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What the fuck is this movie? From the way /tv/ always talks about it I thought it was going to be some historical kino but it's such a bunch of autistic perverts seething and Christian Slater plays some kind of beautiful boy rape-bait who's constantly shaking like a damsel and everyone else wants to get inside his hole.

this some gay ass leftie shit or what?
the sex scene with that feral peasant girl is one of the most intense sexual encounters ever committed to film and it doesn't even show anything explicit
imagine getting filtered by the name of the rose lmao
it's Sherlock Holmes in an unusual setting.
it was mid
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this shit just turned into an austin powers flick
A teacher played this film for our class in middle school.
I'm 50% certain he was a fucking pedo for doing that.
That definitely seems probable.
op probably watched it on pr*me which doesn't even have the sex scene lmao
I've read the book and I don't remember gay shit being in it
it was cool adventures in a library
is the movie ok?
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You talking bout this dirty peasant crack?
This the crust you love to bust?
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all i know about that movie is it's based on the novel i'm planning on reading and it's a historical mystery involving a monastery. but if you think christian institutions and leadership weren't absolutely packed with cornholing faggots for all of history you have not only been filtered by this film but also by real life. christtards are gay as fuck, that's why there are so many gays and pedos in the catholic church and in cult tier protestant denominations, and it's why they wear stylish robes and put on affectations. pretending that life is some kind of magical adventure governed by a temperamental god and beautiful angels when it's actually a dark hellish void is the queerest bullshit ever.

gay portrayals of the church are not some kind of leftist revision, if anything the real revision is chuds who think christianity was always based and trad. the inquisitions happened for a reason.
Hello subversive kike. Keep seething that real Christians are waking up to what you've been doing.
if you disagree with anything i said then you deserve to be ruled by jews because you're too stupid for self-governance. i dislike christianity precisely because it is a cult that involves worshiping a jew, dummy. the first five books of the bible are literally the torah. get your own religion instead of being some weird jewish cargo cult. if your pre-christian ancestors could see you now they'd slit your throat.
>subversive kike: "oy vey how dare you notice my pilpul?" I shall now turn to slime to slide out of your grasp."
when you're at church this sunday (just kidding you don't attend) and the faggot on stage tells you to pull up a verse from exodus, just remember you are literally reciting the torah lol.
>i dislike christianity precisely because it is a cult
Literally the most mentally ill thing a human being could type. It's so retarded you can't even classify it as an opinion. It's something only a 20-year old basement goblin could think it was some "epic own".
not what i said. everything is a cult to a degree. read the rest of the sentence.
>everything is a cult to a degree
No, it isn't. That's literally retarded. You need to get an education.
you need to learn the definition of "cult".
The definition of "cult" is not "everything is a cult". You're literally a 20-year old moron with no education.
Slightly disappointed to find this out, is anything else edited out?
you'd explain what you meant if you actually had a point but you're just seethposting based on a misunderstanding of my posts. i am using "cult" here to mean "community, with an esoteric bent and opaque leadership", not the caricature you cooked up in your reddit brain.
Nobody needs to explain what the definition of "cult" is to a 20-year old idiot who thinks it's epic ideological "ownage" to just use it as a buzzword.
Yes but not nearly as good as the book though the witch girl gets more screentime and is pretty hot in a stinky way
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You wouldn't call using it in that sense a "buzzword" if you had the education you value so much.
>this some gay ass leftie shit or what?
It's based on an Umberto Ecco novel.
So this is the mad schizophrenic tangent you're going to go on to derail a movie thread because you're pissy your little tantrum against Christianity didn't find sympathetic now-IQ ears.
it was rape. he didn't understand what she was doing.
no. I already said I haven't even seen the movie (or read the book yet). you're the "now-IQ" one who chimped out and started flinging insults instead of making actual arguments (because you're just vibes-based and don't have one) about how christian institutions weren't full of queers or at least posting about the actual topic of the thread. I'm happy to stop shitting the thread up with my posts after this one, but only because you didn't even bother to shitpost well.

just remember that christfaggotry was, is, and will always be extremely fucking gay when discussing the name of the rose though.
This, it's good
So the average deflowering, then?
He felt attracted to her, she wasn't pushy or dominant, he took the lead once he felt comfortable.
Based comfy book quoter
i read the book
it was retarded
it's like that awful bbc sherlock show but just older
Zoomers are mind broke can't enjoy anything without politicizing it
4chan liked the 1st season of Sherlock but turned on it pretty fast since it's the epitome of reddit show
but this gay book is the same
it's literally about this reddit pro-science monk proving just how smart he is because he can figure out what happened by looking at clues
i really, really disliked it
you're brain rotted and buck brocken
touch grass
>loves reddit: the book
>calling others buckbroken
go rewatch cosmos faggot
>I am incapable to discern nuance, therefore reddit
buck broken
its kino and comfy. put this in at night. imagining the first time I watched this at school in class. then proceed to create a cthulhu dark ages campaign. good shit.
are you expecting an average american to know him? lol
The amount of medieval accounts of homo rape at schools and monasteries is longer than some books of the Bible. Actual subversion is ignoring history and puffing up your own agenda.
what nuance? care to tell me how my description of the book was wrong? you little faggot?
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I have better threads to shitpost than wasting my time explaining literature to a nigger
Children are five hundred times more likely to be abused by a public school teacher than a priest.
>the twist at the end was the same as Citizen Kane
>rosebud was the girl all along
our teacher made us watch this movie too
for some reason he kept in the sex scene and skipped the part where they all burn to death
get fucked seething christ kike
your desert bullshit was and forever will be a cult for retards
Lmao. How does it feel to be an uneducated, impotent seething leftist? I imagine it's just painful every day? Can you make eye contact with the mirror? I bet not.
>If it is woman you are calling then you say "You are a good woman. I am good man." Hm?
i don't usually get boners when watching movies but this scene did it for me
You don't have to convince me bro, I'm already catholic (minus the whining about "subversive kikes") but you are 1000% defensive.
Sounds based.
When you get older you realize that despite puritan state brainwashing, the truth is that the best time for people to have sex are in middle/high school and that not only is it not the end of the world (as long as protection is used), but that young people fucking is one of the simple pleasures of life and a reason to live. You don't even have to be a participant, just seeing young people enjoying their youth provides joy vicariously.
I'm an old virgin and young people should fuck all the time as much as they can.
>umberto ecco normie slop
>now this is poperacing
people who don't care about books think Eco is the best writer for the same reason people who don't care about movies think Nolan is the best director
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Yes, this was that movie that Tropic Thunder was making fun of.
It was just good kino, no need to shitpost that hard.
I hope more anons learn about it. On paper it sounds like the most boring, old, lame movie ever, but it's not.
>has indiana jones secret door temple bit
>has very hetero sex scene
>sean connery is playing a 60yo virgin

the shill threads here are just getting worse and worse
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I am heterosexual so I don't find Christian Slater at all. I enjoyed it for the medieval aesthetic and setting.
I'd like to go back in time dressed as a peasant and attend a church service

was she wearing some sort of vag covering there? too dark to see
bussy is more powerful than pussy
>so I don't find Christian Slater at all
Have you tried looking for him?
Probably a merkin, it's quite common.
Take it easy, Chandler. Maybe go outside for a bit.
Venerated Jorges monology in the book about coming end times is kinoest shit.
It's kino and those retarded bait threads are cancer. Kill yourself, OP.
Evaluating a religion by its origin rather than its truth claims? Cringe ad hominem

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