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Fishtank live

Jon in the house getting coffee. Greg pogoed around earlier
>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200731070
>Jon in the house getting coffee
Why not make the coffee by the campfire? Immersion broken.
TJ fans are the same type of mentally ill as twitter stans, do not interact
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me if you even care
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*House is playing with a foam ball, bouncing it against the wall. Cameron, Chase and Foreman are sitting around the conference table*

>House: (Without looking up) So what do we got?
>Foreman: Tayleigh Pendleton, 22. History of abusing methamphetamine and Chinese research chemicals. Presented with a psychotic episode and hallucinations of a 'stalker'.
>House: (Smirks) Stalker? Maybe she just didn't pay her dealer...
>Cameron: It's more than that, she's also presenting with high fever, severe weight loss and dehydration.
>Chase: She's paranoid and hallucinating. Could be meth-induced psychosis.
>House: A junkie having a meltdown. How original. Or it could be something else. Admit her. Cameron, run a full blood panel. Foreman and Chase, check her home.

*Cut to House and Cameron in the diagnostic office later that day*

>House: So how is the dyke?
>Cameron: Tox screen came back positive for methamphetamine.
>House: No surprise there, she's got all the track marks.
>Cameron: ...and her white blood cell count is extremely low.
>House: Shot immune system? Could be an infection.

*Foreman and Chase enter*

>Foreman: House, you got to look at this. Looks like she's in a relationship.
>Cameron: But she said that she hasn't...
>House: Everybody lies. So who's the lucky girl?
>Chase: It's a guy actually. Pothead from Kentucky. Lives in his grandmother's trailer, works at KFC and his parents have a history of drug-abuse.
>House: How charming. Anything else?
>Foreman: ...and he also has a Grindr account
>House: (Eureka moment) Looks like she caught more than feelings from hillbilly Romeo ...run a HIV test.
Completely ruined my enjoyment and immersion in S2.5
>ring light

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Why is Sam mad at Tai? What did Tai say?
Rumors of some crazy person with a real rifle in a ghille suit infiltrating the camp
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Taylor seems like a normal functioning person but there's something off about her. It might be some woman lore I missed from lack of experience with them

Any normie who can explain?
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Bex brought milk.
Tai said xavier is "a much betta host."
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Anyone got more photos of Creature
She is autistic as shit
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this pic is so good
/ftl/ has been unusually insufferable these past few hours
more than usually for sure
you are mentally unfit
its insane how beautiful Taylor is
That scruffy look suits TJ
the only person that could have letters between sam and marky are sam and marky and they obviously didn't post this, thus fake
Anyone else can't see the lives anymore? What happened? Did someone sperg out, I missed one day.
Basecamp, schitty and the downs are online. Tay sperged on Xavier thinking he is Q.
There's a natural tendency for threads to turn to shit in the sleep-hours; because there's no real content it just resorts to memery, feuding, gossip, schizo theories, shit posting. Everyone diverges into their own personal reality until the fish wake up and we anons then have the chance to occupy the same reality again.

I will say the past few nights have been dominated by "taylors titties" posting but this night seems to be more marky posting, lubecooch posting and other more negative things (Tayleigh hate posting doesn't count as negative, the same way wiping shit off your ass is destructive to the shit but overall a good thing)
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it does, his bald look was funny because he looked like a cholo but that aint it if he wants to looksmaxx

My bad. I meant the contestants' lives, the health. Fucking hell Tay lmao.
Discord troons ruined tayleigh, they ruined /ftl/ they fucking Marky post constantly, they ruin fucking everything
flowstreams director cam messing up?
Did the pup come back?
crows in schitty
To be fair to tay redditors have been doxxing her family and her boyfriend because she's down with 1488 so a nervous breakdown is understandable. To reiterate we should find these people who are doing this and hang em high
>discord troons are mde fans
/bant/ has been doing it...
They are hate watchers, it gives them any semblance of power over a life where they can't even be the form they feel they are inside. They are fragile narcissists 99 percent of the time.
What did Sam say to/about Tai?
When is Abi showing up to replace Tay?
you need to go back
>falls in love with a masked role-playing character
>has psychotic breakdown when doesn;t get the joke that he's her stalker

actually the Neptunian
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What happened to Tayleigh? I been sleeping right when they all wake up.
clip or your mother dies choking on bbc tonight
You need to go back to reset era or kiwi farms faggot, I've known faggots like you who became social crusaders working for huffington post fucking disgusting hypocrites.
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If all these obsessed parasocial faggots who are like "I must bring down down this e-celeb, I must ruin their life" all get dragged out to the street by their hair and publicly executed I'd be SO SAD! I hope that NEVER happens to anyone of them!
imo she's a generic normie but has always been attracted to fringe subcultures and has gone through a lot of fucked up experiences very early that she tries to distance herself from.
She knows very well how to take care of herself and look attractive so you can tell she's always been very social.

If she was an autist she wouldn't be able to pick up any cues or act like she does. It seems she enjoys this simulated "fairytale" normality and romance that she's associated with in the show, so she actively plays with it.
Compared to an actual sperg and fembot like Tayleigh the difference is night and day. Tayleigh has no clue how to not act retarded and interact with people, that's why she's looks more fucked up in every single screencap. Not to mention she has no clue on how to dress, use makeup or be generally presentable
schitty show in schitty
love: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1719832011871377.webm
psycho redditors doxxing Tay and her boyfriend, them niggas is outta order
Frfr my nigga
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I was asleep for the last 10 hours
anything happened yet
She has a prostitute aura.
holy shit my OC spread, I'm so proud
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that's why i didn't even bother blessing the last thread with my usual ella post.
here's to a better thread. smella foreva <3
red raw ruptured anus ravaged by 8 sloppy cocks

Why get mad? They are bringing different styles to the table. Sam is slow and authoritative, Xavier is fast and scheming. Even though I am liking Xavier more, they are both playing off each other.
is anyone still watching this shitshow? I gave up after day 4
Not a "generic" normie, she's too awkward and lowkey for that, but she's closer to being one than Tayleigh I suppose. She looked extremely dorky up until two years ago too
>simulated "fairytale" normality and romance
What does this mean
i just type the n word in these threads
how much health do the fish have left I can't seem to find it on the website's UI
She's acting up for the camera. Have you ever seen them like this off screen?
trannies, everywhere i look
TJ hater here, this looks almost similar to a renaissance painting.
Because Monday the shill farms start up angain, and in Israel it’s already 2pm.
We have never seen them off screen. But we have seen them drunk and blazed out of their minds on brian's michigan stream and they were behaving the exact same. Maybe TJ less so because he was barely contacting
See you in another 2 hours bro
Whats the next step of bant’s master plan?
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>>200735851 >>200735577

It all makes sense now, it was Chuds vs Troons this entire time.
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#1 shot so far. i think the tai standing next to the confederate flag is #2
impotent seething
real missed step not having abi as a vampire that jimmy would have to recognize and identify himself
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For me, its the eggs getting cooked
i love this one. was this on night 1? i was trying to find a clip of it in motion
Is that a screen capture from the main site with the scan lines?
I hate them but sometimes it seems like they make the image look better
I'm going to give it another week or so. If I don't like it by then I might stop
makes sense. israel is littered with pedos and hearts full of hate
>Have you ever seen them like this off screen?
Are you retarded?
Fans masturbate to Taylor. Having TJ on gets in the way of that.
Kek its over in a week. Was that the joke? Were you pretending to be retarded?
i dont know how many times ive turned the stream off in disgust and sworn off ever watching it again, then opened it the next morning without thinking, over the past 2 seasons
i think it was night 1. could be 2, I'm not 100% sure
it looks like a legit picture, like an old photo i'd find in my attic. the hd cam is amazing
Who do you think is playing Xavier?
aw yeah that's a good one. top 3 for sure
She does come across as a bit of an actress. The thing women do that's more like a persona rather than literal acting
stopped watching around the middle of xavier and jon playing yugioh, who won? qrd on what happened since?
bant broke tayleigh, made her cry on fishtank
guy is obsessed anon, just ignore him. he's been at this for years
Recap on yesterday? I had to go to bed when Tayleigh started crying.
i kneel
Reminder that the Duke and Xavier were race drifting dragons in the skyline of Tokyo.

This is canon.
There's so much porn out there. I can't imagine what kind of loser someone has to be to masturbate to this or form parasocial relationships. Loneliness is an epidemic
Looks like a late 60's/early 70's soft rock album cover.
>The Neighbors -- Poker at the Stables (1971)
Vance yeahmaxxing while eggs are scorching over 3 feet flame
kek btfo
She's barely normal functioning.

She definitely has ADHD and is either straight up 90IQ or very distinctly female pattern autism.
It's female pattern because all girls get treated a bit more gently and less authoritatively than boys, but being a cute little girl would have resulted in her peers treating her as a little pet rather than a potential threat. An autistic boy or a shegollum like Tayleigh wouldn't have been treated as kindly, but instead kept in the attic to avoid embarrassing the family.
Also it's definitely true Taylor has only just recently had a glow up. Early pics show her as a turbo dork mouse girl, then she apparently latched onto a goth girl and just copied an exaggerated goth style (exaggerated fashion styles are harder to criticise because you can just say you were pretending to be retarded; 'normal' clothes are subject to more subtle criticisms)
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top of #fishtanklive
most people know about the meth head now
oops tayleigh
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>I can't imagine what kind of loser someone has to be to masturbate to this
Get off your pedestal, anon.
Is there a single person who mocks tranny bashing that isn't a tranny
I haven't watched any of the cams. I'm not even going to Flowstreams.
I just hang around between here and /bant/ enjoying the fast replies and cozy mental breakdown.
i think they gave up on the game
>taylor and letty played afterwards and neither knew what they were doing
>jimmy talked about tay fan drama repeatedly, seething about it, threatening to sic his personal army on bantoids, shushed by scott
>long nosed green goblin attacked base camp to steal trash. immune to attacks, but not to jon humping his leg. tai went to bed pissed about getting goblin goop on his arms and having to wash it off with zip
>jon has been confined to a wheelchair. the torn hamstring is making his leg look necrotic. tai will be his first daily wheelchair slave
>jimmy doesnt think tay is coming back, but greg said in a yt stream chat that she would tomorrow
>vance leveled up and got some knee pads and waffles
Quality post, I almost completely agree but rather than being dumb I think she's just on spectrum.
I told Jet to play MtG, it would have worked better.
I'd like her a lot more if she did stab frank
I missed yesterday. Anything interesting happen?
>vance leveled up and got some knee pads and waffles
hell yeah! yeahmaxxers we so back
greg farted
Jon left the hospital AMA and now his leg is necrotizing. I think Jet has him in a wheelchair but I went to bed early
>Anything interesting happen?
Vance cried
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>Jon left the hospital AMA and now his leg is necrotizing
what do you think sam thinks about the whole tayleigh situation right now?
What do you think Travis thinks about all of this?
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They really should clean it and cover it regularly, that wound looked gnarly
think for yourselves
The hospital should have wrapped his leg, which makes me think he pulled it off because 'uncomfortable'
da hossipal
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jesus fucking christ what the absolute fuck
jesus fucking christ is this real?
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looks worse than i expected
he'll be fine, healthcare is a scam. all you need is fresh air and jesus
Hopefully he's there for his little sister while she's down bad
I don't think it has anything to do with discord-trannies or coordinated raid groups. It's a primal acting out of inner urges in a private and anonymous manner.
Very congruent to simping, which is why you saw them all do a 180 and wanted to see her suffer. They manifested too hard apparently lol
what the fuck
any doctoranons able to give a take?
They took him to the fake hospital with actors where they took Summer
>the fucking hole
im going to say it
bringing back TJ ruined the vibe
Who's travis?
That leg's gotta go.

not a doctor but i am an anon and what other anons have said is that its just the torn hamstring, looks gnarly but will heal on its own with rest. apparently sam had the exact same thing recently
>please Jimmy not the hammer
sad but true
Tay' sister from Ohio(aint no way)
>Alex Stein on his way to the camp.
>He probably was looking up to shoot the shit with Tay.
>She won't even be around for some cheer up talk once he arrives.
Don't do drugs nor date methheads, kids.
Thats not what did it, production seemingly having to wrangle tay for two hours thus leaving the fish and npcs just standing around waiting ruined the vibe. The boss fight was kino, the goblin attack was kino
jon is the holiest of the fish
I would say Tay going schizo on production member ruined the vibe.
brother. idk why I typed sister
>making jawn permanently crippled as a bit
The purple gross look to it is normal. The hole is not. I don't know how he got it
It was just bad timing. All eyes are on Tay and then TJ shows up and barely says anything like expected
what did he fall on and why is there no pus?
Looks BAD
Give them man some vit C IV's stat.
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I like this one too
reminder tay is STILL hanging out with production being coddled

This is all 100% the fault of Tays deranged fans. The only thing she did wrong was ever engage with /bant/
im going to say it
yesterday was the best day yet
>jon and tay both raped on the same night
>neither will live to the end of the season (tay suicide, jon sepsis)
sam really got up on the wrong side of the bed
Yes, but it's too late for that
the vibe was immaculate
probably getting high off cleaning supplies that junkie
Jon should return as a wise old wizard with a gandalf cain.
Its her fault as well for trying to cash in on her unhinged 'fans'. She thought she knew what she was doing from years of following lolcows but she made every mistake she could have in terms of not making things worse for herself.
this, it was fucking great
Her first mistake was giving Q any attention on stream. Should have just blocked him and never bring him back again.
he's already displayed better RP kino than vance
It means the entire narrative built up with TJ.
You think her past, goth partying, toilet-licking endeavors ever had such a romantic setting to begin with ?
She's well aware of everyone posting about her link to TJ and the show goes out of its way to make it apparent they're locked in a relationship.
Hell S2 had this as a main theme and now they're "married" NPCs. So yeah, in her perspective if you come from chaos you find solace in being part of a romantic ideal
tsmt, I now understand I was the only normal person there and evryone else is a fucking freak.
teej and taylor being lovebirds at the feast? cute.
teej and taylor being lovebirds at the yugioh table? cute.
teej going for walks with jon letty and tai? funny.
teej returning to fishtank? content.
>This is all 100% the fault of Tays deranged fans
lol, no
its like 85% her fault and 15% theirs for being so blind to what she really is
She's going through Jet's kush stash to calm down.
Aside from Tay going schizo, yesterday was surprisingly good. Everyone seemed to be having fun.
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Society was ruined when the word "faggot" was banned from the normienet.

Now there are millions of people terminally online who should have been told "you're acting like a fucking faggot right now" but never were.
Tay will have to be nude as punishment for attacking xavier.
ah i remember why tay had the b2 tantrum now
trish stole fatty's weed pen while he was asleep and everyone blamed tay and said she'd used it in confessional
that was funny
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>retard tore this muscle
>refuses to get surgery
They've banned retard too.
Q is just a single person. A /bant/ posting retard at that.
It's 100% her fault for not leaving retards be retards and actually jumping in the shit to taste it herself.
Just desserts I say
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facebook com/TayleighsTreasures
At a certain point, a "simulated" narrative stops being simulated when reality continues to line up with it. From all appearances they are both very happy and in a harmonious relationship -- thus they have in fact fulfilled the romantic ideal. Its funny how much this ended up relevant to Sam's point about whether it would matter if Taylor was an actress or not.
They literally finished the game and Xavier won watch the C4 you can scrub backwards lol actually watch the show if you're gonna talk about it god damn niggas
But that's not a high bar lol
Does this mean Jon will be more humble?
all she had to do was make the beanies
i thought it was good too
so we dont get anymore halpertfaces? they were funny
All the goth party pics come from within like a 4 month timespan when she shared a flat with her dyke/gay friends, hardly a lifestyle. You're unnecesarily looking at things in black and white, by the end of the day a dorky girl is the best descriptor of her personality.
>She's well aware of everyone posting about her link to TJ and the show goes out of its way to make it apparent they're locked in a relationship.
>Hell S2 had this as a main theme and now they're "married" NPCs. So yeah, in her perspective if you come from chaos you find solace in being part of a romantic ideal
Are you not aware they're together or something? Or do you think it's fake, in which case you're just wrong
Vance is much chiller. going apeshit retard mode isnt might be content, but its not good content and its fucking the show up
You don't get surgery for a torn hamstring, you just rest it until it heals. Get out of your computer chair every once in a while
>watch the C4 you can scrub backwards
dont speak greek to me nigger i just watch flowstreams and report what i see
i stopped paying attention to that doo doo ass game and when i came back xavier was like "we'll leave it there for today for i must leave you"
what the fuck else was i supposed to think about that huh
fucking faggot. leave me alone
she's a professional actor hired by sam hyde
you're talking to a tranny who thinks surgery will make him a woman
Exactly, you may be right.
It's quite possible, but I am not involved with them so I cannot verify that. I only see virtual interactions on video and as long as it stays there I can never know. That's the extent of it
It's only a partial hamstring tear, so there's plenty of muscle fibres connected allowing a framework for the damaged ones to regrow. If it was fully turn Jon would be unable to walk.

Treatment for partial tears is just RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Over time it heals pretty well.

However, Jon has not been resting it, no ice has been applied, there's no compression and his leg has been lowered. Also he has a fucking hole in his leg, which is not a usual hamstring injury.
He's growing a lovely new vagina
>Jon's leg getting amputated
>Tayleigh's mental breakdown

Lawsuit when?
Messaged a friend studying to become a doctor
He said if Jon doesn't get proper, bed-ridden-style medical rest he is going to become disabled.
90% of MDE hateposting is from this one guy Sam fired years ago who went Summer mode and said Sam had the whole crew blackmailed
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For some reason, particularly when it comes to Taylor, /ftl/ posters persist in a delusion that people have a singular, unchanging identity throughout time. I have to assume it comes from lack of long-term human relationships and cope
when did tj go apeshit retard mode?
you caught me, i'll stop now
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How did Jon manage to break his leg anyway?
Doctors are just an if-conditional clause in human form, completely worthless outside of the moral prestige.
If they're inexperienced they also have absolutely 0 merit in what they say - because only experience allows them to discern nuances and outliers in a case.
no, you're just the samefagging tranny. not the same guy
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>AI voice sounds like Tay
He'll be fine. Sam is taking care of him.
Good morning I love Betty
you caught me, i'll stop now
Not just the mood of the show, but these threads too. Fans obsessed with TJ/Taylor are almost as mentally ill as Taytriots, now ex-Taytriots, but the latter at least stay in bant for the most part. They reduce the show to eceleb gossip. Look at this post
It's horrible.
He has better authority than 4chan anons.
its not AI it's Tayleigh's new job screaming in the speakers
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Me too!
okay tranny
He fell form a tree they were climbing.
about the hole in his leg, i think i remember someone saying something about him impaling his leg with a treebranch earlier when he was climbing a tree. idk tho
Unlikely since you made him up
You're wrong, it's from one girl who literally stalks Sam and files false police reports against him while drunk.
Yeah it's very unrealistic, people on here just hold extremely warped perspecitves but I'm used to it and pay no mind
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No I didn't
Please give me this person's identification, they should NOT be working in a medical setting using this language. It's very harmful.
That's all the evidence I need.
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your disgusting visage will never fool a man. you will never be a woman.
I want his name, address, SSN, Bank Account and credit card numbers to be absolutely sure!
tay coming back is anticlimactic
tay coming back will ruin the vibe
he's an aris viewer atpRtsd
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>reminder tay is STILL hanging out with production being coddled

We don't know yet if she will stay.
she will never ever fuck you
>anon.. why are you taking screenshots of me?
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I hope she doesn't.
How come Vance has more endorsements than Jimmy?
looks like she has midget thighs.
vance is a slightly boring guy and jimmy is the most pathetic human being alive
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It's 8am. WAKE UP
Jon has a bell and is ringing it. LOUDLY
who is the brown girl
lol thats his slave bell for tai to push him to the potty
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Reminder that Sam's bullshit vaporware videogame is never getting made, because someone else has already beat him to it.
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why are people crying about the vibe? yesterday was the best day yet
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>We don't know yet if she will stay.
She will probably stay because outside is nuclear wasteland for her, delaying the pain. most fishtank fans now know that she started sleeping with a fan two weeks after he bought a 50$ plushie
>slightly boring
he's the most boring person there, which should be a crime in a show like this. everyone except xayleigh deserves more endorsements

Jimmy fucks dogs
how did it even happen/
How the fuck did Jon even do that to his leg? I seem to remember him biffing it onto some trees the first day, but there is some talk of a spider bite and now a torn muscle. What the actual fuck is going on
based jimmy
Describe the vibe.
who got that vid of her sucking black cock?
wasn't that just a dildo?
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>I had to dox Tay's meth addict bf because... I just had to
i hate to be sam's top guy and out myself as a longtime hardcore mde fan. (gay guy alert) but if you did not instantly recognise Xavier as “The Commander” AKA “The Chess Master” from The Great War. …*le sigh……. then you need to go back. ;_; ..*le sigh… *le *le *le… *le sigh… *le *le *le *le sigh…….. *le *le *le *le sigh……..

God bless American.
Some of it is me also
>battered women still seething about jimmy half a season later
Same faggots who hate tay Jim has been great this season and you should have been beaten harder
This game is fucking terrible don't let the troons trick you
looks smelly
Sar that is no girl that is queen.
it wasnt him
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Jimmy should fight DJ for Taylor.
If he wins he gets to grin on her or at least cum on her clothes.
jontent w
>that wound

If you can get the girls to squat down and lay a stream of urine/nectar on the area it will help relieve the bruising, the wound will close on it's own if it's kept clean (with said nectar) and probably doesn't need stiches.
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>le heckin CHUDGANG
Man who fucking cares, letty shows her hairy gash and has a boyfriend, shouldn't you be happy because it gives you a chance or are you a jealous femcel?
everything this man does is a gift from God and he's the gift that keeps giving
will Week 2 become the Hellhouse we all wished had happened?
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cumming a pozzed load in jordie's gullet
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>If he wins he gets to grin on her or at least cum on her clothes
that won't do, jimmy needs a proper hug
does flowstreams shitting itself up for anyone else or is it on my end?
You don't even know Jan as the guy from an inconvenient anime... fucking noob I missed Jan so much h
He is highly evolved to deal out the optimal hug.
Hard to believe thats the same guy as current Jimmy
filling jordie wordies tight twink bum full of pozzed loads!
It's fucking up on my end too
>women realize when there are no rules they can't be conniving passive aggressive cunts without getting their heads caved in
Also you're a faggot jimmy should have gone for the head
Letty fucks dogs?
does making posts like these weigh on your soul
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hello tyrone
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=== jimmy update ===
jimmy has been arrested for cocaine possession
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>the fish are starting to wake up as my degenerate ass is starting to fall asleep

someone loop me in 6 hours from now
I assure you fellas after all that has transpired, Im pretty sure none of the Fish Tank girls are gonna resume Streaming, including Josie.
It goes to shit whenever there's action. It's actually amazing how fucked this production is.
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it makes me chuckle
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>including Josie
uhhhhh source me up homie
Not my problem
>troon it up
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>ywn be digested by letty
Yeah we all know because you're just gonna go back to seeking trains of 12 year olds who are gullible enough to let you ruin their lives
>Q is getting all the heat over the Tay situation.
He'll probably get the police on him while the anons who did the digging and harassing will go free. A 19 y/o being the fall guy and doing time over this shit.
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taytriots, where's the support at for /ourgirl/?
Guys can we all agree that Jet needs to be hung?
wtf did she actually?
Jon should walk a bit to keep the blood flowing through his leg. 5-10 minutes then rest.
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jon and letty are such a cute couple
What does that even mean
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I'm pretty sure jordan is gonna realise tay isn't worth the trouble and break up with her, then tay is gonna go back to texas with no boyfriend, no fanbase and no prospects
>cries like a bitch after provoking a mentally ill person repeatedly even after he tries to apologize to her
Oh my hekking victim you can't just hit women! You can only hit weaker men than you that's okay.
Josie knows what went down and knows that theres no better time to bail out
>touches elbow
>throws hammer at wall
>raises voice
>throws bed to pick up toy phone
>instantly calm down
>entire house now thinks you're a woman beater because the psycho they all hated cried for 5 minutes
hi jordan, kill yourself
and remember, loud equals funny
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she says she doesn't do drugs anymore
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she won
I think I was the only one who really understood Tayleigh personally. We are almost the same but I'm less Naive and desperate, because I would never go on this show 2nd time.
starting to look like india at base camp
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Good Morning.
Creature nudes < Betty erotica
PW: BettyLove
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this is insane
good. perfect time to establish myself as a real friend so i can give her years worth of useful life advice and garner enough trust for her to take it to heart and actually fix up her life and abandon you siphoning cunts forever
fwiw most josiefags are chill
Not Jordan here or ntsa but you're a mentally busted faggot who should go back to kiwifarms, no one cares about her boyfriend it's obvious you only care about her hating your evil race

Jordan here. I will never leave her.
my name isn't jordan
maybe you're not so bad desu
What are you gonna do? Send Tayleigh videos from The New Pill? Get real nigga
fell from tree
So what bitch. As if you're him. As if that's gonna stop me. Love never dies.
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it's hard to agree with this in regards to taylor when her grimy whore "phase" was less than a year ago
Too much gay sex
Summer, Sylvia and Tayleigh all fucked a fan.
Am I forgetting someone?
gooned too hard
weed is a drug, so is stupidity
What, you think genuinely sincere people don't exist?

You are right. The love between Tay and I will never die.
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She already has Maria, tho.
>Overdoses on fent 3 months later.
That's a really short 'never'. Get fucked, retard.
Who cares, shouldn't that be a good thing? Isn't that what you faggots want?
I dunno if one of you fags is too abstract but if you are you should neck yourself for leaking phone numbers and being a no pussy getting stalker
>my "can i get paid now" post got ripped and is doing numbers
in retrospect i should've mentioned grindr fags getting sent to his grandma's house
i actually recognize the account and feel sad wyatt didn't retweet it :(
nigger dick sucking whore
once a hoe always a hoe
fell from a tree and tore a hamstring and allegedly impaled it on a branch. not 100% sure about the latter
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Letty's victory is inevitable. She's already got the Tay and Jimmy under her thumb.
the ai sfx are so awful
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better not be sexualizing bitty...
She's so much better without the glasses
nah you are always the same person no matter what, you can change your way of thinking and improve but thinking that the "you" from years ago is another being is peak normoid shit
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>no one cares about her boyfriend
no, it's funny she did that, a fucking 50 dollar chicken plushie, she fucked a taytriot, a fan of fishtank who said he wanted to be on season 3.
guy who smokes weed all day and lives at his grandmas house because his mom is a meth head who drove around under the influence with his 11 year old brother in the backseat..hahahaha
I was so happy when i realised he was playing a core role in this seasons lore. I actually missed him so much since the great war. I got pretty worried and assumed there was some don jolly type of relationship failure between him and sam but now that he’s back i hope he stays back and appears in more shit in general. He is the perfect man for this job i fucking love him so much much.
>you faggots will never have a half Indian mit grad gf who is taller than me
Ah I see why you seethe about tay so much heh. I guess I really am privilaged
>The Smiths - The Smiths
She actually doesn't look as grotesque as usual from this angle
This is what modern entertainment has come to, and we all have to aks ourselves, did we enable it?
>be a woman
>have big tits
>be cute as fuck and wholesome
>like to take pictures of yourself because you're literally a girl who has big tits and look like a literal model
>doesn't really matter where you're at when you're doing this, you like to touch grass a lot
>go to a dive bar once and take 2 pictures in the bathroom
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good morning i love this bug
You don't have a cinnamon qt MIT grad gf
man tayleigh is so stupid...
anything for a hit, those people can't be saved either...
Yes. Real people have problems. There isn't one persom alive who doesn't have something equally fucked up going on, or a shameful detail of their past they wish to hide. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be in a wincest confessions thread somewhere?
Who tf are you to give advice lmao
I love ai speak for yourself, every ai I know is more based and intelligent than half the people I've met in my life. Shootout nigger killer neuro sam
this but unironically.
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we need more of letty looking down on us...
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The content is included.
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Still cant find clips of Tay freaking out...
That's what I keep saying these faggots, they think they can judge everyone like there is nothing wrong with them.
Tayleigh needs to visit donjolly.com
Just a little sculpting while I wait for everyone 2 wake up
>be attractive
>have to exhibitionist display yourself like meat market
>this is normal
Fucking brain dead monkey may I remind you that my half Aryan goddess doesn't even have instragram and went to mit
if you pay attention to all of the videos she's in with her friend you can see taylor looks at her briefly before doing anything to follow her friend's lead. i don't think taylor is truly about that kind of life and was just hanging out with her friend which was more actually into that life than she was and taylor was just tagging along. especially considering she doesn't have any tattoos(i could be wrong) and her political stances like being pro life. she just seems more conservative than what pictures/videos from her ""whore phase"" might lead some to believe.
Her breasts are fuller now, and more prominent.
You're ngmi
you can hear her crying in this clip
oh shit! xavier! very nice

holy cope

she's a whore
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Jimmy is getting laid this season.
We made it.
You aren't disproving me, you're just demonstrating that you are one of the people I was talking about. You're posting examples of pictures Taylor took that fit a certain aesthetic, then extrapolating that every aspect of her life must also fit that aesthetic -- or, more accurately, extrapolating that her sexual/romantic behavior must fit within your preconceived idea of what that aesthetic entails in that realm. This is retarded behavior that views people as mere vehicles for aesthetics instead of thinking, changing individuals who can pick and choose their behaviors and beliefs ad hoc rather than systematically through a prescribed set of principles. You have a limited view of the nature of the individual and identity and it will not serve you well in life
>brain dead monkey
then doesn't know how to speak with proper English grammar lol
Jimmy is gonna have sex with Abi screencap this
>you spread your asshole on Camera once and people call you a whore
So unfair amire
i think you should redirect yourself

is this canon??
oh boy epic ai loud noises
Women with cow rings deserve mallets
taylor is a whore btw
Please. These faggots were saying she was an OnlyFans girl before they even laid eyes on her. INSANE levels of faggotry and no pussy getting she's literally conservative lmao ok that's unreal dawg
Xavier won.
why is it so important to you people to prove that Taylor is a whore?
hell yeah
Tayleigh thinks Xavier is her stalker, attacks Xavier and cries afterwards

Tayleigh has now been GONE since she cried yesterday.

>Q card
>19 year old CS major
>Crying to prod
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>blacksmiths wife is a josiecel
common josie W
There are certainly limits beyond which you have compromised your own right to disassociate from a certain identity, but those limits are extreme for a reason. This example is not beyond any of those limits at all, and you yourself know that because you used an example that doesn't fit.
>she's literally conservative
i don't think she is lmao
Is tayleigh at basecamp?
most powerful character in fishtank lore confirmed
she's pro-life and thinks women shouldn't vote
are you e.t.?
why are you posting this betty..
I have my girlfriend who is Aryan and went to MIT spread her asshole for me on cam all the time. Perhaps TJ was hacked
who is "joel hammer?" or whatever he said in the q card
Nah i ain't reading that since judging vy the size of the post ur obviously deranged if u care that much about a mid girl u will never meet. Like chill homie
Joel Haver
read the thread in front of you retard the poster literally just said she was pro life in the previous post. god damn
You mean having uh conceptions of things? So your argument is that you can be a hypocrite and it's good as long as you pretend to believe something that you don't actually follow though with in action? The fuck are you even implying with this post modern word salad? Yes people have understandings of concepts and patterns and we use words to communicate them, your actions reflect how you are perceived not how you want to be perceived by your own undue definitions. Fucking liberal arts faggot try stem
shut the fuck up
Bix nood no cap bruh lmao
That's snopes debunked actually
pick me bulshit
This entire season is a good setting for a horror movie where an obsessed stalker kills production and the cast one by one until Tayleigh is left
take it easy man
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I should have known my precious Tayleigh was on drugs when she spent 5 months making a total of zero beanies. ZERO, NULL, 0.
I want my fucking beanie, where is my fucking beanie, give me my beanie now!
i still don't agree with you and that's okay..
but thanks for putting all that energy into a response, sounds like you just got into philosophy youtube videos or something
the word incel gets thrown around too much but some anons hate tj because it seems like theyre both dating and theyre all pissed because theyre also weirdos but cant meet women, very gay pity party incel tard rage
You all need help for real
Non this the front tho
top fucking kek is she a whore or a pick me which is it???
well at least you didnt say y'all
What's Jimmy's take on Palestine?
ok who is that?
>still wanting a beanie knowing she's just gonna blow the money on a drug bender
She's probably spent a good amount of the money she made from S2 and from streaming on drugs already Anon. You can take white trash out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the white trash
what the fuck lmao, is she insane? so he makes jokes about linux, she assumes shes her stalker and flips out
google the words i sent you, you helpless baby
No it's because you're being a gay retard and making excuses so I'm arguing with you I don't care if she's a whore like I said I already have a half Aryan mit goddess who is taller than me
Wouldn't both attempt at doing the same thing? Getting low hanging fruit
They are still seething over TJ winning months later and they are trying to prove he lost somehow.
when I first saw xavier I thought "this guy is gay and cringe" but now I think "I love how gay and cringe this guy is"
you didnt deny the incel part, if anything you proved it lol and youre too much of a genius to even realize it
The AI sounds are humorous to you?
>spends all winnings money on drugs
>still gets with a broke druggie retard for the free drugs
make this make sense
wtf do you think a pick me is
TJ is dating a whore and there's nothing wrong with that, incels. Only incels assume promiscuity is a negative trait.
>dog security detector detected
That was pretty good
Or maybe it was implied not to be the case in the sentence and I didn't care enough to even respond to it lol? Why do redditors and women cling to sex as some kind of validation of their existience btw?
We need the loreposter in here for a reset
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post more taylors
promiscuity is not a sustainable trait for a partner to have
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>Taylor fans are happy she's in a relationship with the boss nigger
>Tay fans go full schizo as soon as they found out she has a bf

What causes this dichotomy?
>the only fishtank characters stronger than xavier are the members of the goldstriker lineage
unironically kino
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
Isn't a pick me a girl who is more likable than you?
meanwhile Trishniggers are lining up for a taste of that Trish delish
>Tay fans go full schizo as soon as they found out she has a bf
stop pushing this false narrative faggot
Taylor fans are cucks. It's simple really.
>2027...... i am....... forgotten
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Taylor isn't a pickme chudwife, and she didn't actively cultivate an audience based around being one
oh lol it's that weird animation guy.
so xavier really just threw out a random ass name like his out to see if tay would say some shit like "yeah i think i have heard of him" just like she did kek. he could've said any name and she would've said that
Jimmy awkwardly laying down on top of Taylor.
based and artpilled
You're a cuck faggot and will end up like destiny the fact that the only thing you value is getting laid no matter the cost proves how much of a brain busted hedonist monkey retard you are please kill yourself for the good of human dignity
fuckin' killer, dude. awesome shit.
shut the fuck up. we all know they would have gladly taken her abuse if she didnt have a BF. they sperged because she was fucking some dude.
patricians hate it because it turned fishtank into lovetank
You first.
Stop the drug bullshit, Tay.
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why is tayleigh such a white-nigger
We really need a cams off pizza party to repair these vibes
probably.. although i'd prefer love from a select few or 1 vs many for being myself. vs fronting for scrotes
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i love this picture so much
true. also she needs to get it right, this is /tv/ not /bant/
sex with tayleigh must be so boring
Stay mad that TJ stays winning.
this sum anime shit
it's not, ask any of her exes, she's a freak.
her words not mine
As long as being yourself doesn't mean wanting to fuck whomever out of your own selfish impulses I can respect it.
It's exactly what happened lmao you faggots were insufferable for all of S2 and then afterwards made the /bant/ threads radioactive with your autistic simping. The second she got dicked down you had incel rage and now have joined the anti-tay shitposting squad.
We all hate Tay because she's a weird gangly violent brain damage white trash retard, you hate her because you realized you have no shot with her
meant for >>200738293
Letty should be scolded for feeding Tays paranoia
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Thanks these are highly informative
Because they handled it in the worst way possible. If Tayleigh wanted to get out of streaming she should have said it instead of insulting her fanbase and donors several times. If she wanted a boyfriend she should have been honest and not use shitty codewords on an internet show like some exhibitionist freak.
Anything happen after Q showed up?
bingo they like to pretend it was because she was mean to them but before the BF reveal
>oh its okay, im still a taytriot just wait for her return stream
and after the BF reveal
bonehead should be rewarded for encouraging tays sperg out
She must be punished
Give us some credit, we just realized what you guys already knew.
cinematically neptunian
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Jon physically submitting the goblin was the funniest thing I've seen
keep top j on whatever he was on last night for the rest of the show
I don't want to se TJ touching her.
>her words
so completely worthless blatant lies?
I meant she must be "punished", if you catch my drift... ;)
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Imagine being such a sad fag that getting pussy or making your brain buzz is the only aspect of reality that matters to you where you think anyone with any concept of loyalty or exclusivity must just be jealous that you can treat people as objects to use and discard for your own enjoyment, instead of disgust at your own lack of human dignity and higher executive functions. Have you heard of the hierarchy of needs? Your existence will only ever be a fucking trapezoid and you're too retarded to even realize the failure of potential you call your existience. Hedonism is disgusting for those who lack the courage and virtue to be a human.
damn what a slutty slut.
>she is totally trad guiys!!
hahahahahaha u freaks are funny as hell
Everyone who likes Tay is a closeted homosexual projecting their homosexuality onto others because she has the body and face and personality of a man but is acceptable to be attracted to societally because she is technically a woman
She did, when she started streaming she did classic pick me bulshit tweeting about how she wants to "build a gundam" and pretending she likes some autistic video games. And called herself a gamer girl even though her soulds plautruth was awfull.
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Monday morning, why are you here?
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>I wanna grab Bex's delicious ass with both hands, feeling the rotundness slightly slip out through my fingers because the cheeks are just firm enough.
That's all I think about.
I'm sorry.
nta and didn’t read that but TJ won btw
>jon keeps walking around on his fucked up leg
You're a faggot who likes makeup and long hair, tomboys are objectively straight fucking effeminate faggot>>200738522
i only work on wednesdays
>that's fucked up
>that's way too fucked up
what did production in Schitty mean by this?
Tay going through meth withdrawal just makes too much sense
TJ needs to bulk up. This is embarrassing.
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I teach weekend classes
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I don't think she realized what she did
she tried to take Xavier's mask too, I don't think Letty was trying to bait Tay into sperging out
Taylor didn't stop streaming to go on a one month long bender with a meth addict that has a grindr account.
They’re planning to humiliate Tay again before she leaves
Homeboy's literally having a seizure on his keyboard rn lol
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seethe harder
god forbid she actually plays her role and creates some content
Best pic of S2.5 easily
I don't even care but being promiscuous is fucking a stain on humanity and it would be an embarrassment and a travesty to be with anyone like that
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IF she meant for Tay to freak out then that just makes me like her more. Sabotaging your own teammates for no benefit to yourself is fucking hilarious
Joker posting is over bro.. jet won
Is that Jon just walking around at Schitty? He couldn't go 8 hours of resting his critically fucked up leg?
Why are y'all like this?
Damn where's that voicemail of Q screaming about this like a fucking retard oh right it's everywhere everyone has heard this
Are lay-eyed people better at spotting danger?

taking the mask off makes no sense because they don;t know what he looks like in first place
Jesus Christ
Letty is Tayleigh tier ugly
He needs his coffee
larger fov yeah
yes but it would be extremely painful
maria molesters, how we holding up?
He's a big guy
not good
Why haven't crazy fans raided the location yet?
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jontent never rests
tay's never been accused of making the brightest decisions
Sam wouldn't say >yall like a nigger
But I do agree with the nigger friend
There's nothing wrong with young people experimenting sexually, I don't know why you would get angry about that kek
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fuck is this shit?
im invisible
im invisible
im invisible
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>oh ho ho yes yes, indeed, as I was saying, you see..

you seen that nigga with the katana? they don't want the smoke
they're contemplating how much physical and mental distress they can legally put on tay to get her to leave by her own volition instead of just kicking her
Its cool and edgy online to be a knee-jerk puritanical faggot now
Ben has orders to shoot any obese intruders on sight.
That was a tongue-in-cheek joke made by another anon. This chinese whispers bullshit is getting tiring.

letty's and tay woman brains want to see what he looks like because if he's good looking they'd let him get away with it but if he is ugly they'd go straight for rape accusation
Checked and checked
Shut the fuck up simp, go to bed. Please just let actually funny adult white men talk
Jet and Sam said they literally put up motion sensing cam trails and a multiple bear traps outside the filming location
A lot assholes would rather concern troll than post normally. Last season after the threads moved to /bant/ it became obvious that it was like the same 5 people thanks to the IDs over there. They slowly got bullied out once people caught on to their gay shtick and now that /tv/ threads are back, they’re going hard and getting (You)’s of varying degrees of sincerity.
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Now the only one who can complete the main quest. For this fish this somehow became an iq test that they all failed.
ring lights should be made illegal worldwide, they're so retarded
Same homie I'm not proud
Find God.
>we may never see her again
holy taylo kneecaps
why are they retarded?
Jesus christ lol the fact that you can't understand this is even worse than being that way. Have you heard of the categorical imperative? People are not means for your experimentation fucking narcissist, things like this are about expression of the value that one has in connection with another. Casual sex is the most empty soulless shit imaginable and others don't exist for you to drug yourself up with epic tingles. The more you touch the less significance it has especially when you do it just to get off as if being as physically close as you can to someone should just be a casual thing to do lol it's an extension of the narcissism and soliphism of your generation that others exist simply for your own entertainment or experimentation and all interactions should be as meaningless as every aspect of your vapid existience.
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Tayleigh is fine. Production showed her who Xavier is, she got another IV, and she will be back with notes on where to take the story.
Yeah bant is gay and retarded who knew
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she has her own pisswitch succubus kind of charm
I saw this and shook my head. Tsk, tsk, anon.
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imagine the plaps from behind and the plaps when she rides you

tayleigh just walked out. check twitter.
don't feel like writing an essay. take a lighting course
Believe me, I’m never going back.
>the face of eating too much ass and sucking on toes
Please never say things like this again.
Lol somehow it's edgy to have a philosophical concept of value, not to be a nihilistic hedonistic faggot like you, what's with total retards using edgy in every circumstance btw? I think it's edgy to treat other people as toys for you to play with like an overgrown toddler.
>it's real
josie just walked in. check twitter
she's definitely not hot, but that's just wrong lol
not falling for it this time
Straight to Kentucky. Kek
You would have screen shot, fake.
>it's real
>not betty
holy shit a second Josie has hit the building check the news
>A lot assholes would rather concern troll than post normally
hey thats me!
I just walked out. check twitter.
You sounds like a Muslim lmao
Lois turn the TV on josie hit the fishtank
she does have a very unfortunate face, yeah
Girls rile each other up like this for kicks pretty often, they enjoy watching each other getting worked up, it's like a feedback loop, Letty smiles when she's doing it so she must know what she's up to
Josie is the wosiest. Check Twitter
>jet on Twitter just confirmed Tay is out and Cole is the shop keeper
Fund the goblin quest
it is very kino
I'm a neet
Read kant much? Didn't think so? Casual sex is fucking gay as fuck and made me so disgusted with myself and them, I want the physical connection to mirror the existential and philosophical connection, sex isn't even fun at all, if you want to be a hedonist just do drugs they give you way more pleasure than sex
>It’s real
Bex just took her pants off. Check Twitter.
so what's an equally cheap, equally effective alternative?
Are you still blogposting about TJ? He’s in a relationship, that doesn’t count as “casual sex”
The knee-jerk puritanical faggots are here to call everyone with normal conceptions of human relationships "nihilists" again
>Casual sex is the most empty soulless shit imaginable
I mean, sorry you feel that way? You should be able to recognize that this perspective isn't universal though
>The more you touch the less significance it has
yeah and the more you eat the less significance it has, a starving man values a slice of bread more than a satiated one. I'm not gonna stop eating when I'm hungry though lmao
>others exist simply for your own entertainment or experimentation
no one thinks this, stop schizoposting
i think he's just ranting about casual sex on an unrelated note
faggot autist
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scientists confirm this!
Like I said I don't even hate tj I was responding to the person saying that promiscuousness is good and if you disagree you're just jealous you can't treat people like toys and have vapid meaningless use of others
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Jimmy is based and I'm done pretending otherwise.
>paraplegic's legs
>equally effective
ugh. just buy it, anon.
>it's an extension of the narcissism and soliphism of your generation
While its more visible now, despite what you retvrn retards have convinced yourselves young people have experimented with sex outside of strict monogamous relationships for hundreds of years. That is the norm, not the violation of the norm
Is jon still doing his tent camping nonsense?
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wosie got the prettiest most alluring brown sticks in existence
10 page
Jon is at schitty with the crew now.
the only people who are vehemently against promiscuity are those who have not reaped its benefits, like they could in the first place.
Is don still doing his jolly camping nonsense?
Jet is too much of a lazy faggot to get up and give Jon a chest cam though so we have to watch the zoomed out cam with barely audible voices
i will keep engaging in casual sex, anal even
that one anon sperging out said he doesn't even enjoy sex and feels disgusted with himself lol he's clearly got issues that he's projecting onto everyone else
this. 5 people talking. no mic. JET IT UP
what the heck
I see, I agree for what it’s worth, just got confused.
that would be a failrp
Calm down, Bex
Whos the red shoe? He is being very cringe
kek, yeah
The normalization of it is what I mean, you can't even realize how fucking pathetic it is>>200739137
Seems like I've proven that this thread is full of reset era troons whose only concept of a bond is how it benefits them stimulation wise and makes them feel epic tingles because of their sad worthless meaningless lives of depraved selfish hypocritical animal moded pre frontal cortex missing mockery of what it is to be human but at least you can feel tingles because your entire concept of reality extends to what makes you feel good because you lack the capacity to form any abstraction of reality beyond what's told to you or your animalistic urges that you retroactively rationalize. Okay bye bye night night
asking what's equivalent in terms of effect and price is not an argument as to the efficacy of ring lights
can you see that?
>get argument dismantled and BTFO
>throw out some adhoms and ragequit the thread
lmao alright then
Summer I thought you were taking another mental health break from the internet?
What argument lol, "nuh uh it's good because it's good"?
if by ""efficacy"" you mean brightness, there are none, ring lights are supreme. the best. buy one. two even.
wtf that's Josie.... brehs
Letty mogged
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So when is DrDisrespect joining the show?
>keeps posting anyway
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just watching tay's spergout from yesterday, ffs she just keeps doing this shit does she think people actually like the soifacing?
hey bro i agree with you completely but your being a huge fag about it and posting your opinions on a site notorious for its degeneracy. look are yourself, your just hurting yourself. forget them.
>hit refresh
>check catalog
isn't she institutionally retarded? like literally?
Alright I'll be the first to admit it, I miss Tayleigh and her cute basedfacing
hop on
>letty knows tay called her a whore multiple times
>letty was quick to see signs of tay's meth withdrawal pains
>letty reinforces the belief/joke that xavier is tay's stalker
>tay has a violent outburst that then leads to a tearfilled psychotic break
>she then finds out her methbuddy got doxed and harassed (and apparently is a gay pedo lol)
Complete Letty Victory
Don't worry, she got her phone back and is now fully aware that she's lost all her fans and everyone hates the jimfacing
KEK i hope she's updated on that stuff

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