to explain it?
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>My deviant furry porn paleo art
Paleontologists are just a bunch of brony/furry faggots posing as scientits
>They knew exactly what this was signifying
What? im retarded
>Dinosaurs were not dangerous, aggressive, powerful creatures that would tear you to pieces, thats so unprogressive, racist and transphobic. You see, they were actually very quirky and cute anon, dont let those chuds tell you otherwise.
they're animals
they do animal things
imagine being this brainwashed lmao
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KWAB imagine getting your ego hurt by Beyond Belief. You should unironically kill yourself, the world is going to destroy you otherwise.
Obviously it's for dino finger-banging at the dino drive-in. Duh.
>bird feet chirped this
Ok ok, enough about Italians
South Korea was administered by a kabal of women operating from the shadows until something went up and they were exposed.
ope, got your taint
I'd prefer to die of inceldom before subject me to this embarrassing displays.
I would make a She-Dino waifu pillow with an empty carcass filled with soft grass and branches and call it a day.
I thought this was a dancing thread
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>Dinobro doing the Pedro Pedro Pedro dance move.
Evolutionary convergence at its finest.
heckin dinobro hehe like that xD
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And this is the fate of all faggots that believe nature is pony anime girl land
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The CGI here is really good
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Throwing our hands in the air and saying “god did it” doesn’t have any practical applications.
Most of history is made up.
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Every dinosaur media is now destinated to have tranny cute feather shit just like every new movie and tv series is destinated to be filled with feminist lgbtq+ anti-white anti-masculinity garbage.
It really is over for the entertainment industry. There's nothing to look forward to. Everything has been sodomized and polluted.
I am glad I was born in a time where kids had cool shit to look up too though.
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Christ cucks doesn't be miserable Jewish puppets with pathetic life's challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Dumb ESL.
>Most covered in shit dildo award

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