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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Is /tv/ going to boycott?
More like Shit Brown LMAOOOOOO
>eyyy princessita que paso
>her skin as brown as a pig's feces
Was this scene really necessary?
If by "boycott" you mean not watching it at all, then yeah.
No. I'm going to blow my load right then and there in the kinoplex. The workers at my current one aren't attentive at all so they probably wouldn't notice a thing.
NO! I also believe science, think trans rights are human rights, and will be voting for Biden (OUR COMMANDER IN CHIEF PERIOD)
I completely forgot about this ragebait movie
you can cast the whitest aryan female in this and will still not watch it
couldnt they cast someone uglier
ahhh i fucked up my link
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>Is /tv/ going to boyc-ACK
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for this cutie? Nah.
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No White
wait didnt this movie come out already?
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this is what they took from you
there's no need really, will she go full Mexican again to fuck the box office? Just like in West Side Story
>wait didnt this movie come out already?
Pushed back to 2025.
snow white more like slush white
I think Rachel Zegler is incredibly sexy so I'll watch anything she's in but for the record she's also got a great voice and is decently talented from what I've seen. I expect the film will be fairly mid
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Least sexy latina
They look like they're ready to remind Prince Charming about consent.
Should I finally watch The West Side Story remake? I really liked the original even if it would be considered woke in today's landscape.
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We don't boycott, we just ridicule them to death.
You'll probably like it. Rachel gets a lot of shit but she is talented. I read they audtioned like 30,000 people for that role.
I liked it. Although I have some criticisms they're not of any woke nature, in fact there's a pretty good change were the cops hate the Sharks more than the Jets on account of the Puerto Rico immigration thing but they also hold the Jets in contempt for being leftover trash. I don't remember if it was in the original too but there's a whole background thing about the neighbourhood getting knocked down and the police are trying to get the gangs to lose hope and leave so it can be resold to developers that gives the whole thing a tragic angle beyond the love story.

The songs are pretty good, the only problem is that quite a lot of the time you can tell the actors are aware of the significance of the original and it can be a little drama school production in that indefinable way that the Footloose remake had too.

Rachel is the best part of the film with the possible exception of the guy who played Tony's best friend. That guy felt like he was a different and much darker movie at times.

not only /tv/ will miss it.
the reasons are obvious but people will be called racist (watch MY movie!) and someone will cry for review bombing (I mean, you HAVE to watch my movie and LIKE IT).

Off-white and the Seven Refugees with Special Needs.

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I saw the Graham Norton interview too, you can admit it

That's your take.
My take was that it was a cringy try hard attempt to re-imagine the original.
The only part that worked for me was when they were passing the gun around and singing of what it would do. That was chilling.
And by the way, most every Latina girl in the 1950s dreamed of being Natalie Wood.
I didn't. I've seen probably 4 episodes of that show total. It doesn't air in my country so it's something I have to seek out.
We're going to ridicule. But it sounds like the re-shoots are going to turn it into a more conventional version of the story now.
I can see where you're coming from, I think remaking it was largely pointless, it doesn't add anything transformative or improve on the source. I put it on over Christmas while I had the flat to myself and I enjoyed it enough that I had thoughts about what I liked about it.

It was as far as I remember glossier version of the original made with modern techniques (which isn't necessarily an improvement). I liked the new cast well enough although it was very clear that most of them were doing impressions of the original cast + their "look ma, I'm acting". For me, Zegler did well within those confines and I remember thinking she had a great voice.
Graham Norton always brings the best out of his guests, she comes across a lot better in it. I suspect her bad reputation comes from trying to hard to be cool and likable. Many such cases
Is it a boycott if I never intended to watch it regardless of quality?
>For me, Zegler did well within those confines and I remember thinking she had a great voice.
Not that anon and I thought the remake was "meh", but I remembered after seeing it thinking that (ironically enough) Zegler came off like a Disney princess.
shes a little cutie but i prolly wont watch it
I want to hatefuck her so bad
You might see me rage and seethe but I will still keep Disney + AND go to see everything they release at the cinema.

Yes Im a youtube critic.
She was good in the Hunger Games movie too although there were problems with that script too. I absolutely understand why she was cast in everything for a while, it's hard to see her in one of those films without it being obvious that given a good script and a good director she could turn in an S-tier performance but it's also quite clear that her skillset isn't geared to a quiet and sincere Saoirse Ronan type role where she plays a metaphor for adolescence or something like that. I think she needs a big performance to get the best out of her which also makes me suspect she'd be very good in one of those Tom Hooper style pseudo-realistic musicals that look like they give sound designers early onset Parkinsons

Why even use that word? Most of us aren't paying attention anymore. It's more like "I'm not watching another Disney show until one is so remarkably interesting that I tune in."
pinche bruja
Why hate? It's not like she skins puppies, she just has some annoying opinions that are not uncommon but she just happens to have a camera pointed at her more often than most.
Is not watching something because it doesn't interest me a "boycott"? Cause it if is I've been boycotting a whole lot of shit my whole life.
She cute
The chuds aren't going to win this one, my racist heart has been enamoured with her smile.
Based Rachel curing racism with her smile and her legs
I haven't watched a single disney live action remake and a porcelain-skinned snow white wouldn't make me change my mind so I wouldn't call this a boycott, I just think that anyone who goes to the kinoplex to watch stuff like this is retarded (yes, even those that take their children to it)
we all know your from some shitty magazine website anon trying to "stir.up" so you can make an article on le evil 4chan women haters. Fuck off and get a life and proper job.
Depends... is boycotting the movie going to result in her angrily twerking back at me?
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I'm waiting for the live action adaptation of Brave
meds. now.
Is it really a boycott if i wasn’t gonna watch it anyway? I don’t even care about the actress or her skin color or whatever. Who the fuck cares about a Snow White ”live action” movie lmao
Yes I'm boycotting everything made by disney forever.
Where is my forbes article?
I'm just waiting for entertainment to cater to normal people again, ignoring everything they do in the meantime
KEK that's not even funny
Fucking A. Who the fuck cares?
Great defense.
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wokeness has won
this or jenna ortega? whose goblina is prettier?
Evil fascist here. She cute.
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Handsome squidward
Her footgame is something else
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I mean I wasn't going to watch it regardless

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