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Cute Edition
Previous: >>200702809

>Seven Seas
is it good?
I don’t know, I haven’t seen it yet.
kys shill
Don't tell me what to do.
I dropped it when they mentioned the Romulan supernova.
is that in season 2?
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>we want the Ahsoka audience
More like the no audience.
star trek
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kek, it's kino!
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>literally no art
>what little she has is all AI slop
Be the change you want to see in the world. Go out there and draw some Gwyn lewds.
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If you watch children’s cartoons as an adult you need to be killed or deemed dangerously retarded and fenced in somewhere
You should commit suicide
Fell free to do some yourself, I can´t do (almost) all.
I'd rather watch children's cartoons than Kurtzman's overproduced porn parody of TOS.
I find it amusing how Prodigy elicits the exact same response from the schitzo as Andor. Like Andor, Prodigy is the only good recent thing that came out of its respective franchise so it gets the schitzo all riled up.
Come on, if it was a porn parody it would have more original plots.
It´s 4chan. You are bound to find some retard that goes absolutely balistic (and not just plain old trolling) for any theme.
It is less sexual than TOS, TNG, DSN, or ENT. You have actual mental retardation. Hence the cartoons
I´m visualizing the same situation as DCU-Axel Braun parody porn.
>It is less sexual
Fuck off, retard.
Do I need to tap the "Do not feed the trolls" sign?
Like I said, actual schitzo. If something good comes out of NuWars or NuTrek for once, derail the discussion.
You deranged fucking retards have LITERALLY NEVER SEEN STAR TREK. Spock is the only original series regular with an episode about his cock being hard
>Spock is supposed to be this mysterious Gandalf-like figure who would never fraternize with a member of his own crew
>let's show him fuck one bimbo and then another bimbo
>oh yeah, let's turn Nurse Chapel into an egirl while we're at it
Shut the fuck up, Kurtzman. Back in 2009, I used to think JJ Abrams was The Devil, but SNW somehow managed to be even retarded. And it's worse because it claims to be canon.
>Amok Time is all about how Vulcans are weird and different and how their sexuality is almost inconceivable to us humans and shrouded in mystery
>make a point of Vulcans only going into heat only every seven years
>people think that's interesting and alien and cool
>sixty years later let's have Spock fuck bitches left and right and centre
I fucking hate Kurtzman and his retarded acolytes. They should commit mass seppuku and save themselves from embarrassment.
It all started with this Uhura bullshit in the JJ films. No one knows how to write Spock anymore.
It´s almost like an olymic discipline: character misuse.
It’s funny. I’m sure there was a time before trauma led you to be such an autistic fucking freak. No wonder pre-trauma Spock bothers you. It’s a reminder there was a time you still related to being human

>the people changing canon of an inconsequential fictional entertainment program are satan himself!

Meanwhile you are literally a danger to children in your neighborhood lmfao kys
They're hacks. They know that Spock was like a sex symbol back in the 70s, but they do not understand why. Fangirls loved Spock because he was weird, mysterious, and unavailable.
But if you're a Hollywood hack and you don't understand this, you just know that Spock was a sex symbol, so you hire some fuckboy actor to play him and have him act like a horny teenager.
No woman thinks Quinto and Peck (or whatever his name is) are attractive.
>non-sequeitior schizo word salad
Don't care, didn't read. Suck my dick, Kurtzman.
Please go back.
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What's this phenotype?
Why is /trek/ worshipping nu-Trek slop? Is it just a single cartoon schizo doing this?
Ill take some requests to draw some gwyn lewds later when I get home.
Yall can leave your requests now. I can get to them when I get home.
At least three. Judy cb and scatfag
John Noble and Ella are acting their asses off. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
it is disapointing that prodigy forgot how medusas work.
still better than the rest of nutrek but not immune to its failings
>it is disapointing that prodigy forgot how medusas work.
They did?
jason alexander does a very good job of not being jason alexander
I want Jankom Pog dead.
only watched the first episode but unless theyre playing dumb so they can rediscover it, they forgot medusans can link with vulcans to take over their body
I think they mentioned it.
star trek
Did Amok Time really establish that they only go into heat every seven years? I thought it was more about how they basically have a regularly scheduled psychotic break due the endless emotional repression, and this can have a sexual or romantic component for those of them who find themselves in awkward love triangle situations like Spock did. I didn't think the episode implied they couldn't fuck at all the rest of the time.
She (and Mariner) still has more art than Burnham and Tilly and Rafi combined.
>CalArts porn
>CetOps are part of the plot and not a joke gimmick
I'm still mad they gave Zero a fucking humanoid body. It's so boring.
How else would you stop them from giving everyone who sees them schizophrenia?
Just have the medusan colony fix the suit? Or make it non-humanoid shaped. Insect design would look fucking sick.
i wouldnt
No way!
Still waiting.
It’s a good way to appeal to a new generation of fans. Which Paramount has been absolutely miserable at this century. TOS and TNG are great entry points. For adults. But I’d be surprised if you could get an Ipad kid to sit still for 45 minutes to follow the plot.
You can leave requests now if u want. It'll be a while
Miserable? They’ve spent the last seven years turning Star Trek into R-rated slop.
You should also ask for requests on /co/.
How would a species even survive if they were only fertile every 7 years? It’s even worse than Gerudo only producing one male every century. So much for the logic aliens!
How can they expect to grow their fan base if they don’t appeal to children? My fucking dad watched TOS growing up in the 60s. Child fans make for the best consoomers and every brand knows that.
>How would a species even survive if they were only fertile every 7 years?
How many years is a generation again?
>How can they expect to grow their fan base if they don’t appeal to children?
Growing the fanbase isn't nearly as important as short term quarterly gains. Making slop for NuTrek manchildren is more beneficial short term. They buy Funko Pops, they basedface when they see CalArts Jean-Luc Picard say "dickwad." The downside is that the franchise will die with the current crop of fans.
Why are all women in this show flat?
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To be fair it's always funny whenever Patrick Stewart says something vulgar.
>We're gonna do some stuff to him. Real nasty stuff. Butt stuff...
Unironically ESG scores. Androgenous and frumpy women score better than buxom bombshells.
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what the fuck do i have to do to convince my bosses a mass effect-like star trek game would be so fucking cool
Isn't that Star Trek Resurgence?
>Amok Time makes it sound as if Spock had not seen that cheating bitch T'Pring since they were both children
>SNW has T'Pring appear almost every episode
>Androgenous and frumpy women score better than buxom bombshells
I feel like they even made Janeway more, uhh, modest-looking in this.
Porn Parody Trek is not canon no matter what they say.
I don't think ESG existed as it does now during VOY. But it's basically the opposite of Gene's vision. Viewing attractive women as perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards and only existing to titillate men. Which is basically saying beautiful women don't exist IRL and other women don't want to look at them.
>Watching old TV show
>Hey, a pair of D-Cups, this must be before Blackrock!
>Star Trek was always woke
Except it wasn't. Star Trek was liberal, ethical, and concerned with the absolute truth over personal feeling. Wokeness is the opposite of that.
Dal and Gwyn together because pride month is over.
>Isn't that Star Trek Resurgence?

Resurgence is a Telltale-like, by former Telltale staff.

If I remember right the tie in game for Trek 2009 was more Mass Effect like but it was incredibly jank
>it was incredibly jank
Is there a single Star Trek game that isn't jank? I love Legacy, but it's janky too.
this season 2 should just be a movie
True, but you gotta admit how embarrassing it is that a cartoon did the whole serialized thing better than live-action NuTrek.
TOS is basically far right now.
>Starfleet is a meritocracy you have to earn your way in
>White male heroes
>Beautiful women exist solely as eye candy
>No mention of homosexuality because it was against broadcast standards back then.
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i'd make one that isn't jank if had the rights
You can make a fangame.
Making licensed tie in games are mostly a poison pill, especially in modern times
Games take too long and cost too much money to make, tie in games usually get not enough of either
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>29 decks
>Random character gets in a turbolift and asks for Deck 32
It's classified.
until paramount fucking rapes me
Just drop it when it's finished.
Keep the thread alive. I will be home soon to do gwyn artz
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>blend the Intrepid with Sovereign

She is beautiful bros
The deflector is very Odyssey-inspired.
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when prodigy aired their season 1 finale it caused the lezzie dykes to have an absolute meltdown because /trek/ agreed that it was a whole lot better than their slop
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I want this to get a S3, badly. Not because I actually care, but because I want it to have more episodes than that Dykeslop.
I want it to get an s3 badly because it's got heart, and you should probably touch some grass now and again.
Wil wheaton
Less of a jumpscare than live action Wheaton was in Picard to be honest
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I just started watching Star Trek. Is everyone supposed to be ultra sexy? Even the fucking uly aliens are vaguely sexy.
Welcome to Roddenberry's utopia.
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i need her to rip my dick off
sorry yall
Ok, I'm watching the first episode of s2. I suspected Waltke and McMahan actually lurked this general and shit talked each other, but now I'm convinced of it. The season premiere is a shot across the bow of Lower Decks. "Here, let me do an actual lower decks scenario, played straight. Oh, and you thought you could get points for Cetacean Ops? Hold my sexy beverage."
>Cetacean Ops
It's refreshing having something in the show and making it have purpose in the story, isn't it? Instead of you know, it just being a memberberry gag.
He looks hideous. But I guess that's accurate.
>Kazonshits are back
Am home. What r ur requests for gwyn
This really feels like "lower decks, done straight, with heart." It's the difference between Scrubs and The Sarah Jane Adventures. One is a way for people to reminisce about their young adulthood through and adult lens, and the other is a way to tell a soulful story about science fiction concepts using a family friendly lens. If nothing else it's less garbage than other shows in its segment (like Spidey, paw patrol etc.)
Nah, I think it's done pretty lovingly. Like there's a direct joke about the Cerritos being a hot mess a couple of episodes in but it's not looking down on it.

All the Star Trek creatives seem on board with each other with the exception of the turd who wrote s2/s3 of Picard, and fuck that guy entirely. Glad he's never touching Trek again.
I didn't care for s2 but I thought s3 was a nice story (if not speculative sci-fi at all), so I'm curious to know more.
I do think Prodigy is a flex on LD. It still does potty humor (e.g., jokes about Bolian biology) but more tastefully. It also has a very succinct way of establishing why the main characters care about the maguffin (Chakotay) through establishment of an obligation/debt. It's really good, tight storytelling dumb enough for a kid but smart enough to not bore the parents.
One show is written by SNL rejects and the other is written by sci-fi enthusiasts, and it shows.
The Picard guy just ran roughshod over everything so he could make his own 'iconic' contributions to things. Like a kid who smashes everyone else's toys.
In comparison all the other people reference each others work but never compromise it.
Terry Malalas salvaged Picard. It would have been a worthless show without him.
Sometimes retconning is good.
Mate, it is a worthless show
It's slightly less worthless. Terry Malalas bulldozed over the first two seasons and got nominated for an Emmy among other awards. If something you wrote is shit, you deserve to be decanonized by a more talented writer.


heres some gwyn stuff that ive done in the past.
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I follow The Hagemans, Aaron Waltke on Twitter. They seem to be lovely unpretentious chaps, based on how they interact with people, and interviews I've seen with them.
Mike McMahan, on the hand, seems to be a petty pretentious asshole, and he comes across that way in every single medium. Especially in that one interview with Ketwolski where he got super tilted over people calling animation mistakes. It was an unhinged rant.

I am 100% sure that Prodigy writers do not look down on their LD counterparts, but I'm not so sure about the other way around.
The stuff he bulldozed over didn't even have anything to do with why the third season was, I won't even deny, for the most a solidly entertaining and never boring watch.
Like, shitting on the shows original cast, destroying the Titan and Enterprise-F, killing people like Ro and Shelby? You think any of that stuff was good, or helped matters?
Lower Decks and Prodigy both delve in nostalgia baiting, but it's good natured and pretty heartful. Picard s3 had absolutely nothing kind to say about Trek at all beyond "remember that thing?".
The Zhat Vash were good
Ironic that Picard is the thing that actually gave Romulans depth and made them vaguely interesting.
Troi did that
I'm only a couple of episodes in but solid so far, I think I like the new Vulcan addition to the team
Why couldnt they give the female chars, like the vulcan female, some actual breasts? why are all the females so flat?
Go watch ENT again if you want Vulcan boobs. The vulcan cadet in Prodigy is pretty cute as-is.
he straight up ruined season 2.

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