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italians are closer to being black than white
what's wrong with that? Roman Empire certainly had black people
They just can't help themselves lmao. It's like a crack addiction for modern Hollywood.

In order to be "historically accurate" they would have to be slaves or commoners at very least
Romans didn't have particularly care about skin colour. Blacks could rise in social status and become citizens of Rome, no less than Gauls
it's mandated that you have to add a certain % POC characters in movies. otherwise, you will not be considered in any awards and even movie studios themselves all have this law.
you just can not make a movie without includding POC actors.
>a nigger in the Senate
Is it meant to be some sort of joke like Caligula making his horse Consul
This looks like dogshit lmao
>Have you ever embraced someone dying of plague, Obamanus
Ahhhhhh what is Denzel's role? Is he some slave trader in North Africa?
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he's a kang
yes, you can, you haven't actually read the oscar rules
>"After inspecting the wall near the rampart in Britain… just as he [Severus] was wondering what omen would present itself, an Ethiopian from a military unit, who was famous among buffoons and always a notable joker, met him with a garland of cypress. And when Severus in a rage ordered that the man be removed from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's ominous colour and the ominous nature of the garland, [the Ethiopian] by way of jest cried, it is said, “You have been all things, you have conquered all things, now, O conqueror, be a god.” "
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kek at ridley casting random niggers
but not casting arabs as geta and caracalla, instead turning them into ginger fags
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Similar story in Plutarch's life of Brutus. Roman encounters with blacks are the correct application of the phrase "the exception that proves the rule".

>He says also that just before the battle itself two eagles fought a pitched battle with one another in the space between the camps, and as all were gazing at them, while an incredible silence reigned over the plain, the eagle towards Brutus gave up the fight and fled. 5 And the story of the Ethiopian is well known, who, as the gate of the camp was thrown open, met the standard-bearer, and was cut to pieces by the soldiers, who thought his appearance ominous.
You can have an all black production team and a black director and they will give you some leeway with the actors. Which of course never happens so to meet the requirements they always have black characters now. Which is quite annoying. Sometimes it's just not appropriate.
Yeah, wth is with that?
I assume it's because Caracalla is villain of the movie so he cant be brown
Possibly. I have noticed a trend that villains have to be white and black people must always be kind and heroic.
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Caesar was black thoughever
>oh no, we cant give ourselves an award if we dont have niggers on screen
What a tragedy that would be.
Niggator 2
Julius Caesar with gangster rappers would be very culturally relevant.

>et tu, Big Smoke?
Makes sense, it takes place in Italy
>Only recorded sight of a black guy made him recoil in disgust

Actually in the ancient world racism was so normalized that it simply wasn't a conversation topic or point of contention, and Africans were considered bottom of the barrel universally. Ignoring the fact that they would have been like 0.001% of the population anyway in Rome.
>Gladiator 2
Hollywood is out of ideas, and I can't believe Ridley Scott would sell out his legacy
I'm sick of movies being ruined by this stuff.
Most Autistic post of the day
I skimmed the VF article and it seems like he's the new Proximo.

smfh :/
stupid ppl ITT ohh i'm mean the /pol/
can't help themselves to re-write history when it comes to black ppl lol

then use "Wikipedia" as references to historical Forensic Facts...Lmaooooooooo
yeah i'm done with /tv/ when it comes to race relations. i was givn them a bit of leniency but this smfh !

for the record. idgaf about PedoWood | Hollyweirds BIPOC agenda also. its stupid as fuck. but black ppl exists white niggers gtfo already. i did. nd so should u.......Niggers !
The movie is NOT ruined by it. The movie is not going to be good no matter what color the people are in it. It doesn't matter. The first Gladiator movie wasn't even that good. Holy moly. You people are like the photo negative of progressives and their fixation on representation.
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Denzel, looks gud as fuck.

1 of the few top teir black actors in the game.......stay madd
lets see u do a better job then him. otherwise stfu

pedowood, never does anything correct.
and they are slooooooow to "change" . they dont' know how to include women, P.O.C without OVER saturation of them.
its stupid, its pointless and waste of time. doesn't FIX the hollyweird issues they continue to have.

idc, idgaf about blacks in cinema. I just dont wanna c 90% of black(s) in 90% of everything in hollywood. it makes no sense. there's NOT that many black ppl irl for it to be a "Real" representation. imjs. like i said; they always get it completely wrong, ass-backwards.

lost souls, lost minds ITT
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yes, because gladiator franchise has been known to be historically accurate

Did you ever think that injecting blacks into a period where they simply weren't there/didn't belong just turns people into bigger racists because when they disagree/question/criticize it, you scream 'RACIST' at them?

Why not just make a good movie and leave the social justice out of it?
Could have had a starship landing there, and still wouldn't justify black Romans being in the movie
Deal with it
This. The only thing thay taught me is to automatically avoid them in nodern movies. If not avoid modern movies at all.
We warned you, woketards, but you didn't listen
Who voted him into the senate? Rome didn't have the modern american equivalent of negro districts that elect their own congresspeople.
if you didn't care you wouldn't add these characters in the first place, and you wouldn't be here screeching to defend it.
>This. The only thing thay taught me is to automatically avoid them in nodern movies. If not avoid modern movies at all.
I used to go to the movies once a month. Now, I'm going maybe twice a year.

I actively don't want new tv series or movies released, because I know hollywood will destroy the IP.
>white people protagonists in rome on hbo ok
>nigger in the senate not ok
kys, whitey we wuzzers are even worse
death to all white people.
>death to all white people.
but then who will invent literally everything you use?
They genuinely think that if they depict enough smart, heroic, or really even just on-par-with-whites assimilated black characters in "it's always been this diverse lol" societies in media that it'll somehow just meme itself into reality.

>“Sometimes the nature of a particular show – historical dramas, for instance – makes diversity more of a challenge,” he says.
>Moffat talks about the idea he mentions above — the excuse of “historical accuracy” that some people often give to justify an all-white cast — “We’ve got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that. We’ll say, ‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.’”
i doubt there was a sub-Saharan African roman senator
remember when there were those rumours of denzel having alzeimers
my nigga Juba will return
No it didn't

Get rekt chuds
The jew who made Doctor Who woke said they're trying to summon forth a new reality
>Severus hadItalicandPunicancestry; the Roman ancestry came from his mother's side, while his Punic ancestry came from his father's side.[8]
wikipedia isn't a reliable source.
This is true because when tyrants took over Rome they imported many immigrants in order to dilute roman power base and play off natural romans against the immigrants.

When Rome was a republic you did not have many foreigners in the roman senate, if you did they were rich people who came from other cities in Italy.
Why add them if you don't care?
I went to movies at least 1 time per week until 15 years ago. It's been 7 years that I don't watch anything made after 2012
No it didn't.
The were no black romans.
Get rekt invader
It's a good thing you can check the citations then
I'm just taking the piss, that's just who he's gonna be playing in the movie.
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There were, though often considered a novelty
Even if that shit wasn't darkened by dirt and time, the fetishisting search for remote one i billion exception that only exist to jsutify racial politics still has no place in a movie
Just cast caucasian people and be done with it
successfully walk across the Sahara then make your retarded claim
Julius Caesar packed the senate with people from conquered territories so he can get his way in the senate. I’m sure all the dictators that came after him did the same thing too.
not really
That's not a nigger you retard
No, he did that with latinized noble gauls coming from Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy). Cisalpine Gaul had already been a roman province for decades
>faggots and transvestites in roman show
based and historically accurate
>niggers in roman show
not accurate so not based
Well at least it came out now so I know I don't have to waste any time or attention on this trash from now on.
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Yet another piece of goytertainment I won't even pirate, thank you chudcel.
The very last thing I tried watching was "The Boys", turned it off when Éomer pronounced the phrase "my wife's son", before that it was "The Witcher" in 2019, I think I lasted two episodes before throwing it in the bin.
Punics and Levantines weren't tar-black.
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>Libyans are black
>Brown people are black
Black peepo back then were eggplant black.
>black guy as a roman ruler
What is this sh-
>It's Denzel
I'll allow it.

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