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Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar.
Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you.
Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not
understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly.
Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Realise your wife fucked another teenager.
See the pic of the highschooler gamer cum on your wife’s thighs. Cry a little. Drink a little. Call your dealer at 3am.
Shoot up in a curious little singaporean dive bar. Masturbate to the thought of your wife getting railed by a 15 year old.
Cry a little more. Text her. Be submissive and pathetic and be humiliated by her.
Hang yourself in the Hotel room. Choke yourself, while your wife gets choked by young men, like a slut. Burn in hell for eternity. Enjoy the ride.
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Extort immigrants and guilt trip the natives
here's your (You) now fuck off and stop posting the same topic over and over you fucking imbecile
Destroy one white country. Destroy two.
>p.s. fuck white people
But if I eat slowly my food will go cold.
Have negroni to celebrate. Make your wife have two.
Eat at a local negro restaurant tonight. Get the negro cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly negro bar.
Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to some negro you think may have nothing in common with you.
Order the negro rare. Eat a negro. Have a negro. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not
understand or agree with the negro next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly.
Tip your negro. Check in on your negros. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the negro.
>Be open to a world where you may not
>understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways

Unless he votes for Republicans/conservatives. Then that asshole chud can fuck right off
>Have a negroni
>Get stabbed in Brooklyn
Is this translated EU national anthem?
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No. American. Only Americans have obsession about n*ggers.
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>Only Americans have obsession about n*ggers
>we demand mexicans etc.
Freudian slip
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>No. American. Only Americans have obsession about n*ggers.
i am jealous of all the exotic and enriching experiences that he had in third world shitholes. i wish i wasnt poor so that i could be like him
I still don’t know what a negroni is
Show some fucking respect for the deceased
Makes two of us.
This guy was such a fag
>offering shit pay for hard, dirty work is actually le good because some desperate immigrant will take it
man of the people
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Campari, which is a bright red grapefruit liquor, mixed with some sweetener and bitters. I prefer the version with soda water added, very refreshing (pic related)
>Unless he votes for Republicans/conservatives.
or worse, doesn't eat sushi properly
Ah, that's what makes it negro.
>I prefer the version with soda water
Oh anon.
It's not a black person drink at all, anon. It's too bitter. They prefer Hennessy or other cognacs because they taste like grape juice or wine but have the alcohol content of whisky almost (40%+ compared to ≈30%
strange that he specifically mentioned only having south americans and europeans working under him in kitchen confidential
That's not that odd because he worked in Massachusetts and New York, both places not exactly known for their Mexican food because they don't live there
just your good old champagne socialist
Who the hell has cream sauce on steak and oysters?
Why don't these faggots that live around major cities realize hu-white people are doing all these things where white people live? You'd think people in Vermont are starving to death because Juan isn't there to make his pancakes.
As someone that was a barback at a restaurant when I was 18, I can tell you there's like a 3 hour window of "working hard" and the rest of the time the staff is standing around holding their dicks.
So besides that one pic of Asia in bed with the boy, did we get anything else out of this debacle?
Yeah you got me. I was being factitious to be amusing. And you're correct on that.
t. black
Burn in hell Anthony Bourdainstein
What man orders cream sauce?
I love Bourdainposting because it shows what a pussy kike he was

Keep it up OP
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>holding their dicks
Over a pot of stew?
we are
>Eat at a your parent's basement tonight. Get the easy cheese. Have a cold Monster Energy at 4 o’clock in your mostly dirty PC gaming chair. Go somewhere you’ve never been in Minecraft. Listen the rant of some mod you know may have nothing in common with you. Order the Whopper double. Eat a dorito. Have a diet Coke. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink alone anyways. Eat fast. Tip your fedora. Check in on your waifu. Check in on your underwear. Enjoy the ride.
I used to be a fan but he cucked out with CNN. He came off as chemically castrated with parts unknown, the focus was "anti racism" rather than trying things other than McDonald's while traveling.
Cover up your girlfriend's rape of a minor. Cover up two.

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