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Jimmy is king.
Tayleigh status?
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>OH JON - Edition
switch jon to sniper and let him do his duty
Tai will get tired of this very quickly lol
Tayleigh has aids and a meth addiction, thanks Jordan.
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They should have done a Summer Camp theme with a horrifying twist.
The hero we didn't know we needed
I enjoy having no cameras on anyone. Thanks, Jet
Bothered. Windexed. Unhappy. Totally Insane. Psychotic. Crying.
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yeah where the fuck is everyone?
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production should get a "passing" tranny to seduce jon for a gotcha moment.
all time fishtank KWAB allstar
comfy asmr stream now
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Give production a break. This is difficult.
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love this psycho instigator
The fish should make their own fantasy armor to prepare for the final fight
controversial take: tayleigh was the one to give jordan AIDS
Tay left
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Retards can start a fire: episode #47

Maybe they just need to put a pallet on
hes already infatuated with evil kevin.

they're ramping up, have patience
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Monday morning, why are you here?
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There's going to be a new mysterious vampire terrorizing them. someone even the Count fears.

After a while it's going to be revealed to be Tay.
Meth withdrawal + permanently weakened immune system (from the HIV)
I want to gorilla fuck Bex into a mattress geting her to say all sorts of crazy and regrettable shit in the heat of the moment and leave her leaking my fluids and walking funny, but with a huge smile on her face.
Taylor has been all smiles since teej arrived
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Jet would love to continue taking ideas from Kenny vs Spenny, yes
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Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
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The amount of people who knew about the jordan shit just went from like 10% to 80%. Twitter and reddit know now. That tweet has like 75k views. She's going to get destroyed by tts if they don't filter it. She's also going to be in on the bit with Xavier now so it will suck
Surprised if she doesn't quit the show and vanish completely from the public eye.
What was Tayleigh's displayed class before "Pup?" Wondering because I never watched through the official site before today.
Send Edie in.
Xhe is ready.
get out of my ear man i was up all night fine tuning the laugh tracks
No way kek
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Given Troons an internet connection was a mistake
Production: unleash liquid cole
you'd cum in 2 seconds faggot dont front
I'm thinking
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
Vance wept
I think it just said chudette
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this but you
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All signs point to that they are videotaping blacktank in the main house, night and day reversed, and that production is awake all the time. It's pandemonium.
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Simple as.
you got a nice hat
wtf is this show?
where the fuck have they all gone?
When are Jeremy and Q going to team up to stalk and leak porn of all the girls in fishtank?
loving the empty tank, good shit Jet
tai nguye is an american national treasure
Bex please play a rp
The Bloodgames NEED YOU
Xaiver and Bex would mogg this season
nature sounds ASMR
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>legitimately thinks xavier is her 19 year old computer science major stalker
>lets him rub her bare feet and initiate her as his pup
Unironically what the fuck is her problem?
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>it's canon bro
She's been gone for a full day now, it's over
Kentucky won
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nah man it was pure coincidence when I brought the goat into season 1
>Bex please play a rp
this but unironically
Bex please burn all the yugioh cards
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when Jeremy gets out of prison in 15 years
i want to eat your ass like a fancy 7 course dinner
They were all summoned into the house to cheer up Tayliegh and try to convince her not to leave. Unfortunately only Jimmy actual cares if she goes.

Bex probably wouldn't be good, remember her shitty pep talk to Shinji in S2? That being said, it pepped him up because he got to be in a small enclosed space with Bex
bex please sit on my face
Jet has literally completely given up at even having a show with anyone on screen.
ugly beat bitch
Vance could have saved the eggs, but he was unable to take action. Wouldn't want him by your side in a life or death situation.
Q is not a stalker thats Reddit nonsense all he did was call her.
Built to be taken advantage of sexually but cursed with nobody wanting to
Sounds like Xavier needs to break him out.
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>haha hey xavier what kind of INCONVENIENT ANIME are you watching lately
Really? Are you just shitposting
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rare MDE stream
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house. I send them here to fuck me too but it's bad when /bant/ does it. Just stop streaming and doing this Fishtank thing that I'm trying to be on babe, we can just stay at meemaw's trailer and smoke meth together.
She's going to age so poorly. And that was before considering the meth usage
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Vance saved me from a structure fire in 2018 but refused to save the eggs I had cooking on the stove
Production: Leave little clues for Jimmy to find hinting at Summer's return (a drawing, the phone, the mallet, whatever/etc). Have the other fish join in on the gaslight. Lets get some tards pressure cooking.
Yeah he is, shut the fuck up, Q.
He did break into the season 2 house for bant clout which is kind of weird
It was an open house for the house because they were selling it you retard
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I found Soda Man's twitter and he has his tripcode in his bio. He has over 1600 posts on /x/
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>hrm, yes, well, while it would be QUITE simple for me to to break Jeremy out of prison with the greatest of ease, there is no benefit to myself, you see. I don't want to spend my days babysitting a BPD manbaby retard who tattooed Nina's initials on his chest, you understand.
what tweet
based /x/ fag
top kek
I think that's what really sent her over the edge, she actually liked Xavier. They were literally holding hands off camera and she said she'd be done to watch anime with him after the show completely sincerely. It was more of the betrayal of her romantics feelings for Xavier and that being twisted in the moment that caused her hysteria than any real feelings of paranoia
>anons continue to be some of the best content in their seasons (Cole, Soda Man)
>wouldn't recommend it
Gotta love the Soda Man
>He has over 1600 posts on /x/
Where did Mauro go?
immensely based
tj so chill now
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He did also try to camp out at the 2.5 location, and then lied about not trying to do that in a space last night. Even though he has tons of posts from that weekend talking about doing exactly that, saying he biked for miles and only saw the power lines. He's a stalker.
>writer for fish tank live
scripted drama confirmed
now send grindr dates to sam's house
but he didn't lie about it in the space? He said he camped in the area, how is that being a stalker? Is /tv/ redddit now?
Oh that's totally normal then yeah he's definitely well adjusted and not a creep

You know, in the Bloodgames, Mauro is like the life of the party, man. He's so quick with his jokes and always has a smart comeback ready to go. Seriously, without him, the show would just be a snoozefest. He's hands down the most entertaining character on there, no question.

Mauro's got this way of keeping things light and fun, even in the middle of all the craziness. His humor just adds that extra spark that the show needs to keep viewers hooked. Plus, he's not just all jokes - the guy's got brains too. His strategic thinking and ability to outsmart the competition make him a total game-changer in the Bloodgames.

And let's not forget about how Mauro's positive attitude and infectious laughter bring such a good vibe to the team. He's like the glue that holds everyone together, you know? Without him, it just wouldn't be the same. So yeah, Mauro is definitely the MVP of the show, no doubt about it.
I knew he was lowkey priest caste
>The Jimmy Show
as it should be, always
kek we need more xavierposting
Start your own show
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I was a doomer who believed charls and sam would never get back together
You mean Abi you tard
Extremely based. I love /x/. I have over 10,000 posts without namefagging
>going to an open house makes you a creep
Realtor bros not like this...
fuck off mauro
I don’t know who it is but the guy is clearly closer to Sam’s age than 19. How can Tay be so fucking stupid
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>Pure and radiant, she wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men... There is nothing more terrifying.
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I know it's gay but it makes me happy to see them together again
goblin pussy will do that to a man
He is /ourguy/ nice, have to send him some tts then next time he is on.
same shit
dumbass bpd women
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>enhances your kino
Taylor is a boy?
He has posts and comments from a previous space saying he was looking for it and was going to camp out for 2.5, it was last weekend right before it started. Stop dick riding and look at the archives, he has a trip so it's easy to find. He also did the same shit with the left 4 dead game, he "just happened" to be playing l4d1 at that time and happened to sperg out about "Q is winning" in the game chat? Kid is fucking weird and so are you for defending him.
Tay's autist ass is not compatible with Fishtank. It was excusable on S2 where they were competing and constantly on edge, but in 2.5's camp it's not; they are there roleplaying and having a good time as a group doing dumb stuff for the sake of it and she is so entrenched in her drug-fried head she can't let her guard down and play along with them.
I don't blame her for not trusting them after how she was treated in the previous season, but if that's the case, she shouldn't have agreed to be there in the first place.
Being an obsessed autist and then taking your internet fixations into real life is definitely unsettling. Sorry Qanon but you're not right in the head and no one who's interacted with you disputes this. Now the whole internet knows you as a whackjob stalker weirdo lol. Even reddit and people who never went on bant.
It was a blink and you miss it moment. After Letty killed king Fattius, Mauro took her to Beaver Street for safety only to attack her. He then went back, was congratulated by the revived Fattius, and left.
>beat posting
I missed this
>Taylor with a sexy little cock between her legs
Do you guys think TJ even knows who Q is?
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Love that bigolmtwndew
I just wanna listen to some chit chat, what's with this constant blasting.
Unfathomably based
who would you want to replace tay?
Wonder what this feels like…
Just proof good looking people just exist and they get gfs/bfs. Tj literally just showed up on fishtank and taylor wanted him.
now that is an annoying sfx
He went to the season 2 house and decided to camp, who cares? Also nobody gives a shit about some l4d1 game, stop being such a bitch.
>they're officially hiring people to keep up with 4chin ftl drama
their best idea yet
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It's unbelievable how massively Q won
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Jet is testing his new money making scam for next season
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cockbuddy.... RP
Taylor probably told him, she thinks he's a freak.
A 19 year old computer science major.
he dodged a bullet, Tay is BEAT
oliver gay
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luv her bigolmtndews
Ugly on the outside, rotten on the inside!
Is this Meg inbetween skinny hot and ugly fat?
The goblin
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The only canon ending now is for Taylor to ride Tardscourge Radjon into battle
wtf I've never seen this
post more pre-wall meg
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A completely removable nosering is her only flaw.
It's not fair.
>gerogerigegege copyright claim
you think this is a joke
I'm not q but it's funny how upset he makes you peopl on redddit and tv seethe. he went to an open house and camped, that's it
good guy
Mauro lied, people died.
what in the fuck did he do to his leg??
how the fuck did jon last longer than tay?
necrosis challenge
Bex but naked or extremely scantily clad.
Infected tren needle into a torn harmstring
Pulled hamstring + spider bite
he has golden retriever autism
dumb bitch needs a personality transplant
Shit the fuck up, Q. You lie too much. The "I just happened to be camping there the weekend before" shit only works on retards. You posted about intentionally looking for it and then did damage control because you speeded out on Twitter with the Elliot Rodger and Richard Spencer videos yesterday.
xavier is tobuscus btw
You don't like caring, mostly quiet women?
People literally go around hollywood being more stalkerish of productions being filmed on the street or celeberity houses or celerities shopping.
Tay confirmed gone?
does anyone have ninas boobies
cwimbed a twee
>yung lean mentioned
optimus prime
do it from behind
Nigga, no one remotely normal who's had a look at the bant ftl threads would ever defend the tripfags they have there. They're unbalanced schizos and autismos, there's no saying they aren't because they prove it every thread.
What do you mean, blacktank?
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>i was taking a shit
It's honestly pretty sad that Tayleigh is gone
This season wasn't supposed to be like this
we dont post those anymore. we respect letty
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the guy is a menace ofc
wiwth the powa of jeewsus cwist
Not everyone is Q brock or Wesley jesus.
I don't blame him bro won
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>jon's unvaxxed
>now literally dying of multiple diseases
You pwayed yowself
No one respects anyone on this show
Too many cheap steroids
Good deflect, retard.
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Shut up bitchtits
how the fuck xavier fuck with tay harder than frank? xavier made tay loose sense of reality
this man is 29 btw
so these threads are completely reddit infiltrated, nice
>still being a vaxxcuck
Tayleigh having a psychotic break, assaulting a hired actor on production and crying like a bitch on camera actually means she's the main character. Not only that but she is also the toughest, smartest, most intelligent, most competitive, boldest, bravest fish who endured the most suffering and created the most content across every season. She's not too hard on the eyes either I must say. Get over it. End of discussion.
It's your word against his then either way he said he camped in the area and didn't find anything so again who cares?
If Tayleigh quit then why is she still on the contestants page?
The headlines when a mentally challenged man dies on this show are going to be great.
no one knows who that is
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I kiss this pup
Letty and Vance are planning to sell people drinks with the booze Evil Kevin promised to sell them? I like them coming up with their own schemes like this. That's the strength of this RP format.
>being this new
she worked herself into a shoot. it's better this way, the show has noticeably improved with her being gone
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I'm using his words, it's all archived and the links are going around but I don't have it now. He fucked up bad.
These people need to get drunk
Yep, same as twitter. Everything is comped and gay.
>bantfags unironically be like that not even a week ago
Ok Jordan, enjoy your HIV kek
Tai in basecamp: Tayleigh will be returning today.
i can't believe it's half way through. i don't want this season to be over so soon
The AI singing stuff would be good if the AI would actually sing the words it's supposed to instead of just singing random shit that makes no sense and isn't funny
Tay will be back. They’re coddling her right now with a real bed, weed, mcdonalds and her lithium. She’ll be in a better mood soon
While some may argue that Mauro does nothing for the show, I would strongly disagree. Mauro's presence on the show brings a unique energy and dynamic that enhances the viewing experience for audiences. His sense of humor, creativity, and talent all contribute to the overall success of the program.

Mauro's lighthearted banter and comedic timing add an element of entertainment that keeps viewers engaged and entertained. His interactions with other cast members create memorable moments and help to build rapport among the team.

Furthermore, Mauro's positive attitude and willingness to help others demonstrate his value as a team player and mentor. His guidance and support are invaluable to his colleagues and contribute to the growth and development of the entire cast.

In conclusion, Mauro's contributions to the show should not be underestimated or dismissed. His presence is a vital component of the program's success and his talents are undeniable.
Vaccination make other virus's/bacteria more effective. If he was vaxxed the fish would be digging a 6 foot hole right now.
I'm genuinely impressed. You hit virtually every trope.
God damn it.
huge mistake, especially since she's had almost 24 hours with phone access
tayleigh just came back with alex stein and an AR-15. check twitter
>Letty: Did you find out anything about Tayleigh?
>Tai: Yeah, she [drowned out by obnoxiously loud tts].
>He fucked up bad
He went to an open house and went camping lol him talking about the leaked location does nothing and does nothing legally as well with his latest space that just saves face, he doesn't even have a dox and he was able to humiliate a contestant
>Tai in basecamp: Tayleigh will be returning today.
is this real?
>They’re coddling her right now with a real bed, weed, mcdonalds and her lithium. She’ll be in a better mood soon
Guys i'm pretty sure The Duke is actually comedian Sam Hyde
I hope you stub your toe, Jet.
I fucking hate this stroked-out AI trash
Its torturing the viewer, not the fish
Tay is the only fish I’ve ever actually disliked. Maybe Mauro too. But tay is the worst
Mate the football match is NOT on soon
>covid vax protects you from tearing your hamstring
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that sound of birds is really nice compared to the hell that is the previous seasons
Does Tay have a humiliation fetish or is she just that dumb?
>just happened to be camping there but was posting on /bant/ and talking in his spaces about how he tried to look for the set
How are you this retarded?
he said "she'll be back today"
lol @ chatGPT post

The real Fishtank is the viewer
fuck outta here schizo

they get paid for being there and she's a drug addict so of course she will return
There's... multiple vaccines, anon.
You do know that, right?
Please know that.
have they even been directly given alcohol yet? I saw some people saying Letty had been drinking but I don't remember.
Hard agree
She is going to Jimface and kiss up to everyone five times worse than she usually does. It's not going to be pretty.

I still remember when she was kissing Shinjis ass when she was in the final 3... What a mess.
do you think tay will just be a depressed piece of shit the rest of the season?
he never said he was looking for the location in his spaces and his posts don't do anything
It's not humid the weather is warm with a cool breeze

fat fuck hippo faggot Mauro does nothing but fatly sit in a chair and eat
Which vaccine protects you from flesh wounds, retard?
>people still tayleigh posting
Letty's son jemby has arrived
Can I look at the Duke's minion's thigh gap now?
Genuinely what the fuck does she have to offer the show at this point? The best day so far was the day where she was gone
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>... Now send in Frank.
How can you just sit there and watch this when the Supreme Court just gave Trump the right to murder immigrants and single mothers of color????
She'll be the vampire villian just like the other anon pointed out.
You are straight lying, I even argued with him about not looking and he went out of his way to prove me wrong. He strictly went there for 2.5 and admitted to it with a trip, he's as retarded as you are.
Erm I love sodaman
If you thought Jon was getting coddled by production, wait until you see Tayleigh back in the tank
Zero negative TTS will be allowed through. Zero
They should bring on Ella to play as Zayleigh and essentially fill in for Tay 1:1 but without the schizo delusions
Qnanon will keep replying every time you post about him. His autistic ego prevents him from stopping, he can't help himself. It's one of his trademarks on bant.
flesh wound vaccine
It’s unavoidable too. Production could literally read this and try to come with some storyline to counter this but she’ll fuck it up anyway just by virtue of being herself.
kek wtf is Jet playing through the speakers
I fucking hate these annoying SFX
She's the main character all fucking day for hours all everyone wants to talk about is her
he never said it in his spaces and his posts claiming he went to a leaked location doesn't do anything either since he didn't find anything, again who cars?
nope, check twitter
Is my perfect princess xayleigh back from the shadow realm yet?
Q is enjoying his summer when even bring him up.
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>50+ years later, tricky dick's "when the president does it, that means it's not illegal" has been completely vindicated and he did literally nothing wrong
Replace her with someone boring who will provide no content?
TTS is actually funny
SFX is just random stroked out noise
I don't use that shit
AI slop deeply offends me in a spiritual manner
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replacement contestant leaked
that would be a net positive
He was a lion.
Covid spikes in your ovaries.
>from wood
retard alert
>actually causes you to die suddenly
perfectly safe and effective
Who dat, he cute
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Tai just said she's coming back for some retarded reason. The show has moved on and even improved without her, how are they going to fit her back in? The coddling is going to be insane
check reddit
Ella was on the show for like 2 days literally didn't do anything and left. I don't know why you faggots keep simping for the most boring freeloaders.
I mean yeah her loved one was literally doxxed and harassed. Have some basic human decency incel
he hasn't posted on bant since 2.5 started and he started the taytriot uprising
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Accurate, she has BY FAR had the most character development of all the Fish.
If that bitch mad then I take her to buccees
The fucking AI screams should be banned, honestly
check your discord mondotroon
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kek what a Chad
they're gonna deliver a big wood crate to camp with a big Australian stamp on it and Lance is going to pop out.
>from wood
>retard alert
Anon you can get Tetanus from anything that's been out in nature for long enough.
Do you honestly believe it's just rusted metal?
You really ought to know it's popular for that because if something's been outside long enough to rust, it's been outside long enough for the virus to grow on it.

You complete and utter negative-IQ Mongol.
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>anons ITT dont know about the time jimmy and cole gave relationship advice to Q
there's metal in the wood
You can get it from anything dirty if the bacteria is there
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>that would be a net positive
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I don't use that shit
The point is to replace Tayleigh 1:1 brainlets, notice that I didn't say 2:1. The joke is to make people completely forget she was a part of this season to begin with which would be funny because she has main character syndrome
i Love Ella but she's better off not on 2.5
Bex and jet if there's an election please rig it so Mrs Blacksmith wins
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And Jet told Jimmy behind the scenes that frank wouldn't be there. This is going to suck.
what did he mean by htis?
>Its the Jet get gets high in the garage and plays whatever dumb shit he wants through the speakers
part of the show
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I can't wait for ultraviolent AI to start coming out.
You just know there's a monster in a machine waiting to be unleashed.
>shout out crack
Start a band
because he's in these threads
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Honestly it doesn't even matter that Tay is going to be hardcore coddled and literally zero negative TTS about her will be allowed through. She's willingly going back on after almost 24 hours with access to her phone, having full knowledge that she has absolutely no fans left, literally everyone hates her now, and her bisexual meth addict fan that paid $50 to fuck her got doxed and had Grindr fags sent to his grandmother's house.
That in itself is a much bigger humiliation than anything Jet, Frank, Xavier, or anyone else could come up with.
The council of /bant/ together to discuss how to defeat cockbuddy
i was there regrettably
cole should follow his own advice and start a band
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Look, the thing is, I'm just not taking it. Ugh, I know, I know, but the thing is... I'm just not taking it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Insane him and Jimmy are around the same age
he sounded clueless of the show in his latest space so I doubt that
Have the balls to avoid coddling contestants challenge: impossible
>cole: there are more fish in the sea
>Q: but tayleigh is the perfect fish
>cole: aw jeez...
It was gold
if any piece of information made it to her, let it be to stop spiking the lense / Jim facing constantly.
That space was great, I wish Jimmy shit up and let Cole talk.
i think he only said that because jimmy said so, no?
Is that steven seagal?
>Cole: There's plenty of fish in the sea.
>Q: Yeah well, there's only one fish for me and that's Tayleigh.
>Cole: Oh jeez.
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So how are they planning on bringing Tay back in? Just ignore her spazz out and pretend it didn't happen?
Ah that's funny. You're right there is no one out there that retarded
>literally zero negative TTS about her will be allowed through.
I haven’t been able to send any negative tts this season. Last season about half my negative tts went through.
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>VA didnt give me shit man...
Has he talked to every fish contestant?
Brian and Jon have been fun together
cole has such a cute accent and way of speaking
Jon is funnier when he is on pain meds
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>yeah I already knew that before the fuckin' wheelchair
holy shit Brian really redeemed himself this season
>/X/ chads look like THAT

is it possible to learn this power
I don't think Tay is coming back because Tai doesn't know anything that the other fish don't. He's not production.
So kino

have you tried being funny?
good thing Jet stayed up all night doing whippets otherwise we might have chestcams on some of the fish already filming their interactions at schitty
No. I just want to talk shit and drive them crazy.
>yeah I already knew that before the wheelchair
The kino has begun
they're doing their best
I need that xavier mysterious sound rift when he appears kino
No. He talked with betty tho
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Barred-out Jon sounds like
did jon hide a real knife?
Hes actually one of my favorite characters now, I hated him so much in S2 but as an NPC he's been kino
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They go into the main house (not the shed) for showers each morning and probably talk to people. Letty said two days ago that Xavier keeps his mask on and eats in his room.
This season is friendtank reunion where they are testing shit for the future seasons so don't expect similar torture as in s2 or even 1
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>tfw I have to explain to my granpa why there's so many blacks playing for France and Belgium
am I missing anyone?
where is Vance?
based cripple tipper, brian i apologzie for S2 hate.
I wouldn't even wish for my worst enemies the fate of having to interact with Betty the blacked, stinky slut
Hey guys, Vance here

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The alliance faggotry is why I didn't like him in S2 but he's great in 2.5.
Jon and Brian's rivalry is so fucking funny
>already broke the wheelchair
astounding incompetence
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>brian broke jon's wheelchair
I love these two retards lmfao
>wheelchair broken after less than one day
>there is still a knife out somewhere
Bwian bwoke da wheelchair
"because the wrong side won WW2" is all you have to say
>when you have the cripple olympics but unironically
they're easy to destroy because of the plastic
>Jon and Brian's rivalry is so fucking funny

I bet you hate Tay
Deputy Brian and Sodaman have to cart Jon around in the wheelchair. Jon hid a knife at the shrine but it's mysteriously gone now.
He suspects Jimmy has the knife as Jimmy likes to explore around and loot.
Deputy brian has dumped Jon on the ground out of the wheelchair

Also vote TAI or Jimmy for POV cam
they've had it for like 12 hours and they were sleeping for 8 of them
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>doesn't drop character until the dvd commentary
>poll to pick one (1) fish to have a bodycam
yeah grim lol
It's cute seeing Jon enjoy this nerd shit
I thought he'd be really bitter and angry the entire time
Are they going to coddle tayleigh even harder?
what a fucking pro
>tay winning at 70%
this show pisses me off sometimes
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Yeah we know. Did you mean to post this 5 days ago?
People are getting sick of Letty's stoner voice and her just being out of it all the time
Jon really makes his presence felt.
>had Grindr fags sent to his grandmother's house.
I just love how grindr fags are treated the same way prank pizza deliveries were decades ago. What a time to be alive.
Jon finally embracing his gayness
I think jimmycam is better because then we have a chance of seeing him assault another fish from his POV
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i do
Jimmy with a knife and off his meds is a real concerning combo
Nice reference
>tayleigh bodycam
oh boy
That's just how she is.
>Tayleigh in the poll
yes i would like ketchup and mustard to squirt on my hot dog thank you very much
has Greg taken a shower yet
>the mallet
this is foreshadowing for when Jimmy heems Letty 12 hours from now
they did the same poll yesterday and gave the pov cam to the two or three people with the most votes
Every single Tay hater enjoys shit like epic wheel chair shananigans xDD

Fucking insane. I feel like Chuck over here.
yesterday they did top 3 i believe
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>What if the female was caught cheating?
>then you have sex with her sister
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Abi better not come if she knows what's good for her
>mallet on sight

god please happen again but to tayleigh.
I fucking hate tayleigh
great more jimfacing
more in on the joke cringe
i hate tayleigh FUCK
1488 ANON!!! 1488!!!
would be better if when they dumped jon from the wheelchair the camera panned to tay and zoomed in on her face. LOL!
do people not understand that tay will be a an even more boring depressed piece of shit today?
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>Zero negative Tay TTS
You faggots better come up with some clever TTS that will break her and get past production
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>Danger could be lurking around any corner
>gweg gweg gweg gweg
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anybody know where i can buy one of these?
gweg gweg gweg stop being so gay
>You tryin' to have a 3 way AI kissing video?
LMAO Deputy Brian W
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he bwoke da wheelchawl
>Letty said two days ago that Xavier keeps his mask on and eats in his room.
Then that means he probably didn't break character and reveal himself when Tay had her meltie. Kino.
No, I don't think I will production.
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prove me wrong
viewership dropping every day, it will be 3k by the end
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There are people in this thread who bitch about Tay being coddled so apparently not everyone know.
Soda 88 man.
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I envy jon's ability to be elated no matter the situation
>Letty S
Opinion discarded
if they somehow managed to keep her on without revealing to her who xavier was i would be very surprised
If tay returns I legit will only cruise the threads
>only daddy Sammy can be edgy!!

She hates being the love interest what part of it dont you get you fucking zygote??
>blacksmith C tier

AB pls
>Hey Jimmy you can just wave hello normally you know
*roman salute*
It's like watching live action meatwad now
>jon C
jon is fucking ripped
he's literally me fr
Perc'd out Jon is now just having fun with the gayness now. Keep him on painkillers
shut the fuck up
>Blacksmith not in A
>Jon not in at least B
>Fatty in D
>Duke in F
>Tay in D and not F
>Sensei Potbelly in B
Holy fucking awful taste
I can’t. But the TJIDF cucks will now attack you.
I'm afraid to say fellas that if Tay returns I'm going to start posting and pretending I'm a hardcore Tayjeet just to get angry (You)s
Are you a Taytriot?
blacksmiths wife sexo
Being a legit 80 IQ retarded amplifies charisma 10x. It's why alcohol is social lubricant to most people.
Jimbob should be A tier.
he provides consistent cringe kino
>Jimmy had a knife in his possession the whole night and didn't tell anyone
yeah, his hamstrings
>doesn’t want to be love interest
you know she could have just RP’d that instead of attacking the actor right? Small brained nigger
>tay in D
>no racoon in S
>Evil Kevin
She's had her phone for the last day, I'm sure she's seen people say it's Jan/Jace/The Commander. I hope she tries to play along like she's "in on it" and Xavier just shits all over her in response.
keep jon drugged up and he will have gay sex by the end of this
yeah that was a fucking HORRIBLE list
>Any Season 1 Fish
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one of the worst tier lists I've ever seen
letty is awfully boring this season, nothing in comparison to her season 1 form. omegasimp detected.
actually pretty much everything is wrong.
kindly go back to 9gag
carbonation ain't free, red bull, AKA bull piss, is not my beverage.
hardy har
What a fucking stupid ass tag, I care about the show thats it
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Jimmy rizzing up women
This is bait
hi jordan, you still have your KFC job?
very weak too
>Letty in S
The only interesting thing she did so far was encourage Tay to assault Xavier
>Brian: Great, the two people who should never have a knife had a knife.
Tayleigh should actually just really lean into the office face thing, to the point that it becomes funny bad on purpose.

Like, from now on, she should ONLY make references to The Great War/deagle nation/mde etc. and give exaggerated looks to the camera
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oh god
“Hey man *jimfaces* i heard that Exavier is from a place called Deagle Nation!”
I bet you loove the Yu Gi Oh duels lol

what the show is missing without Tay: :O :/ :C :|
she tried when xavier first gave her the pup ears. didn't work.
But she has nice titties so shes already in S tier by default
Jon gets fuckin' high off of pain
nice calming music
I don't like TJ.
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Playa hater
he's built different
Hey Anon, you know what's really crazy about role playing? There's multiple ways to go about doing stories... with branching paths and dialogue options... and you can reject the "pup" storyline and do something else instead...
Why doesn't the stupid dyke that loves to talk about how Morrowind is her favorite game know that?
So Jon took a knife, stashed it, and Jimmy kept it in his possession all night? Is that the knife saga?
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during season 1 he went schizo and wouldnt stop lifting weights in the garage to cope with he tts abuse, kids a monster
4chan anon comment replier L
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Schizoid Troons need to stop posting
>nice calming music
I especially liked the intrusive buzz

Throw Jon's bell into the woods as hard as you can.
Fatty is trash tho, Cage might not be friendtank but keeps great RP
>can hear dumbgay CAWing on basecamp camp over the music
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Norwood status?
Tayleigh assumed she and she alone was the fourth wall breaking audience self insert because of crippling narcissism
jet, the music audio is clipping
why did jon stash it anyway? why did jimmy take it and hide it? these retards really can't be trusted with anything
Im going to miss this music like crazy
wtf where did you get this picture of me
quick question .... can the fish win something and how?
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It amazes me how little they have considered alternate choices and paths. But, in all fairness, during the fatty coup they did try to assassinate him just for them to be told it's not canon.
When is Summer coming? She’s an all-star
Yeah, turn that gain down a touch goran
what was the context of this? was this when Jimmy found the secret hole?
>all cams offline
jeeeeeeeeeet it up
>all cameras all down
>Tay wins the camera vote
take her to bucky
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Alright go on you can keep hating Tay ill allow it

Yeah.. none of the Fish are entertaining enough to do that. Brian maybe!
If tay isnt in her own tier at the very bottom then it's just a waste of time
>they're getting the scripts for Tay's return



>When is Summer coming?
when she gets raped (every day of her life)
WWIII started, tanks in 30 minutes.
0 cams workin kek
every take you have is dogshit
all cams down?
You fuckers don't even know who you're messing with. you're all fucked up. Tay was raped you assholes
Ok dude you hate her we get it
Jet has reached a new level of laziness. Now there literally isn't even a show at all anymore.
>wouldn’t it be cool if we had the livestream where there’s no internet
They are downbecause they are setting up tay pov
Not even kidding
Gotta get the fish up to speed on the script changes
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Did Vance cry?
Jon cwied.
You got a bit hurt cause I told you the RP aspect is trash in gerenal?
Actually funny
By her father who grew tired of her dyke pussy
I might not be renewing my subscription.
>all cams down
>they come back up
>tay reintroduces herself in 100% xavier costume head to toe
>i am xayleigh, xavier's wife, and we are going to 1488 those vampire refugees and lynch the duke, ahhhh!
>RP btfos the fuck out of everyone alongside xavier
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>jon and brian having fun
>pull it
return of the king
she's a beat cunt, yea
You know theres probably many abused kids posting in this thread right? (TJ fans)
Her chest cam?
why would that kill all kams?
Did nhe came back yet since she attacked Xav?
Hey thats my parasocial friends you are talking about!
Get this
*tay doing another puff of meth*
fuck you.
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The main draw for Letty in season 1 was her fooling the audience into thinking she was a huge bitch like Betty actually was in real life, and going along with the production pretending to hate her. Like its difficult to overstate just how much people hated Letty. You cant redo that because everyone knows it was fake the whole time.
hope she leaves, ugly dyke
This is what Jet gets when he messed with anonymous.
the downs is back
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have her replace Tay and call her Tay
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What are we messing with?
>it's real
she's look like an absolute lifeless weirdo with brown eyes
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You mean Dyke
this 1,000% make it happen
too cute
Allow me to berate your taste

The anons in /tv/ are my friends but for real

thats totally fair dude
>"he's MY best friend Jon!"
>Cameras back on
>Can't hear shit at Schitty where everyone is



Thank you ifunny
jon just asked tj if he plans on impregnating taylor lmfao
Blacksmith's Wife talking to Letty

Propositioning for a threesome?
This is so shit. LET US HEAR THEM JET

its a good question
>director cam is Vance solo
riveting stuff, Goran
Croquet mallet spotted

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production I know you're in here, you should build a stockade to put the fish in when they failRP

Youre mistaken bro, this is Tay haters general. You cant care about the show quality here.
>cam's back
>vance is playing with a jammed gun
i heard that drones are attacking the camp right now. possibly dropping acid or similar.
he's gay for not having already done it
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This is the only Taylor picture I saved
Vance gun ASMR
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hey guys, on a serious note, where can i buy one of these?
>Brian's rp voice is the only one loud enough to be clear
Brian W
Vance bros….
Vance pills?
why is jon spazzing out this time?
Vance content time, make sure to tune in you dont wanna miss it!
good chance he gets the spotlight for today. xavier was talking about him on twitter
>vance cheating

Q. Most of the Fish and crew are in one location talking. The only other action is a guy who says Yeah playing with an airsoft gun. Which one do you send your director cam to?
god damn Trish lookin' like a snacc
boy do i have news for you
Definitely don't remember that huge pile of dry wood you just walked past when you're trying to make a fire later, Vance.
Painkillers will do that
Because it's a day ending in Y.
>doesn't do anything for 5 days now
Hi Wes
she looked cute, thats the most important thing
I have a k98k so I get to nerd out with vance!
Lush gun i have a bayonet for one
She is cute and retarded, what the fuck else you want?
doesn't matter to them anon, the simps are delusional
TJ and Taylor arguing its over

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