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Why is this the default superpower for women in Western media?
Because Blissey is annoying piece of shit to battle against.
Women love the idea that their words can be as powerful as our fists.
Coz the script allows it.
something about generational anger or some such
That's not a woman but rather a WMD disguised as a domestic android.

Praise Sol
>Dying to a basedjak
I'm still mad about the cancellation. Fucking plebs couldn't handle a real sci-fi kino.
Where the fuck is this from?
rewatch it, the 2nd season isn't that good
Elfen lied
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Female power fantasy.
raised by wolves
It's the only thing they have. It's no surprise that women express aggression primarily through gossip, reputation destruction and innuendo.

That's why they always use accusations, and shaming when they want to destroy someone. They don't punch you, they make society turn on you

Despicable creatures
Modern-day banshees.
>gibs people
>intact bodies left behind
Because this is actually what happens to mens's heads when a woman opens her mouth
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Nobody so far has mentioned the fact that it's cheap. There's no choreography, no weaponry, nothing demanded of the actors apart from one of them yelling and the others falling down/exploding/being blown away with some dirt-cheap CGI. It saves both time & money for the production crew.
Is that a heckin elfin lied reference?
It's called Raised by Wolves, unconventional scifi about space christian praising the sun and space fedoras.
She is one of the two nanny androids tasked with creation of human colony on barren planet. Christian colony world ship accidentally finds them and after few minor conflicts she goes and genocides entire mothership.
It's interesting concept, no clear bad guys, and heavy on symbolism. I enjoyed it.
Have you seen women in a crisis? It's all they know how to do.
No, Elfen Lied is shit nothing anime with a single 5/10 scene in first episode about invisible tentacles.
I saw a post here recently that said you can tell when something is written by a woman based on how many times a character is stunned into silence by another character's words, this feels like an extension of that it into even stupider territory, where people are just obliterated by a woman merely opening her mouth in their direction. A puerile womanish fantasy.
it's very clear that Mother is the bad guy though, she destroyed one of the last human colonies in existence because muh atheism (literally)
she's desperate to take care of children, and does so by killing their parents and trapping them on a piece of shit planet
elfenlied is indeed shit, but what is this cope? why, dude? for what purpose
hallway battles are good reasons for enemies to keep going towards the protagonist. Also, blackbolt is a man and he has the same power.
What do you mean 'cope' I bet nobody in production ever heard of some piece of shit 90s anime with half of a good episode.
>she destroyed one of the last human colonies in existence because muh atheism (literally)

They were warned to fuck off and they didn't listen to her. They threatened to steal last of the children. I wonder if they would be as brazen as they were if they knew she is a badly rewired WMD.
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Shouldn't've had BMWF relationships front and center if they wanted a show that lasted. No one except male niggers like that, and male niggers can't into scifi.
magical, invisible hands are significantly less annoying than looking at this fus roh cunt shit
>”bad guy”
>story about determinism and being trapped in a cyclical story due to nature
I don’t even think the term “bad guy” makes sense in the context of this show
like a shittier elfen lied ripoff
jewish mental gymnastics
But it didn't had any.
>default superpower for women
Black Canary, OP's pic, and who else?
It's taken from an anime you retard. If anything this is an eastern thing.
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I didn't know Elfen Lied got a western adaptation. Still like the way it did the whole killing thing better, being torn by invisible hands works so much better horrorwise.
>front and center
She killed Father at the start of the series and he was the only genuinely decent person in that show. He was the least of the problems, but mohammed gotta propagandise I guess.
cool intro along with serial experiment lain and witch hunter robin.
Who's that?
>BMWF relationships front and center
You clearly haven't watched it and simply got triggered by the mother/father thing.
>It's taken from an anime you retard.
you thinking of elfen lied? Because Lucy's powers don't come from screaming.
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But that doesn’t explain why men don’t have this cheap super power.
>what do you mean
from the 7th shot onwards there are multiple takes which mirror the scene from elfenlied almost one to one
i don't get why this makes you so angry
Character name? Show name?
Also not screaming. Just has a tentacle monster for backup.
Assuming this is a Shitflix adaptation I'm surprised they didn't turn Lucy into an Afro-American, I do see that they gave her a dyke haircut thoughever.
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We got fucking ROBBED.
Absolute cinema.
So powerfool.......
how in the fuck would they punch me, I look like a fridge
If that comes from her mouth i wonder what comes off her ass ahah
this bitch is hot
She's an Arbiter from Halo.
lmao even
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She's not Arbiter, she's Makee, an original character created for the Halo show. Her Covenant title is "The Blessed One".
Pic related is the show's Arbiter
fuck you sol
fuck hbo
fuck jannies
>It's actually even stupider than you originally thought
It was meandering nonsense that should have ended after Mom wrecked the space station. Pretty sure it happened like 5 or 6 episodes in so it could have made a half decent miniseries or something
Me shouting sneed at jannies after breaking out of class IV shitposter containment
Indeed it is.
They introduced the concept that some humans basically have "high midi-chlorian counts" (as if that was a good idea in Star Wars), traces of special Forerunner genetics that allow them to activate Forerunner technology. It's why she's Blessed and it's how the Spartans were selected as children.
It wasn't a thing in the games and it's retarded
>her yell sends people flying in all directions
>the girl rollerskates through at a normal speed
Still mad.
women are only good at being whiny and annoying
>women want power
>women are lazy
>women like screaming
>women like seeing women exercise power by screaming and not actually doing anything

Words are the only weapons a woman has in this world. A woman who can't speak is like a man with no arms.
>everyone she kills explodes into nothing
>their bodies are behind her when she walks past
this is how we know who is the villain of the show, which is her. this show runs the whole gamut of toxic femininity and it's horrible results in all of it's female characters, down to the robot little girl. it was pretty based.
Because she's the equivalent of an attack helicopter for an android, and they destroyed the earth, and the men were fleeing because they unleashed them but didn't know how to turn them off.
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unironically have sex incel
I only remember this scene and the restaurant scene where they were tanking about taking dumps. Such a shitty movie.
Ragnars wife a cute and same for that blonde lady
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I forgot they raceswapped Black Canary in that.
I only watched season 1. I didn't realize it was based off a book series. How far were we into it and how do you think it would have progressed?
Didn't he get his head exploded when wonda sealed his mouth shut?
Bruno Mannheim's wife in Superman & Lois S3 is the main super-powered villain and has this as her power.
everyone saw elfen lied when it came out. dumbass.
she should grow her hair out and smile more
This. There was nothing new in it. I thought they were going the multi generation civilization builder, but no.
Scope was way too low.
Ah nah
not the wordvortex
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if your voice was consistently denied for ~2000 years by religio-facist-patriarchy you'd understand
Great intro, sad that it's usually the peak of the episode.
>Ragnars wife a cute
i wasn't liking her at start due to "stronk badass girl with a sideshave" (and also her original being played by sienna guillory before she changes her face, which i would've loved to see in the show) but she won me over with her vulnerable motherly scenes. the actress is sweet as fuck, you see their interviews and both her and the "mother" actress are pretty chill and sweet girls (as well as the father actor doing youtube homemade videos with the main kid actor, based as fuck)
they're not wrong, if one woman doesn't like you, that's it for you socially
Weren't US settlers massive christcucks?
So extreme that they had trouble with their original country and went there to finally apply their hot new doctrine?
Because they're nagging cunts
So literally the Ancient gene concept from Stargate?
They are, and even more dangerous. Because their words influence every aspect of men's lives, up to how they use their fists.
it didn't occur to any of them to shoot her?
Yes…? America is a bit different since 1776 anon. You have the freedom to practice whatever religion you want in America. Even pastafarianism. Have at it and worship whatever the fuck you want.
that was the switcharoo for all the fans expecting him to win against wanda.
Jeez bad breath much
Neckbeards always say shit like this but when you try to watch their infantile cartoons it turns out that the only similarity is atrium column being blown with bullets or similary miniscule thig.
I'm not arguing about freedom of religion, I just think it's fair to call it historically a christian nation because they were the founders. I'm probably thinking too hard about something meaningless again, ignore me.
I never even heard of it 'til this thread.
someone somewhere that has real power and influence in making these movies, thought, ok this looks cool and i'll sign off on this lol
more powerful
the right words can make many fists hit you instead of just one set
>I thought they were going the multi generation civilization builder, but no
I thought it was mediocre and even boring at times, but I held out for when the embryos were supposed to hatch and they'd start a new civilization.
Instead we got "special" kids and teenage rebellion
because you're a zoomer
>Praise Sol
reminder that people had been living in what is now North America for like 20k years before Europeans arrived
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God damn it I want some other place to buy this show and finish it because it's kino of the highest order
Did they get to finish the entire story arc?
Won’t be watching.
They're irrelevant like me. Sure it's nice to know but I don't see people caring about extinct hominids.
Ice on Mars, now that's news.
20k years and they couldn't even tame the continent, pathetic
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It's true
> try to beat up and rape a female
> woman calls me a sexless incel
> crumble before her and surrender myself to the feminist movement
Pic related is me NOW when I hear a POWERFUL WOMAN share her IMPORTANT OPINION on a TOPIC
This trope is based actually because I can caption it with “Me when I have to listen to a woman talk” and share it with my friends.
Nagged to death...
Mia Khalifa in The Boys has that power, but I can't think of any other examples tbqh
that screaming orange bitch from farscape
the "bleeders" from push
the headpopper from the boys (doesnt involve screaming tho, but people still explode without contact)
elfin lied was similar
that white haired girl from the witcher franchise

Its become so common I refer to this move as "the power shriek"
I don't get why so many media are all getting this "scream powers" shit so visually wrong. Kungfu hustle did this excellently many years ago, just copy how it looks in that

It's because women are narcissistic sociopaths with the minds of children so they scream to get what they want until people cave in to their demands like they did when they were infants!!!FACT!!!

100% correct!!!FACT!!!
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>Is that a heckin elfin lied reference?

Not likely but good to know there are fellow cultured and sophisticated gentlemen such as myself here to converse with about Elfen Lied!!!FACT!!!
>No, Elfen Lied is shit nothing anime with a single 5/10 scene in first episode about invisible tentacles

Elfen Lied is a great show but you need a 200+ I.Q. and cock no less than 12 inches to fully appreciate its splendor and magnificence you fucking peasant!!!FACT!!!

Also, watch Elfen Lied then Rin: Daughter's of Mnemosyne, Akiba Maid War and When The Cry!!!FACT!!!
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Do this
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I miss Father jokes and Mother overall insanity.
That looks gay
Galerians live action but in space and genderswaped because americans im joking
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This. There is no reason to confront a woman. They will find a white knight beta cuck simp, and vomit a warped retelling of reality. Then you have to deal with him.
Blissey is great to fight against. Just use toxic. Blissey has no offensive capabilities, so you can just set up boosts and hazards.
>So her name is Black Canary… but she’s white? Does that make sense?
Fuck I’m burnt out on comic book movies. They hit Cyclone with the ginger to nigger pipeline as well
>Women love the idea that their words can be as powerful as our fists.
It really is funny if you think about it from an atavistic standpoint. In tribes all they had to do was scream when in danger which caused men to come save them. 80,000 years of evolution later and their hormones basically convince them that action has the effect of actual bullets.

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