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Looks somehow worse than the last reboot. And super low budget
oh wow

that looked so bad
I remember the original author being butthurt about Del Toro films not being comic accurate. Then the projects he's "personally" involved with turn out to be absolute trash.

I wish this would be the fate of every capeshit that tries to "comic accurate".
There i is a a zero percent chance this will be any good, and this is the last time I will even acknowledge a thread about this upcoming shit ‘film.’
Looks like a direct to video fan made movie
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The last Hellboy movie had Milla Jovovich in it. This one has Adeline Rudolph, from the 2022 Resident Evil TV show. The 2019 movie was a mess, but at least it looked like a professionally made film.

Honestly, all these recent Hellboy projects have "muh source material" on the brain. They are actively worse because they're dicksucking the comics instead of focusing on being good movies.
It's hard i think to tell a singular creature story or whatever this crooked man is when the 1st and 2nd movie established Hellboy as part of a larger "monster hunting" spookhouse type org who dealt with multiple bad guys of this type in each film. Collapsing it back down to just one feels sort of beneath him

>I saved the world from space dragons and an unkillable army!
>Has to fight some random woods monster now

Just kinda feels...weak.
IIRC the creator of Hellboy (the writer for this movie) doesn't really like the Del Toro movies. Like, he doesn't HATE them, but he didn't like del Toro flat out telling him, "This my Hellboy, not your Hellboy," when he told del Toro "hellboy wouldn't do that".
>This one has Adeline Rudolph

May watch for her tbqh
I mean, she is a very solid actress. And I'm sure she'll give 100% because she certainly did in the RE TV show despite her limited screentime. But this movie feels like a weird fan film just looking at it.
The Del Toro movies are fine movies, very generously, but they aren't HB or BPRD. They simply and categorically are not. The reboot is flawed, only negligibly worse than Del Toro's despite how screwed the production was, but actually resembled HB and BPRD and Harbour was great.
Crooked Man looks great, honestly. HB doesn't need a high budget. And anyone who has actually read HB, and BPRD, is looking for different things than you retarded, nutless little cunts.
Dark horse editorial ips

Fuck yeah, all the good shit
>he doesn't know the Crooked Man story
>because he never read it
>but he has big opinions on what they're doing with the story, characters, and larger world
Please, fuck off. Literally no one in your life would be upset if you stopped talking.
Anon, he's clearly speaking as a fan of the first two Hellboy movies (maybe the reboot as well, I dunno). Coming off those movies, this re-reboot feels weird and small scale.
Do not post again.
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this fucker looks more like hellboy
I remember thinking part 2 looked abysmal and ended up enjoying it. This one looks cool. I want to see all the cryptids and demon creatures.
>I also don't know HB outside of Del Toro's compromised af movies but think we should be catered to
What is with you subhumans?
movie adaptaion when?
Shut the fuck up, you mound of medical waste.
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Mike Mignola is at his best when he's just full on camp and silliness coming from horrible monsters, or vice versa.
Source material fidelity is for nerds.
no perlman = no watch

perlman could have easily made them two billies
>I wish this would be the fate of every capeshit that tries to "comic accurate".

fuck off woke moralist
comic accurate is the only thing that matters
looks like an actual horror movie...with hellboy.

I'll give it a shot
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LMAO I fucking love when comic shitters get fucked.
Most comics are garbage. The the few good capeshit movies, such as both Hellboy films, Tobey Maguire's Spiderman trilogy, Tim Burton's Batman and Nolan's Batman are better than the comics themselves.
Comic shitters complaining about accuracy are just like dino paleo faggots complaining about ''scientific'' accuracy on Jurassic Park movies. It does nothing but make things look riculous and cringe. Movies are supposed to be badass and entertaining. Stick your accuracy garbage up your asshole
Excellent point,dipshit
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Del Toro flat out telling him, "This my Hellboy, not your Hellboy,"
Fucking based, literally said nothing wrong.
>Tim Burton's Batman and Nolan's Batman are better than the comics themselves.
But not better than BTAS
Don't forget how Stephen King hated Kubrick's Shining for being taking many liberties to his book.
King would later make another adaptation via a mini-series that he screenwrote... It was just plain bad, with the stilted dialogue and dodgy CGI being the least of it's problems.
It's real you stupid cunt
i like this new pepe! havent seen him around before. what a cute little fella! hahahahaha
>LMAO I fucking love when comic shitters get fucked.
How old are you? Why are your testosterone levels non-existent?
>Most comics are garbage. The the few good capeshit movies, such as
>both Hellboy films
They're fine, nothing exceptional.
>Tobey Maguire's Spiderman trilogy
SM2 being good is one of the most embarassing and brain-fucked opinions ever. 1 was good, 2 sucked, 3 is lol
>Tim Burton's Batman
Only the first is good. Keaton himself said years back that he dropped out of the role because Burton climbed up his own ass with Returns.
>Nolan's Batman
Trash that got significantly worse as it went on.
Its real dumbass, some guy just uploaded the EW exclusive trailer to his channel

>that face
Is this the part where we boogie or dance?
Why dont movies have sets or extras anymore? Everything is just filmed on empty lots and fields with 5 people like that new deadpool movie
Wow Hellboy looks like shit
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I love Mignola but he is getting everything he deserves. Del Toro refused to compromise on Hellboy 3 because he knew he couldn't finish his epic without a large budget. The pain of it is Del Toro won his Oscars and could have leveraged that clout into the Hellboy 3 he dreamed of but it was too late. Mignola stabbed his friend in the back out of greed and pettiness and now the franchise is cursed.
This is accurate. All these years later and Batman movies are still typically based on the same handful of stories. Just take a look at the actual storylines for Infinity Gauntlet/Infinity War. Totally incomprehensible.
this film did well enough to get a sequel? I thought it did badly
>Why dont movies have sets or extras anymore?
Nolan. He popularized it. After Batman Begins, save The Prestige, everything he's done looks as though it's filmed on a void.
The 2019 film was a mess where they hired the guy who did Dog Soldiers and then ignored all his input. He felt the script was bad because it was just a bunch of comic book stuff arranged at random, and he felt that comic book storylines are full of plot holes which aren't an issue in comic book format but they are an issue in a live action movie, and he got ignored. The movie was shit to work on because he saw the problems coming a million miles off and was completely ignored at every turn.
>Hellboy films are better than the comics themselves.
>better than the comics themselves
you never read a single issue of Hellboy, now please go kill yourself, kike.
It's yet another reboot.
This. Hollywood is 100% perfect and everyone is as good as Del Toro.
I love sucking cock btw.
>They are actively worse because they're dicksucking the comics
Their "dicksucking" is just "let's throw random stuff from the comics, mix it in a blend then hope Hellboy fans recognize it!". This is what comic accuracy boils down to in Hollywood's brain: Endless references.

The 2019 is a rushed mishmash of three storylines without any of the build up, mixed with MCU tier humor. It pleased neither fans nor normies.
Mignola being retarded doesn't mean the comics cannot be adapted.
Reboot, not sequel
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I am the harbinger of the apocalypse. Billions must die.
The director of Hellboy 2019 actively objected to the movie being directly based on comics because he felt it made the film incoherent and disjointed. He was overruled. Practically ever criticism or correction he tried to make was overruled. By the producers, obviously, not by Mignola. It's not fair to blame Mignola for what happened on Hellboy 2019.
It's weird how Milla Jovovich played a witch in the last Hellboy movie, and she's not in the new Hellboy, but she's playing a witch in a completely different movie instead.
The Wild Hunt is the worst story they could have picked for a fresh reboot.
Apparently the producers of the 2019 Hellboy movie fired the cinematographer (the director's pet cinematographer) as a way of flexing on the director to remind him he wasn't in charge, and would frequently interrupt the director while he was instructing the actors to tell them to ignore the director's orders and do the scene such and such way instead.
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they'll never get it right, it's impossible to get right
I don't even like comics, but Hellboy (the ones written and illustrated by Mignola himself) is truly fucking special
unfortunately the later (better) instalments are pure arthouse and a faithful adaptation would never be profitable

it's both incredibly gothic and incredibly goofy and balances the two tones perfectly
and the artstyle is entirely unique and unlike anything else
I remember when 4chan would get marketers shut down for advertising their shit here.
This movie doesn't look like it has the budget to afford an astroturfing campaign.
No shit. It's probably one of the people who made it.
>ketchup entertainment
looks like a student film
That's a fan trailer, it's not any type of official channel. Fucking retards.
Its official anon, EW exclusive so someone ripped it and put it on his youtube

if you look up Hellboy on google, the trailer is everywhere. looks like you are the retard.
Here is an IGN post of it, retard.

Look, man, they’re speaking from a pop-culture/general audience perspective. It takes a very specific angle of attack to pull off a reboot that’s less bombastic and more grounded than what the public’s already been exposed to. Hell, I doubt Nolan’s Batman movies would have been nearly as successful if they’d come a mere five years after the Burton films, but at least those had a respected director and a clear vision. This has none of those things. This one could be 100% accurate to Mignola’s story and his atmosphere, but it still wouldn’t change the fact that the viewing public now knows Hellboy as the guy who saved the whole world twice in a couple of good to great movies, and again in a really terrible one. This film, good(lol) or not, is almost certainly doomed to fail.
You got BTFO
>IGN Hungary
nice try not gonna bait me with that fake shit
Ron pearlmans hellboy is actually kinda horrible in retrospect, he acts like a 15 year old.
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*pees on hands*
*exhales deeply*
Donnie... you want these hands now or on election day? Your choice
based on a comic book ≠ capeshit
is Road to Perdition capeshit now? is A History of Violence capeshit too? fucking retard. you’re 100% guaranteed an anime pedophile, too, so do everybody a favor and kill yourself in the most brutal fashion possible. not a single person would miss your fat ass.
Okay but that has no bearing on the post you replied to.
The first two Jurassic Parks were considered scientifically accurate for the time and even 3 gave its raptors those head feathers as a small concession, the autistic screeching came from an expectation that Jurassic World and its sequels had to keep pace with newer discoveries if they wanted to be like the original when of course Hollywood is going to want to maintain consistency with the older movies for branding and keep the raptors scaly.
Of course if Hollywood was making more dinosaur movies besides Jurassic instead of pretending that Universal holds the trademark on all dinosaurs, then you wouldn't have quite as much "muh scientific accuracy" pressure put onto the World films.
Isn't he basically in his 20s in demon years or something?
Fuck off fag
Ron is the GOAT regardless of his irl buffoonery
> What are some other big ways that the comics differ from what people see on screen?

>My Hellboy is much older. Well, I guess they’re both the same age, it’s just my character matured somewhere back in the ‘50s and ‘60s. And del Toro’s Hellboy, even though they both arrived on Earth in the ‘40s, somehow del Toro’s Hellboy is still a lovesick teenager. My Hellboy is modeled on my father in some ways, a guy who’s been in the Korean War and he’s traveled and he’s done a lot of stuff, and he’s kind of got a “been there, done that” attitude. He’s also been in the world. Del Toro’s change was to have Hellboy bottled up in a room and mooning over the girl he can’t have. With my Hellboy, there were no girl problems. That element of the character was completely not in the comic.
I read the hellboy wiki and quickly realised how superior del tacos movies were to the shitty comics
>comic accurate is the only thing that matters
I disagree... somewhat.. I try not to be that guy who insists it be 100% accurate... but I know deep down I want to be that guy. I am also sick of them not trying to be accurate to the source material. So tired of settling for the "movie version" will all kinds of shitty Hollywood cliches and compromises.
Even the Del Toro movies, as much as he fought for it, were full of studio interference . For example. it felt too much like MiB and not enough like BPRD. Still. I am thankful as much of the source was in those films.
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>Del Toro’s change was to have Hellboy bottled up in a room and mooning over the girl he can’t have. With my Hellboy, there were no girl problems. That element of the character was completely not in the comic.
Holy shit. He's fucking right. I both liked and disliked that in the Del Toro films. I did think the romance was cute... but as a fan of the books I hate that he invented it whole cloth for the film.
I definitely like this take on Hellboy better.
The first Del Toro Hellboy holds up okay, but Golden Army is the real masterpiece of the two.
Have to concur with everyone else and say this looks like a fan film, not a professional production.
It sort of is. It’s an independent production that was filmed on the cheap in Bulgaria.
Whereas the Endgame movie contradicted ITSELF on the nature of the infinity stones.
another reboot? lmao
Is my view of Hellboy as a square-based tough guy just a previous movie thing? Look at the state of this soiboy.
>low budget
That's a good thing.
Crooked Man is honestly an excellent choice if you want to reboot Hellboy on a small budget. It's entirely self-contained, the horror comes mostly from things that aren't very hard to make convincingly (like witches or giant bugs), and it's overall a very good story.

Only thing I dislike about the trailer is that Hellboy is practically pink, but I've seen several moments in it that came straight for the comic and it gives me hope. I completely passed over the 2019 movie because from the trailers and posters I could see they were trying to cram too much of the comic into a single movie.
That's exactly what a Hellboy movie should have been all along. The comics are more supernatural horror than anything else.

As enjoyable as the Del Taco movies are, they didn't actually feel like a proper Hellboy series, and the 2019 movie was dogshit all around.
At the very least you can tell that this movie is going to HEAVILY follow the comic book story that it's based off, which is pretty spot of for a low budget, "Horror" Hellboy movie. It's a gamble for the studio but if it at least makes a bit of profit they'd be able to turn these lower budget films out pretty easily with the 20+ years of various Hellboy stories.
There's a VERY large back catalogue of stories they could use in various countries, with various supernatural elements native to those countries, etc.
Mignola was never a good writer. He had John Byrne script all of his stuff then we he left just stole a bunch of European folk tales and put Hellboy in them, like this one with the Crooked Man.
>Group think is good. Deriving value from agreeing with others is also good.
You'll never be a woman, just as you never had it in you to be a man.
>As enjoyable as the Del Taco movies are, they didn't actually feel like a proper Hellboy series, and the 2019 movie was dogshit all around.
they've always felt like bprd movies to me which is a shame because bprd is what they should be adapting slowly for now until they blow their load with a hellboy movie
>oh-ho hit something personal, did we?
Lmao@ your life
>Says kys and gets butthurt because someone said SM2 sucked
>act like someone else is upset because they made fun of you for your effeminate bitch thinking
No one will miss you when you're gone.
A proper Hellboy adaptation would be some kind of a stop motion animation (similar to del Toro's Pinocchio) with The Lighthouse's tone.
Crooked Man is good, but Richard Corben's art makes it even spookier, which is completely lost in a low budget film like this.
I disagree. They can have plenty of these smaller scale stories that took place between 1950-1990 when the other B.P.R.D. agents weren't really important. Liz and Abe only really start to actively aid Hellboy in his investigations once the modern day comes. If they want to start with the lower budget, small scale stories like this where it's mostly just Hellboy and maybe a few token agents here and there for support, they could get A LOT out of Hellboy as a character.

Plus, I feel like with them focusing on Hellboy as the main character rather than an entire team of agents + Hellboy, they'll be able to really make the story more concise.
That'd be alright for a show, but for a movie there's not a lot of standalone Hellboy stories they can use (besides Crooked Man, and maybe the Giant story).
I finally got around to seeing Golden Army.
Nuada was 100% in the right.
>"This my Hellboy, not your Hellboy," when he told del Toro "hellboy wouldn't do that".
Based Toro
Almost every Hellboy story that takes place before Abe joins the team in (1981?) is a standalone Hellboy story.
And everything after Conqueror Worm is entirely Hellboy based because he flat out leaves the B.P.R.D. entirely.

If they wanted to do a show they should focus on stories that take place during the 10-15 years where Hellboy, Abe, and Liz were all the main field agents. Honestly, I' be happy if they gave us a show either way, but I feel like lower budget solo films for Hellboy would work while having the B.P.R.D. team together would work in a series format.
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They should make a Baltimore movie.
What did he say Hellboy wouldn’t do?
I completely agree with this.
Baltimore is just as good as Hellboy is as a story.
And it would be easier to find an fitting actor.
I thought it was a fan trailer
Loved the Baltimore book but didn't love the comic's art. Wish Mignola drew it.
Well at least it looks like this hellboy can actually emote. Nothing against David Harbour, but he looked like the man in the iron mask in his hellboy make-up.

I can dig the low budget horror movie they're going with. The high budget cgi shit they did with the 2019 fiasco did them absolutely no favors.

Taking what would typically be a straight-to-streaming supernatural slasher and sticking Hellboy in the mix might actually make this thing work.
See >>200747169
You're not alone. I was also annoyed by that. I can definitely tell it was a studio thing to have the human agents as the audience's POV character to the world of Hellboy, but it's really not all that complicated unless you get into the weeds of his backstory and everything that Hellboy doesn't even know about yet.
>480p trailer
Exactly. They should just do these as animated films so at least some of the art direction can be preserved.
>Most comics are garbage
This is unfortunately true. I grew up reading comics because we lived out in the sticks. When I had kids, I spent about $1500 getting all the old comics I threw away and a bunch of recommended titles. We filled the car up and I read them with my kids, passing issues with each other, and after an hour I got super panicked because they were all shit. I ended up flipping though volumes looking for "the good one", even sandman. God damn, they're all insufferable with shoestring plots to justify the artwork. The only books my kids liked were the joe kelly shit because they're written for 10 year olds
I legitimately hated SM 2.
Feels like a different project with hell boy slapped on to it
This. Exceptional analyses. Could not have said it better.

I was personally heartbroken over the dogsquat that was SM2. Doc Ock is one of my all-time favorite comic villains.
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What's he thinking about right now?
Looks good, I like old magic stuff.
The Crooked Man is genuinely creepy in comics. This looks like horror schlock with unnessesarily added Hellboy.
I'd rather they just adapt some of the weird tales, beasts of burden and hellboy in mexico to show off his character and humanity rather than something with random bprd agents that will die the same episode or something completely made up with them adding shit like debilitating ptsd from being anung un rama for a short while

hellboy in africa and his whole saga with koschei and rasputin can really make for great movies
Or what?
I wasn't annoyed by it, but it was definitely jarring. It didn't keep me from enjoying the movie.
This is some really cringey reddit humor. Based Del Toro knew to say fuck it and scrap that gay ass cringe out.
How do we know she is a witch?
I really like Guy Davis on the BPRD books too.
Shut the fuck up, stupid faggot
>I completely passed over the 2019 movie because from the trailers and posters I could see they were trying to cram too much of the comic into a single movie.
Same. It seemed like they were trying to restart the series with stories from the very end. It made no sense.
i bet you are pissed about the BOYS tho
denial about the debate
Looks like a cheap indie film. I guess it's not being funded by any big studio which is strange.
Hellboy isn't capeshit dumbass
He won't do that.
>hellboy in africa and his whole saga with koschei and rasputin can really make for great movies
You can hammer them down into standalone, yes, but they're still tied to the greater plot of the comic.
I am positive this is an unbiased opinion absolutely no related on Perlman's IRL political stance.
Obviously I would as well. When I said that I'd be fine if they did a show focusing on Hellboy's time in the B.P.R.D., I mean that I'd want that to introduce and show Abe, Liz, Roger, etc and actually give them a bit of time to show us the characters rather than add them into a movie and give us 3-5 different characters to focus on for a 2 hour movie.

Films should focus on Hellboy as a solo agent, and any shows can be used to introduce others and add more to Hellboy's backstory.
He was the perfect Hellboy. You know it, I know it, he knows it. Too bad he's too old now.

Why can't we just get some R-rated cartoon instead...
We know, but he getting what he wants it means a lot of suffering for us.
The Golden Army has a lot going for it, but one of the things is having "le human are le actual bad guy" but played in a completely different way.
When did Red join the World Economic Forum?
He kinda looks like Ed O'Neil's character from 10th Kingdom
It worked two times out of three, which honestly isn't that bad of a ratio.
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Adeline Rudolph is cute, so I guess this crap fest has that going for it. Wish she chose better projects tho
which we'll never get properly. they can always just subtly allude to it. no way will the general public be receptive to all the satanic hocus pocus shit prevalent in the whole thing

as much as I hate to say it, they should give the bprd the marvel show treatment or at least something akin to agents of shield and have the hellboy "films" be like those mcbride hallmark movies or the recent sherlock tv shows but written properly
How is what Hellboy 2 completely different than every other time they pulled the "humans bad" noise? Because they were encroaching on the world of the magical creatures?

Secret of Nimh and Watership Down both did the same thing.
Not FRAMED in a different way, PLAYED anon.
It's usual with BD too, one man draws, the other writes. Much more solid than trying to do everything (and failing).
He isn't ugly enough, sadly
This hurts, I love hellboy and it would translate to film well enough in the right hands. They should just go back to animating it but actually emulate the style more.
I loved all hellboys I watched. I went the route they expected with new fans : watched the movies (HB1 was scary for me at the time) then started reading the comics.
I don't think it's a real problem to simplify your character, because in this case the esoteric world of Hellboy is so fucking massive that it adds another adventure layer : not only they're moving places, but nothing is like it appears. Its fantasy in its simplest form : the unreal appearing in the real.
Anyway, my point is the movies weren't made for comic autists. They never fucking are. They're made for new blood like me. People that can also turn autistic given the chance.
I know it's bait but it's like reading the wiki on someone instead of just talking to him.
Just terminally online retard things.
Hey, you put words on my feelings. I honestly forgot what story crooked man was, but that artstyle I'll never forget.
OG Hellboy, he clearly had a lot of fun during the shooting
I feel like we're in a monkey's paw situation where instead of trying to compress a dozen comic-book arcs into a two-hour movie they decided to adapt a single short story, which is a great move. Then they apparently decided to just throw out the story's premise and use it as window dressing, which is a baffling choice.

That doesn't necessarily mean it'll be bad. Their goal should just be to tell a coherent, self-contained story in 90 minutes and manage to make Hellboy likeable. If they can do that that's a win. A lot of the Del Toro films' success rides on how good Perlman was; if you miss with the casting the whole movie falls apart. 90% of why people like Hellboy is Hellboy.
Millenium also just did the new Red Sonja movie, which makes me worried now it will be also super low budget
>Then they apparently decided to just throw out the story's premise and use it as window dressing
I don't think they threw out the story's premise at all. This actually looks like they paid close attention to the premise of the story based on the various characters and locations we can see from the trailer. Very accurate to The Crooked Man comic
Oh yeah, it'll be super low budget, but they really only need a couple decent shots of crawler bugs and decent makeup for the villains.
I saw a leaked picture of it being edit earlier. No chainmail bikini, it's more like a platmail skirt and croptop. Gonna be horrible.
No one cares about this character beyond the company and the creator.
>480p trailer
>fanfilm look
>dutch angles

throw it in the garbage already.
Why doesn't he look as bright red as the other movies? Seems like either colour grading has not been done or has not been done properly.
Note this has Brian Taylor attached. The Crank movies, Ghost Rider 2, Gamer. Could turn out alright.
I don't know why and this could be my schizo mind at work but she looks like she exclusively dates and fantasizes about white men. Could be wrong, though.
>Only thing I dislike about the trailer is that Hellboy is practically pink
Indeed, wtf is up with that?
>that design
So Hellboy went from being a horrible red monster to some guy who shaved his eyebrows. Holy soulless won’t be watching.
This is reassuring as he's a kino master but the low budget is really fucking with me.
Link to leak?
>Mignola stabbed his friend in the back out of greed
aw hell nah
Looking at the director... Yeah, this is definitely gonna be dogshit. They should have just did an animated film, or maybe go a little out of the box and make it stop motion. But nah, let's not do anything actually interesting and give it to one of the guys who directed Jonah Hex.
>le reddit tier devil antihero
hellboy is and always will be fucking gay
no u
It's not strange at all. The Del Toro movies weren't smash hits and the 2019 movie flopped. It seems kind of weird they're cranking out another one so soon, but maybe the production company is doing this to hold onto the rights?
Del Shitto movies were just as shit
>ketchup entertainment
Say what you will about ol’pisshands but he will forever be hellboy. This looks like some Blair witch shit with a sunburnt boomer protagonist
Go to bed Mike
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>you retarded, nutless little cunts.
Why the fuck don't they just make Hellboy 3? Nobody wants this shit.
Crooked Man is honestly a perfect story for Del Toro. Too bad he'll never be involved again.
In the continuity of the films, he’s intentionally a little spoiled and sheltered. He’s been surrounded by people who(understandably) kiss his ass. He’s their single greatest asset.
What does he give a shit? The movies did free advertising for his work and added more money to his pocket. Hellboy being a coddled government project is a good plotline and change and one that resonated with people and that's the endgame.
So is hellboy worth reading? Only other comic I read was cerebus (pure fucking kino minus the roach)
>director of Silent Hill: Revelation

I know nothing of Red Sonja but I now know it's gonna be immense trashfire.
You still haven't answered the question, faggot.
>I am the harbinger of the apocalypse. Billions must die.

>Why doesn't he look as bright red as the other movies? Seems like either colour grading has not been done or has not been done properly.


And his sidekick, THE PAISLEY GIVER.

Doesn't pay to be a Demon these days.

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Eddie the Demon
Season 3, Episode 7

Dave Willis:
Hey, Spencer. It's Dave. What's up?

Hey, so Eddie doesn't want to do the red paint on his face.

Dave Willis:
Uh, he's all good. I talked to him like two minutes ago. He's kind of upset, but we're -- We're all cool.

Well, he just texted me one minute ago, and he said definitely doesn't want to do the red paint. So, uh, maybe make him a human demon that's flesh-colored? I think that's funnier anyway. They don't all need to be red. Bye-bye.

Dave Willis:
[to Casper Kelly] No f***ing way are we doing that. We're not doing it.
hellboy was always a stupid looking character
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The Crooked Man is one of my favourite Hellboy stories, and I'm telling you now: this is absolute dogshit.
Doesn't have the right tone, there's a random Asian woman there simply for for box-ticking, there's a fucking modern high-speed train when it's set in the early-to-mid 20th century. The special effects look cheap as hell, too.
Complete miss on every count.
The feeling you should be getting from this story is of hillbilly voodoo magic in isolated, humid Appalachia. The colours should be bright and saturated for the first half, instead of complete monochrome.
Pure dogshit.
I'd say it used to matter, but now that comics are also pozzed as shit, I dont think it matters anymore
What awful artwork. Perfect example of story trumping all, though. He belongs up there with the guy that wrote The Watchmen. One of the great writers of our time.
>the watchmen
>"tehee, what if heroes... but cynical and most just human? oh and utilitarism, that shit makes people talk a lot"
its reddit tier now
Normalfag face Hellboy
>durr some comic written 20 years before I was born is not le edgy and cynical enough 40 years later
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I mean its still more skin than some of her newer comic costumes and more skin than the original movie so not bad for current year
This looks great
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And a more recent comic design. Im honestly ok with the new movie look
It’s very good.
Yes. It's kino. BPRD is also good.
Yeah, but the new Red Sonja is black for some reason.
So is this a re-reboot? I thought a gay one came out just a year or so ago with that faggot from Stranger Things
>Hellboy is just copy-pasted true Form All Might
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Kroenen turned out kino
>the live action chad nazi steampunk undead super assassin vs the comic mad scientist

yo lil crooky
Looks like a shitty fan film
Netflix thinks that's okay
There's....ANOTHER hellboy?
the last one was terrible, it was like the d&d movie but rated R, 80% niggers, every white character is a traitor or cuckold with a nigger child or brutally murdered, the plot is verbal diarrheia that makes abraham lincoln vampire hunter look like a masterpiece, blah blah excalibur and then king tut and then rasputin and then the holy grail and then the nazis and then goat sex cucks king arthur (fuck white people), absurd jewish garbage
this nigga looks closer to mickey rourkes tan than actual red. however i think he would look 100 times if he had no pupil-yellow eyes
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She is not. They replaced that actress with this girl.
4th times the charm!
>actual cleavage
I'm frankly amazed.
>Looking at the director... Yeah, this is definitely gonna be dogshit.
Didn't he make the super well received TV show "Happy!"?
This. It feels like a Netflix version.
Is that Jamie Kennedy of Scream and Romeo Plus Juliet?
>And super low budget
Soul inbound. Tremendous amounts of soul.
Looks like a fan film holy shit.
Turn your monitor on.
>This one could be 100% accurate to Mignola’s story and his atmosphere, but it still wouldn’t change the fact that the viewing public now knows Hellboy as
Nothing. The general public doesn't know Hellboy in any regard but perhaps vague recollection of the name should it be presented to them.
>Look, man, they’re speaking from a pop-culture/general audience perspective.
A completely useless perspective which isn't desired. I get that you literal children just arrived and are excited to make noise but no one, and I mean absolutely fucking no one, gives a fuck about your faggotty "general audience perspective." Fuck directly off.
>Coming off those movies, this re-reboot feels weird and small scale.
You're all suffering from low t and mental illness. The cure to both is shutting the fuck up and staying that way.
>It feels weird and small scale.
This isn't about your penis. It's about actual retards who know nothing and have never done anything talking about a thing they don't know anything about as though they're the demographic and this is about them. It's not. Go watch your room temp Del Toro movies and, again, shush.
I love that they hired a Japanese artist Del Toro liked to draw concept art of him. I was a mod on a comic fan site at the time and got an email from Del Toro confirming it when someone on the forums was asking about it.
nailed it right on the button
said it perfect
You think that after 15 years of syndication, the general public, especially the moviegoing public, doesn’t have a preconceived notion of who and what Hellboy is? You’re a complete dumbass.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about Del Taco's not being comic accurate those movies were great.
>Looks somehow worse than the last reboot. And super low budget
del toro may have altered some of the stories or arcs from the comics but at least he got the the makeup/costume and atmosphere/world building right
>The Crooked Man is one of my favourite Hellboy stories
Why? It's such an overrated story and Corben's art is hideous.
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Looks cheap. Looks lame. Looks half-assed. Like they got a bunch of rejects from UPN/TheWB/TheCW to do this.

Way to fuck up HARD, Cuckola. One of the most important and most recognized Hellboy arcs ever.
You can tell it’s shot in Bulgaria just by looking at the quality.
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They're just fucking it up with color grading again.
>reboot something that didn't need rebooting
>it fails
>reboot again
The only thing I can think is their reasoning is they looked at the profits made and said "okay there is an audience but we're spending too much" and so took the budget right down
Go fucking kill yourself, Hellboy made me dying of boredom and Hellboy 2 made me dying from cringe, even Hellboy 2019 was unfathomably better
What do you get out of lying on the internet?
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>The Crank movies, Ghost Rider 2, Gamer.
Unironically much better than pedowoodslop
Lol okay, kid
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>I ended up flipping though volumes looking for "the good one", even sandman.
yeah couldn't agree more
I think Del Toro is shit at writing romance and I'm tired of people telling me otherwise. Shape of Water fucking sucked.
The only living characters are one random white woman, the white guy who made a deal(hellboys fompanion), Effie kolb the witch and the nig priest. Who the fuck is this? So many of you talking about accuracy but there's no one aside from a 1 off she could be
>The the few good capeshit movies, such as both Hellboy films, Tobey Maguire's Spiderman trilogy, Tim Burton's Batman and Nolan'
I agree wholeheartedly. Comics get goood adaptations sometimes like the mentioned movies or cartoons like btas/90s Spiderman but most of them suck
>Trash that got significantly worse as it went on.
They're head and shoulders above every single Batman comic and most CBMs. Of course, I don't expect a comics manchild to have taste
If you REALLY want your kids to like comics trying buying them beasts of burden omnibus collection. It's a mystery detective series with cute talking animals, there's some lore and sad moments
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They had hellboy as a guest character, too
They added a rookie BPRD agent to the story so they could put a minority woman in it, per the official synopsis: "In the 1950s, Rookie BPRD agent Bobbie Jo Song is tasked with delivering a spider to the BPRD, but must seek Hellboy's help when things go awry. Together, they travel to Appalachia to take on the Crooked Man, who has been sent back to Earth to collect souls for the devil."
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Looks good to me desu. Crooked Man is the best Hellboy story and it's being handled as a horror movie. I'll probs enjoy it.
Man this is so cool. Any more info on this? Huge del toro and nihei fan. This is just as cool as nihei's neuromancer concept art
This is the right direction, though. Don't adapt the main stories, just do stand alone horror movies starring Hellboy. I wish it was in the 60s though.

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