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Why do women like their tv shows? What's the appeal?
I like their show too
it's like the live action romcom anime without the over acting
Women like media with romance and drama. This isn't hard to figure out.
Beauty. Gender-aligned roles. No obsession over "identity". Racial harmony.
>written for low iq bugmen
>cast is full of half plastic half bugman mannequines
gee I wonder why women like it
Yeah and then women vote for mass immigration and stand at the port with signs welcoming refugees. Women are traitors.
Not Asian women, they don't. As for those who do in the West, they're a shrill minority. Control them at any cost because your country needs protection from lunacy
It's anime but for women.
Feminist cult in South Korea using media as a brainwashing tool
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i think they are the least feminist of them all.
It follows the recipe for dramas made for women. Either a feel good romcom or a drama about some woman who has a bad family situation/orphan/sick parent/overworked/bullied and some handsome and strong guy that might come off as cold or rude but deep down he has a kind heart (and big hands, very important) and they help each other overcome their problems and fall in love.

Honestly I'll take Korean cheese over almost any American production these days.
There is nothing more cringe and bizarre than the concept and culture that surrounds Asian “idols” and their fans. It’s like if aliens found out about show business and tried to emulate it with little to no knowledge of what it actually is and what makes it sovlful
It is the very definition of soulless
Advertising. SK spends a lot of money on promoting their culture abroad, and women are very susceptible to advertisement.
youd be categorically wrong mustafa
high trust society
no racial world-building
>t. maryam from pakistan
>t. bug lover who hasn’t actually interacted with any sort of Asian chick who is above a 2/10
They’re soulless dude, accept it.
Yes, this is a country that bans pornography and requires compulsory military service only for men.
This. The west also betrayed them, since women are even more superficial than men. No, women dont want to fantasize about interracial with some blackmart black guy that leads a NGO, women want handsome white/asian men and a good selfinsert.
I wouldn't call Korea a high trust society. Almost all of their stories are some kind of revenge plot about bullying at school, family abuse or workplace power abuse at work. They used to be a military dictatorship until the 80s and their culture still reflects that with retarded hierarchy and normalization of bullying and abuse.
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it's the gook "males" that benefit from all this. thanks to SK government pumping their tax dollars into all these k pop, k drama etc, their leftover incels get to ship mail order brides from SEA.
You do realize every single idol is effectively an industry plant that is being forced to work in sweat shop like conditions practically performing slave labor right? There is nothing that isn’t completely artificial about the entire thing down to how they look and act. It’s the polar opposite of genuine and is the definition of insincere, every single detail of their entire life is manufactured by some suits in a boardroom making money hand over fist while they themselves don’t even usually make close to a living wage even if their music is topping charts.
When was the last time american shows allowed hot men? I think only Homelander? And even then those are always le evil parody. And henry cavill os constantly attacked by femcels and hated by hollywood kek
*their shitty algorithmic ghost-written and oftentimes lip synced music
>plastic bugmen
Better than kike rat faces I guess
The dude who plays Deep in The Boys is also a very handsome dude no homo
Romance but not trashy. Western media tells women 'cheating is exciting' but deep down they don't like it despite what /r9k/ says.
No niggers.
Bullying sucks but you can walk on the streets at night without fear.
A lot of women thirsted over him during his Gossip Girl days
Not so; there are American soldiers there.
Unironically The Boys is popular because or Homelander kek
People talk about hot actresses being forbidden but not enough about handsome actors, mostly whites, being allowed to show themselves as something else than a cartoonish ridiculous villain. I dont remember women causing a ruckus about any movie couple in years, Hollywood is just fucking ugly and funny how MCU used to be popular with women too because the cast was full of attractive actors
Oh right, I forgot. I remember two nignogs raped girls in Okinawa recently. All it takes is one nog to remove relaxation status.
>The one seething at koreans was an ugly rat
Of course kek
That's what happens when the chosen ones only breed between them, you can tall the fall in quality with their people, they look like goblins or like Soros with boobs kek, pretty much why they refuse tl hire actual good looking people because the MOGGING is brutal
>without the over acting
gooks are even worse than japs at acting
this + billions of sea faggots doing free advertising for them
>And henry cavill os constantly attacked by femcels
he's not the guy you think he is and is a terrible actor
What do you recommend watching instead? I got nothing to do this week.
>I got nothing to do this week.
if you want romance films, then a new leaf, pygmalion, room with a view, taste of things
if you want a romance show then pride and prejudice 1995
>low IQ feminine shows
>appeal to women
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>least feminist
keep jerking your lil' 4.5 incher to those gooks brah

this anon knows
Is anime really better than kdrama or the opposite?
High trust just means predictable. You know how people will respond to certain events, what they think about certain things, and all that. Everyone in Korea has the same culture, most people are irreligious, everyone speaks the same language, so it's very predictable.

High trust societies generate great kino because the few deviant individuals don't find safe internet spaces like in the West, they have to cope with the enormous weight of being a true outsider.
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people listen to 1 kpop song and think they know the entire culture
SK's birth rate is even lower than Japan's lmao
>gooks are even worse than japs at acting
have you seen an average Jdorama? it makes Korean acting look Oscar worthy
I hate to tell you this, but the music industry and entertainment industry in every country is artificial and slave labor. Except in the US you have a higher ceiling of money you can make and there is more Weinsteins, RKellys and PDiddys.

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